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Short Citation
Southeast Fisheries Science Center, 2024: Multibeam Mapping of the South Atlantic Bight: Georgia 2005, a Proposed MPA on the Continental Shelf,
Full Citation Examples


The NOAA Fisheries laboratory in Panama City, Florida coordinated an acoustic survey at the new proposed Marine Protected Areas in the South Atlantic Bight area June 20- July 7th, 2005. This metadata record is the parent record for the multi-beam echosounder (MBES) survey at the Georgia proposed MPA, which includes the following products: 1) XYZ ascii table created from the grid, 2) colored coded shaded geotiffs from the grid, 3) backscatter mosaic, 4) XYA (amplitude) ascii table created from the mosaic, and 5) geotif of backscatter draped on the bathymetric grid. All products are available contacting the distributor. Some data sets are also posted on NOAA's Coral Reef Information System (CoRIS) at Another product that will not be distributed, but will be used as input to habitat classification software (QTC MultiView (website)), are raw data files logged to disk using the Simrad EM3002 MBES data acquisition software. These raw files contain packets of information (depth soundings, navigation, attitude, sound velocity profiles, UTC time) that the acquisition software logged sequentially in time. The raw data format is available from Kongsberg-Simrad (website). The MBES system was provided by Seafloor Systems Inc. and the support vessel was UNCW's 70-ft. R/V Cape Fear. This survey is part of an on-going partnership effort funded by the NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program (CRCP). This survey was funded by a CRCP grant to Andrew David, NOAA Fisheries - Panama City, and Andrew Shepard, NURC/UNCW (The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration's Undersea Research Center at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington). In addition to partners above, other partners include UNCW's Spatial Analysis Lab, US Geological Survey, and the S. Atlantic fishery Management Council.

Distribution Information

Access Constraints:

There are no constraints for use of geotif files, which are available online and from the P.O.C.

Use Constraints:

Not for legal use

Controlled Theme Keywords


Contact Information

Point of Contact
Andrew David
850-234-6541 x208

Metadata Contact
Andrew David
850-234-6541 x208


Geographic Area 1

-80° W, -79° E, 32° N, 31° S

South Atlantic Bight: Georgia

Time Frame 1
2005-06-20 - 2005-06-27

Item Identification

Title: Multibeam Mapping of the South Atlantic Bight: Georgia 2005, a Proposed MPA on the Continental Shelf
Short Name: Multibeam Mapping of the South Atlantic Bight: Georgia 2005
Status: Completed
Publication Date: 2005-07-30

The NOAA Fisheries laboratory in Panama City, Florida coordinated an acoustic survey at the new proposed Marine Protected Areas in the South Atlantic Bight area June 20- July 7th, 2005. This metadata record is the parent record for the multi-beam echosounder (MBES) survey at the Georgia proposed MPA, which includes the following products: 1) XYZ ascii table created from the grid, 2) colored coded shaded geotiffs from the grid, 3) backscatter mosaic, 4) XYA (amplitude) ascii table created from the mosaic, and 5) geotif of backscatter draped on the bathymetric grid. All products are available contacting the distributor. Some data sets are also posted on NOAA's Coral Reef Information System (CoRIS) at Another product that will not be distributed, but will be used as input to habitat classification software (QTC MultiView (website)), are raw data files logged to disk using the Simrad EM3002 MBES data acquisition software. These raw files contain packets of information (depth soundings, navigation, attitude, sound velocity profiles, UTC time) that the acquisition software logged sequentially in time. The raw data format is available from Kongsberg-Simrad (website). The MBES system was provided by Seafloor Systems Inc. and the support vessel was UNCW's 70-ft. R/V Cape Fear. This survey is part of an on-going partnership effort funded by the NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program (CRCP). This survey was funded by a CRCP grant to Andrew David, NOAA Fisheries - Panama City, and Andrew Shepard, NURC/UNCW (The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration's Undersea Research Center at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington). In addition to partners above, other partners include UNCW's Spatial Analysis Lab, US Geological Survey, and the S. Atlantic fishery Management Council.


The primary objective of this joint mapping expedition is to create habitat maps for proposed marine protected areas in the South Altantic Bight (SAB), prior to closure. These bathymetry data will help prepare habitat maps. The surveys will be followed by a ROV expedition later to ground-truth the newly acquired MBES-derived habitat maps. The map will serve as a baseline for assessing change of habitat condition over time, and for monitoring recovery of fish population in the closed area. The new proposed MPAs offer the rare opportunity to quantify habitat and fish assemblages before closure for direct comparision after closure. However, mapping is a prerequisite for any comprehensive research program.

