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Current and Past Resilience Projects

NOAA invests in projects that increase coastal resilience—specifically, the ability of our coastal ecosystems to absorb, recover from, and more successfully adapt to adverse events such as extreme weather or long-term changing environmental conditions. Many coastal ecosystem resilience projects have benefits for human communities as well. Below are descriptions of projects funded in Fiscal Years 2016 and 2017.

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Tail of one north Pacific right whale shown as it dives next to second whale with head above water. Two North Pacific right whales in Barnabas Trough, just south of Kodiak Island, Alaska.
A person in waders in the water checking crab traps. Veteran intern Antonio Jones at an oyster farm in Drayton Harbor, Washington, checking traps for European Invasive Green Crab. Credit: Northwest Straits Commission
Two aquaculture workers pull a line of kelp out of the water and into their boat, on Seagrove Kelp Co's farm site. Buoy markers are present on the water's surface. Sustainably grown, organic Alaskan kelp is harvested at the Seagrove Kelp Co. farm in Doyle Bay. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Jordan Hollarsmith