Cetaceans - Shipboard Surveys
Project (PRJ) | Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center (PIFSC)GUID: gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:12851 | Updated: October 20, 2022 | Published / External
Item Identification
Title: | Cetaceans - Shipboard Surveys |
Status: | In Work |
Abstract: |
The PIFSC CRP conducts line-transect and other cetacean surveys aboard large vessels (> 200 ft). The surveys combine visual and passive acoustic methods. Ecosystem sampling is conducted during some surveys and includes oceanographic sampling and seabird surveys. |
Purpose: |
More than 25 species of cetaceans occur in U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) waters of the Pacific Ocean. Six of these species - humpback whales, sperm whales, blue whales, fin whales, sei whales, and North Pacific right whales, and one Discrete Population Segment - Main Hawaiian Islands insular false killer whales- are listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act, and their stocks are considered depleted under the Marine Mammal Protection Act. The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) is responsible for studying the populations of whales and dolphins within the U.S. EEZ waters of the Pacific Islands Region (PIR). A variety of information is needed in order to properly manage human effects on these populations and protect them from current or future depletion. Visual and acoustic surveys are conducted in both nearshore and offshore waters in order to assess the location and abundance of cetacean species in the PIR. Oceanographic data are collected in order to characterize cetacean habitat. |
Other Citation Details: |
See the timeframes for specific cruise details including objectives, areas of operation, and date types collected. See separate data sets for details on each type of data collected. |
Supplemental Information: |
The PIFSC CRP shipboard surveys are conducted aboard the NOAA R/V Oscar Elton Sette. |
Theme Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
None | cetaceans |
None | line transect |
None | oceanographic sampling |
None | Oscar Elton Sette |
None | passive acoustic surveys |
None | ship surveys |
None | visual surveys |
Spatial Keywords
Thesaurus | Keyword |
None | American Samoa |
None | Central Pacific Ocean |
None | Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands |
None | Guam |
None | High Seas |
None | Johnston |
None | Kingman |
None | Main Hawaiian Islands |
None | Northwestern Hawaiian Islands |
None | Pacific Islands Region |
None | Palmyra |
None | Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument |
None | Wake |
None | Western Pacific Ocean |
Physical Location
Organization: | Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center |
City: | Honolulu |
State/Province: | HI |
Country: | USA |
Location Description: |
IRC 1845 Wasp Blvd., Bldg. 176 Honolulu, HI 96818 |
Support Roles
Data Steward
Date Effective From: | 2008-12-01 |
Date Effective To: | |
Contact (Person): | Oleson, Erin M |
Address: |
1845 Wasp Blvd. Honolulu, HI 96818 USA |
Email Address: | erin.oleson@noaa.gov |
Phone: | (808)725-5712 |
Business Hours: | 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. |
Contact Instructions: |
contact by email |
Data Steward
Date Effective From: | 2006-09-01 |
Date Effective To: | |
Contact (Person): | Hill, Marie C |
Address: |
1845 Wasp Blvd. Honolulu, HI 96818 USA |
Email Address: | marie.hill@noaa.gov |
Phone: | (808)725-5710 |
Contact Instructions: |
contact by email |
Date Effective From: | 2006 |
Date Effective To: | |
Contact (Person): | Hill, Marie C |
Address: |
1845 Wasp Blvd. Honolulu, HI 96818 USA |
Email Address: | marie.hill@noaa.gov |
Phone: | (808)725-5710 |
Contact Instructions: |
Metadata Contact
Date Effective From: | 2006-09-01 |
Date Effective To: | |
Contact (Person): | Hill, Marie C |
Address: |
1845 Wasp Blvd. Honolulu, HI 96818 USA |
Email Address: | marie.hill@noaa.gov |
Phone: | (808)725-5710 |
Contact Instructions: |
contact by email |
Date Effective From: | 2006-03-01 |
Date Effective To: | |
Contact (Organization): | Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center (PIFSC) |
Address: |
1845 Wasp Blvd. Honolulu, HI 96818 USA |
Email Address: | pifsc.info@noaa.gov |
Phone: | 808-725-5360 |
URL: | https://www.pifsc.noaa.gov |
Business Hours: | 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. |
Point of Contact
Date Effective From: | 2006 |
