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How to Run Landings Query
How to Download, Format, and Calculate Totals
Additional Information
1. To begin a report, select whether you would like commercial landings data, recreational landings data, or both using the Data Set check boxes at the top of the Parameters window. Next, select the year or years you would like to query by highlighting them in the list on the left. To select multiple years, hold down the CTRL key while clicking on the years you want, or click and drag down the list.
2. Once the years you wish to be included in your query are highlighted, click the right arrow to move them into the box on the right. If you accidentally select a year that you do not want to query, simply select it and click the arrow pointing to the left.
You can also select all years by clicking the double arrow pointing right.
3. Choose how you would like your query to group data geographically. By state, or by NOAA Fisheries region
4. Select the state(s), or region that you would like to query. Hold down the ctrl key or click-and-drag to select multiple states or regions simultaneously.
(Please note that for Florida, you will need to specify if you would like to view data for the east (Atlantic) coast, the west (Gulf of Mexico) coast, or both.)
5. Click the single arrow pointing right to add it to your query. If you accidentally select a state or region that you do not want to query, simply select it and click the arrow pointing to the left.
You can also select all states or regions by clicking the double arrow pointing to the right.
6. Select the species you would like to query. Hold down the ctrl key to select multiple species simultaneously. You can also select "ALL SPECIES. "
To find a specific species or group more quickly you can use the "Search Species" option to quickly narrow the options. For example, by typing "tuna" and clicking the "Search" button, you will only see those species with "tuna" in the name.
Please note that some group names such as "Salmon**" include only those salmonoid fishes that were not more specifically identified at the time of reporting. To get total Salmon landings, include all species AND "Salmon**".
7. Click the single arrow pointing to the right to add it to your query.
You can also select all species by clicking the double arrow pointing right
8. Click the RUN REPORT button.
9. The results of your query will appear on the right side of the page in the format you selected. To change the format, make a different selection and