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The InPort XML Loader supports the full upload and update of any Catalog Item. This feature is primarily intended for end users who are already managing their own metadata in a different system, and have the technical means to produce a custom XML export.

Using the InPort XML Loader

To create a new Catalog Item from an InPort XML file, navigate to the catalog item that will be the parent of this new Catalog Item. Under the Item Actions menu, click on the link, "Add Child Item From File".

To update an existing Catalog Item from an InPort XML file, navigate to the catalog item you wish to update. Under the Item Actions menu, click on the link, "Update Item From File". Please also consult the Catalog Item Replacement help page for more information on performing complete replacements of metadata records.

Note: You must have at least an Author role or higher, and be logged into InPort.

Data Set and Child Entities Load

Normally, each InPort Catalog Item must be loaded via a corresponding InPort XML file. However, a Data Set can be loaded together with up to 5 Child Entities in a single InPort XML file.

To make use of this feature, consult the documentation on the <entity-attribute-information> section.

Batch InPort XML Loader

Multiple InPort XML files can be batch loaded together in one zip file. All normal restrictions apply -- you must have the appropriate role to modify the affected catalog items, and the catalog items must be in an editable workflow state (e.g. Draft for Authors and Publishers, Review/Revise for Publishers).

A link to the Batch InPort XML Loader is available in the right sidebar of the My InPort page. To batch load a set of InPort XML files, zip all desired files into a single .zip file and upload them. The zip file will be queued up and loaded into InPort, and a validation report with the results will be provided. To check on the status of your loaded file, visit the My InPort page.

Migrating from FGDC

If you have FGDC files that you would like to load into InPort, they can be transformed first into InPort XML, and then loaded into the Loader.

Please see the XSLT Transforms section on the Tools page for more information.

The InPort XML Format: Version 1.12

The format of InPort XML was designed to be simple and straightforward, conforming as much as possible to the same naming and ordering of sections and fields as they appear in InPort.

A single InPort XML file corresponds to a single catalog item. A batch load capability is also supported, which requires a zipped file of the XML files to upload - one XML file per catalog item.

An XML file containing all the currently supported fields, as well as brief instructions on each field, is available for download here. However, users should also consult the full documentation below for additional details, especially those who plan to update their metadata records with InPort XML imports on an ongoing basis.

Table of Contents

General Guidelines

Important: Files should be encoded in UTF-8. Other encodings work, but may produce unexpected character encoding issues on ingest.

The InPort XML format was designed for efficient item creation as well as item updating. Nearly all fields are optional (exceptions outlined below); generally if a field is omitted in the XML file, whatever existing value in InPort is preserved. In addition, field values can be explicitly deleted (nulled out) with an empty node.

For example, consider the following example snippet:

    <data-presentation-form>Document (digital)</data-presentation-form>

This snippet would:

  • Set the value of the Data Presentation Form field to "Document (digital)".
  • Null out the existing value of the Instrument field.
  • Other Data Set Information fields such as Platform would be untouched since they are not included in the XML — they would retain whatever value they previously had.

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After the standard XML preamble, the body of the XML document must be enclosed with an <inport-metadata> node.

A version attribute should be included, with a value of "1.0".


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

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Section: loader-options


This is a special configuration section preceding other metadata sections, which allows the loader to specify configuration options for the load.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

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Configuration Option: publish-on-load


This option specifies that the catalog item being created or updated should also be published after it is loaded.

The Catalog Item will automatically be moved through all workflow state transitions necessary to reach Published status from its starting state, and all transitions will be logged as being executed by the Loader user.

Note: You must have at least a Publisher or higher role on the Catalog Item to use this option. The parent of the item must also already be Published.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

Configuration Parameter: visibility


Specifies whether an item should be published externally (public to all) or internally (visible only to logged-in users).

The value must be "External" or "Internal".

Note: If this field is not specified, the default value of "External" will be supplied.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

Configuration Parameter: approved-by


Specifies another InPort user (via email address) as the person approving the item for publish.

This parameter is useful for Loader users who have been authorized to publish catalog items, but are not the party who should be listed as approving the items.

The individual specified by <approved-by> will be listed in the Catalog Item's workflow status history as the person responsible for the transition to the Approved state.

The email address must correspond to an existing user in InPort who has a Publisher or higher role for the Catalog Item.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

Configuration Option: replace-catalog-item


This option specifies that the catalog item being updated should be completely replaced with the contents of the InPort XML file.

All metadata information -- with the exception of the Catalog Item ID and the Catalog Item history for the existing Catalog Item -- will be deleted.

In addition, if the Catalog Item is a Data Set with Child Entities, these Child Entities will be deleted and completely replaced with the Child Entities in the incoming XML file. Note that the Child Entity Catalog Item IDs will not be preserved; only the Data Set Catalog Item ID will be.

This option should only be used for Catalog Item updates, not creation. It is particularly recommended for InPort loader users who manage their metadata outside of InPort, and who want to update their metadata on InPort with a newer XML file.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

Section: item-identification

InPort Label: Item Identification


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

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Field: catalog-item-id

InPort Label: Catalog Item ID
Required for item updates. Not applicable for item creation.

Specifies the Catalog Item ID of the catalog item to be updated. Should never be used for item creation.

The Loader user must have an Author or higher role on the Catalog Item to update it.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

The example snippet would update Catalog Item ID 1234.

Field: catalog-item-type

InPort Label: Catalog Item Type
Required for item creation.

Specifies the Catalog Item Type of the record.

The value must be one of the following:

  • Data Set
  • Project
  • Entity
  • Document
  • Procedure
  • Publication

Note: This can only be used to set the Catalog Item Type for new items. The Catalog Item Type of an existing item cannot be changed. As such, it is not applicable for Catalog Item updates.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">
        <catalog-item-type>Data Set</catalog-item-type>
        <title>My Data Set</title>

Field: title

InPort Label: Title
Required for item creation, optional for item updates.
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies the title of the Catalog Item.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">
        <catalog-item-type>Data Set</catalog-item-type>
        <title>My Data Set</title>

Field: short-name

InPort Label: Short Name
Max Length: 160 characters.

Specifies the catalog item's short name.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">
        <catalog-item-type>Data Set</catalog-item-type>
        <title>My Data Set</title>
        <short-name>DS Short Name</short-name>

Field: parent-catalog-item-id

InPort Label: Parent Catalog Item ID
Required for item creation. Not applicable for item updates.

Specifies the Catalog Item ID of the catalog item under which the new item should be created. Should never be used for item updates.

The Loader user must have an Author or higher role on the parent Catalog Item to create a child item.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

The example snippet would create a new Catalog Item under Catalog Item ID 1234.

Field: status

InPort Label: Status

Specifies the status of the Catalog Item.

The value must be one of the following:

  • Planned
  • In Work
  • On Going
  • Completed
  • Superseded
  • Obsolete
  • Archive Only
  • Withdrawn
  • Legacy


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">
        <catalog-item-type>Data Set</catalog-item-type>
        <title>My Data Set</title>
        <status>In Work</status>

Field: creation-date

InPort Label: Creation Date

Specifies the creation date of the Catalog Item.

The value must be either a date specified in ISO 8601 extended format (YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM, YYYY), or the value "Unknown". If a date is provided, it should use the appropriate granularity (Year, Month or Day). For example, if the date is significant only up to the month, use the YYYY-MM format.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">
        <catalog-item-type>Data Set</catalog-item-type>
        <title>My Data Set</title>

Field: revision-date

InPort Label: Revision Date

Specifies the revision date of the Catalog Item.

The value must be either a date specified in ISO 8601 extended format (YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM, YYYY), or the value "Unknown". If a date is provided, it should use the appropriate granularity (Year, Month or Day). For example, if the date is significant only up to the month, use the YYYY-MM format.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">
        <catalog-item-type>Data Set</catalog-item-type>
        <title>My Data Set</title>

Field: publication-date

InPort Label: Publication Date

Specifies the publication date of the Catalog Item.

The value must be either a date specified in ISO 8601 extended format (YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM, YYYY), or the value "Unknown". If a date is provided, it should use the appropriate granularity (Year, Month or Day). For example, if the date is significant only up to the month, use the YYYY-MM format.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">
        <catalog-item-type>Data Set</catalog-item-type>
        <title>My Data Set</title>

Field: abstract

InPort Label: Abstract
Max Length: 64000 characters.

Specifies the abstract of the Catalog Item.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">
        <catalog-item-type>Data Set</catalog-item-type>
        <title>My Data Set</title>
        <abstract>This is an example abstract.</title>

Field: purpose

InPort Label: Purpose
Max Length: 32767 characters.

Specifies the purpose of the Catalog Item.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">
        <catalog-item-type>Data Set</catalog-item-type>
        <title>My Data Set</title>
        <purpose>This is an example purpose.</purpose>

Field: notes

InPort Label: Notes
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies notes for the Catalog Item.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">
        <catalog-item-type>Data Set</catalog-item-type>
        <title>My Data Set</title>
        <notes>These are example notes.</notes>

Field: other-citation-details

InPort Label: Other Citation Details
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies other citation details for the Catalog Item.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">
        <catalog-item-type>Data Set</catalog-item-type>
        <title>My Data Set</title>
        <other-citation-details>This is an example of other citation details.</other-citation-details>

Field: supplemental-information

InPort Label: Supplemental Information
Max Length: 32767 characters.

Specifies supplemental information for the Catalog Item.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">
        <catalog-item-type>Data Set</catalog-item-type>
        <title>My Data Set</title>
        <supplemental-information>This is an example for supplemental information.</supplemental-information>

Field: doi

InPort Label: DOI (Digital Object Identifier)

Specifies the DOI for the Catalog Item.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">
        <catalog-item-type>Data Set</catalog-item-type>
        <title>My Data Set</title>

Field: doi-registration-authority

InPort Label: DOI Registration Authority
Max Length: 1000 characters.

Specifies the DOI Registration Authority for the DOI.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">
        <catalog-item-type>Data Set</catalog-item-type>
        <title>My Data Set</title>
        <doi-registration-authority>The registration authority</doi-registration-authority>

Field: doi-issue-date

InPort Label: DOI Issue Date

Specifies the DOI Issue Date for the DOI.

The value must be a date consisting of year, month, and day, specified in ISO 8601 extended format (YYYY-MM-DD).


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">
        <catalog-item-type>Data Set</catalog-item-type>
        <title>My Data Set</title>

Section: keywords

InPort Label: Keywords

Each Keyword should appear within its own <keyword> node under the enclosing <keywords> node.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

Attribute: mode

Optional; only applies to item updates. The value can be "replace" or "add". If no mode is specified, "replace" mode is used by default.

Replace mode (default) signifies that all existing Keywords should be deleted and completely replaced by the Keywords specified in the InPort XML file.

Add mode signifies that all existing Keywords should be kept, and any Keywords specified in the InPort XML file should be added as new Keywords.


<keywords mode="replace">

Special Note on Controlled vs. Uncontrolled Keywords

Keywords in InPort can be Controlled or Uncontrolled.

Controlled Keywords are keywords which belong to a standardized, controlled vocabulary, and which are directly supported in InPort. Please consult Controlled Keywords Components to see the currently supported list of Keyword Thesauri.

Uncontrolled Keywords in InPort are free-text keywords which do not correspond to any controlled vocabulary; or which belong to a vocabulary that InPort does not currently support.

Both Controlled and Uncontrolled Keywords are loaded into InPort in the same way, using the <keyword> tag. The Loader will determine whether the supplied keyword is Controlled or Uncontrolled based on the data provided.

Note that while the optional controlled attribute can be used as a flag on the <keyword> tag, this attribute does not constrain the Loader to store a Keyword in a particular way; it only serves to signal the Loader user's intent. This may improve the Loader's analysis when user-supplied keywords can only be partially matched against Controlled Keywords in InPort. It may also help the Loader to provide more appropriate error messages if a problem is found.

We recommend using this flag when you know the controlled status of the Keyword and can emit this information in the XML; however, it is not required for the Loader to function properly.

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Attribute: cc-id

This attribute is NOT allowed for Keywords.

Attribute: controlled


Specifies whether the user's intended keyword is Controlled or Uncontrolled.

The value must be "Yes" or "No".

Note that while the optional controlled attribute can be used as a flag on the <keyword> tag, this attribute does not constrain the Loader to store a Keyword in a particular way; it only serves to signal the Loader user's intent. This may improve the Loader's analysis when user-supplied keywords can only be partially matched against Controlled Keywords in InPort. It may also help the Loader to provide more appropriate error messages if a problem is found.

We recommend using this flag when you know the controlled status of the Keyword and can emit this information in the XML; however, it is not required for the Loader to function properly.


    <keyword controlled="Yes">
        <thesaurus>ISO 19115 Topic Category</thesaurus>

Field: keyword-type

InPort Label: Keyword Type

Specifies the type of Keyword.

The value must be one of the following:

  • Theme
  • Temporal
  • Spatial
  • Stratum
  • Instrument
  • Platform

Note: If the user-supplied keyword is a Controlled Keyword in InPort, the Keyword Type of the corresponding Controlled Keyword Thesauri in InPort will be retained, regardless of what <keyword-type> is supplied by the Loader user.


<keywords mode="replace">
    <keyword controlled="Yes">
        <thesaurus>Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Science Keywords</thesaurus>

Field: thesaurus

InPort Label: Thesaurus
Max Length: 250 characters.

Specifies the thesaurus for the Keyword.

The value "None" is disallowed. If no thesaurus is provided, or if the thesaurus provided is "None", it will be set to a null value.

Note: When specifying thesauri for Controlled Keywords that InPort supports, please use the thesaurus name as cited within NOAA.

If a user supplies a thesaurus name which the Loader can determine to be a Controlled Keyword Thesaurus in InPort, the official thesaurus name in InPort will be used for the record.


<keywords mode="replace">
    <keyword controlled="Yes">
        <thesaurus>Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Science Keywords</thesaurus>

Field: keyword

InPort Label: Keyword
Max Length: 500 characters.

Specifies the keyword value.

Note: When specifying Controlled Keywords that InPort supports, please use the official keyword name.

If a user supplies a keyword which the Loader can determine to be a Controlled Keyword in InPort, the official keyword name in InPort will be used for the record.

Note: Keywords which contain reserved XML characters such as < must be properly escaped in the XML file. For example, "1 meters - < 10 meters" should be written as "1 meters - &lt; 10 meters".


<keywords mode="replace">
    <keyword controlled="Yes">
        <thesaurus>Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Science Keywords</thesaurus>

Attribute: identifier


Specifies the external identifier of a Controlled Keyword.

Note: Only applies to Controlled Keywords.

If a user supplies the external identifier of a Controlled Keyword from that keyword's thesaurus, it can be used as a backup method for the Loader to determine the keyword, if the keyword text value cannot be found.

Note that the Loader will still examine the keyword text value first, and will only attempt to match the identifier if the attempt fails.


    <keyword controlled="Yes">
        <thesaurus>World Register of Marine Species</thesaurus>
        <keyword identifier="137094">Delphinus delphis</keyword>
    <keyword controlled="Yes">
        <thesaurus>Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Science Keywords</thesaurus>
        <keyword identifier="de89c42c-206a-4573-a2af-edffe5ddd6bf">EARTH SCIENCE > HUMAN DIMENSIONS > ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS > BIOCHEMICAL RELEASE</keyword>

Section: physical-location

InPort Label: Physical Location

Section: physical-location


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

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Field: organization

InPort Label: Organization

Specifies the organization name or organizational acronym of the Physical Location.

The value must match an existing InPort organization name or acronym, exactly as it appears in InPort.


    <organization>Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center</organization>



Field: city

InPort Label: City
Max Length: 60 characters.

Specifies the city of the Physical Location



Field: state-province

InPort Label: State / Province

Specifies the state of the Physical Location.

Only standard two-letter acronyms for all states and territories in the US are recognized.



Field: country

InPort Label: Country
Max Length: 30 characters.

Specifies the country of the Physical Location.



Field: location-description

InPort Label: Location Description
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies a description of the Physical Location.


    <location-description>Sample location description</location-description>

Section: data-set-information

InPort Label: Data Set Information

This section is only applicable to Data Sets. It will be ignored if it is included for a different Catalog Item type.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

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Field: data-set-scope-code

InPort Label: Data Set Scope Code

Specifies the scope of the Data Set.

The value must be one of the following:

  • Data Set
  • Series
  • Non-Geographic Data Set
  • Model
  • Application


    <data-set-scope-code>Data Set</data-set-scope-code>

Field: data-set-type

InPort Label: Data Set Type
Max Length: 50 characters.

Specifies the type of the Data Set.


    <data-set-scope-code>Data Set</data-set-scope-code>

Field: maintenance-frequency

InPort Label: Maintenance Frequency

Specifies the maintenance frequency of the Data Set.

The value must be one of the following:

  • Continually
  • Daily
  • Twice a Week
  • Weekly
  • Every Other Week
  • Monthly
  • Quarterly
  • Twice a Year
  • Annually
  • Every Other Year
  • Unknown
  • As Needed
  • Irregular
  • None Planned


    <data-set-scope-code>Data Set</data-set-scope-code>

Field: maintenance-note

InPort Label: Maintenance Note
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies information regarding requirements for maintaining the resource.


    <data-set-scope-code>Data Set</data-set-scope-code>
    <maintenance-note>Sample maintenance note</maintenance-note>

Field: data-set-creation-date

InPort Label: Data Set Creation Date

Specifies the creation date of the Data Set.

Note: This field is deprecated.


    <data-set-scope-code>Data Set</data-set-scope-code>

Field: data-set-revision-date

InPort Label: Data Set Revision Date

Specifies the revision date of the Data Set.

Note: This field is deprecated.