Date Effective To: | |
Contact (Person): | Hill, Marie C |
Address: |
1845 Wasp Blvd. Honolulu, HI 96818 USA |
Email Address: | marie.hill@noaa.gov |
Phone: | (808)725-5710 |
Contact Instructions: |
Extent Group 1
Extent Description: |
The U.S. EEZs (Exclusive Economic Zones) of the Pacific Islands Region including Hawaii, American Samoa, Palmyra/Kingman, Wake, Johnston, Guam/Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Central and western Pacific Ocean high seas between EEZs. |
Extent Group 1 / Geographic Area 1
W° Bound: | 142 | |
E° Bound: | -151 | |
N° Bound: | 32 | |
S° Bound: | -18 | |
Description |
The U.S. EEZs (Exclusive Economic Zones) of the Pacific Islands Region including Hawaii, American Samoa, Palmyra/Kingman, Wake, Guam/Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Central and western Pacific Ocean high seas between EEZs. |
Extent Group 1 / Time Frame 1
Time Frame Type: | Range |
Start: | 2011-10-20 |
End: | 2011-11-17 |
Description: |
SE 11-08: Palmyra Islands Cetacean and Ecosystem Survey (PICEAS), Leg 1 Objectives: This was the first of two legs of a line-transect survey within the Palmyra EEZ. Half of the predetermined tracklines were surveyed during this leg. The ship departed from and returned to Oahu. The objectives of this cruise were to (1) collect visual survey data on cetacean groups within the Palmyra EEZ using line-transect methods, (2) collect photo data for species and individual identification, (3) collect biopsy samples for genetic studies of population structure, (4) collect passive acoustics data (recordings and detections) on cetacean vocalizations to assess species presence and distribution, (5) collect oceanographic data to assess cetacean distribution in relation to environmental conditions, (6)collect data on the distribution and abundance of seabirds, and (7) deploy a HARP off of Palmyra Atoll. Areas of Operation: Oahu to the Palmyra EEZ Data types collected: marine operations log visual survey (WinCruz files, sighting forms, sighting logs) passive acoustic (towed array, sonobuoys) oceanographic (CTD, XBT, Chlorophyll-a), photos biopsy samples All seabird data are held and managed by SWFSC (not reported here). |
Extent Group 1 / Time Frame 2
Time Frame Type: | Range |
Start: | 2010-01-20 |
End: | 2010-02-07 |
Description: |
SE 10-01: Cetacean survey - transit from Oahu to Guam (via Wake EEZ) Objectives: (1) collect visual survey data on cetacean groups along the transit line using line-transect methods, (2) collect photo data for species and individual identification, (3) collect biopsy samples for genetic studies of population structure, (4) collect passive acoustics data (recordings and detections) on cetacean vocalizations to assess species presence and distribution, (5) collect oceanographic data to assess cetacean distribution in relation to environmental conditions, and (6)deploy a HARP for long-term monitoring of cetacean occurrence off Wake Island. Additional biological and oceanographic sampling was carried out by the PIFSC Ecosystem and Oceanography Division including neuston net tows and testing of a Continuous Plankton Recorder. That data collection is not reported here. Areas of Operation: Oahu to Gaum through Wake EEZ Data types collected: marine operations log visual survey (WinCruz files, sighting forms, sighting logs) passive acoustic (towed array, sonobuoys) oceanographic (CTD, XBT) photos biopsy samples |
Extent Group 1 / Time Frame 3
Time Frame Type: | Range |
Start: | 2010-04-19 |
End: | 2010-05-04 |
Description: |
SE 10-04: Cetacean survey - transit from Guam to Oahu (via Wake EEZ) Objectives: (1) collect visual survey data on cetacean groups along the transit line using line-transect methods, (2) collect photo data for species and individual identification, (3) collect biopsy samples for genetic studies of population structure, (4) collect passive acoustics data (recordings and detections) on cetacean vocalizations to assess species presence and distribution, (5) collect oceanographic data to assess cetacean distribution in relation to environmental conditions, and (6) recover and deploy a HARP for long-term monitoring of cetacean occurrence off Wake Island. Areas of Operation: CNMI EEZ including Guam to Oahu via Wake EEZ including Wake Island Data types collected: marine operations log visual survey (WinCruz files, sighting forms, sighting logs) passive acoustic (towed array, sonobuoys) oceanographic (CTD, XBT) photos biopsy samples |
