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Item Identification
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Data Set Info
Support Roles
Access Info
Tech Environment
Data Quality
Data Management
Catalog Details


Short Citation
Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office, 2024: Data Matching Imputation System,
Full Citation Examples


The DMIS dataset is a flat file record of the matching of several data set collections. Primarily it consists of VTRs, dealer records, Observer data in conjunction with vessel permit information for the purpose of supporting North East Regional quota monitoring projects.

Distribution Information

No Distributions available.

Access Constraints:

Access is restricted to personnel authorized in accordance with NOAA Administrative Order 216-100. A signed non-disclosure agreement must be on file for all authorized personnel.

Use Constraints:

Access is restricted to NOAA employees and our partners who have signed non-disclosure agreements.

Child Items

No Child Items for this record.

Contact Information

Point of Contact
James M Lanning

Metadata Contact
James M Lanning


Geographic Area 1

Northeast fishery management area; Maine coast southward to North Carolina.

Time Frame 1
2000 - Present

Item Identification

Title: Data Matching Imputation System
Short Name: Data Matching Imputation System (DMIS)
Status: In Work
Creation Date: 2012

The DMIS dataset is a flat file record of the matching of several data set collections. Primarily it consists of VTRs, dealer records, Observer data in conjunction with vessel permit information for the purpose of supporting North East Regional quota monitoring projects.


To support Northeast Region quota monitoring of various species.


Theme Keywords

Thesaurus Keyword
None allocation
None catch
None groundfish
None psc
None quota monitoring

Spatial Keywords

Thesaurus Keyword
None northeast

Physical Location

Organization: Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office
City: Gloucester
State/Province: MA
Country: USA
Location Description:

Analysis & Program Support Division (APSD).

Data Set Information

Data Set Scope Code: Data Set
Data Set Type: Files
Maintenance Frequency: Weekly
Data Presentation Form: Table (digital)

Support Roles

Data Steward

CC ID: 259922
Date Effective From: 2010
Date Effective To:
Contact (Person): Lanning, James M
Address: 55 Great Republic Drive
Gloucester, MA 01930
Email Address:
Phone: 978-281-9308


CC ID: 259921
Date Effective From: 2010
Date Effective To:
Contact (Organization): Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office (GARFO)
Address: 55 Great Republic Drive
Gloucester, MA 01930
Phone: (978)281-9300
Business Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 EST

Metadata Contact

CC ID: 259923
Date Effective From: 2010
Date Effective To:
Contact (Person): Lanning, James M
Address: 55 Great Republic Drive
Gloucester, MA 01930
Email Address:
Phone: 978-281-9308

Point of Contact

CC ID: 259924
Date Effective From: 2010
Date Effective To:
Contact (Person): Lanning, James M
Address: 55 Great Republic Drive
Gloucester, MA 01930
Email Address:
Phone: 978-281-9308


Extent Group 1

Extent Group 1 / Geographic Area 1

CC ID: 83047

Northeast fishery management area; Maine coast southward to North Carolina.

Extent Group 1 / Time Frame 1

CC ID: 259925
Time Frame Type: Continuing
Start: 2000

Access Information

Security Class: Sensitive
Data Access Policy:

Access to VTR, dealer and observer data is governed by 50CFR600 - Confidentiality of Information. Access by state fishery management agency staff and Fisheries Management Council staff may be allowed through Memorandum of Understanding that are signed by the NE Regional Administrator.

Data Access Procedure:

The APSD Data Request staff are the POC for non-disclosure forms.

Data Access Constraints:

Access is restricted to personnel authorized in accordance with NOAA Administrative Order 216-100. A signed non-disclosure agreement must be on file for all authorized personnel.

Data Use Constraints:

Access is restricted to NOAA employees and our partners who have signed non-disclosure agreements.

Metadata Access Constraints:


Technical Environment


Relational database.

Data Quality


Refer to source data: Vessel Trip Report, Dealer weighout, and Observer data collections.

Quality Control Procedures Employed:

GARFO has established an "industry data investigation" (IDI) team whose responsibility is to investigate and correct data errors on GARFO's critical datasets including vessel trip reports, dealer reports, and various associated fishing activity reports. QC on these datasets is performed regularly since data is securely displayed on various web portals to its owners. JIRA is the tool used for tracking quality control.

Data Management

Have Resources for Management of these Data Been Identified?: Yes
Approximate Percentage of Budget for these Data Devoted to Data Management: Unknown
Do these Data Comply with the Data Access Directive?: Yes
Is Access to the Data Limited Based on an Approved Waiver?: Yes
If Distributor (Data Hosting Service) is Needed, Please Indicate: Not needed
Approximate Delay Between Data Collection and Dissemination: 1 week
Actual or Planned Long-Term Data Archive Location: NCEI-MD
Approximate Delay Between Data Collection and Archiving: None
How Will the Data Be Protected from Accidental or Malicious Modification or Deletion Prior to Receipt by the Archive?:

Access to this data is tightly controlled. Most access is read-only. Write access is given to a few select individuals who manage this data. All data users sign an NDA. Source data for this dataset is QAQC'd on a regular basis by authorized personnel, and backed up both to disk and tape on a daily basis.


Lineage Statement:

This is data is produced on a weekly basis by combining and trip matching several data streams, primarily vessel reported data and dealer reported data. The different data streams are matched to a single trip. Imputation occurs when all of these data sources are missing for a given trip. Imputation is based on fishing history



CC ID: 834542

Process Steps

Process Step 1

CC ID: 834543


Process Contact: Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office (GARFO)
Phone (Voice): (978)281-9300

Catalog Details

Catalog Item ID: 17328
GUID: gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:17328
Metadata Record Created By: Kelley McGrath
Metadata Record Created: 2012-12-21 08:34+0000
Metadata Record Last Modified By: SysAdmin InPortAdmin
Metadata Record Last Modified: 2022-08-09 17:11+0000
Metadata Record Published: 2016-02-24
Owner Org: GARFO
Metadata Publication Status: Published Externally
Do Not Publish?: N
Metadata Last Review Date: 2016-02-24
Metadata Review Frequency: 1 Year
Metadata Next Review Date: 2017-02-24