    <data-set-scope-code>Data Set</data-set-scope-code>

Field: data-set-publication-status

InPort Label: Data Set Publication Status

Specifies the publication status of the Data Set.

Note: This field is deprecated.


    <data-set-scope-code>Data Set</data-set-scope-code>

Field: publish-date

InPort Label: Publish Date

Specifies the publish date of the Data Set.

Note: This field is deprecated.


    <data-set-scope-code>Data Set</data-set-scope-code>

Field: data-presentation-form

InPort Label: Data Presentation Form
Max Length: 100 characters.

Specifies the data presentation form of the Data Set.

The value should be one of the following if appropriate, but can also be entered as free text:

  • Audio (digital)
  • Audio (hardcopy)
  • Diagram (digital)
  • Diagram (hardcopy)
  • Document (digital)
  • Document (hardcopy)
  • Image (digital)
  • Image (hardcopy)
  • Map (digital)
  • Map (hardcopy)
  • Model (digital)
  • Model (hardcopy)
  • Multimedia (digital)
  • Multimedia (hardcopy)
  • Profile (digital)
  • Profile (hardcopy)
  • Table (digital)
  • Table (hardcopy)
  • Video (digital)
  • Video (hardcopy)


    <data-set-scope-code>Data Set</data-set-scope-code>
    <data-presentation-form>Map (digital)</data-presentation-form>

Field: entity-attribute-overview

InPort Label: Entity Attribute Overview
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies an overview of the entities and attributes for the Data Set.


    <data-set-scope-code>Data Set</data-set-scope-code>
    <entity-attribute-overview>Sample entity attribute overview</entity-attribute-overview>

Field: entity-attribute-detail-citation

InPort Label: Entity Attribute Detail Citation
Max Length: 500 characters.

Specifies a citation to detailed information about the entities and attributes for the Data Set.


    <data-set-scope-code>Data Set</data-set-scope-code>
    <entity-attribute-detail-citation>Sample entity attribute detail citation</entity-attribute-detail-citation>

Field: entity-attribute-detail-url

InPort Label: Entity Attribute Detail URL
Max Length: 240 characters.

Specifies an URL to detailed information about the entities and attributes for the Data Set.

The value must be a valid URL and must begin with http://, https://, or ftp://.


    <data-set-scope-code>Data Set</data-set-scope-code>

Field: distribution-liability

InPort Label: Distribution Liability
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies distribution liability information for the Data Set.


    <data-set-scope-code>Data Set</data-set-scope-code>
    <distribution-liability>Sample distribution liability</distribution-liability>

Field: data-set-credit

InPort Label: Data Set Credit
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies credits for the Data Set.


    <data-set-scope-code>Data Set</data-set-scope-code>
    <data-set-credit>John Doe</data-set-credit>

Field: instrument

InPort Label: Instrument
Max Length: 1000 characters.

Specifies the instrument used for data collection, if applicable.

Note: This field is deprecated.


    <data-set-scope-code>Data Set</data-set-scope-code>
    <instrument>Multibeam Echosounder</instrument>

Field: platform

InPort Label: Platform
Max Length: 1000 characters.

Specifies the platform used for data collection, if applicable.

Note: This field is deprecated.


    <data-set-scope-code>Data Set</data-set-scope-code>

Field: physical-collection-fishing-gear

InPort Label: Physical Collection / Fishing Gear
Max Length: 1000 characters.

Specifies the name of the physical collection or fishing gear used for data collection, if applicable.

Note: This field is deprecated.


    <data-set-scope-code>Data Set</data-set-scope-code>
    <physical-collection-fishing-gear>Midwater Trawl</physical-collection-fishing-gear>

Section: entity-attribute-information

InPort Label: Entity Attribute Information

This section is only applicable to Data Sets. It will be ignored if it is included for a different Catalog Item type.

This section allows the inclusion of up to 5 Child Entity records, which will be created together with the parent Data Set when loaded.

Note: This feature is supported for both Item creation and Item update.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

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Subsection: entity

InPort Label: Child Entity

Each Child Entity should appear within its own <entity> node under the enclosing <entity-attribute-information> node.

Within each <entity> node, the InPort XML describing the child Entity can be nested. All other sections and fields applicable to Entities are eligible for inclusion, with the following exceptions:

  • Do not include <catalog-item-id> or <parent-catalog-item-id> for Child Entities, as these are determined by the Loader automatically according to the parent-child relationship.
  • The <catalog-item-type> field is unnecessary as the type is always Entity.
  • The <loader-options> section is not supported for individual Child Entities. Any <loader-options> settings specified in the parent Data Set will be applied to all included Child Entities.


            <title>Child Entity 1 Title</title>
            <title>Child Entity 2 Title</title>

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Section: document-information

InPort Label: Document Information

This section is only applicable to Documents. It will be ignored if it is included for a different Catalog Item type.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

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Field: publication-date

InPort Label: Publication Date

Specifies the publication date of the Document.

Note: This field is deprecated.



Field: document-type

InPort Label: Document Type
Max Length: 30 characters.

Specifies the type of Document.


    <document-type>Document Type</document-type>

Field: format

InPort Label: Format

Specifies the format of the Document.

The value must be one of the following:

  • Acrobat Portable Document Format
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft Powerpoint
  • Microsoft Word
  • Text
  • Visio
  • Word Perfect
  • XML


    <format>Acrobat Portable Document Format</format>

Field: format-version

InPort Label: Format Version
Max Length: 30 characters.

Specifies the format version of the Document.



Field: document-status

InPort Label: Document Status

Specifies the Document status.

The value must be one of the following:

  • Draft
  • Final
  • In Review
  • Planned
  • Published



Section: entity-information

InPort Label: Entity Information

This section is only applicable to Entities. It will be ignored if it is included for a different Catalog Item type.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

Back to Table of Contents

Field: entity-type

InPort Label: Entity Type

Specifies the type of Entity.

The value must be one of the following:

  • Data File
  • Data Table
  • Data View
  • Form: Collection or Entry
  • GIS File
  • Report
  • Spreadsheet
  • XML Document
  • Other


    <entity-type>Data Table</entity-type>

Field: active-version

InPort Label: Active Version?

Specifies whether the Entity Information specified is for the active version.

The value must be "Yes" or "No".



Field: alias

InPort Label: Alias
Max Length: 50 characters.

Specifies the alias for the Entity.



Field: schema

InPort Label: Schema
Max Length: 30 characters.

Specifies the schema for the Entity.



Field: description

InPort Label: Description
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies a description for the Entity.


    <description>Sample description</description>

Field: change-summary

InPort Label: Change Summary
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies the change summary for the Entity.


    <change-summary>Sample change summary</change-summary>

Section: data-attributes

InPort Label: Data Attributes

This section is only applicable to Entities. It will be ignored if it is included for a different Catalog Item type.

Each Data Attribute should appear within its own <data-attribute> node under the enclosing <data-attributes> node.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

Attribute: mode

Optional; only applies to item updates. The value can be "replace" or "add". If no mode is specified, "replace" mode is used by default.

Replace mode (default) signifies that all existing Data Attributes should be deleted and completely replaced by the Data Attributes specified in the InPort XML file.

Add mode signifies that all existing Data Attributes should be kept, and any Data Attributes specified in the InPort XML file should be added as new Data Attributes.


<data-attributes mode="replace">

Back to Table of Contents

Attribute: cc-id

Optional. Only applicable to item updates.

This attribute allows an already existing Data Attribute to be referred to by its CC ID, so that its fields can be updated. The attribute can be used in combination with "add" or "replace" mode. (See notes on the mode attribute for data-attributes).

Note: The cc-id attribute value is only a reference. CC IDs are assigned automatically when records are created, and cannot be modified through the InPort XML Loader.

In most cases, it is easier and simpler to use replace mode, even though the same record may end up being deleted and then re-added. Nevertheless, the cc-id option is provided for greater flexibility in a range of upload scenarios.

Finding the CC ID:
To learn the CC ID of an existing Data Attribute, view the Catalog Item to which it belongs in InPort. The CC ID is displayed on the far right side of the header for each Data Attribute.


    <data-attribute cc-id="12345">

The example snippet would remove all existing Data Attributes, except for the Data Attribute with CC ID 12345, which would be updated. In addition, two new Data Attributes would be added as specified.

Field: name

InPort Label: Name
Max Length: 160 characters.

Specifies the name of the Data Attribute.

All attribute names belonging to a single Entity must have a unique name.



Field: data-storage-type

InPort Label: Data Storage Type
Max Length: 106 characters.

Specifies the data storage type of the Data Attribute.



Field: status

InPort Label: Status

Specifies the status of the Data Attribute.

The value must be one of the following:

  • Active
  • Inactive
  • In Development
  • In Review

Note: If this value is missing or invalid, the field is set to "Active" by default.



Field: seq-order

InPort Label: Sequence Number

Specifies the sequence number for a Data Attribute.

The value must be a positive integer.



Field: max-length

InPort Label: Max Length

Specifies the maximum length of the data attribute.

The value must be a non-negative integer. Do not use this field for attributes with no explicit length.



Field: min-length

InPort Label: Min Length

Specifies the minimum length of the Data Attribute.

The value must be a non-negative integer.



Field: required

InPort Label: Required?

Specifies whether or not the Data Attribute is required.

The value must be "Yes" or "No".
Note: If this field is not specified, the default value of "No" will be supplied.



Field: primary-key

InPort Label: Primary Key

Specifies whether the Data Attribute is a primary key.

The value must be "Yes" or "No".
Note: If this field is not specified, the default value of "No" will be supplied.



Field: precision

InPort Label: Precision

Specifies the precision of the data attribute.

The value must be a non-negative integer.



Field: scale

InPort Label: Scale

Specifies the scale of the Data Attribute.

The value must be a non-negative integer.



Field: description

InPort Label: Description
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies the description of the Data Attribute.


        <description>Sample description</description>

Field: units

InPort Label: Units
Max Length: 60 characters.

Specifies the unit of measure of the Data Attribute.



Field: case-restriction

InPort Label: Case Restriction

Specifies the case restriction of the Data Attribute.

The value must be one of the following:

  • Upper
  • Lower
  • Mixed



Field: display-example

InPort Label: Display Example
Max Length: 50 characters.

Specifies a display example for the Data Attribute.


        <display-example>Sample display example</display-example>

Field: format-mask

InPort Label: Format Mask
Max Length: 30 characters.

Specifies the format mask of the Data Attribute.



Field: null-value

InPort Label: Null Value
Max Length: 10 characters.

Specifies the null value of the Data Attribute.



Field: null-value-meaning

InPort Label: Null Value Meaning
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies the null value meaning for the Data Attribute.


        <null-value-meaning>Sample null value meaning</null-value-meaning>

Field: allowed-values

InPort Label: Allowed Values
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies allowed values for the Data Attribute.


        <allowed-values>Sample allowed values</allowed-values>

Field: default-value

InPort Label: Default Value
Max Length: 2000 characters.

Specifies the default value for the Data Attribute.


        <default-value>Sample default value</default-value>

Field: foreign-key-relations

InPort Label: Foreign Key Relations
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies the foreign key relations for the Data Attribute.


        <foreign-key-relations>Sample foreign key relations</foreign-key-relations>

Field: derivation

InPort Label: Derivation
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies the derivation for the Data Attribute.


        <derivation>Sample derivation</derivation>

Field: validation-rules

InPort Label: Validation Rules
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies the validation rules for the Data Attribute.


        <validation-rules>Sample validation rules</validation-rules>

Section: procedure-information

InPort Label: Procedure Informatiion

This section is only applicable to Procedures. It will be ignored if it is included for a different Catalog Item type.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

Back to Table of Contents

Field: procedure-type

InPort Label: Procedure Type
Max Length: 50 characters.

Specifies the type of the Procedure.


    <procedure-type>Procedure Type</procedure-type>

Subsection: procedure-steps

InPort Label: Procedure Steps

Each Procedure Step should appear within its own <procedure-step> node under the enclosing <procedure-steps> node.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

Attribute: mode

Optional; only applies to item updates. The value can be "replace" or "add". If no mode is specified, "replace" mode is used by default.

Replace mode (default) signifies that all existing Procedure Steps should be deleted and completely replaced by the Procedure Steps specified in the InPort XML file.

Add mode signifies that all existing Procedure Steps should be kept, and any Procedure Steps specified in the InPort XML file should be added as new Procedure Steps.


<procedure-steps mode="replace">

Back to Table of Contents

Attribute: cc-id

This attribute is NOT allowed for Procedure Steps.

Field: sequence-number

InPort Label: Sequence Number

Specifies the sequence number for the Procedure Step.

The value must be a positive integer.


            <step-name>Procedure Step 1</step-name>

Field: label

InPort Label: Label
Max Length: 50 characters.

Specifies a label for the Procedure Step.


            <step-name>Procedure Step 1</step-name>

Field: step-name

InPort Label: Step Name
Max Length: 50 characters.

Specifies a step name for the Procedure Step.


            <step-name>Procedure Step 1</step-name>

Field: details

InPort Label: Details
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies details for the Procedure Step.


            <step-name>Procedure Step 1</step-name>
            <details>Sample details</details>

Field: purpose

InPort Label: Purpose
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies the purpose for the procedure step.


            <step-name>Procedure Step 1</step-name>
            <purpose>Sample purpose</purpose>

Field: start-date

InPort Label: Start Date

Specifies the start date of the Procedure Step.

The value must be a date/time specified in ISO 8601 extended format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss).

All date/times are interpreted as UTC.


            <step-name>Procedure Step 1</step-name>

Field: end-date

InPort Label: End Date

Specifies the end date of the Procedure Step.

The value must be a date/time specified in ISO 8601 extended format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss).

All date/times are interpreted as UTC.


            <step-name>Procedure Step 1</step-name>

Section: project-information

InPort Label: Project Information

This section is only applicable to Projects. It will be ignored if it is included for a different Catalog Item type.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

Back to Table of Contents

Field: project-type

InPort Label: Project Type

Specifies the type of the Project.

The value must be one of the following:

  • Activity
  • Project
  • Program
  • Collection
  • Data System
  • Set of ...
  • Task



Field: is-mandated

InPort Label: Is Mandated

Specifies whether the Project is mandated.

The value must be "Yes" or "No".



Field: mandated-by

InPort Label: Mandated By
Max Length: 100 characters.

Specifies what party the Project is mandated by.



Field: collection-type

InPort Label: Collection Type

Specifies the collection type of the Project.

The value must be one of the following:

  • Landings
  • Logbook
  • Observer
  • Permit
  • Socio-economic
  • VMS



Field: collection-method

InPort Label: Collection Method
Max Length: 50 characters.

Specifies the collection method of the Project.


    <collection-method>Sample collection method</collection-method>

Section: publication-information

InPort Label: Publication Information

This section is only applicable to Publications. It will be ignored if it is included for a different Catalog Item type.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

Back to Table of Contents

Field: publication-type

InPort Label: Publication Type

Specifies the Publication Type.

The value must be one of the following:

  • Abstract
  • Book
  • External Presentation
  • Journal
  • Letter
  • Popular Media
  • Report
  • Scientific Poster
  • Section or Chapter
  • Technical Memorandum
  • Web Content
  • Working Paper



Field: technical-memo-date

InPort Label: Technical Memo Date

Specifies the date of a Technical Memorandum.

Only applies when Publication Type is "Technical Memorandum".

The value must be a date consisting of year, month, and day, specified in ISO 8601 extended format (YYYY-MM-DD).


    <publication-type>Technical Memorandum</publication-type>

Field: technical-memo-number

InPort Label: Technical Memo Number
Max Length: 250 characters.

Specifies the Technical Memorandum Number.

Only applies when Publication Type is "Technical Memorandum".


    <publication-type>Technical Memorandum</publication-type>

Field: professional-paper-series-number

InPort Label: Professional Paper Series Number
Max Length: 250 characters.

Specifies the Professional Paper Series Number.



Field: series-name

InPort Label: Series Name
Max Length: 500 characters.

Specifies the Series Name.


    <series-name>Series Name</series-name>

Field: series-issue

InPort Label: Series Issue
Max Length: 150 characters.

Specifies the Series Issue.



Field: series-page

InPort Label: Series Page
Max Length: 50 characters.

Specifies the Series Page.



Field: isbn

InPort Label: ISBN
Max Length: 20 characters.

Specifies the ISBN of the Publication.



Field: issn

InPort Label: ISSN
Max Length: 20 characters.

Specifies the ISSN of the Publication.

The ISSN must be in a valid format, NNNN-NNNC, where N is a digit, and C is a digit or the letter 'X'.



Subsection: source-data-sets

InPort Label: Source Data Sets

Specifies the Source Data Sets for the Publication.

Each Source Data Set should appear within its own <source-data-set> node under the enclosing <source-data-sets> node.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

Attribute: mode

Optional; only applies to item updates. The value can be "replace" or "add". If no mode is specified, "replace" mode is used by default.

Replace mode (default) signifies that all existing Source Data Sets should be deleted and completely replaced by the Source Data Sets specified in the InPort XML file.

Add mode signifies that all existing Source Data Sets should be kept, and any Source Data Sets specified in the InPort XML file should be added as new Source Data Sets.


<source-data-sets mode="replace">

Back to Table of Contents

Attribute: cc-id

This attribute is NOT allowed for Source Data Sets.

Field: catalog-item-id

InPort Label: Catalog Item ID

Specifies the InPort Catalog Item ID of the Source Data Set.

The Catalog Item ID must correspond to a Data Set in InPort.




Section: support-roles

InPort Label: Support Roles


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

Each Support Role should appear within its own <support-role> node under the enclosing <support-roles> node.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

Attribute: mode

Optional; only applies to item updates. The value can be "replace" or "add". If no mode is specified, "replace" mode is used by default.