Extent Group 1 / Time Frame 4
Time Frame Type: | Range |
Start: | 2010-08-13 |
End: | 2010-11-26 |
Alternate Start As Of Info: | 2 legs by Oscar Elton Sette (PIFSC) - start date 2010-09-01 |
Alternate End As Of Info: | Oscar Elton Sette (PIFSC) - end date 2010-10-29 |
Description: |
SE 10-08/SWFSC 1641: Hawaiian Islands Cetacean and Ecosystem Assessment Survey (HICEAS) Objectives: This was a collaborative effort with the Southwest Fisheries Science Center (SWFSC). HICEAS was a five month effort to survey the entire Hawaii EEZ in order to update abundance estimates for the existing cetacean stocks. Two ships (Oscar Elton Sette and MacArthur II) were used to conduct the surveys. The objectives of this cruise were to (1) collect visual survey data on cetacean groups within the Hawaii EEZ using line-transect methods, (2) collect photo data for species and individual identification, (3) collect biopsy samples for genetic studies of population structure, (4) collect passive acoustics data (recordings and detections) on cetacean vocalizations to assess species presence and distribution, (5) collect oceanographic data to assess cetacean distribution in relation to environmental conditions, and (6) collect data on the distribution and abundance of seabirds. Areas of Operation: Hawaii EEZ including the main Hawaiian Islands, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, Papahanaumakuakea Marine National Monument and offshore locations. MacArthur II survey dates (3.5 legs within the Hawaii EEZ) Date types collected: marine operations log visual survey (WinCruz files, sighting forms, sighting logs) passive acoustic (towed array, sonobuoys) oceanographic (CTD, XBT, EK60, chlorophyll a samples) photos biopsy samples All seabird data are held and managed by SWFSC. All oceanographic data collected by the MacArthur II are held and managed by SWFSC. Chlorophyll-a samples and EK-60 data were collected and analyzed by SWFSC oceanographer. None of these data are held by PIFSC. |
Extent Group 1 / Time Frame 5
Time Frame Type: | Range |
Start: | 2012-04-23 |
End: | 2012-05-16 |
Description: |
SE 12-03: Palmyra Islands Cetacean and Ecosystem Survey (PICEAS), Leg 2 Objectives: This was the second of two legs of a line-transect survey within the Palmyra EEZ. Half of the predetermined tracklines were surveyed during this leg. The ship departed from American Samoa and returned to Oahu. The objectives of this cruise were to (1) collect visual survey data on cetacean groups within the Palmyra EEZ using line-transect methods, (2) collect photo data for species and individual identification, (3) collect biopsy samples for genetic studies of population structure, (4) collect passive acoustics data (recordings and detections) on cetacean vocalizations to assess species presence and distribution, (5) collect oceanographic data to assess cetacean distribution in relation to environmental conditions, (6)collect data on the distribution and abundance of seabirds, and (8) recover Palmyra Atoll HARP and deploy a HARP off of Kingman Reef. Areas of Operation: American Samoa EEZ to Palmyra EEZ and Hawaii EEZ Data types collected: marine operations log visual survey (WinCruz files, sighting forms, sighting logs) passive acoustic (towed array, sonobuoys) oceanographic (CTD, XBT, Chlorophyll-a), photos biopsy samples All seabird data are held and managed by SWFSC (not reported here). |
Extent Group 1 / Time Frame 6
Time Frame Type: | Range |
Start: | 2013-05-07 |
End: | 2013-06-05 |
Description: |
SE 13-03: Papahanaumokukea Associated Cetacean Ecology Survey (PACES) Objectives: The objectives of this cruise were to (1) collect visual survey data on cetacean groups within the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument using line-transect methods, (2) collect photo data for species and individual identification, (3) collect biopsy samples for genetic studies of population structure, (4) deploy satellite tags on false killer whales to observe their movements, (5) collect passive acoustics data (recordings and detections) on cetacean vocalizations to assess species presence and distribution, (6) collect oceanographic data to assess cetacean distribution in relation to environmental conditions, and (7) recover and redeploy a HARP off of Pearl and Hermes Reef. Areas of Operation: Oahu north to Pearl and Hermes Reef. Survey conducted within the boundaries of the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument. Date types collected: marine operations log visual survey (WinCruz files, sighting forms, sighting logs) passive acoustic (towed array), oceanographic (CTD, XBT, Chlorophyll-a, EK-60) photos biopsy sampling satellite telemetry |
