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This data set contains catch (landed catch) and effort for fishing trips made by the larger vessels that fish near and offshore for the various species of shrimp in the Gulf of Mexico. The data set also contains landings by the smaller boats that fish in the bays, lakes, bayous, and rivers for saltwater shrimp species; however, these landings data are aggregated for multiple trip and do not provide effort data similar to the data for the larger vessels.

The landings statistics in this data set consist of the quantity and value for the individual species of shrimp, which includes the penaeids (brown, pink and white), seabobs, royal reds and rock shrimp by size category (i.e., count of shrimp per pound), type and quantity of gear, fishing duration and fishing area (a description of fishing area is provided in the Characteristics, Caveats and Issues section). The data collection procedures for the catch/effort data for the large vessels consist of two parts. The landings statistics (i.e., quantity, value, etc.) are collected from the seafood dealers after the trips are unloaded; whereas, the data on fishing effort (gear, fishing duration) and area are collected by interviews with the captain or crew while the trip is being unloaded. Although the landings data are comprehensive and represent a near-census of all the shrimp landings in the Gulf of Mexico, interviews are opportunistic and represent a varying percent of the total offshore trips for various ports along the Gulf of Mexico. In some ports, the cooperation by the fishermen and interview opportunities are high and a relatively large percentage of the trips are interviewed (80 to 90%). In other areas, especially along the lengthy bayous in Louisiana, the opportunities are much more limited and the percentages are often between 5 to 10% of the offshore trips.

Contact Information

Point of Contact
Larry Beerkircher


Geographic Area 1

-98° W, -79° E, 30° N, 22° S

Landings From The Gulf Of Mexico Ports. For the states of Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana , and Texas

Time Frame 1
1956-01-01 - Present

Item Identification

Title: Gulf shrimp system
Short Name: Gulf shrimp system
Status: In Work

This data set contains catch (landed catch) and effort for fishing trips made by the larger vessels that fish near and offshore for the various species of shrimp in the Gulf of Mexico. The data set also contains landings by the smaller boats that fish in the bays, lakes, bayous, and rivers for saltwater shrimp species; however, these landings data are aggregated for multiple trip and do not provide effort data similar to the data for the larger vessels.

The landings statistics in this data set consist of the quantity and value for the individual species of shrimp, which includes the penaeids (brown, pink and white), seabobs, royal reds and rock shrimp by size category (i.e., count of shrimp per pound), type and quantity of gear, fishing duration and fishing area (a description of fishing area is provided in the Characteristics, Caveats and Issues section). The data collection procedures for the catch/effort data for the large vessels consist of two parts. The landings statistics (i.e., quantity, value, etc.) are collected from the seafood dealers after the trips are unloaded; whereas, the data on fishing effort (gear, fishing duration) and area are collected by interviews with the captain or crew while the trip is being unloaded. Although the landings data are comprehensive and represent a near-census of all the shrimp landings in the Gulf of Mexico, interviews are opportunistic and represent a varying percent of the total offshore trips for various ports along the Gulf of Mexico. In some ports, the cooperation by the fishermen and interview opportunities are high and a relatively large percentage of the trips are interviewed (80 to 90%). In other areas, especially along the lengthy bayous in Louisiana, the opportunities are much more limited and the percentages are often between 5 to 10% of the offshore trips.


There are two primary purposes for the implementation of this data collection program. The Gulf shrimp program was initiated to provide comprehensive landings data for all shrimp species caught and landed at ports in the Gulf of Mexico. Second, the program was implemented to provide data on fishing effort, amount and location, and the associated catches for offshore trips to determine the catch per unit effort for these vessels.