Replace mode (default) signifies that all existing Support Roles should be deleted and completely replaced by the Support Roles specified in the InPort XML file.

Add mode signifies that all existing Support Roles should be kept, and any Support Roles specified in the InPort XML file should be added as new Support Roles.


<support-roles mode="replace">

Back to Table of Contents

Attribute: cc-id

Optional. Only applicable to item updates.

This attribute allows an already existing Support Role to be referred to by its CC ID, so that its fields can be updated. The attribute can be used in combination with "add" or "replace" mode. (See notes on the mode attribute for support-roles).

Note: The cc-id attribute value is only a reference. CC IDs are assigned automatically when records are created, and cannot be modified through the InPort XML Loader.

In most cases, it is easier and simpler to use replace mode, even though the same record may end up being deleted and then re-added. Nevertheless, the cc-id option is provided for greater flexibility in a range of upload scenarios.

Finding the CC ID:
To learn the CC ID of an existing Support Role, view the Catalog Item to which it belongs in InPort. The CC ID is displayed on the far right side of the header for each Support Role.


    <support-role cc-id="12345">

The example snippet would remove all existing Support Roles, except for the Support Role with CC ID 12345, which would be updated. In addition, two new Support Roles would be added as specified.

Field: support-role-type

InPort Label: Support Role Type

Specifies the support role type.

The value must be one of the following:

  • Author
  • Co-Author
  • Collaborator
  • Data Set Credit
  • Data Steward
  • Distributor
  • Metadata Contact
  • Originator
  • Point of Contact
  • Principal Investigator
  • Process Contact
  • Publisher


        <support-role-type>Point of Contact</support-role-type>

Field: from-date

InPort Label: From Date

Specifies the start date of the support role.

The value must be a date specified in ISO 8601 extended format (YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM, YYYY). The date should use the appropriate granularity (Year, Month or Day). For example, if the date is significant only up to the month, use the YYYY-MM format.


        <support-role-type>Point of Contact</support-role-type>

Field: to-date

InPort Label: To Date

Specifies the end date of the support role.

Note that the absence of a To Date effectively indicates a support role which is effective up to the present.

The value must be a date specified in ISO 8601 extended format (YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM, YYYY). The date should use the appropriate granularity (Year, Month or Day). For example, if the date is significant only up to the month, use the YYYY-MM format.

Note: The to-date value must be later than the from-date value.


        <support-role-type>Point of Contact</support-role-type>

Field: contact-type

InPort Label: Contact Type

Specifies the type of Contact filling the support role.

The value must be one of the following:

  • Person
  • Organization
  • Position


        <support-role-type>Point of Contact</support-role-type>

Field: contact-email

InPort Label: Contact Email
Either contact-email or contact-name is required for each support role.

Specifies the email address of the Contact filling the support role.

It is recommended to ensure that Contacts referenced in InPort XML files already exist in InPort before loading. Please consult the list of Contacts in InPort to view the currently available Contacts names and their email addresses.

However, for Contacts with NOAA email addresses (ending in ""), the loader will attempt to add the Contact to InPort if it does not already exist for that Contact Type. In this situation, the Contact name <*-name> must also be provided.

Contacts with non-NOAA email address cannot be automatically inserted into InPort via the InPort XML Loader.

Note that the Contact's email address is only used for matching purposes — it is not possible to update a Contact's email address (or any other contact information) via the InPort XML Loader. Contact information can only be edited by Librarians within InPort.

Contacts can be matched by email address (<*-email>) or by name (<*-name>). However, due to the inherent ambiguity of names and potential for duplicates, it is preferable to identify Contacts by email address, rather than by name, whenever possible.


        <support-role-type>Point of Contact</support-role-type>

Field: contact-name

InPort Label: Contact Name
Either contact-email or contact-name is required for each support role.

Specifies the person, organization or position filling the support role.

It is recommended to ensure that Contacts referenced in InPort XML files already exist in InPort before loading. Please consult the list of Contacts in InPort to view the currently available Contacts names and their email addresses.

However, for Contacts with NOAA email addresses (ending in ""), the loader will attempt to add the Contact to InPort if it does not already exist for that Contact Type. In this situation, the Contact name <*-name> must also be provided.

Contacts with non-NOAA email address cannot be automatically inserted into InPort via the InPort XML Loader.

Note that the Contact's email address is only used for matching purposes — it is not possible to update a Contact's email address (or any other contact information) via the InPort XML Loader. Contact information can only be edited by Librarians within InPort.

Contacts can be matched by email address (<*-email>) or by name (<*-name>). However, due to the inherent ambiguity of names and potential for duplicates, it is preferable to identify Contacts by email address, rather than by name, whenever possible.

Contact names are matched in slightly different ways depending on the type of Contact. For persons, the name should match the person name of the Contact record exactly as it appears in InPort, in the format [Last Name], [First Name] (e.g. "Doe, Jane"). If the person's middle name/initials are specified in InPort, the value for <contact-name> should reflect this in the format [Last Name], [First Name] [Middle Name/Initials] (e.g. "Doe, Jane H"), as it appears in InPort.

For organizations, the name must match the organization name of the Contact record exactly as it appears in InPort. Alternatively, if the Contact record is of a NOAA organization, and the NOAA Acronym field of the Contact record in InPort is populated, that acronym can also be used as a match for <noaa-acronym> (e.g. "PIFSC"), in lieu of providing the contact-name.

For positions the name must match the position name of the Contact record exactly as it appears in InPort.


        <support-role-type>Point of Contact</support-role-type>
        <contact-name>Doe, John</contact-name>

Field: noaa-acronym

InPort Label: NOAA Acronym
Only applies to NOAA organizations.

Specifies the NOAA Acronym of the organization filling the support role.

Contact names are matched in slightly different ways depending on the type of Contact. For persons, the name should match the person name of the Contact record exactly as it appears in InPort, in the format [Last Name], [First Name] (e.g. "Doe, Jane"). If the person's middle name/initials are specified in InPort, the value for <contact-name> should reflect this in the format [Last Name], [First Name] [Middle Name/Initials] (e.g. "Doe, Jane H"), as it appears in InPort.

For organizations, the name must match the organization name of the Contact record exactly as it appears in InPort. Alternatively, if the Contact record is of a NOAA organization, and the NOAA Acronym field of the Contact record in InPort is populated, that acronym can also be used as a match for <noaa-acronym> (e.g. "PIFSC"), in lieu of providing the contact-name.

For positions the name must match the position name of the Contact record exactly as it appears in InPort.


        <support-role-type>Point of Contact</support-role-type>

Field: contact-instructions

InPort Label: Contact Instructions
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies contact instructions for the party filling the support role.


        <support-role-type>Point of Contact</support-role-type>
        <contact-instructions>Contact by email preferred. Phone hours 9am-5pm.</contact-instructions>

Field: contact-address

InPort Label: Address
Max Length: 100 characters.

Specifies the mailing address of the contact.

This field is only processed for new NOAA contacts. When a NOAA contact (identified by a NOAA email address) is found in an InPort XML file, and does not already exist in InPort, that contact and all related contact information fields are automatically loaded into InPort.

This is the only situation in which this field will be processed. Note also that the contact-name is also required for the NOAA contact to be added to InPort.

Address information must be complete. If any of the following fields are provided, all fields must be populated: <contact-address>, <contact-address-city>, <contact-address-state>, and <contact-address-zip>.


        <support-role-type>Point of Contact</support-role-type>
        <contact-name>Doe, John</contact-name>
        <contact-address>123 NOAA Way</contact-address>
        <contact-address-city>Silver Spring</contact-address-city>

Field: contact-address-city

InPort Label: City
Max Length: 100 characters.

Specifies the city of the contact.

This field is only processed for new NOAA contacts. When a NOAA contact (identified by a NOAA email address) is found in an InPort XML file, and does not already exist in InPort, that contact and all related contact information fields are automatically loaded into InPort.

This is the only situation in which this field will be processed. Note also that the contact-name is also required for the NOAA contact to be added to InPort.

Address information must be complete. If any of the following fields are provided, all fields must be populated: <contact-address>, <contact-address-city>, <contact-address-state>, and <contact-address-zip>.


        <support-role-type>Point of Contact</support-role-type>
        <contact-name>Doe, John</contact-name>
        <contact-address>123 NOAA Way</contact-address>
        <contact-address-city>Silver Spring</contact-address-city>

Field: contact-address-state

InPort Label: State
Max Length: 2 characters.

Specifies the state of the contact.

This field is only processed for new NOAA contacts. When a NOAA contact (identified by a NOAA email address) is found in an InPort XML file, and does not already exist in InPort, that contact and all related contact information fields are automatically loaded into InPort.

This is the only situation in which this field will be processed. Note also that the contact-name is also required for the NOAA contact to be added to InPort.

Address information must be complete. If any of the following fields are provided, all fields must be populated: <contact-address>, <contact-address-city>, <contact-address-state>, and <contact-address-zip>.


        <support-role-type>Point of Contact</support-role-type>
        <contact-name>Doe, John</contact-name>
        <contact-address>123 NOAA Way</contact-address>
        <contact-address-city>Silver Spring</contact-address-city>

Field: contact-address-zip

InPort Label: Zip Code
Max Length: 12 characters.

Specifies the zip code of the contact.

This field is only processed for new NOAA contacts. When a NOAA contact (identified by a NOAA email address) is found in an InPort XML file, and does not already exist in InPort, that contact and all related contact information fields are automatically loaded into InPort.

This is the only situation in which this field will be processed. Note also that the contact-name is also required for the NOAA contact to be added to InPort.

Address information must be complete. If any of the following fields are provided, all fields must be populated: <contact-address>, <contact-address-city>, <contact-address-state>, and <contact-address-zip>.


        <support-role-type>Point of Contact</support-role-type>
        <contact-name>Doe, John</contact-name>
        <contact-address>123 NOAA Way</contact-address>
        <contact-address-city>Silver Spring</contact-address-city>

Field: contact-address-country

InPort Label: Country
Max Length: 50 characters.

Specifies the country of the contact.

This field is only processed for new NOAA contacts. When a NOAA contact (identified by a NOAA email address) is found in an InPort XML file, and does not already exist in InPort, that contact and all related contact information fields are automatically loaded into InPort.

This is the only situation in which this field will be processed. Note also that the contact-name is also required for the NOAA contact to be added to InPort.

Address information must be complete. If any of the following fields are provided, all fields must be populated: <contact-address>, <contact-address-city>, <contact-address-state>, and <contact-address-zip>.


        <support-role-type>Point of Contact</support-role-type>
        <contact-name>Doe, John</contact-name>
        <contact-address>123 NOAA Way</contact-address>
        <contact-address-city>Silver Spring</contact-address-city>

Field: contact-phone-number

InPort Label: Phone Number
Max Length: 50 characters.

Specifies the phone number of the contact.

This field is only processed for new NOAA contacts. When a NOAA contact (identified by a NOAA email address) is found in an InPort XML file, and does not already exist in InPort, that contact and all related contact information fields are automatically loaded into InPort.

This is the only situation in which this field will be processed. Note also that the contact-name is also required for the NOAA contact to be added to InPort.


        <support-role-type>Point of Contact</support-role-type>
        <contact-name>Doe, John</contact-name>
        <contact-address>123 NOAA Way</contact-address>
        <contact-address-city>Silver Spring</contact-address-city>
        <contact-phone-number>(123) 456-7890</contact-phone-number>

Field: contact-mobile-number

InPort Label: Mobile Number
Max Length: 50 characters.

Specifies the mobile number of the contact.

This field is only processed for new NOAA contacts. When a NOAA contact (identified by a NOAA email address) is found in an InPort XML file, and does not already exist in InPort, that contact and all related contact information fields are automatically loaded into InPort.

This is the only situation in which this field will be processed. Note also that the contact-name is also required for the NOAA contact to be added to InPort.


        <support-role-type>Point of Contact</support-role-type>
        <contact-name>Doe, John</contact-name>
        <contact-address>123 NOAA Way</contact-address>
        <contact-address-city>Silver Spring</contact-address-city>
        <contact-mobile-number>(123) 456-7890</contact-mobile-number>

Field: contact-fax-number

InPort Label: Fax Number
Max Length: 50 characters.

Specifies the fax number of the contact.

This field is only processed for new NOAA contacts. When a NOAA contact (identified by a NOAA email address) is found in an InPort XML file, and does not already exist in InPort, that contact and all related contact information fields are automatically loaded into InPort.

This is the only situation in which this field will be processed. Note also that the contact-name is also required for the NOAA contact to be added to InPort.


        <support-role-type>Point of Contact</support-role-type>
        <contact-name>Doe, John</contact-name>
        <contact-address>123 NOAA Way</contact-address>
        <contact-address-city>Silver Spring</contact-address-city>
        <contact-fax-number>(123) 456-7890</contact-fax-number>

Field: contact-url

InPort Label: URL
Max Length: 250 characters.

Specifies the URL for the contact.

Optional, but required if any other URL field is populated.

This field is only processed for new NOAA contacts. When a NOAA contact (identified by a NOAA email address) is found in an InPort XML file, and does not already exist in InPort, that contact and all related contact information fields are automatically loaded into InPort.

This is the only situation in which this field will be processed. Note also that the contact-name is also required for the NOAA contact to be added to InPort.


        <support-role-type>Point of Contact</support-role-type>
        <contact-name>Doe, John</contact-name>
        <contact-address>123 NOAA Way</contact-address>
        <contact-address-city>Silver Spring</contact-address-city>

Field: contact-url-name

InPort Label: URL Name
Max Length: 250 characters.

Specifies the name for the contact's URL.

This field is only processed for new NOAA contacts. When a NOAA contact (identified by a NOAA email address) is found in an InPort XML file, and does not already exist in InPort, that contact and all related contact information fields are automatically loaded into InPort.

This is the only situation in which this field will be processed. Note also that the contact-name is also required for the NOAA contact to be added to InPort.


        <support-role-type>Point of Contact</support-role-type>
        <contact-name>Doe, John</contact-name>
        <contact-address>123 NOAA Way</contact-address>
        <contact-address-city>Silver Spring</contact-address-city>
        <contact-url-name>My URL</contact-url-name>

Field: contact-url-description

InPort Label: URL Description
Max Length: 1000 characters.

Specifies the description for the contact's URL.

This field is only processed for new NOAA contacts. When a NOAA contact (identified by a NOAA email address) is found in an InPort XML file, and does not already exist in InPort, that contact and all related contact information fields are automatically loaded into InPort.

This is the only situation in which this field will be processed. Note also that the contact-name is also required for the NOAA contact to be added to InPort.


        <support-role-type>Point of Contact</support-role-type>
        <contact-name>Doe, John</contact-name>
        <contact-address>123 NOAA Way</contact-address>
        <contact-address-city>Silver Spring</contact-address-city>
        <contact-url-description>My URL description</contact-url-description>

Field: contact-url-function

InPort Label: URL Function

Specifies the function for the contact's URL.

The value must be "Online Resource" or "Browse Graphic".

This field is only processed for new NOAA contacts. When a NOAA contact (identified by a NOAA email address) is found in an InPort XML file, and does not already exist in InPort, that contact and all related contact information fields are automatically loaded into InPort.

This is the only situation in which this field will be processed. Note also that the contact-name is also required for the NOAA contact to be added to InPort.


        <support-role-type>Point of Contact</support-role-type>
        <contact-name>Doe, John</contact-name>
        <contact-address>123 NOAA Way</contact-address>
        <contact-address-city>Silver Spring</contact-address-city>
        <contact-url-function>Online Resource</contact-url-function>

Field: contact-business-hours

InPort Label: Business Hours
Max Length: 250 characters.

Specifies the business hours of the contact.

This field is only processed for new NOAA contacts. When a NOAA contact (identified by a NOAA email address) is found in an InPort XML file, and does not already exist in InPort, that contact and all related contact information fields are automatically loaded into InPort.

This is the only situation in which this field will be processed. Note also that the contact-name is also required for the NOAA contact to be added to InPort.


        <support-role-type>Point of Contact</support-role-type>
        <contact-name>Doe, John</contact-name>
        <contact-address>123 NOAA Way</contact-address>
        <contact-address-city>Silver Spring</contact-address-city>
          <contact-business-hours>9am - 5pm Eastern</contact-business-hours>

Field: person-email

InPort Label: Person

Specifies the email address of the person who is filling the support role.

Note: This field is deprecated.

While this field has been deprecated, for a temporary transitional period it will continue to be supported. However, it will be matching against Contact records (of type Person), not Person records.

This field should not be used in combination with <contact-name> or <contact-email>.

The email address is used to identify the corresponding Person Contact in InPort; as such, the email address must be of an existing Contact of type Person in InPort. The value is used only for identification/matching purposes — it is not possible to update a person's email address (or any other contact information) via the InPort XML Loader. Contact information can only be edited by Librarians within InPort.


        <support-role-type>Point of Contact</support-role-type>

Field: organization

InPort Label: Organization

Specifies the organization which is filling the support role, or the organization that the person who fills the support role belongs to.

Note: This field is deprecated.

While this field has been deprecated, for a temporary transitional period it will continue to be supported. However, it will be matching against Contact records (of type Organization), not Organization records.

This field should not be used in combination with <contact-name> or <contact-email>.

The organization can be identified by name or acronym, exactly as it appears in InPort. The value is used only for identification/matching purposes — it is not possible to update a organization's name or acronym (or any other contact information) via the InPort XML Loader. Contact information can only be edited by Librarians within InPort.