Extent Group 1 / Time Frame 7
Time Frame Type: | Range |
Start: | 2015-05-08 |
End: | 2015-06-06 |
Description: |
SE 15-02: Mariana Archipelago Cetacean Survey (MACS) Objectives: (1) collect visual survey data on cetacean groups within the waters surrounding the northern islands of the Mariana Archipelago using line-transect methods, (2) collect photo data for species and individual identification, (3) collect biopsy samples for genetic studies of population structure, (4) collect passive acoustics data (recordings and detections) on cetacean vocalizations to assess species presence and distribution, (5) collect oceanographic data to assess cetacean distribution in relation to environmental conditions, (6) deploy satellite tags on certain species to study individual movements, and (7) recover and re-deploy HARPs off of Saipan and Tinian and deploy a new HARP off of Pagan. Areas of Operation: Mariana Archipelago from Guam to Uracas out to 50 nmi Data types collected: marine operations log visual survey (WinCruz fies, sighting forms, sighting logs) passive acoustic (towed array, sonobuoys) oceanographic (CTD, XBT) photos biopsy samples satellite telemetry |
Extent Group 1 / Time Frame 8
Time Frame Type: | Range |
Start: | 2006-03-05 |
End: | 2006-03-28 |
Description: |
OES 06-03: Cetacean survey American Samoa to Oahu (via Johnston EEZ) Objectives: (1) collect line-transect data on cetacean abundance and distribution for all cetacean species present in the study area, (2) collect biopsy samples for genetic studies of population structure of cetaceans, (3) collect photo-ID data on cetaceans for population structure and abundance, (4) collect oceanographic data to provide an ecological context for observations mentioned above. Areas of Operation: American Samoa EEZ (Tutuila, Manua Islands, Rose Atoll, Swains Island), equatorial central Pacific, Johnston EEZ (Johnston Atoll), high seas Data types collected: marine operations log visual survey (WinCruz files, sighting forms, sighting logs) oceanographic (CTD, XBT) photos |
Extent Group 1 / Time Frame 9
Time Frame Type: | Range |
Start: | 2008-07-11 |
End: | 2008-07-28 |
Description: |
SE 08-06: Cetacean surveys within the main Hawaiian Islands (Kauai to Hawaii) Objectives: (1) collect visual survey data on cetacean groups within the study area using modified line-transect methods, (2) collect photo data for species and individual identification, (3) collect biopsy samples for genetic studies of population structure, (4) collect passive acoustics data (recordings and detections) on cetacean vocalizations to assess species presence and distribution, (5) collect oceanographic data to assess cetacean distribution in relation to environmental conditions, and (6)deploy and recover suction-cup tags (d-tags) on cetaceans off of the west side of Hawaii Island to assess movements in relation Navy exercises. Areas of Operation: Data types collected: marine operations log visual survey (WinCruz files, sighting forms) oceanographic (CTD, XBT) photos biopsy samples d-tag |
Extent Group 1 / Time Frame 10
Time Frame Type: | Range |
Start: | 2007-03-26 |
End: | 2007-04-12 |
Description: |
OES 07-02: Cetacean survey within the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Objectives: (1) collect visual survey data on cetacean groups within the study area using line-transect methods, (2) collect photo data for species and individual identification, (3) collect biopsy samples for genetic studies of population structure, (4) collect passive acoustics data (recordings and detections) on cetacean vocalizations to assess species presence and distribution, (5) collect oceanographic data to assess cetacean distribution in relation to environmental conditions, and (6) deploy a HARP at Ladd Seamount to assess temporal variations in species presence. Areas of Operation: Oahu to the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands including Ladd Seamount and Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument Data types collected: marine operations log visual survey (WinCruz files, sighting forms, sighting logs) passive acoustic (towed array) oceanographic (CTD, XBT) photos biopsy samples |
Extent Group 1 / Time Frame 11