Theme Keywords

Thesaurus Keyword
PARR Exclusion Non-Environmental Data
None Effort
None Landings
None Penaeid Shrimp
None Shrimp
None Value

Temporal Keywords

Thesaurus Keyword
None 1956-present

Spatial Keywords

Thesaurus Keyword
None Alabama
None Florida
None Gulf States
None Louisiana
None Mississippi
None Texas

Stratum Keywords

Thesaurus Keyword
None area
None county
None grade
None market category
None species
None state
None water body

Support Roles

Point of Contact

CC ID: 1339775
Date Effective From: 2017
Date Effective To:
Contact (Person): Beerkircher, Larry
Address: 75 Virginia Beach Drive
Miami, FL 33149
Email Address:
Phone: 305-361-4290

Principal Investigator

CC ID: 36936
Date Effective From: 2024-05-01
Date Effective To:
Contact (Person): Beerkircher, Larry
Address: 75 Virginia Beach Drive
Miami, FL 33149
Email Address:
Phone: 305-361-4290
Contact Instructions:



Currentness Reference: Ground Condition

Extent Group 1

Extent Group 1 / Geographic Area 1

CC ID: 7548
W° Bound: -98
E° Bound: -79
N° Bound: 30
S° Bound: 22

Landings From The Gulf Of Mexico Ports. For the states of Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana , and Texas

Extent Group 1 / Time Frame 1

CC ID: 7551
Time Frame Type: Continuing
Start: 1956-01-01

Access Information

Security Class: Confidential
Data Access Policy:

Password restricted.

Data Access Constraints:

Access is restricted to personnel authorized in accordance with NOAA Administrative Order 216-100. A signed non-disclosure agreement must be on file for all authorized personnel.


Issue 1

CC ID: 8875
Issue Date: 2005-11-15
Author: John Poffenberger

The shrimp data collection procedures were changed in 1978 in several ways. The vessel identification number (i.e., the Coast Guard documentation number) was not included in dealer records. All dealer records were coded with 9s in the vessel identification field. The vessel identification number was recorded when an interview was conducted, and it was also included on the interview records. Another change that was implemented at this time was to record only the month in which the trip occurred, instead of the month and day.

In 1981, these procedures were discontinued and the pre-1978 procedures were re-implemented, i.e., the former method of recording the vessel identification number and the month and day when the trip was unloaded for both dealer and interview records.

Pounds and value for the shrimp catches are collected by size, although the data collection procedures have changed over the years. Prior to 1984, all landings were grouped into a standard set of eight market or size categories (i.e., <15, 15-20, 21-25, 26-30, 31-40, 41-50, 51-67, and >68 shrimp count per pound). In 1984, port agents began recording the landings data in the size ranges in which the shrimp were purchased by dealers.

In addition to changes in size ranges, more detailed information on fishing effort was collected beginning in 1984. This change included the addition of data on the number of trawls, the size of trawls, the period of the day that the shrimping occurred (i.e., day or night), and the actual number of hours fished.

Issue 2

CC ID: 8932
Issue Date: 2005-11-15
Author: John Poffenberger

If the shrimp data are used in a fixed record format, it is essential that all records associated with a single trip be identified and used properly. There are several fields that should be used to identify the records associated with a fishing trip. A number is recorded on each shrimp schedule that port agents prepare; however, this number is not unique for the entire Gulf of Mexico. The schedule number is only unique for a given port and month (the month in the date of landing field. A suggested means of associating all of the records with a single fishing trip is to sort the data by port, month and schedule number, and as an additional assurance the official number can be used in the sort. Because the data on pounds and value are disaggregated for each record, totals for pounds and value for a specific species, port, area of fishing, etc. can be accomplished by simply adding all of the data in the respective fields. However, determining the number of fishing trips and the amount of fishing effort (i.e., days fished) is more complicated.

Data on the number of trips are provided in the NUMBER_OF_TRIPS field and is always 1 for unconsolidated records. As discussed above, port agents may combine the information for several trips into a consolidated record. In this case, the value entered in the Trip field would be the number of trips combined by the port agents in the respective schedule. The number of trips is not provided on every computer record; it is only provided on one of the records for each trip. Thus, the user must be careful to associate all of the computer records for a specific trip in order to assure that the correct numbers of trips for the desired analysis are counted.