        <support-role-type>Point of Contact</support-role-type>
        <organization>Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center</organization>


        <support-role-type>Point of Contact</support-role-type>

Section: extents

InPort Label: Extents

Each Extent Group should appear within its own <extent> node under the enclosing <extents> node.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

Attribute: mode

Optional; only applies to item updates. The value can be "replace" or "add". If no mode is specified, "replace" mode is used by default.

Replace mode (default) signifies that all existing Extent Groups should be deleted and completely replaced by the Extent Groups specified in the InPort XML file.

Add mode signifies that all existing Extent Groups should be kept, and any Extent Groups specified in the InPort XML file should be added as new Extent Groups.


<extents mode="replace">

Back to Table of Contents

Field: currentness-reference

InPort Label: Currentness Reference

Specifies the currentness reference of the Catalog Item across all extents.

The value should be "Ground Condition" or "Publication Date" if appropriate. If the appropriate value is not one of these possibilities, enter the value as free text.


    <currentness-reference>Ground Condition</currentness-reference>

Attribute: cc-id

This attribute is NOT allowed for Extent Groups.

Field: description

InPort Label: Description
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies a description for the extent group.


        <description>Sample extent group description.</description>

Subsection: time-frames

InPort Label: Time Frames

Each Time Frame should appear within its own <time-frame> node under the enclosing <time-frames> node.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

Attribute: mode

This attribute is NOT allowed for Time Frames.

Back to Table of Contents

Field: time-frame-type

InPort Label: Time Frame Type

Specifies the type of the Time Frame.

The value must be one of the following:

  • Continuing
  • Discrete
  • Range



Field: start-date-time

InPort Label: Start Date/Time

Specifies the start date/time of the Time Frame.

The value must be a date or date/time specified in ISO 8601 extended format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fffZ). The date/time should use the appropriate granularity (Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, or Fractional Second). For example, if the date is significant only up to the minute, use the YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm format.

A time zone component is optional. If no time zone is provided, UTC is assumed.



Field: end-date-time

InPort Label: End Date/Time
Required for Time Frames of type Range.

Specifies the end date/time of the Time Frame.

The value must be a date or date/time specified in ISO 8601 extended format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fffZ). The date/time should use the appropriate granularity (Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, or Fractional Second). For example, if the date is significant only up to the minute, use the YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm format.

A time zone component is optional. If no time zone is provided, UTC is assumed.

Note: The End Date/Time must be later than the Start Date/Time.



Field: description

InPort Label: Description
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies a description for the Time Frame.


        <description>Sample description text.</description>

Field: alternate-start-as-of-info

InPort Label: Alternate Start as of Info
Max Length: 200 characters.

Specifies the activity that signaled the start of the Time Frame (e.g. trip number).


        <alternate-start-as-of-info>Sample alternate start as of info text.</alternate-start-as-of-info>

Field: alternate-end-as-of-info

InPort Label: Alternate End as of Info
Max Length: 200 characters.

Specifies the activity that signaled the end of the Time Frame.


        <alternate-end-as-of-info>Sample alternate end as of info text.</alternate-end-as-of-info>

Subsection: geographic-areas

InPort Label: Geographic Areas

Each Geographic Area requires a full set of bounds or a description, or both.

Each Geographic Area should appear within its own <geographic-area> node under the enclosing <geographic-areas> node.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

Attribute: mode

This attribute is NOT allowed for Geographic Areas.

Back to Table of Contents

Field: west-bound

InPort Label: West Bound
Optional, but required if any other bound is provided.

Specifies the west bound (longitude degrees) of the geographic area bounding box.

The value must be numeric, greater than or equal to -180, and less than 180.
Note that 180 degrees is not allowed for the west bound; please use -180 degrees for the antimeridian.
Up to 11 digits of precision are supported after the decimal point.



Field: east-bound

InPort Label: East Bound
Optional, but required if any other bound is provided.

Specifies the east bound (longitude degrees) of the geographic area bounding box.

The value must be numeric, between -180 and 180.
The value must be numeric, greater than -180, and less than or equal to 180.
Note that -180 degrees is not allowed for the east bound; please use 180 degrees for the antimeridian.
Up to 11 digits of precision are supported after the decimal point.



Field: north-bound

InPort Label: North Bound
Optional, but required if any other bound is provided.

Specifies the north bound (latitude degrees) of the geographic area bounding box.

The value must be numeric, between -90 and 90.
Up to 11 digits of precision are supported after the decimal point.



Field: south-bound

InPort Label: South Bound
Optional, but required if any other bound is provided.

Specifies the south bound (latitude degrees) of the geographic area bounding box.

The value must be numeric, between -90 and 90.
Up to 11 digits of precision are supported after the decimal point.



Field: description

InPort Label: Description
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies a description for the Geographic Area.

Field: description

Corresponds to the Description field for geographic areas in InPort.


This field specifies a description for the geographic area.


        <description>Sample geographic description text.</description>

Subsection: vertical-extents

InPort Label: Vertical Extents

Each Vertical Extent should appear within its own <vertical-extent> node under the enclosing <vertical-extents> node.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

Attribute: mode

This attribute is NOT allowed for Vertical Extents.

Back to Table of Contents

Subsection: coordinate-reference-system

InPort Label: Coordinate Reference System



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Field: epsg-code

InPort Label: EPSG Code

Specifies the EPSG Code for a Reference System.

The EPSG Code must already exist for a Coordinate Reference System in InPort. Please consult the list of Coordinate Reference Systems in InPort to view the currently available Coordinate Reference Systems and their EPSG Code.

Enter only the numerical portion of the EPSG Code. The value should be a positive integer.



Field: min

InPort Label: Minimum Vertical Extent

Specifies the minimum value of the Vertical Extent.

The value must be numeric.
Up to 11 digits of precision are supported after the decimal point.



Field: max

InPort Label: Maximum Vertical Extent

Specifies the Maximum value of the Vertical Extent.

The value must be numeric.
Up to 11 digits of precision are supported after the decimal point.



Section: spatial-information

InPort Label: Spatial Information

This section is only applicable to Data Sets. It will be ignored if it is included for a different Catalog Item type.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

Back to Table of Contents

Subsection: spatial-resolution

InPort Label: Spatial Resolution



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Field: angular-distance

InPort Label: Angular Distance

Specifies the numeric value of the angular distance pertaining to the Spatial Resolution of the Data Set.

The value must be a positive, numeric value.



Field: angular-distance-units

InPort Label: Angular Distance Units
This field should be provided if and only if a value is supplied for Angular Distance.

Specifies the unit of measure, of the angular distance pertaining to the Spatial Resolution of the Data Set.

The value must be one of the following:

  • Turn
  • Quadrant
  • Radian
  • Binary Degree
  • Degree
  • Grad
  • Minute of Arc
  • Second of Arc



Field: horizontal-distance

InPort Label: Horizontal Distance

Specifies the numeric value of the horizontal distance pertaining to the Spatial Resolution of the Data Set.

The value must be a positive, numeric value.



Field: horizontal-distance-units

InPort Label: Horizontal Distance Units
This field should be provided if and only if a value is supplied for Horizontal Distance.

Specifies the unit of measure, of the horizontal distance pertaining to the Spatial Resolution of the Data Set.

The value must be one of the following:

  • Centimeter
  • Meter
  • Kilometer
  • Inch
  • Foot
  • Yard
  • Mile
  • Nautical Mile



Field: vertical-distance

InPort Label: Vertical Distance

Specifies the numeric value of the vertical distance pertaining to the Spatial Resolution of the Data Set.

The value must be a positive, numeric value.



Field: vertical-distance-units

InPort Label: Vertical Distance Units
This field should be provided if and only if a value is supplied for Vertical Distance.

Specifies the unit of measure, of the vertical distance pertaining to the Spatial Resolution of the Data Set.

The value must be one of the following:

  • Centimeter
  • Meter
  • Kilometer
  • Inch
  • Foot
  • Yard
  • Mile
  • Nautical Mile



Field: equivalent-scale-denominator

InPort Label: Equivalent Scale Denominator

Specifies the equivalent scale denominator pertaining to the Spatial Resolution of the Data Set.

The value must be a positive integer.



Field: level-of-detail-description

InPort Label: Level of Detail Description
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies a description of the level of detail pertaining to the Spatial Resolution of the Data Set.

Field: level-of-detail-description


        <level-of-detail-description>Sample description</level-of-detail-description>

Subsection: spatial-representation

InPort Label: Spatial Representation



Back to Table of Contents

Subsection: representations-used

InPort Label: Representations Used

If this subsection is provided, at least one of its child fields must exist.



Back to Table of Contents

Field: grid

InPort Label: Grid Representations Used

Specifies whether or not Grid Spatial Representations are used.

The value must be "Yes" or "No".



Field: vector

InPort Label: Vector Representations Used

Specifies whether or not Vector Spatial Representations are used.

The value must be "Yes" or "No".



Field: text-table

InPort Label: Text / Table Representations Used

Specifies whether or not Text or Table Spatial Representations are used.

The value must be "Yes" or "No".



Field: tin

InPort Label: TIN Representations Used

Specifies whether or not TIN Spatial Representations are used.

The value must be "Yes" or "No".



Field: stereo-model

InPort Label: Stereo Model Representations Used

Specifies whether or not Stereo Model Spatial Representations are used.

The value must be "Yes" or "No".



Field: video

InPort Label: Video Representations Used

Specifies whether or not Video Spatial Representations are used.

The value must be "Yes" or "No".



Subsection: grid-representations

InPort Label: Grid Representations

Each Grid Representation should appear within its own <grid-representation> node under the enclosing <grid-representations> node.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

Attribute: mode

Optional; only applies to item updates. The value can be "replace" or "add". If no mode is specified, "replace" mode is used by default.

Replace mode (default) signifies that all existing Grid Representations should be deleted and completely replaced by the Grid Representations specified in the InPort XML file.

Add mode signifies that all existing Grid Representations should be kept, and any Grid Representations specified in the InPort XML file should be added as new Grid Representations.


<grid-representations mode="replace">

Back to Table of Contents

Attribute: cc-id

Optional. Only applicable to item updates.

This attribute allows an already existing Grid Representation to be referred to by its CC ID, so that its fields can be updated. The attribute can be used in combination with "add" or "replace" mode. (See notes on the mode attribute for grid-representations).

Note: The cc-id attribute value is only a reference. CC IDs are assigned automatically when records are created, and cannot be modified through the InPort XML Loader.

In most cases, it is easier and simpler to use replace mode, even though the same record may end up being deleted and then re-added. Nevertheless, the cc-id option is provided for greater flexibility in a range of upload scenarios.

Finding the CC ID:
To learn the CC ID of an existing Grid Representation, view the Catalog Item to which it belongs in InPort. The CC ID is displayed on the far right side of the header for each Grid Representation.


    <grid-representation cc-id="12345">

The example snippet would remove all existing Grid Representations, except for the Grid Representation with CC ID 12345, which would be updated. In addition, two new Grid Representations would be added as specified.

Field: dimension-count

InPort Label: Dimension Count

Specifies the number of dimensions for a grid representation.

The value must be an integer between 1 and 1,000.



Field: cell-geometry

InPort Label: Cell Geometry

Specifies the cell geometry of the grid representation.

The value must be one of the following:

  • Point
  • Area
  • Voxel
  • Stratum



Field: transformation-parameters-available

InPort Label: Transformation Parameters Available

Specifies whether transformation parameters are available for the grid representation.

The value must be "Yes" or "No".



Subsection: axis-dimensions

InPort Label: Axis Dimensions

At least 1 Axis Dimension is required for each Grid Representation.

Each Axis Dimension should appear within its own <axis-dimension> node under the enclosing <axis-dimensions> node.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

Attribute: mode

Optional; only applies to item updates. Only "replace" mode is supported for Axis Dimensions. If no mode is specified, "replace" mode is used by default.

Replace mode (default) signifies that all existing Axis Dimensions should be deleted and completely replaced by the Axis Dimensions specified in the InPort XML file.


<axis-dimensions mode="replace">

Back to Table of Contents

Attribute: cc-id

This attribute is NOT allowed for Axis Dimensions.

Field: dimension-type

InPort Label: Dimension Type

Specifies the type of the axis dimension.

The value must be one of the following:

  • Row
  • Column
  • Vertical
  • Track
  • Cross Track
  • Line
  • Sample
  • Time



Field: size

InPort Label: Size

Specifies the size of the axis dimension.

The value must be an integer between 1 and 10,000,000.



Field: resolution-type

InPort Label: Resolution Type
Optional, but should only be provided if Resolution and Resolution Units are also provided.

Specifies the resolution type of the axis dimension.

The value must be one of the following:

  • Length
  • Distance
  • Angle
  • Scale
  • Measure



Field: resolution

InPort Label: Resolution
Optional, but requires Resolution Type and Resolution Units if provided.

Specifies the numeric value of the resolution pertaining to the axis dimension.

The value must be numeric.



Field: resolution-units

InPort Label: Resolution Units
Optional, but should only be provided if Resolution and Resolution Units are also provided.

Specifies the unit of measure, of the resolution pertaining to the axis dimension.

If the Resolution Type is Length or Distance...

The value must be one of the following:

  • Centimeter
  • Meter
  • Kilometer
  • Inch
  • Foot
  • Yard
  • Mile
  • Nautical Mile

If the Resolution Type is Angle...

The value must be one of the following:

  • Turn
  • Quadrant
  • Radian
  • Binary Degree
  • Degree
  • Grad
  • Minute of Arc
  • Second of Arc

If the Resolution Type is Scale or Measure...

The value must be one of the following:

  • Turn
  • Quadrant
  • Radian
  • Binary Degree
  • Degree
  • Grad
  • Minute of Arc
  • Second of Arc
  • Centimeter
  • Meter
  • Kilometer
  • Inch
  • Foot
  • Yard
  • Mile
  • Nautical Mile



Field: description

InPort Label: Description
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies the description for the axis dimension.


    <description>Sample description.</description>

Subsection: vector-representations

InPort Label: Vector Representations

Each Vector Representation should appear within its own <vector-representation> node under the enclosing <vector-representations> node.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

Attribute: mode

Optional; only applies to item updates. The value can be "replace" or "add". If no mode is specified, "replace" mode is used by default.

Replace mode (default) signifies that all existing Vector Representations should be deleted and completely replaced by the Vector Representations specified in the InPort XML file.

Add mode signifies that all existing Vector Representations should be kept, and any Vector Representations specified in the InPort XML file should be added as new Vector Representations.


<vector-representations mode="replace">

Back to Table of Contents

Attribute: cc-id

Optional. Only applicable to item updates.

This attribute allows an already existing Vector Representation to be referred to by its CC ID, so that its fields can be updated. The attribute can be used in combination with "add" or "replace" mode. (See notes on the mode attribute for vector-representations).

Note: The cc-id attribute value is only a reference. CC IDs are assigned automatically when records are created, and cannot be modified through the InPort XML Loader.

In most cases, it is easier and simpler to use replace mode, even though the same record may end up being deleted and then re-added. Nevertheless, the cc-id option is provided for greater flexibility in a range of upload scenarios.

Finding the CC ID:
To learn the CC ID of an existing Vector Representation, view the Catalog Item to which it belongs in InPort. The CC ID is displayed on the far right side of the header for each Vector Representation.


    <vector-representation cc-id="12345">

The example snippet would remove all existing Vector Representations, except for the Vector Representation with CC ID 12345, which would be updated. In addition, two new Vector Representations would be added as specified.

Field: topology-level

InPort Label: Topology Level

Specifies the topology level for a Vector Representation.

The value must be one of the following:

  • Geometry Only
  • Topology 1D
  • Planar Graph
  • Full Planar Graph
  • Surface Graph
  • Full Surface Graph
  • Topology 3D
  • Full Topology 3D
  • Abstract


    <topology-level>Planar Graph</topology-level>

Subsection: complex-object

InPort Label: Complex Object

Specifies information pertaining to the use of Complex Objects for a Vector Representation.



Field: present

InPort Label: Present

Specifies whether or not Complex Objects are present in the Vector Representation.

The value must be "Yes" or "No".



Field: count

InPort Label: Count

Specifies the number of Complex Objects present in the Vector Representation.

The value must be a positive integer. If no Complex Objects are present, this node should NOT be included.



Subsection: composite-object

InPort Label: Composite Object

Specifies information pertaining to the use of Composite Objects for a Vector Representation.



Field: present

InPort Label: Present

Specifies whether or not Composite Objects are present in the Vector Representation.

The value must be "Yes" or "No".



Field: count

InPort Label: Count

Specifies the number of Composite Objects present in the Vector Representation.

The value must be a positive integer. If no Composite Objects are present, this node should NOT be included.



Subsection: curve-object

InPort Label: Curve Object

Specifies information pertaining to the use of Curve Objects for a Vector Representation.



Field: present

InPort Label: Present

Specifies whether or not Curve Objects are present in the Vector Representation.

The value must be "Yes" or "No".



Field: count

InPort Label: Count

Specifies the number of Curve Objects present in the Vector Representation.

The value must be a positive integer. If no Curve Objects are present, this node should NOT be included.



Subsection: point-object

InPort Label: Point Object

Specifies information pertaining to the use of Point Objects for a Vector Representation.



Field: present

InPort Label: Present

Specifies whether or not Point Objects are present in the Vector Representation.

The value must be "Yes" or "No".



Field: count

InPort Label: Count

Specifies the number of Point Objects present in the Vector Representation.

The value must be a positive integer. If no Point Objects are present, this node should NOT be included.



Subsection: solid-object

InPort Label: Solid Object

Specifies information pertaining to the use of Solid Objects for a Vector Representation.



Field: present

InPort Label: Present

Specifies whether or not Solid Objects are present in the Vector Representation.

The value must be "Yes" or "No".