Time Frame Type: | Range |
Start: | 2009-02-05 |
End: | 2009-02-27 |
Description: |
SE 09-01: Cetacean survey of the main Hawaiian Islands inner exclusive economic zone. Objectives: (1) collect visual survey data on cetacean groups within the study area using line-transect methods, (2) collect photo data for species and individual identification, (3) collect biopsy samples for genetic studies of population structure, (4) collect passive acoustics data (recordings and detections) on cetacean vocalizations to assess species presence and distribution, (5) collect oceanographic data to assess cetacean distribution in relation to environmental conditions, and (6) recovery and deployment of a HARP o the Kona coast of Hawaii Island. Areas of Operation: main Hawaiian Islands out to Hawaii EEZ boundary in some locations Data types collected: marine operations log visual survey (WinCruz files, sighting forms, sighting logs) passive acoustic (towed array, sonobuoys) oceanographic (CTD, XBT) photos biopsy samples |
Extent Group 1 / Time Frame 12
Time Frame Type: | Range |
Start: | 2016-06-28 |
End: | 2016-07-26 |
Description: |
SE 16-04: Hawaiian Islands - Technology for the Ecology of Cetaceans (HI-TEC) Objectives: HI-TEC was a 30-day effort to survey the waters surrounding the main Hawaiian Islands in order to update abundance estimates for the existing cetacean stocks. The NOAA ship Oscar Elton Sette was used to conduct the surveys. The objectives of this cruise were to (1) collect visual survey data on cetacean groups using line-transect methods, (2) collect photo data for species and individual identification, (3) collect biopsy samples for genetic studies of population structure, (4) collect passive acoustics data (recordings and detections) on cetacean vocalizations to assess species presence and distribution, (5) collect oceanographic data to assess cetacean distribution in relation to environmental conditions, and (6) test the use of a hexacopter (APH-22) to ground truth observers' group size estimates. Areas of Operation: The main Hawaiian Islands Date types collected: marine operations log visual survey (WinCruz files, sighting forms, sighting logs) passive acoustic (towed array, sonobuoys) oceanographic (CTD, XBT, EK60, chlorophyll a samples) photos biopsy samples |
Extent Group 1 / Time Frame 13
Time Frame Type: | Range |
Start: | 2017-07-07 |
End: | 2017-11-08 |
Description: |
The Hawaiian Islands Cetacean and Ecosystem Assessment Survey (HICEAS) of 2017 was a large-scale ship survey for cetaceans and seabirds within U.S. waters surrounding the Hawaiian Islands. HICEAS 2017 was the third of its kind, with prior surveys, using many of the same methods and encompassing the same study area, occurring in 2002 (Barlow et al. 2006) and 2010 (Bradford et al. 2017). The 2017 survey represented the first Cetacean and Ecosystem Assessment Survey conducted as part of the Pacific Marine Assessment Program for Protected Species (PacMAPPS), a partnership between NOAA Fisheries, the U.S. Navy, and the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM). PacMAPPS includes rotational ship surveys in regions of joint interest throughout the Pacific designed to estimate the abundance of cetaceans and seabirds and to assess the ecosystems supporting these species. HICEAS 2017 was a collaborative survey between the Pacific Islands and Southwest Fisheries Science Centers (PIFSC and SWFSC). The survey took place from 6 July to 1 December 2017 aboard the NOAA Research Vessels Oscar Elton Sette and Reuben Lasker (hereafter referred to as the Sette and the Lasker, respectively), spanning 7 survey “legs” and 179 days-at-sea across both ships (Appendix 1). Survey Objectives The primary goals of HICEAS 2017 were to collect data required to estimate the abundance and distribution, examine the population structure, and understand the habitat of cetaceans within U.S. waters around the Hawaiian Islands. There were 5 major research components to HICEAS 2017: ● visual observations for cetaceans following a line-transect survey design; ● passive acoustic monitoring for cetaceans using towed hydrophone arrays, sonobuoys, and autonomous drifting acoustic recorders; ● collection of photographs and tissue samples and deployment of satellite tags for select cetacean groups; ● visual observations for seabirds following a strip-transect survey design; and ● ecosystem measurements for assessment of cetacean and seabird habitat.