Care must be taken when trip information is needed that requires records for a single trip to be split. For example, if an analysis of white shrimp is being done and the number of fishing trips on which white shrimp were caught is needed, the analyst has to make sure that the trips on which fishermen caught both brown and white shrimp are counted. It is possible that the number of trips is recorded on a brown shrimp record and not a white shrimp record and unless special provisions are made, the number of trips on which white shrimp were caught could be under-counted. Furthermore, care must be taken, because double counting of trips can occur if the number of trips is calculated separately for several species and then added together without an accurate accounting of the number of trips on which more than one species were caught.

Calculating the number of days fished has a different type of problem associated with it. As described above, information on the number of days fished is only provided on Interview records. Because interviews are conducted for only a sample of the fishing trips, the number of days fished must be estimated by expanding the sample information to the total universe that is desired. For example, if the total number of days fished is needed for shrimp caught off the coast of Texas, this number would have to be estimated by expanding the days fished information on the interview records to the total records for all shrimp caught in areas off the coast of Texas.

Because different assumptions can be made to accomplish whatever expansions are needed, it is possible that different analysts could calculate different estimates of days fished for essentially the same research question. A method of estimating directed fishing effort for individual species of shrimp is presented in Nichols,1984. Literature Cited Nichols, S. 1984. Updated assessment of brown, white, and pink shrimp in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico. Southeast Fisheries Center, Miami, Florida. 21 p.

Issue 3

CC ID: 8933
Issue Date: 2006-04-02
Author: Frank Patella

Dealer Codes

We rebuilt the historical dealer codes from the old two digit numeric to the nine column character dealer code beginning in 2001.

So in pre 2001, there will only be two significant digits anyway.

And after 2001 the state Dealer Codes were used.

Technical Environment


Oracle 11g Database in Miami connected via Oracle_DB link to Oracle 12c Database in Galveston

Data Quality


Although the landings data are comprehensive and represent a near-census of all the shrimp landings in the Gulf of Mexico,.Interviews are opportunistic and represent a varying percent of the total offshore trips for various ports along the Gulf of Mexico. In some ports, the cooperation by the fishermen and interview opportunities are high and a relatively large percentage of the trips are interviewed (80 to 90%). In other areas, especially along the lengthy bayous in Louisiana, the opportunities are much more limited and the percentages are often between 5 to 10% of the offshore trips.


ACCSP Accumulated Landings System
ASMFC Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission
ELB Electronic Logbook
FIN Fisherires Information Network
FLS Federal Logbook System
FMRI Florida Marine Research Institute
FTT Florida Trip Ticket
GFMC Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council
GSMFC Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission
GSS Gulf Shrimp System
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admininstration
SAFMC South Atlantic Fishery Management Council
SAS South Atlantic Shrimp System
SEFSC Southeast Fisheries Science Center
TIP Trip Interview Program
USCG United States Coast Guard

Glossary Terms and Definitions

Rule of Three

CC ID: 68132

Data requested is confidential unless at the granularity of the data requested there are more than three dealers reporting data. Data is non-confidential if there is no dealer information.

Related Items

Item Type Relationship Type Title
Data Set (DS) Cross Reference Commercial Landings Data monthly summaries (Dealers)

Commercial Fisheries Landings from the SE Region US from 1972-present for Georgia and Carolinas and from 1977-present for all other states in the US SE Region. Data are summed by year, month, state, county, dealer, waterbody, gear, species for pounds and value. GSS Supplies shrimp data to this data set for Gulf Region.

Catalog Details

Catalog Item ID: 1915
GUID: gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:1915
Metadata Record Created By: Lee M Weinberger
Metadata Record Created: 2006-06-13 12:32+0000
Metadata Record Last Modified By: Lee M Weinberger
Metadata Record Last Modified: 2024-06-14 14:05+0000
Metadata Record Published: 2024-06-14
Owner Org: SEFSC
Metadata Publication Status: Published Externally
Do Not Publish?: N
Metadata Last Review Date: 2021-05-07
Metadata Review Frequency: 1 Year
Metadata Next Review Date: 2022-05-07