Field: count

InPort Label: Count

Specifies the number of Solid Objects present in the Vector Representation.

The value must be a positive integer. If no Solid Objects are present, this node should NOT be included.



Subsection: surface-object

InPort Label: Surface Object

Specifies information pertaining to the use of Surface Objects for a Vector Representation.



Field: present

InPort Label: Present

Specifies whether or not Surface Objects are present in the Vector Representation.

The value must be "Yes" or "No".



Field: count

InPort Label: Count

Specifies the number of Surface Objects present in the Vector Representation.

The value must be a positive integer. If no Surface Objects are present, this node should NOT be included.



Subsection: reference-systems

InPort Label: Reference Systems

Each Reference System should appear within its own <reference-system> node under the enclosing <reference-systems> node.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

Attribute: mode

Optional; only applies to item updates. The value can be "replace" or "add". If no mode is specified, "replace" mode is used by default.

Replace mode (default) signifies that all existing Reference Systems should be deleted and completely replaced by the Reference Systems specified in the InPort XML file.

Add mode signifies that all existing Reference Systems should be kept, and any Reference Systems specified in the InPort XML file should be added as new Reference Systems.


<reference-systems mode="replace">

Back to Table of Contents

Attribute: cc-id

This attribute is NOT allowed for Reference Systems.

Subsection: coordinate-reference-system

InPort Label: Coordinate Reference System



Back to Table of Contents

Field: epsg-code

InPort Label: EPSG Code

Specifies the EPSG Code for a Reference System.

The EPSG Code must already exist for a Coordinate Reference System in InPort. Please consult the list of Coordinate Reference Systems in InPort to view the currently available Coordinate Reference Systems and their EPSG Code.

Enter only the numerical portion of the EPSG Code. The value should be a positive integer.



Subsection: horizontal-resolution

InPort Label: Horizontal Resolution


        <horizontal-encoding-method>Latitude and Longitude</horizontal-encoding-method>

Back to Table of Contents

Field: horizontal-encoding-method

InPort Label: Horizontal Encoding Method
Required if horizontal-resolution is provided.

Specifies the Horizontal Encoding Method of the Reference System.

The value must be one of the following:

  • Latitude and Longitude
  • Coordinate Pair
  • Row and Column
  • Distance and Bearing


        <horizontal-encoding-method>Latitude and Longitude</horizontal-encoding-method>

Field: latitude-resolution

InPort Label: Latitude Resolution
Required if horizontal-encoding-method is "Latitude and Longitude."

Specifies the Latitude Resolution of the Reference System.


        <horizontal-encoding-method>Latitude and Longitude</horizontal-encoding-method>

Field: longitude-resolution

InPort Label: Longitude Resolution
Required if horizontal-encoding-method is "Latitude and Longitude."

Specifies the Longitude Resolution of the Reference System.


        <horizontal-encoding-method>Latitude and Longitude</horizontal-encoding-method>

Field: coordinate-x-resolution

InPort Label: Coordinate X Resolution
Required if horizontal-encoding-method is "Coordinate Pair."

Specifies the resolution of the X Coordinate of the Reference System.


        <horizontal-encoding-method>Coordinate Pair</horizontal-encoding-method>

Field: coordinate-y-resolution

InPort Label: Coordinate Y Resolution
Required if horizontal-encoding-method is "Coordinate Pair."

Specifies the resolution of the Y Coordinate of the Reference System.


        <horizontal-encoding-method>Coordinate Pair</horizontal-encoding-method>

Field: row-resolution

InPort Label: Row Resolution
Required if horizontal-encoding-method is "Row and Column."

Specifies the Row Resolution of the Reference System.


        <horizontal-encoding-method>Row and Column</horizontal-encoding-method>

Field: column-resolution

InPort Label: Column Resolution
Required if horizontal-encoding-method is "Row and Column."

Specifies the Column Resolution of the Reference System.


        <horizontal-encoding-method>Row and Column</horizontal-encoding-method>

Field: horizontal-units

InPort Label: Horizontal Units
Required if horizontal-encoding-method is "Latitude and Longitude", "Coordinate Pair", or "Row and Column."
Max Length: 20 characters.

Specifies the horizontal unit of measure.


        <horizontal-encoding-method>Latitude and Longitude</horizontal-encoding-method>

Field: distance-resolution

InPort Label: Distance Resolution
Required if horizontal-encoding-method is "Distance and Bearing."

Specifies the Distance Resolution of the Reference System.


        <horizontal-encoding-method>Distance and Bearing</horizontal-encoding-method>

Field: distance-units

InPort Label: Distance Units
Required if horizontal-encoding-method is "Distance and Bearing".
Max Length: 20 characters.

Specifies the distance unit of measure.


        <horizontal-encoding-method>Distance and Bearing</horizontal-encoding-method>

Field: bearing-resolution

InPort Label: Bearing Resolution
Required if horizontal-encoding-method is "Distance and Bearing."

Specifies the Bearing Resolution of the Reference System.


        <horizontal-encoding-method>Distance and Bearing</horizontal-encoding-method>

Field: bearing-units

InPort Label: Bearing Units
Required if horizontal-encoding-method is "Distance and Bearing".
Max Length: 20 characters.

Specifies the Bearing Unit of measure for the Reference System.


        <horizontal-encoding-method>Distance and Bearing</horizontal-encoding-method>

Field: reference-direction

InPort Label: Reference Direction
Required if horizontal-encoding-method is "Distance and Bearing."

Specifies the direction from which the Bearing is measured.

The value must be "North" or "South".


        <horizontal-encoding-method>Distance and Bearing</horizontal-encoding-method>

Field: reference-meridian

InPort Label: Reference Meridian
Required if horizontal-encoding-method is "Distance and Bearing."

Specifies the axis from which the Bearing is measured.

The value must be one of the following:

  • Assumed
  • Grid
  • Magnetic
  • Actronomic
  • Geodetic


        <horizontal-encoding-method>Distance and Bearing</horizontal-encoding-method>

Subsection: vertical-resolution

InPort Label: Vertical Resolution


        <vertical-encoding-method>Explicit Coordinate</vertical-encoding-method>

Back to Table of Contents

Field: vertical-encoding-method

InPort Label: Vertical Encoding Method
Required if vertical-resolution is provided.

Specifies the Vertical Encoding Method of the Reference System.

The value must be one of the following:

  • Explicit Coordinate
  • Implicit Coordinate
  • Attribute Values


        <vertical-encoding-method>Explicit Coordinate</vertical-encoding-method>

Field: vertical-resolution

InPort Label: Vertical Resolution
Required if vertical-encoding-method is specified.

Specifies the Vertical Resolution of the Reference System.


        <vertical-encoding-method>Explicit Coordinate</vertical-encoding-method>

Field: vertical-units

InPort Label: Vertical Units
Required if vertical-encoding-method is specified.
Max Length: 20 characters.

Specifies the Vertical Unit of measure for the Reference System.


        <vertical-encoding-method>Explicit Coordinate</vertical-encoding-method>

Section: access-information

InPort Label: Access Information


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

Back to Table of Contents

Field: data-license-type

InPort Label: Data License Type

Specifies the type of data license.

This section is only applicable to Data Sets. It will be ignored if it is included for a different Catalog Item type.

The value must be "Standard" or "Custom".

Use "Standard" if the standard NOAA Data License is being used. Note that in this situation, data-license, data-license-url, and data-license-statement should not be provided.

Use "Custom" to specify a different data license.



Field: data-license

InPort Label: Data License
Max Length: 100 characters.

Specifies the data license.

This section is only applicable to Data Sets. It will be ignored if it is included for a different Catalog Item type.


    <data-license-statement>Sample Data License statement</data-license-statement>

Field: data-license-url

InPort Label: Data License URL
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies the URL for the data license.

This section is only applicable to Data Sets. It will be ignored if it is included for a different Catalog Item type.

The value must be a valid URL and must begin with http://, https://, or ftp://.


    <data-license-statement>Sample Data License statement</data-license-statement>

Field: data-license-statement

InPort Label: Data License Statement
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies a statement for the data license.

This section is only applicable to Data Sets. It will be ignored if it is included for a different Catalog Item type.


    <data-license-statement>Sample Data License statement</data-license-statement>

Field: security-class

InPort Label: Security Class

Specifies the security classification of the item.

Important: If this field is not present for this section, no other fields in the section will be processed.

The value must be one of the following:

  • Top Secret
  • Secret
  • Confidential
  • Restricted
  • Sensitive
  • Unclassified



Field: security-classification-system

InPort Label: Security Classification System
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies the security classification system used in reference to the security classification for the item.


    <security-classification-system>Sample security classification</security-classification-system>

Field: security-handling-description

InPort Label: Security Handling Description
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies the security handling description for the item.


    <security-handling-description>Sample security handling description.</security-handling-description>

Field: data-access-policy

InPort Label: Data Access Policy
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies the data access policy for the item.


    <data-access-policy>Sample data access policy.</data-access-policy>

Field: data-access-procedure

InPort Label: Data Access Procedure
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies the data access procedure for the item.


    <data-access-procedure>Sample data access procedure.</data-access-procedure>

Field: data-access-constraints

InPort Label: Data Access Constraints
Max Length: 32767 characters.

Specifies the data access constraints for the item.


    <data-access-constraints>Sample data access constraints.</data-access-constraints>

Field: data-use-constraints

InPort Label: Data Use Constraints
Max Length: 32767 characters.

Specifies the data use constraints for the item.


    <data-use-constraints>Sample data use constraints.</data-use-constraints>

Field: metadata-access-constraints

InPort Label: Metadata Access Constraints
Max Length: 32767 characters.

Specifies the metadata access constraints for the item.


    <metadata-access-constraints>Sample metadata access constraints.</metadata-access-constraints>

Field: metadata-use-constraints

InPort Label: Metadata Use Constraints
Max Length: 32767 characters.

Specifies the metadata use constraints for the item.


    <metadata-use-constraints>Sample metadata use constraints.</metadata-use-constraints>

Section: distribution-information

InPort Label: Distribution Information

Each Distribution should appear within its own <distribution> node under the enclosing <distribution-information> node.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

Attribute: mode

Optional; only applies to item updates. The value can be "replace" or "add". If no mode is specified, "replace" mode is used by default.

Replace mode (default) signifies that all existing Distributions should be deleted and completely replaced by the Distributions specified in the InPort XML file.

Add mode signifies that all existing Distributions should be kept, and any Distributions specified in the InPort XML file should be added as new Distributions.


<distribution-information mode="replace">

Back to Table of Contents

Attribute: cc-id

Optional. Only applicable to item updates.

This attribute allows an already existing Distribution to be referred to by its CC ID, so that its fields can be updated. The attribute can be used in combination with "add" or "replace" mode. (See notes on the mode attribute for distribution-information).

Note: The cc-id attribute value is only a reference. CC IDs are assigned automatically when records are created, and cannot be modified through the InPort XML Loader.

In most cases, it is easier and simpler to use replace mode, even though the same record may end up being deleted and then re-added. Nevertheless, the cc-id option is provided for greater flexibility in a range of upload scenarios.

Finding the CC ID:
To learn the CC ID of an existing Distribution, view the Catalog Item to which it belongs in InPort. The CC ID is displayed on the far right side of the header for each Distribution.


    <distribution cc-id="12345">

The example snippet would remove all existing Distributions, except for the Distribution with CC ID 12345, which would be updated. In addition, two new Distributions would be added as specified.

Field: start-date

InPort Label: Start Date
Optional, but required if end-date is provided.

Specifies the start date of the Distribution.

The value must be a date specified in ISO 8601 extended format (YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM, YYYY). The date should use the appropriate granularity (Year, Month or Day). For example, if the date is significant only up to the month, use the YYYY-MM format.



Field: end-date

InPort Label: End Date

Specifies the end date of the Distribution.

Note that the absence of an End Date, when Start Date exists, effectively indicates a Distribution which is effective up to the present.

The value must be a date specified in ISO 8601 extended format (YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM, YYYY). The date should use the appropriate granularity (Year, Month or Day). For example, if the date is significant only up to the month, use the YYYY-MM format.

Note: The end-date value must be later than the start-date value.



Field: download-url

InPort Label: Download URL
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies a download URL for the Distribution.

The value must be a valid URL and must begin with http://, https://, or ftp://.



Field: distributor

InPort Label: Distributor

Specifies the Distributor for the corresponding Distribution.

The distributor supplied is only a reference to a Distributor for the Catalog Item. Distributors should be created as Support Roles, with a type of Distributor; they are not created within the Distribution Information section. To associate a Distributor to a Distribution, the Distributor must already exist in InPort, or be added in the same InPort XML file.

The Distributor is referenced by providing:

  • from-date: The Distributor From Date (if any)
  • to-date: The Distributor To Date (if any)
  • contact-type: The Contact Type of the Distributor
  • contact-email: The Distributor's Email Address (must exist as a Contact in InPort)
  • contact-name: The Distributor's Name (use only if email address is unavailable)

The values for these fields must match EXACTLY to the values for the Distributor being referred to; otherwise they will not be considered a valid reference, and an association will not be created. In addition, each field should only provided if the Distributor being referenced has a value for them; otherwise the field should be omitted.

Note: The Contact Instructions field does not need to match, and should never be included in the Distributor reference.


        <contact-name>Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center</contact-name>
            <contact-name>Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center</contact-name>

Removing a Reference to a Distributor

When updating an existing record, a reference from a Distribution to a Distributor can be deleted by providing an empty distributor node:



Note that the example above will delete the association of the distribution to the distributor, but it will NOT delete the distributor. Removal of distributors should be handled within the Support Roles section.

Field: file-name

InPort Label: File Name
Max Length: 100 characters.

Specifies the file name of the Distribution.



Field: description

InPort Label: Description
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies a description of the Distribution.


    <description>Sample description.</description>

Field: file-date-time

InPort Label: File Date/Time

Specifies the file date/timestamp of the Distribution.

The value must be a date or date/time specified in ISO 8601 extended format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss). The date/time should use the appropriate granularity (Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute or Second). For example, if the date is significant only up to the minute, use the YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm format.

All date/times are interpreted as UTC.



Field: file-type

InPort Label: File Type
Max Length: 200 characters.

Specifies the file type of the Distribution.

Note: This field is deprecated.

Use <distribution-format> instead.


    <file-type>Microsoft Excel</file-type>

Field: distribution-format

InPort Label: Distribution Format

Specifies the format of the Distribution.

The value must be one of the following:

  • Not Applicable
  • ACCDB - Microsoft Access Database
  • ALL - Kongsberg ALL Format
  • AVI - Audio Video Interleave
  • BSB - BSB Nautical Chart Format
  • CSV - Comma Separated Values (Text)
  • Darwin Core Archive
  • DOC - Microsoft Word
  • E00 - ESRI ArcInfo Interchange
  • EPS - Encapsulated PostScript
  • ERDDAP Data Service
  • ESRI File Geodatabase
  • ESRI Personal Geodatabase
  • ESRI REST Service
  • FLT - ESRI GridFloat
  • GeoTIFF
  • GSF - Generic Sensor Format
  • IMG - ERDAS Imagine
  • JPEG
  • KML/KMZ - Keyhole Markup Language
  • LAS/LAZ - LASer
  • MDB - Microsoft Access Database
  • MP4
  • NC - NetCDF
  • OData - Open Data Protocol
  • ORDS - Oracle REST Data Services
  • PDF - Adobe Portable Document Format
  • PIX - PCI Geomatics PCIDSK Format
  • PNG - Portable Network Graphics Format
  • PPT - Microsoft PowerPoint Format
  • RAW - Kongsberg Simrad RAW Format
  • RINEX - Receiver INdependent EXchange Format
  • Shapefile
  • SID-MrSID/Multiresolution Seamless Image DB
  • Text (Structured)
  • Text (Tab Delimited)
  • Text (Unstructured)
  • TIFF
  • TMS - Tile Map Service
  • Web Service (Other)
  • WMS - Web Map Service
  • XLS - Microsoft Excel
  • XML (Structured Text)
  • XYZ - ASCII Gridded Data



Field: file-size

InPort Label: File Size
Max Length: 30 characters.

Specifies the file size of the Distribution.



Field: application-version

InPort Label: Application Version
Max Length: 100 characters.

Specifies the application version of the Distribution.


    <application-version>Microsoft Excel 1.0</application-version>

Field: compression

InPort Label: Compression

Specifies the compression of the Distribution.

The value must be one of the following:

  • Uncompressed
  • GTAR
  • GZ / GZIP
  • LAZ
  • RAR
  • TAR
  • Unknown
  • Z
  • Zip



Field: review-status

InPort Label: Review Status

Specifies the review status of the Distribution.

The value must be one of the following:

  • Not Chked
  • Chked MD
  • Chked Viruses
  • Chked Inapp Content
  • Chked Viruses Inapp Content


    <review-status>Chked Viruses Inapp Content</review-status>

Section: archive-information

InPort Label: Archive Information

Each Archive should appear within its own <archive> node under the enclosing <archive-information> node.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

Attribute: mode

Optional; only applies to item updates. The value can be "replace" or "add". If no mode is specified, "replace" mode is used by default.

Replace mode (default) signifies that all existing Archives should be deleted and completely replaced by the Archives specified in the InPort XML file.

Add mode signifies that all existing Archives should be kept, and any Archives specified in the InPort XML file should be added as new Archives.


<archive-information mode="replace">

Back to Table of Contents

Attribute: cc-id

This attribute is NOT allowed for Archives.

Field: location-name

InPort Label: Location Name
Either location-name, location-email or location-noaa-acronym is required for each archive.

Specifies the organization where the archive is located.

Only Contacts of type Organization are allowed.