Extent Group 1 / Time Frame 14
Time Frame Type: | Range |
Start: | 2019-03-30 |
End: | 2019-04-12 |
Description: |
SE 19-01 Cetacean Gear Trials Area of Operation: The waters around the Main Hawaiian Islands and the eastern-most Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Objectives: 1. Deployment and recovery of Drifting Acoustic Spar Buoy Recorders (DASBRs) including new AIS-transmitting prototype. 2. Testing with Trident volumetric towed hydrophone array. 3. CTD casts for collection of eDNA to identify cryptic cetaceans; a passive acoustic package will be attached to the CTD rosette during each cast. 4. Visual surveys of cetacean distribution, school size, and school composition to determine density and abundance. Visual surveys for cetaceans will occur during daylight hours and will focus primarily on humpback whales. 5. Skin biopsies and satellite tagging of cetaceans for investigations of stock structure and phylogenetic relationships. 6. Passive acoustic monitoring for vocal cetaceans to augment assessments of distribution and abundance. Acoustic monitoring may be conducted 24 hours per day, including use of towed hydrophone array while underway and sonobuoys while on station. 7. Recover and redeploy a High-Frequency Acoustic Recording Package (HARP) near Kona. Data types collected: visual survey (WinCruz files, sighting forms, sighting logs) passive acoustic (towed array, sonobuoys, Drifting Acoustic Spar Buoy Recorders) oceanographic (CTD) photos biopsy samples |
Extent Group 1 / Time Frame 15
Time Frame Type: | Range |
Start: | 2020-01-18 |
End: | 2020-03-12 |
Description: |
SE 20-01 Winter Hawaiian Islands Cetacean Ecosystem Survey (WHICEAS) - 2 legs (Leg 1: 18 January - 12 February; Leg 2: 17 February - 12 March) Area of Operation: The waters around the Main Hawaiian Islands. The core study area for this project covers waters from 18ºN and 153º 50’W to 23º 10’N and 161º 15’W Objectives: 1.Visual surveys of cetacean occurrence, school size, and school composition to determine density and abundance. Visual surveys for cetaceans will occur during daylight hours. 2. Skin biopsies and satellite tagging of cetaceans for investigations of stock structure and phylogenetic relationships. 3. Photo identification to document geographic variation in dolphin morphology, pigment patterns, health condition, school composition, and distribution of individual whales. 4. Passive acoustic monitoring for vocal cetaceans to augment assessments of distribution and abundance. Acoustic monitoring may be conducted 24 hours per day, including use of towed hydrophone array while underway and deployment of sonobuoys while on station or underway. 5. Oceanographic sampling to characterize habitat and its variation over time. The ship will collect oceanographic data from routine conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) casts, conducted once each morning and once each night. 6. Surveys of seabirds to characterize the ecosystem in which these cetaceans live. 7. Recover and redeploy Drifting Autonomous Spar Buoy Recorders (DASBRs) offshore of the Main Hawaiian Islands to assess occurrence of cetaceans independent of the ship-based survey platform. 8. Recover and redeploy a High-Frequency Acoustic Recording Package (HARP) near Kona. 9. Recover and redeploy Ocean Noise Reference Station NRS04 north of Oahu. Data types collected: visual survey (WinCruz files, sighting forms, sighting logs) passive acoustic (towed array, sonobuoys, Drifting Acoustic Spar Buoy Recorders) oceanographic (CTD) photos biopsy samples |
