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Critical Habitat Results

97 results match your filter criteria.

Species and Habitat App

Web mapping app that displays and queries spatial data in the West Coast Region for Endangered Species Act ranges, critical habitat designations, and Magnuson-Stevens Act essential fish habitat. Users can generate a printable spatial query report.
April 28, 2024 - Map ,

Critical Habitat for North Pacific Right Whales

We, NMFS, announce a 12- month determination on a petition to revise the critical habitat designation for the North Pacific right whale (Eubalaena japonica) under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Based on our review of the best available information on…

Announcement of Rescheduled Public Hearing Date and Extension of Public Comment Period for the Proposed Rule to Designate Critical Habitat for Endangered Rice's Whales

FB23-062: Gulf of Mexico Fishery Bulletin. For more information, contact: Grant Baysinger: (727) 551-5790;
September 13, 2023 -

Rough Cactus Coral Critical Habitat Maps and GIS Data

Maps and GIS data representing critical habitat for the rough cactus coral.
August 08, 2023 - Map ,

Mountainous Star Coral Critical Habitat Maps and GIS Data

Maps and GIS data representing critical habitat for the mountainous star coral.
August 08, 2023 - Map ,

Lobed Star Coral Critical Habitat Maps and GIS Data

Maps and GIS data representing critical habitat for the lobed star coral.
August 08, 2023 - Map ,

Pillar Coral Critical Habitat Maps and GIS Data

Maps and GIS data representing critical habitat for the pillar coral.
August 08, 2023 - Map ,

Boulder Star Coral Critical Habitat Maps and GIS Data

Maps and GIS data representing critical habitat for the boulder star coral.
August 08, 2023 - Map ,

Bearded Seals and Ringed Seals: Critical Habitat Under the Endangered Species Act

Answers to some frequently asked questions about ringed seal and bearded seal critical habitat.
July 13, 2022 - Document ,

Steller Sea Lion Western DPS Critical Habitat Map and GIS data

Map and GIS data representing critical habitat for the Western distinct population segment (DPS) of Steller Sea Lion
April 14, 2022 - Map ,