It is recommended to ensure that Contacts referenced in InPort XML files already exist in InPort before loading. Please consult the list of Contacts in InPort to view the currently available Contacts names and their email addresses.

However, for Contacts with NOAA email addresses (ending in ""), the loader will attempt to add the Contact to InPort if it does not already exist for that Contact Type. In this situation, the Contact name <*-name> must also be provided.

Contacts with non-NOAA email address cannot be automatically inserted into InPort via the InPort XML Loader.

Note that the Contact's email address is only used for matching purposes — it is not possible to update a Contact's email address (or any other contact information) via the InPort XML Loader. Contact information can only be edited by Librarians within InPort.

Contacts can be matched by email address (<*-email>) or by name (<*-name>). However, due to the inherent ambiguity of names and potential for duplicates, it is preferable to identify Contacts by email address, rather than by name, whenever possible.


    <location-name>National Centers for Environmental Information</location-name>

Field: location-email

InPort Label: Location Email
location-name, location-email or location-noaa-acronym is required for each archive.

Specifies the email address of the organization where the archive is located.

Only Contacts of type Organization are allowed.

It is recommended to ensure that Contacts referenced in InPort XML files already exist in InPort before loading. Please consult the list of Contacts in InPort to view the currently available Contacts names and their email addresses.

However, for Contacts with NOAA email addresses (ending in ""), the loader will attempt to add the Contact to InPort if it does not already exist for that Contact Type. In this situation, the Contact name <*-name> must also be provided.

Contacts with non-NOAA email address cannot be automatically inserted into InPort via the InPort XML Loader.

Note that the Contact's email address is only used for matching purposes — it is not possible to update a Contact's email address (or any other contact information) via the InPort XML Loader. Contact information can only be edited by Librarians within InPort.

Contacts can be matched by email address (<*-email>) or by name (<*-name>). However, due to the inherent ambiguity of names and potential for duplicates, it is preferable to identify Contacts by email address, rather than by name, whenever possible.



Field: location-noaa-acronym

InPort Label: Location NOAA Acronym
Only applies to NOAA organizations.

Specifies the NOAA Acronym of the organization where the archive is located.

Only Contacts of type Organization are allowed.



Field: file-identifier

InPort Label: File Identifier
Max Length: 50 characters.

Specifies the file identifier for the archive.


    <location-name>National Centers for Environmental Information</location-name>

Field: file-name

InPort Label: File Name
Max Length: 50 characters.

Specifies the human-readable name of the archive.


    <location-name>National Centers for Environmental Information</location-name>

Field: url

InPort Label: URL
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies the URL for the archive.

The value must be a valid URL and must begin with http://, https://, or ftp://.


    <location-name>National Centers for Environmental Information</location-name>

Field: description

InPort Label: Description
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies a description of the archive.


    <location-name>National Centers for Environmental Information</location-name>
    <description>Sample description.</description>

Field: doi

InPort Label: DOI
Max Length: 250 characters.

Specifies the DOI for the Catalog Item.


    <location-name>National Centers for Environmental Information</location-name>

Field: archive-date

InPort Label: Archive Date

Specifies the date the accession number was granted.

The value must be a date consisting of year, month, and day, specified in ISO 8601 extended format (YYYY-MM-DD).


    <location-name>National Centers for Environmental Information</location-name>

Field: archive-update-frequency

InPort Label: Archive Update Frequency

Specifies the update frequency of the archive.


    <location-name>National Centers for Environmental Information</location-name>

Section: urls

InPort Label: URLs

This section is not allowed for Entities. It will be ignored if it is included for a disallowed item type.

Each URL should appear within its own <url> node under the enclosing <urls> node.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

Attribute: mode

Optional; only applies to item updates. The value can be "replace" or "add". If no mode is specified, "replace" mode is used by default.

Replace mode (default) signifies that all existing URLs should be deleted and completely replaced by the URLs specified in the InPort XML file.

Add mode signifies that all existing URLs should be kept, and any URLs specified in the InPort XML file should be added as new URLs.


<urls mode="replace">

Back to Table of Contents

Attribute: cc-id

Optional. Only applicable to item updates.

This attribute allows an already existing URL to be referred to by its CC ID, so that its fields can be updated. The attribute can be used in combination with "add" or "replace" mode. (See notes on the mode attribute for urls).

Note: The cc-id attribute value is only a reference. CC IDs are assigned automatically when records are created, and cannot be modified through the InPort XML Loader.

In most cases, it is easier and simpler to use replace mode, even though the same record may end up being deleted and then re-added. Nevertheless, the cc-id option is provided for greater flexibility in a range of upload scenarios.

Finding the CC ID:
To learn the CC ID of an existing URL, view the Catalog Item to which it belongs in InPort. The CC ID is displayed on the far right side of the header for each URL.


    <url cc-id="12345">

The example snippet would remove all existing URLs, except for the URL with CC ID 12345, which would be updated. In addition, two new URLs would be added as specified.

Field: url

InPort Label: URL
Required for each URL specified.
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies an URL associated with the Catalog Item.

The value must be a valid URL and must begin with http://, https://, or ftp://.



Field: name

InPort Label: Name
Max Length: 250 characters.

Specifies the name for the URL.



Field: url-type

InPort Label: URL Type

Specifies the URL type.

The value must be one of the following:

  • Online Resource
  • Browse Graphic
  • Other



Field: file-resource-format

InPort Label: File Resource Format
Max Length: 30 characters.

Specifies the file resource format for the URL.



Field: description

InPort Label: Description
Max Length: 1000 characters.

Specifies a description for the URL.


        <description>InPort metadata repository for NOAA data assets.<description>

Section: activity-logs

InPort Label: activity-log

Each Activity Log should appear within its own <activity-log> node under the enclosing <activity-logs> node.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

Attribute: mode

Optional; only applies to item updates. The value can be "replace" or "add". If no mode is specified, "replace" mode is used by default.

Replace mode (default) signifies that all existing Activity Logs should be deleted and completely replaced by the Activity Logs specified in the InPort XML file.

Add mode signifies that all existing Activity Logs should be kept, and any Activity Logs specified in the InPort XML file should be added as new Activity Logs.


<activity-logs mode="replace">

Back to Table of Contents

Attribute: cc-id

Optional. Only applicable to item updates.

This attribute allows an already existing Activity Log to be referred to by its CC ID, so that its fields can be updated. The attribute can be used in combination with "add" or "replace" mode. (See notes on the mode attribute for activity-logs).

Note: The cc-id attribute value is only a reference. CC IDs are assigned automatically when records are created, and cannot be modified through the InPort XML Loader.

In most cases, it is easier and simpler to use replace mode, even though the same record may end up being deleted and then re-added. Nevertheless, the cc-id option is provided for greater flexibility in a range of upload scenarios.

Finding the CC ID:
To learn the CC ID of an existing Activity Log, view the Catalog Item to which it belongs in InPort. The CC ID is displayed on the far right side of the header for each Activity Log.


    <activity-log cc-id="12345">

The example snippet would remove all existing Activity Logs, except for the Activity Log with CC ID 12345, which would be updated. In addition, two new Activity Logs would be added as specified.

Field: activity-date-time

InPort Label: Activity Date/Time

Specifies the date/time of the Activity.

The value must be a date or date/time specified in ISO 8601 extended format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fffZ). The date/time should use the appropriate granularity (Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, or Fractional Second). For example, if the date is significant only up to the minute, use the YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm format.

All date/times are interpreted as UTC.



Field: activity-type

InPort Label: Activity Type
Max Length: 50 characters.

Specifies the type of Activity.


    <activity-type>Sample activity type.</activity-type>

Field: responsible-party-email

InPort Label: Responsible Party

Specifies the email address for the responsible party associated with the activity.

The email address is used to identify the corresponding Person Contact in InPort; as such, the email address must be of an existing Contact of type Person in InPort. The value is used only for identification/matching purposes — it is not possible to update a person's email address (or any other contact information) via the InPort XML Loader. Contact information can only be edited by Librarians within InPort.



Field: description

InPort Label: Description
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies a description of the Activity.


    <description>Sample description.</description>

Section: issues

InPort Label: Issues

Each Issue should appear within its own <issue> node under the enclosing <issues> node.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

Attribute: mode

Optional; only applies to item updates. The value can be "replace" or "add". If no mode is specified, "replace" mode is used by default.

Replace mode (default) signifies that all existing Issues should be deleted and completely replaced by the Issues specified in the InPort XML file.

Add mode signifies that all existing Issues should be kept, and any Issues specified in the InPort XML file should be added as new Issues.


<issues mode="replace">

Back to Table of Contents

Attribute: cc-id

Optional. Only applicable to item updates.

This attribute allows an already existing Issue to be referred to by its CC ID, so that its fields can be updated. The attribute can be used in combination with "add" or "replace" mode. (See notes on the mode attribute for issues).

Note: The cc-id attribute value is only a reference. CC IDs are assigned automatically when records are created, and cannot be modified through the InPort XML Loader.

In most cases, it is easier and simpler to use replace mode, even though the same record may end up being deleted and then re-added. Nevertheless, the cc-id option is provided for greater flexibility in a range of upload scenarios.

Finding the CC ID:
To learn the CC ID of an existing Issue, view the Catalog Item to which it belongs in InPort. The CC ID is displayed on the far right side of the header for each Issue.


    <issue cc-id="12345">

The example snippet would remove all existing Issues, except for the Issue with CC ID 12345, which would be updated. In addition, two new Issues would be added as specified.

Field: issue-date

InPort Label: Issue Date

Specifies the date of the Issue.

The value must be a date or date/time specified in ISO 8601 extended format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss). The date/time should use the appropriate granularity (Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute or Second). For example, if the date is significant only up to the minute, use the YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm format.

All date/times are interpreted as UTC.


        <issue>Sample issue</issue>

Field: author-email

InPort Label: Author

Specifies the email address for the author of the Issue.

The email address is used to identify the corresponding Person Contact in InPort; as such, the email address must be of an existing Contact of type Person in InPort. The value is used only for identification/matching purposes — it is not possible to update a person's email address (or any other contact information) via the InPort XML Loader. Contact information can only be edited by Librarians within InPort.


        <issue>Sample issue</issue>

Field: issue

InPort Label: Issue
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies an Issue associated with the Catalog Item.


        <issue>Sample issue</issue>

Section: technical-environment

InPort Label: Technical Environment

This section is applicable to all item types EXCEPT Entities and Documents. It will be ignored if it is included for either of these types.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

Back to Table of Contents

Field: description

InPort Label: Description
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies a description of the Technical Environment for the item.


    <description>Sample technical environment description</description>

Section: data-quality

InPort Label: Data Quality

This section is not allowed for Entities. It will be ignored if it is included for a disallowed item type.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

Back to Table of Contents

Field: representativeness

InPort Label: Representativeness
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies the representativeness for the Catalog Item.


    <representativeness>Sample representativeness.</representativeness>

Field: accuracy

InPort Label: Accuracy
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies the accuracy for the Catalog Item.


    <accuracy>Sample accuracy.</accuracy>

Field: analytical-accuracy

InPort Label: Analytical Accuracy
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies the analytical accuracy for the Catalog Item.


    <analytical-accuracy>Sample analytical accuracy.</analytical-accuracy>

Field: horizontal-positional-accuracy

InPort Label: Horizontal Positional Accuracy
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies the horizontal positional accuracy for the Catalog Item.


    <horizontal-positional-accuracy>Sample horizontal positional accuracy.</horizontal-positional-accuracy>

Field: vertical-positional-accuracy

InPort Label: Vertical Positional Accuracy
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies the vertical positional accuracy for the Catalog Item.


    <vertical-positional-accuracy>Sample vertical positional accuracy.</vertical-positional-accuracy>

Field: quantitation-limits

InPort Label: Quantitation Limits
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies the quantitation limits for the Catalog Item.


    <quantitation-limits>Sample quantitation limits.</quantitation-limits>;

Field: bias

InPort Label: Bias
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies the bias for the Catalog Item.


    <bias>Sample bias.</bias>

Field: comparability

InPort Label: Comparability
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies the comparability for the Catalog Item.


    <comparability>Sample comparability.</comparability>

Field: completeness-measure

InPort Label: Completeness Measure
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies the completeness measure for the Catalog Item.


    <completeness-measure>Sample completeness measure.</completeness-measure>

Field: precision

InPort Label: Precision
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies the precision for the Catalog Item.


    <precision>Sample precision.</precision>

Field: analytical-precision

InPort Label: Analytical Precision
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies the analytical precision for the Catalog Item.


    <analytical-precision>Sample analytical precision.</analytical-precision>

Field: field-precision

InPort Label: Field Precision
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies the field precision for the Catalog Item.


    <field-precision>Sample field precision.</field-precision>

Field: sensitivity

InPort Label: Sensitivity
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies the sensitivity for the Catalog Item.


    <sensitivity>Sample sensitivity.</sensitivity>

Field: detection-limit

InPort Label: Detection Limit
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies the detection limit for the Catalog Item.


    <detection-limit>Sample detection limit.</detection-limit>

Field: completeness-report

InPort Label: Completeness Report
Max Length: 32767 characters.

Specifies the completeness report for the Catalog Item.


    <completeness-report>Sample completeness report.</completeness-report>

Field: conceptual-consistency

InPort Label: Conceptual Consistency
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies the conceptual consistency for the Catalog Item.


    <conceptual-consistency>Sample conceptual consistency.</conceptual-consistency>

Field: quality-control-procedures

InPort Label: Quality Control Procedures
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies the quality control procedures for the Catalog Item.


    <quality-control-procedures>Sample quality control procedures.</quality-control-procedures>

Section: acronyms

InPort Label: Acronyms

Section: acronyms

This section is only applicable to Projects. It will be ignored if it is included for a different Catalog Item type.

Each Acronym should appear within its own <acronym> node under the enclosing <acronyms> node.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

Attribute: mode

Optional; only applies to item updates. The value can be "replace" or "add". If no mode is specified, "replace" mode is used by default.

Replace mode (default) signifies that all existing Acronyms should be deleted and completely replaced by the Acronyms specified in the InPort XML file.

Add mode signifies that all existing Acronyms should be kept, and any Acronyms specified in the InPort XML file should be added as new Acronyms.


<acronyms mode="replace">

Back to Table of Contents

Attribute: cc-id

This attribute is NOT allowed for Acronyms.

Field: acronym

InPort Label: Acronym
Max Length: 30 characters.

Specifies the acronym.


        <meaning>Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center</meaning>

Field: meaning

InPort Label: Meaning
Max Length: 240 characters.

Specifies the acronym meaning.



        <meaning>Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center</meaning>

Section: glossary

InPort Label: Glossary

This section is only applicable to Projects. It will be ignored if it is included for a different Catalog Item type.

Each Glossary entry should appear within its own <glossary-entry> node under the enclosing <glossary> node.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

Attribute: mode

Optional; only applies to item updates. The value can be "replace" or "add". If no mode is specified, "replace" mode is used by default.

Replace mode (default) signifies that all existing Glossary entries should be deleted and completely replaced by the Glossary entries specified in the InPort XML file.

Add mode signifies that all existing Glossary entries should be kept, and any Glossary entries specified in the InPort XML file should be added as new Glossary entries.


<glossary mode="replace">

Back to Table of Contents

Attribute: cc-id

Optional. Only applicable to item updates.

This attribute allows an already existing Glossary entry to be referred to by its CC ID, so that its fields can be updated. The attribute can be used in combination with "add" or "replace" mode. (See notes on the mode attribute for glossary).

Note: The cc-id attribute value is only a reference. CC IDs are assigned automatically when records are created, and cannot be modified through the InPort XML Loader.

In most cases, it is easier and simpler to use replace mode, even though the same record may end up being deleted and then re-added. Nevertheless, the cc-id option is provided for greater flexibility in a range of upload scenarios.

Finding the CC ID:
To learn the CC ID of an existing Glossary entry, view the Catalog Item to which it belongs in InPort. The CC ID is displayed on the far right side of the header for each Glossary entry.


    <glossary-entry cc-id="12345">

The example snippet would remove all existing Glossary entries, except for the Glossary entry with CC ID 12345, which would be updated. In addition, two new Glossary entries would be added as specified.

Field: term

InPort Label: Term
Max Length: 50 characters.

Specifies the Glossary entry term.


        <term>Sample term</term>
        <definition>Sample definition</definition>

Field: authority

InPort Label: Authority
Max Length: 60 characters.

Specifies the authority for the Glossary entry.


        <term>Sample term</term>
        <authority>Sample authority</authority>
        <definition>Sample definition</definition>

Field: definition

InPort Label: Definition
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies the definition for the Glossary entry.


        <term>Sample term</term>
        <definition>Sample definition</definition>

Section: data-management

InPort Label: Data Management

This section is only applicable to Data Sets. It will be ignored if it is included for a different Catalog Item type.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

Back to Table of Contents

Field: resources-identified

InPort Label: Have Resources for Management of these Data Been Identified?

Specifies whether data management resources have been identified for the Data Set.

The value must be "Yes" or "No".



Field: resources-budget-percentage

InPort Label: Approximate Percentage of Budget for these Data Devoted to Data Management
Max Length: 1000 characters.

Specifies the approximate percentage of budget which been devoted to data management of the Data Set.

The value can be expressed as a percentage. Enter "Unknown" if the value is currently unknown.

Note: On item creation only, when any field under the Data Management section is populated, the value for this field will be set to "Unknown" by default if a value is not provided.



Field: data-access-directive-compliant

InPort Label: Do these Data Comply with the Data Access Directive?

Specifies whether or not this Data Set complies with the Data Access Directive.

The value must be "Yes" or "No".

Note: On item creation only, when any field under the Data Management section is populated, the value for this field will be set to "No" by default if a value is not provided.