Extent Group 1 / Time Frame 16
Time Frame Type: | Range |
Start: | 2018-07-09 |
End: | 2018-08-01 |
Description: |
SE 18-03 Mariana Archipelago Cetacean Survey (MACS) Objectives: A. Deploy and recover Drifting Acoustic Spar Buoy Recorders (DASBRs) to listen for cetaceans within the study area. B. Conduct transect and near-shore visual and towed-array passive acoustic surveys for cetaceans between the island archipelago and the West Mariana Ridge. Collect individual identification photographs, tissue samples, and deploy satellite telemetry tags on cetaceans as opportunities allow. C. Conduct one Conductivity Temperature Depth (CTD) cast within each survey grid square to examine variability in oceanographic properties across the study area. D. Deploy sonobuoys on baleen whale sightings to associate detected calls with visually-verified species. E. Recover and redeploy two High-Frequency Acoustic Recording Packages (HARPs) near Saipan and Tinian, and redeploy a HARP at Pagan Island. Areas of Operation: Off the islands of Guam to Pagan and out to the West Mariana Ridge approximately 278 km (150 nmi) from shore. Data types collected: marine operations log visual survey (WinCruz files, sighting forms, sighting logs) passive acoustic (towed array, sonobuoys, Drifting Acoustic Spar Buoy Recorders) oceanographic (CTD) photos biopsy samples |
Access Information
Security Class: | Unclassified |
Data Access Policy: |
Requestor will be asked to submit a request by email to Erin Oleson (erin.oleson@noaa.gov) or Marie Hill (marie.hill@noaa.gov) |
Data Access Procedure: |
Requestor will be asked to submit a request by email to Erin Oleson (erin.oleson@noaa.gov) or Marie Hill (marie.hill@noaa.gov) |
Data Access Constraints: |
Requestor will be asked to submit a request by email to Erin Oleson (erin.oleson@noaa.gov) or Marie Hill (marie.hill@noaa.gov) |
Data Use Constraints: |
Requestor will be asked to submit a request by email to Erin Oleson (erin.oleson@noaa.gov) or Marie Hill (marie.hill@noaa.gov) |
Metadata Access Constraints: |
None |
Metadata Use Constraints: |
None |
CRP | Cetacean Research Program |
CTD | Conductivity Temperature Depth |
EEZ | Exclusive Economic Zone |
NMFS | National Marine Fisheries Service |
PIFSC | Pacific Islands Fiseries Science Center |
XBT | Expendable Bathythermograph |
Child Items
Rubric scores updated every 15m
Type | Title |
Data Set | Shipboard Cetacean Surveys- Oceanographic- CTD |
Data Set | Shipboard Cetacean Surveys- Oceanographic- XBT |
Data Set | Shipboard Cetacean Surveys- Visual Surveys- WinCruz Sighting Records |
Catalog Details
Catalog Item ID: | 12851 |
GUID: | gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:12851 |
Metadata Record Created By: | Marie C Hill |
Metadata Record Created: | 2012-08-20 19:05+0000 |
Metadata Record Last Modified By: | SysAdmin InPortAdmin |
Metadata Record Last Modified: | 2022-10-20 02:17+0000 |
Metadata Record Published: | 2019-05-05 |
Owner Org: | PIFSC |
Metadata Publication Status: | Published Externally |
Do Not Publish?: | N |
Metadata Last Review Date: | 2019-05-05 |
Metadata Review Frequency: | 1 Year |
Metadata Next Review Date: | 2020-05-05 |