Field: data-access-directive-waiver

InPort Label: Is Access to the Data Limited Based on an Approved Waiver?

Specifies whether or not data access is limited based on an approved waiver.

The value must be "Yes" or "No".

Note: If the question is not applicable to the Data Set, the value should be set to "No".



Field: hosting-service-needed

InPort Label: If Distributor (Data Hosting Service) is Needed, Indicate
Max Length: 1000 characters.

Specifies whether a distributor / data hosting service is needed for the Data Set.


    <hosting-service-needed>Not needed</hosting-service-needed>

Field: delay-collection-dissemination

InPort Label: Approximate Delay Between Data Collection and Dissemination
Max Length: 1000 characters.

Specifies the approximate delay between data collection and dissemination for the Data Set.


    <delay-collection-dissemination>10 days</delay-collection-dissemination>

Field: delay-collection-dissemination-explanation

InPort Label: If Delay is Longer than Latency of Automated Processing, Indicate Under What Authority Data Access is Delayed
Max Length: 32767 characters.

Provides an explanation for the delay between data collection and dissemination, if any.


    <delay-collection-dissemination-explanation>Sample explanation.</delay-collection-dissemination-explanation>

Field: archive-location

InPort Label: Actual or Planned Long-Term Data Archive Location

Specifies the data archive location for the Data Set.

The value must be one of the following:

  • World Data Center (WDC) Facility
  • Other
  • To Be Determined
  • Unable to Archive
  • No Archiving Intended



Field: archive-location-explanation-other

InPort Label: If World Data Center or Other, Specify
Max Length: 1000 characters.

Specifies the data archive location, if World Data Center or Other, for the Data Set.

Note: This field is only necessary if the value for archive-location is "World Data Center (WDC) Facility" or "Other".



Field: archive-location-explanation-none

InPort Label: If To Be Determined, Unable to Archive, or No Archiving Intended, Explain
Max Length: 32767 characters.

Provides an explanation when the data archive location has been specified as To Be Determined, Unable to Archive, or No Archiving Intended.


    <archive-location>To Be Determined</archive-location>
    <archive-location-explanation-none>Sample explanation.</archive-location-explanation-none>

Field: delay-collection-archive

InPort Label: Approximate Delay Between Data Collection and Archiving
Max Length: 1000 characters.

Specifies the approximate delay between data collection and archiving.


    <delay-collection-archive>21 days</delay-collection-archive>

Field: data-protection-plan

InPort Label: How Will the Data be Protected from Accidental or Malicious Modification or Deletion Prior to Receipt by the Archive?
Max Length: 32767 characters.

Specifies the data protection plan for the Data Set.


    <data-protection-plan>Sample data protection plan.</data-protection-plan>

Section: lineage

InPort Label: Lineage

This section is only applicable to Data Sets. It will be ignored if it is included for a different Catalog Item type.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

Back to Table of Contents

Field: lineage-statement

InPort Label: Lineage Statement
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies the lineage statement for the Data Set.


    <lineage-statement>Sample lineage statement.</lineage-statement>

Subsection: lineage-sources

InPort Label: Lineage Sources

Each Lineage Source should appear within its own <lineage-source> node under the enclosing <lineage-sources> node.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

Attribute: mode

Optional; only applies to item updates. Only "replace" mode is supported for Lineage Sources. If no mode is specified, "replace" mode is used by default.

Replace mode (default) signifies that all existing Lineage Sources should be deleted and completely replaced by the Lineage Sources specified in the InPort XML file.


<lineage-sources mode="replace">

Back to Table of Contents

Field: citation-title

InPort Label: Citation Title
Required for each lineage source.
Max Length: 1000 characters.

Specifies the title of the citation for the Lineage Source.


        <citation-title>Sample Citation Title</citation-title>

Field: contact-role-type

InPort Label: Contact Role Type
Required if contact-name is specified.

Specifies the role that the contact has for this Source.

The value must be "Originator" or "Publisher".


        <citation-title>Sample Citation Title</citation-title>
        <contact-name>Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center</contact-name>

Field: contact-type

InPort Label: Contact Type
Required if contact-name is specified.

Specifies the type of the contact.

The value must be one of the following:

  • Person
  • Organization
  • Position


        <citation-title>Sample Citation Title</citation-title>
        <contact-name>Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center</contact-name>

Field: contact-name

InPort Label: Contact Name
Max Length: 500 characters.

Specifies the name of the contact.

Unlike other contact-name fields in other sections, a Lineage Source contact name is not as reference to an existing InPort Contact. Lineage Source contact name is an standalone free-text field that can be the name of any organization, person, or position which occupies the role specified by contact-role-type; i.e. it does not matter whether it exists in InPort as a Contact or not.


        <citation-title>Sample Citation Title</citation-title>
        <contact-name>Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center</contact-name>

Field: publish-date

InPort Label: Publish Date

Specifies the publish date of the Lineage Source.

The value must be a date consisting of year, month, and day, specified in ISO 8601 extended format (YYYY-MM-DD).


        <citation-title>Sample Citation Title</citation-title>

Field: extent-type

InPort Label: Extent Type

Specifies the type of the extent for a Lineage Source.

The value must be one of the following:

  • Continuing
  • Discrete
  • Range


        <citation-title>Sample Citation Title</citation-title>

Field: extent-start-date-time

InPort Label: Extent Start Date/Time

Specifies the start date/time of the extent for a Lineage Source.

The value must be a date or date/time specified in ISO 8601 extended format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss). The date/time should use the appropriate granularity (Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute or Second). For example, if the date is significant only up to the minute, use the YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm format.

All date/times are interpreted as UTC.


        <citation-title>Sample Citation Title</citation-title>

Field: extent-end-date-time

InPort Label: Extent End Date/Time

Specifies the end date/time of the extent for a Lineage Source.

The end date/time must not be before the start date/time.

The value must be a date or date/time specified in ISO 8601 extended format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss). The date/time should use the appropriate granularity (Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute or Second). For example, if the date is significant only up to the minute, use the YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm format.

All date/times are interpreted as UTC.


        <citation-title>Sample Citation Title</citation-title>

Field: scale-denominator

InPort Label: Scale Denominator

Specifies the scale denominator for a Lineage Source.

The value must be a positive integer.


        <citation-title>Sample Citation Title</citation-title>

Field: citation-url

InPort Label: Citation URL
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies an URL to the Lineage Source citation.

The value must be a valid URL and must begin with http://, or https://.


        <citation-title>Sample Citation Title</citation-title>

Field: citation-url-name

InPort Label: Citation URL Name
Max Length: 250 characters.

Specifies the name of the URL to the Lineage Source citation.


        <citation-title>Sample Citation Title</citation-title>
        <citation-url-name>The Lineage Source Citation</citation-url-name>

Field: citation-url-description

InPort Label: Citation URL Description
Max Length: 1000 characters.

Specifies the description of the URL to the Lineage Source citation.


        <citation-title>Sample Citation Title</citation-title>
        <citation-url-description>The description of the Lineage Source Citation.</citation-url-description>

Field: source-contribution

InPort Label: Source Contribution
Max Length: 2000 characters.

Specifies the source contribution for the Lineage Source.


        <citation-title>Sample Citation Title</citation-title>
        <source-contribution>Sample Source Contribution</source-contribution>

Field: originator-publisher-type

InPort Label: Originator/Publisher Type

Specifies the type of Originator/Publisher for the Lineage Source.

Note: This field is deprecated.

The value must be one of the following:

  • InPort Person
  • InPort Organization
  • Non-InPort Person/Organization


        <citation-title>Sample Citation Title</citation-title>
        <originator-publisher-type>InPort Organization</originator-publisher-type>

Field: originator-publisher

InPort Label: Originator/Publisher
Max Length: 500 characters.

Specifies the Originator/Publisher for the Lineage Source.

Note: This field is deprecated.

The value should correspond to the Originator/Publisher Type specified in originator-publisher-type.

  • If the type is an InPort Person, enter the email address of person in InPort. (Do not enter the person's name).
  • If the type is an InPort Organization, enter the organization's name or acronym, exactly as it appears in InPort.
  • If the type is a Non-InPort Person/Organization, enter the person or organization name.


        <citation-title>Sample Citation Title</citation-title>
        <originator-publisher-type>InPort Person</originator-publisher-type>


        <citation-title>Sample Citation Title</citation-title>
        <originator-publisher-type>InPort Organization</originator-publisher-type>


        <citation-title>Sample Citation Title</citation-title>
        <originator-publisher-type>Non-InPort Person/Organization</originator-publisher-type>
        <originator-publisher>George Washington</originator-publisher>

Subsection: lineage-process-steps

InPort Label: Lineage Process Steps

Each Lineage Process Step should appear within its own <lineage-process-step> node under the enclosing <lineage-process-steps> node.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

Attribute: mode

Optional; only applies to item updates. Only "replace" mode is supported for Lineage Process Steps. If no mode is specified, "replace" mode is used by default.

Replace mode (default) signifies that all existing Lineage Process Steps should be deleted and completely replaced by the Lineage Process Steps specified in the InPort XML file.


<lineage-process-steps mode="replace">

Back to Table of Contents

Field: sequence-number

InPort Label: Sequence Number

Specifies the sequence number for the lineage process step.

The value must be a positive integer.


        <description>Sample Description</description>

Field: description

InPort Label: Description

Specifies the description for the Lineage Process Step.


        <description>Sample Description</description>

Field: process-date-time

InPort Label: Process Date/Time

Specifies the process date/time for the Lineage Process Step.

The value must be a date/time specified in ISO 8601 extended format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss).

All date/times are interpreted as UTC.


        <description>Sample Description</description>

Subsection: process-contact

InPort Label: Process Contact

Back to Table of Contents

Field: contact-type

InPort Label: Contact Type

Specifies the type of Contact for the Process Contact.

The value must be one of the following:

  • Person
  • Organization
  • Position


        <description>Sample Description</description>

Field: contact-email

InPort Label: Contact Email
Either contact-email or contact-name is required when specifying a Process Contact.

Specifies the email address of the Process Contact.

It is recommended to ensure that Contacts referenced in InPort XML files already exist in InPort before loading. Please consult the list of Contacts in InPort to view the currently available Contacts names and their email addresses.

However, for Contacts with NOAA email addresses (ending in ""), the loader will attempt to add the Contact to InPort if it does not already exist for that Contact Type. In this situation, the Contact name <*-name> must also be provided.

Contacts with non-NOAA email address cannot be automatically inserted into InPort via the InPort XML Loader.

Note that the Contact's email address is only used for matching purposes — it is not possible to update a Contact's email address (or any other contact information) via the InPort XML Loader. Contact information can only be edited by Librarians within InPort.

Contacts can be matched by email address (<*-email>) or by name (<*-name>). However, due to the inherent ambiguity of names and potential for duplicates, it is preferable to identify Contacts by email address, rather than by name, whenever possible.


        <description>Sample Description</description>

Field: contact-name

InPort Label: Contact Name
Either contact-email or contact-name is required when specifying a Process Contact.

Specifies the name of the Process Contact.

It is recommended to ensure that Contacts referenced in InPort XML files already exist in InPort before loading. Please consult the list of Contacts in InPort to view the currently available Contacts names and their email addresses.

However, for Contacts with NOAA email addresses (ending in ""), the loader will attempt to add the Contact to InPort if it does not already exist for that Contact Type. In this situation, the Contact name <*-name> must also be provided.

Contacts with non-NOAA email address cannot be automatically inserted into InPort via the InPort XML Loader.

Note that the Contact's email address is only used for matching purposes — it is not possible to update a Contact's email address (or any other contact information) via the InPort XML Loader. Contact information can only be edited by Librarians within InPort.

Contacts can be matched by email address (<*-email>) or by name (<*-name>). However, due to the inherent ambiguity of names and potential for duplicates, it is preferable to identify Contacts by email address, rather than by name, whenever possible.

Contact names are matched in slightly different ways depending on the type of Contact. For persons, the name should match the person name of the Contact record exactly as it appears in InPort, in the format [Last Name], [First Name] (e.g. "Doe, Jane"). If the person's middle name/initials are specified in InPort, the value for <contact-name> should reflect this in the format [Last Name], [First Name] [Middle Name/Initials] (e.g. "Doe, Jane H"), as it appears in InPort.

For organizations, the name must match the organization name of the Contact record exactly as it appears in InPort. Alternatively, if the Contact record is of a NOAA organization, and the NOAA Acronym field of the Contact record in InPort is populated, that acronym can also be used as a match for <noaa-acronym> (e.g. "PIFSC"), in lieu of providing the contact-name.

For positions the name must match the position name of the Contact record exactly as it appears in InPort.


        <description>Sample Description</description>
          <contact-name>Doe, John</contact-name>

Field: noaa-acronym

InPort Label: NOAA Acronym
Only applies to NOAA organizations.

Specifies the NOAA Acronym of the organization.

Contact names are matched in slightly different ways depending on the type of Contact. For persons, the name should match the person name of the Contact record exactly as it appears in InPort, in the format [Last Name], [First Name] (e.g. "Doe, Jane"). If the person's middle name/initials are specified in InPort, the value for <contact-name> should reflect this in the format [Last Name], [First Name] [Middle Name/Initials] (e.g. "Doe, Jane H"), as it appears in InPort.

For organizations, the name must match the organization name of the Contact record exactly as it appears in InPort. Alternatively, if the Contact record is of a NOAA organization, and the NOAA Acronym field of the Contact record in InPort is populated, that acronym can also be used as a match for <noaa-acronym> (e.g. "PIFSC"), in lieu of providing the contact-name.

For positions the name must match the position name of the Contact record exactly as it appears in InPort.


        <description>Sample Description</description>

Field: contact-address

InPort Label: Address
Max Length: 100 characters.

Specifies the mailing address of the contact.

This field is only processed for new NOAA contacts. When a NOAA contact (identified by a NOAA email address) is found in an InPort XML file, and does not already exist in InPort, that contact and all related contact information fields are automatically loaded into InPort.

This is the only situation in which this field will be processed. Note also that the contact-name is also required for the NOAA contact to be added to InPort.

Address information must be complete. If any of the following fields are provided, all fields must be populated: <contact-address>, <contact-address-city>, <contact-address-state>, and <contact-address-zip>.


        <description>Sample Description</description>
          <contact-name>Doe, John</contact-name>
          <contact-address>123 NOAA Way</contact-address>
          <contact-address-city>Silver Spring</contact-address-city>

Field: contact-address-city

InPort Label: City
Max Length: 100 characters.

Specifies the city of the contact.

This field is only processed for new NOAA contacts. When a NOAA contact (identified by a NOAA email address) is found in an InPort XML file, and does not already exist in InPort, that contact and all related contact information fields are automatically loaded into InPort.

This is the only situation in which this field will be processed. Note also that the contact-name is also required for the NOAA contact to be added to InPort.

Address information must be complete. If any of the following fields are provided, all fields must be populated: <contact-address>, <contact-address-city>, <contact-address-state>, and <contact-address-zip>.


        <description>Sample Description</description>
          <contact-name>Doe, John</contact-name>
          <contact-address>123 NOAA Way</contact-address>
          <contact-address-city>Silver Spring</contact-address-city>

Field: contact-address-state

InPort Label: State
Max Length: 2 characters.

Specifies the state of the contact.

This field is only processed for new NOAA contacts. When a NOAA contact (identified by a NOAA email address) is found in an InPort XML file, and does not already exist in InPort, that contact and all related contact information fields are automatically loaded into InPort.

This is the only situation in which this field will be processed. Note also that the contact-name is also required for the NOAA contact to be added to InPort.

Address information must be complete. If any of the following fields are provided, all fields must be populated: <contact-address>, <contact-address-city>, <contact-address-state>, and <contact-address-zip>.


        <description>Sample Description</description>
          <contact-name>Doe, John</contact-name>
          <contact-address>123 NOAA Way</contact-address>
          <contact-address-city>Silver Spring</contact-address-city>

Field: contact-address-zip

InPort Label: Zip Code
Max Length: 12 characters.

Specifies the zip code of the contact.

This field is only processed for new NOAA contacts. When a NOAA contact (identified by a NOAA email address) is found in an InPort XML file, and does not already exist in InPort, that contact and all related contact information fields are automatically loaded into InPort.

This is the only situation in which this field will be processed. Note also that the contact-name is also required for the NOAA contact to be added to InPort.

Address information must be complete. If any of the following fields are provided, all fields must be populated: <contact-address>, <contact-address-city>, <contact-address-state>, and <contact-address-zip>.


        <description>Sample Description</description>
          <contact-name>Doe, John</contact-name>
          <contact-address>123 NOAA Way</contact-address>
          <contact-address-city>Silver Spring</contact-address-city>

Field: contact-address-country

InPort Label: Country
Max Length: 50 characters.

Specifies the country of the contact.

This field is only processed for new NOAA contacts. When a NOAA contact (identified by a NOAA email address) is found in an InPort XML file, and does not already exist in InPort, that contact and all related contact information fields are automatically loaded into InPort.

This is the only situation in which this field will be processed. Note also that the contact-name is also required for the NOAA contact to be added to InPort.

Address information must be complete. If any of the following fields are provided, all fields must be populated: <contact-address>, <contact-address-city>, <contact-address-state>, and <contact-address-zip>.


        <description>Sample Description</description>
          <contact-name>Doe, John</contact-name>
          <contact-address>123 NOAA Way</contact-address>
          <contact-address-city>Silver Spring</contact-address-city>

Field: contact-phone-number

InPort Label: Phone Number
Max Length: 50 characters.

Specifies the phone number of the contact.

This field is only processed for new NOAA contacts. When a NOAA contact (identified by a NOAA email address) is found in an InPort XML file, and does not already exist in InPort, that contact and all related contact information fields are automatically loaded into InPort.

This is the only situation in which this field will be processed. Note also that the contact-name is also required for the NOAA contact to be added to InPort.


        <description>Sample Description</description>
          <contact-name>Doe, John</contact-name>
          <contact-address>123 NOAA Way</contact-address>
          <contact-address-city>Silver Spring</contact-address-city>
          <contact-phone-number>(123) 456-7890</contact-phone-number>

Field: contact-mobile-number

InPort Label: Mobile Number
Max Length: 50 characters.

Specifies the mobile number of the contact.

This field is only processed for new NOAA contacts. When a NOAA contact (identified by a NOAA email address) is found in an InPort XML file, and does not already exist in InPort, that contact and all related contact information fields are automatically loaded into InPort.

This is the only situation in which this field will be processed. Note also that the contact-name is also required for the NOAA contact to be added to InPort.


        <description>Sample Description</description>
          <contact-name>Doe, John</contact-name>
          <contact-address>123 NOAA Way</contact-address>
          <contact-address-city>Silver Spring</contact-address-city>
          <contact-mobile-number>(123) 456-7890</contact-mobile-number>

Field: contact-fax-number

InPort Label: Fax Number
Max Length: 50 characters.

Specifies the fax number of the contact.

This field is only processed for new NOAA contacts. When a NOAA contact (identified by a NOAA email address) is found in an InPort XML file, and does not already exist in InPort, that contact and all related contact information fields are automatically loaded into InPort.

This is the only situation in which this field will be processed. Note also that the contact-name is also required for the NOAA contact to be added to InPort.


        <description>Sample Description</description>
          <contact-name>Doe, John</contact-name>
          <contact-address>123 NOAA Way</contact-address>
          <contact-address-city>Silver Spring</contact-address-city>
          <contact-fax-number>(123) 456-7890</contact-fax-number>

Field: contact-url

InPort Label: URL
Max Length: 250 characters.

Specifies the URL for the contact.

Optional, but required if any other URL field is populated.

This field is only processed for new NOAA contacts. When a NOAA contact (identified by a NOAA email address) is found in an InPort XML file, and does not already exist in InPort, that contact and all related contact information fields are automatically loaded into InPort.

This is the only situation in which this field will be processed. Note also that the contact-name is also required for the NOAA contact to be added to InPort.


        <description>Sample Description</description>
          <contact-name>Doe, John</contact-name>
          <contact-address>123 NOAA Way</contact-address>
          <contact-address-city>Silver Spring</contact-address-city>

Field: contact-url-name

InPort Label: URL Name
Max Length: 250 characters.

Specifies the name for the contact's URL.

This field is only processed for new NOAA contacts. When a NOAA contact (identified by a NOAA email address) is found in an InPort XML file, and does not already exist in InPort, that contact and all related contact information fields are automatically loaded into InPort.

This is the only situation in which this field will be processed. Note also that the contact-name is also required for the NOAA contact to be added to InPort.


        <description>Sample Description</description>
          <contact-name>Doe, John</contact-name>
          <contact-address>123 NOAA Way</contact-address>
          <contact-address-city>Silver Spring</contact-address-city>
          <contact-url-name>My URL</contact-url-name>

Field: contact-url-description

InPort Label: URL Description
Max Length: 1000 characters.

Specifies the description for the contact's URL.

This field is only processed for new NOAA contacts. When a NOAA contact (identified by a NOAA email address) is found in an InPort XML file, and does not already exist in InPort, that contact and all related contact information fields are automatically loaded into InPort.

This is the only situation in which this field will be processed. Note also that the contact-name is also required for the NOAA contact to be added to InPort.


        <description>Sample Description</description>
          <contact-name>Doe, John</contact-name>
          <contact-address>123 NOAA Way</contact-address>
          <contact-address-city>Silver Spring</contact-address-city>
          <contact-url-description>My URL description</contact-url-description>

Field: contact-url-function

InPort Label: URL Function

Specifies the function for the contact's URL.

The value must be "Online Resource" or "Browse Graphic".

This field is only processed for new NOAA contacts. When a NOAA contact (identified by a NOAA email address) is found in an InPort XML file, and does not already exist in InPort, that contact and all related contact information fields are automatically loaded into InPort.

This is the only situation in which this field will be processed. Note also that the contact-name is also required for the NOAA contact to be added to InPort.


        <description>Sample Description</description>
          <contact-name>Doe, John</contact-name>
          <contact-address>123 NOAA Way</contact-address>
          <contact-address-city>Silver Spring</contact-address-city>
          <contact-url-function>Online Resource</contact-url-function>

Field: contact-business-hours

InPort Label: Business Hours
Max Length: 250 characters.

Specifies the business hours of the contact.

This field is only processed for new NOAA contacts. When a NOAA contact (identified by a NOAA email address) is found in an InPort XML file, and does not already exist in InPort, that contact and all related contact information fields are automatically loaded into InPort.

This is the only situation in which this field will be processed. Note also that the contact-name is also required for the NOAA contact to be added to InPort.


        <description>Sample Description</description>
          <contact-name>Doe, John</contact-name>
          <contact-address>123 NOAA Way</contact-address>
          <contact-address-city>Silver Spring</contact-address-city>
          <contact-business-hours>9am - 5pm Eastern</contact-business-hours>

Field: source-citation

InPort Label: Source Citation

Specifies the Lineage Source for the Process Step.

The value must match an existing or newly added Lineage Process Step Citation Title exactly.


        <description>Sample Description</description>
        <source-citation>Sample Citation Title</source-citation>

Field: process-contact-type

InPort Label: Process Contact Type

Specifies the type of Process Contact Type for the Lineage Process Step.

Note: This field is deprecated.

The value must be "InPort Person" or "InPort Organization".


        <description>Sample Description</description>
        <process-contact-type>InPort Organization</process-contact-type>

Field: process-contact

InPort Label: Process Contact
Max Length: 500 characters.

Specifies the Process Contact for the lineage process step.

Note: This field is deprecated.

Although this field is deprecated, Process Contacts that exist in InPort can continue to be processed for a temporary time using the process-contact field, however they will be matched against InPort Contacts, instead of InPort Persons or Organizations.

Only process-contact values that correspond to parties that exist in InPort can be processed. Non-InPort Persons and Organizations can no longer be loaded as Process Contacts; they must exist in InPort.


        <description>Sample Description</description>
        <process-contact-type>InPort Person</process-contact-type>


        <description>Sample Description</description>
        <process-contact-type>InPort Organization</process-contact-type>

Field: process-contact-phone

InPort Label: Process Contact Phone
Max Length: 50 characters.

Specifies the Process Contact's phone number, when it is a Non-InPort Person/Organization.

Note: This field is deprecated.


        <description>Sample Description</description>
        <process-contact-type>InPort Organization</process-contact-type>

Section: acquisition-information

InPort Label: Acquisition Information

This section is only applicable to Data Sets. It will be ignored if it is included for a different Catalog Item type.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

Back to Table of Contents

Field: instrument-unavailable-reason

InPort Label: Instrument Unavailable Reason

Specifies the reason Instrument information is unavailable.

This field should only be specified if no Instruments will be documented for the record.

The value must be one of the following:

  • Not Applicable
  • Unknown
  • Withheld


    <instrument-unavailable-reason>Not Applicable</instrument-unavailable-reason>

Subsection: instruments

InPort Label: Instruments

Each Instrument should appear within its own <instrument> node under the enclosing <instruments> node.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

Attribute: mode

Optional; only applies to item updates. Only "replace" mode is supported for Instruments. If no mode is specified, "replace" mode is used by default.

Replace mode (default) signifies that all existing Instruments should be deleted and completely replaced by the Instruments specified in the InPort XML file.


<instruments mode="replace">

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Attribute: cc-id

This attribute is NOT allowed for Instruments.

Field: identifier

InPort Label: Identifier
This field or Docucomp UUID is required for each Instrument.
Max Length: 250 characters.

Specifies the Instrument identifier.

The Identifier must already exist for a Instrument in InPort. Please consult the list of Instruments in InPort to view the currently available Instruments and their Identifier.


        <identifier>Instrument Name</identifier>

Field: docucomp-uuid

InPort Label: Docucomp UUID
This field or Identifier is required for each Instrument.
Max Length: 100 characters.

Specifies the Docucomp UUID of the Instrument.

The Docucomp UUID must already exist for a Instrument in InPort. Please consult the list of Instruments in InPort to view the currently available Instruments and their Docucomp UUID.



Field: platform-unavailable-reason

InPort Label: Platform Unavailable Reason

Specifies the reason Platform information is unavailable.

This field should only be specified if no Platforms will be documented for the record.

The value must be one of the following:

  • Not Applicable
  • Unknown
  • Withheld


    <platform-unavailable-reason>Not Applicable</platform-unavailable-reason>

Subsection: platforms

InPort Label: Platforms

Each Platform should appear within its own <platform> node under the enclosing <platforms> node.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

Attribute: mode

Optional; only applies to item updates. Only "replace" mode is supported for Platforms. If no mode is specified, "replace" mode is used by default.

Replace mode (default) signifies that all existing Platforms should be deleted and completely replaced by the Platforms specified in the InPort XML file.


<platforms mode="replace">

Back to Table of Contents

Attribute: cc-id

This attribute is NOT allowed for Platforms.

Field: identifier

InPort Label: Identifier
This field or Docucomp UUID is required for each Platform.
Max Length: 250 characters.

Specifies the Platform identifier.

The Identifier must already exist for a Platform in InPort. Please consult the list of Platforms in InPort to view the currently available Platforms and their Identifier.


        <identifier>Platform Name</identifier>
                <identifier>Instrument Name</identifier>

Field: docucomp-uuid

InPort Label: Docucomp UUID
This field or Identifier is required for each Platform.
Max Length: 100 characters.

Specifies the Docucomp UUID of the Platform.

The Docucomp UUID must already exist for a Platform in InPort. Please consult the list of Platforms in InPort to view the currently available Platforms and their Docucomp UUID.


                <identifier>Instrument Name</identifier>

Subsection: mounted-instruments

InPort Label: Mounted Instruments
Required. Each Platform must specify one or more Mounted Instruments.

Specifies the Instruments mounted on the Platform.

Each Mounted Instrument should appear within its own <instrument> node under the enclosing <mounted-instruments> node.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

Attribute: mode

This attribute is NOT allowed for Mounted Instruments.

Back to Table of Contents

Attribute: cc-id

This attribute is NOT allowed for Mounted Instruments.

Field: identifier

InPort Label: Identifier
This field or Docucomp UUID is required for each Mounted Instrument.
Max Length: 250 characters.

Specifies the identifier of the Mounted Instrument.

The Identifier must correspond to one of the Instruments declared in the Instruments subsection.


        <identifier>Instrument Name</identifier>
        <identifier>Platform Name</identifier>
                <identifier>Instrument Name</identifier>

Field: docucomp-uuid

InPort Label: Docucomp UUID
This field or Identifier is required for each Mounted Instrument.
Max Length: 100 characters.

Specifies the Docucomp UUID of the Mounted Instrument.

The Docucomp UUID must correspond to one of the Instruments declared in the Instruments subsection.


        <identifier>Platform Name</identifier>

Section: faqs

InPort Label: FAQs

Each FAQ should appear within its own <faq> node under the enclosing <faqs> node.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

Attribute: mode

Optional; only applies to item updates. The value can be "replace" or "add". If no mode is specified, "replace" mode is used by default.

Replace mode (default) signifies that all existing FAQs should be deleted and completely replaced by the FAQs specified in the InPort XML file.

Add mode signifies that all existing FAQs should be kept, and any FAQs specified in the InPort XML file should be added as new FAQs.


<faqs mode="replace">

Back to Table of Contents

Attribute: cc-id

Optional. Only applicable to item updates.

This attribute allows an already existing FAQ to be referred to by its CC ID, so that its fields can be updated. The attribute can be used in combination with "add" or "replace" mode. (See notes on the mode attribute for faqs).

Note: The cc-id attribute value is only a reference. CC IDs are assigned automatically when records are created, and cannot be modified through the InPort XML Loader.

In most cases, it is easier and simpler to use replace mode, even though the same record may end up being deleted and then re-added. Nevertheless, the cc-id option is provided for greater flexibility in a range of upload scenarios.

Finding the CC ID:
To learn the CC ID of an existing FAQ, view the Catalog Item to which it belongs in InPort. The CC ID is displayed on the far right side of the header for each FAQ.


    <faq cc-id="12345">

The example snippet would remove all existing FAQs, except for the FAQ with CC ID 12345, which would be updated. In addition, two new FAQs would be added as specified.

Field: date

InPort Label: Date

Specifies the FAQ date.

The value must be a date/time specified in ISO 8601 extended format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss).

All date/times are interpreted as UTC.


        <question>Sample question</question>
        <answer>Sample answer</answer>

Field: author-email

InPort Label: Author

Specifies the email of the FAQ author.

The email address is used to identify the corresponding Person Contact in InPort; as such, the email address must be of an existing Contact of type Person in InPort. The value is used only for identification/matching purposes — it is not possible to update a person's email address (or any other contact information) via the InPort XML Loader. Contact information can only be edited by Librarians within InPort.


        <question>Sample question</question>
        <answer>Sample answer</answer>

Field: question

InPort Label: Question
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies the FAQ question.


        <question>Sample question</question>
        <answer>Sample answer</answer>

Field: answer

InPort Label: Answer
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies the FAQ answer.


        <question>Sample question</question>
        <answer>Sample answer</answer>

Section: related-items

InPort Label: Related Items

Each Related Item should appear within its own <related-item> node under the enclosing <related-items> node.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

Attribute: mode

Optional; only applies to item updates. The value can be "replace" or "add". If no mode is specified, "replace" mode is used by default.

Replace mode (default) signifies that all existing Related Items should be deleted and completely replaced by the Related Items specified in the InPort XML file.

Add mode signifies that all existing Related Items should be kept, and any Related Items specified in the InPort XML file should be added as new Related Items.


<related-items mode="replace">

Back to Table of Contents

Attribute: cc-id

This attribute is NOT allowed for Related Items.

Field: catalog-item-id

InPort Label: Catalog Item ID

Specifies the Catalog Item ID of the Related Item.

The value must be an integer, and it must correspond to an existing Catalog Item in InPort.


        <relationship-type>Cross Reference</relationship-type>

Field: relationship-type

InPort Label: Relationship Type

Specifies the type of relationship of the Related Item.

The value must be one of the following:

  • Cross Reference
  • Larger Work Citation
  • Part of a Seamless Database
  • Stereo Mate
  • Revision Of
  • Series


        <relationship-type>Cross Reference</relationship-type>

Field: notes

InPort Label: Notes
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Specifies notes on the Related Item relationship.


        <relationship-type>Cross Reference</relationship-type>
        <notes>Sample notes</notes>

Section: catalog-details

InPort Label: Catalog Details


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

Back to Table of Contents

Field: best-available-metadata

InPort Label: Best Available Metadata

Specifies whether or not the item has the "Best Available Metadata" designation.

This section is only applicable to Data Sets. It will be ignored if it is included for a different Catalog Item type.

The value must be "Yes" or "No".
Note: If this field is not specified, the default value of "No" will be supplied.

You must have a role of Publisher or higher to modify this field.


    <best-available-metadata-explanation>Sample explanation</best-available-metadata-explanation>

Field: best-available-metadata-explanation

InPort Label: Best Available Metadata Explanation
Required if the record has been designated as the Best Available Metadata.
Max Length: 4000 characters.

Provides an explanation when the Best Available Metadata designation has been set.

This section is only applicable to Data Sets. It will be ignored if it is included for a different Catalog Item type.


    <best-available-metadata-explanation>Sample explanation</best-available-metadata-explanation>

Field: is-do-not-publish

InPort Label: Do Not Publish

Specifies whether or not the item is flagged to prevent publishing.

The value must be "Yes" or "No".
Note: If this field is not specified, the default value of "No" will be supplied.



Field: metadata-last-review-date

InPort Label: Metadata Last Review Date

Specifies the last metadata review date for the Catalog Item.

The value must be a date consisting of year, month, and day, specified in ISO 8601 extended format (YYYY-MM-DD).

The date for this field cannot be set in the future.



Field: metadata-review-frequency

InPort Label: Metadata Review Frequency

Specifies the frequency in years that the Catalog Item is reviewed.

The value must be one of the following:

  • 1 Year
  • 2 Years
  • 3 Years


    <metadata-review-frequency>1 Year</metadata-review-frequency>

Field: metadata-next-review-date

InPort Label: Metadata Next Review Date

Specifies the next metadata review date for the Catalog Item.

Note: This field is no longer directly editable in the InPort application or from the XML Loader. It is now derived based on Metadata Last Review Date and Metadata Review Frequency. Please use these two fields instead.

The value must be a date consisting of year, month, and day, specified in ISO 8601 extended format (YYYY-MM-DD).



Subsection: tags

InPort Label: Tags

Each Tag should appear within its own <tag> node under the enclosing <tags> node.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inport-metadata version="1.0">

Attribute: mode

Optional; only applies to item updates. The value can be "replace" or "add". If no mode is specified, "replace" mode is used by default.

Replace mode (default) signifies that all existing Tags should be deleted and completely replaced by the Tags specified in the InPort XML file.

Add mode signifies that all existing Tags should be kept, and any Tags specified in the InPort XML file should be added as new Tags.


<tags mode="replace">

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Attribute: cc-id

This attribute is NOT allowed for Tags.

Field: tag

InPort Label: Tag

Specifies the tag.


  <tag>My Tag 1</tag>
  <tag>My Tag 2</tag>