Supplemental Information:

The survey was supported by Seafloor Systems, Inc., Portland, ( Oregon using a Simrad EM 3002 multi-beam system. The survey was funded by NOAA Fisheries ( and overseen by the NOAA Undersea Research Center.


Theme Keywords

Thesaurus Keyword
ISO 19115 Topic Category
CoRIS Discovery Thesaurus Geographic Information > Bathymetry
CoRIS Theme Thesaurus EARTH SCIENCE > Biosphere > Zoology > Corals > Reef Monitoring and Assessment > Mapping
CoRIS Theme Thesaurus EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans > Bathymetry/Seafloor Topography > Bathymetry
None backscatter
None bathymetry
None deep-water reefs
None multibeam
None ocean floor topography

Spatial Keywords

Thesaurus Keyword
CoRIS Place Thesaurus COUNTRY/TERRITORY > United States of America > Georgia > South Atlantic Bight (31N079W0001)
CoRIS Place Thesaurus OCEAN BASIN > Atlantic Ocean > North Atlantic Ocean > South Atlantic Bight > Georgia (31N079W0001)

Physical Location

Organization: Panama City Laboratory
City: Panama City
State/Province: FL

Data Set Information

Data Set Scope Code: Data Set
Data Set Type: GIS
Maintenance Frequency: As Needed
Data Presentation Form: Map and XYZ ASCII
Entity Attribute Overview:

XYZ ASCII file is a 3-column table of longitude, latitude and elevation. Each point is average center of 3 meter square grid cell. Colored, shaded geotif maps were created using these points and CARIS HIPS 5.4 software.

Entity Attribute Detail Citation:


Distribution Liability:

These data are not intended for navigational purposes. NOAA makes no warranty regarding these data,expressed or implied, nor does the fact of distribution constitute such a warranty. NOAA does not assume liability for any damages caused by any errors or omissions in these data, nor as a result of the failure of these data to function on a particular system. Although these data have been used by NOAA, these data and information are provided with the understanding that they are not guaranteed to be useable, timely, accurate, or complete. Users are cautioned to consider carefully the provisional nature of these data and information before using them for decisions that concern personal or public safety or the conduct of business that involves substantial monetary or operational consequences. Conclusions drawn from, or actions undertaken on the basis of such data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. Neither the U.S. Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, contractors, or subcontractors, make any warranty, express or implied, nor assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any data, software, information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, nor represent that its use would not infringe on privately owned rights. Trade, firm, or product names and other references to non-USGS products and services are provided for information only and do not constitute endorsement or warranty, express or implied, by UNCW, NOAA, the US Department of Commerce, or the U.S. Government, as to their suitability, content, usefulness, functioning, completeness, or accuracy.

Support Roles

Data Steward

CC ID: 295456
Date Effective From: 2005
Date Effective To:
Contact (Person): David, Andrew
Address: 3500 Delwood Beach Road
Panama City, FL 32408
Email Address:
Phone: 850-234-6541 x208
Fax: 850-235-3559


CC ID: 195637
Date Effective From: 2005
Date Effective To:
Contact (Person): David, Andrew
Address: 3500 Delwood Beach Road
Panama City, FL 32408
Email Address:
Phone: 850-234-6541 x208
Fax: 850-235-3559

Metadata Contact

CC ID: 195638
Date Effective From: 2005
Date Effective To:
Contact (Person): David, Andrew
Address: 3500 Delwood Beach Road
Panama City, FL 32408
Email Address:
Phone: 850-234-6541 x208
Fax: 850-235-3559


CC ID: 195635
Date Effective From: 2005
Date Effective To:
Contact (Organization): Southeast Fisheries Science Center (SEFSC)
Address: 75 Virginia Beach Drive
Miami, FL 33149
Phone: (305)361-5761
Business Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. EST

Point of Contact

CC ID: 195636
Date Effective From: 2005
Date Effective To:
Contact (Person): David, Andrew
Address: 3500 Delwood Beach Road
Panama City, FL 32408
Email Address:
Phone: 850-234-6541 x208
Fax: 850-235-3559


Currentness Reference: Ground Condition

Extent Group 1

Extent Group 1 / Geographic Area 1

CC ID: 195639
W° Bound: -80
E° Bound: -79
N° Bound: 32
S° Bound: 31

South Atlantic Bight: Georgia

Extent Group 1 / Time Frame 1

CC ID: 195641
Time Frame Type: Range
Start: 2005-06-20
End: 2005-06-27

Access Information

Security Class: Unclassified
Data Access Procedure:

Follow URL

Data Access Constraints:

There are no constraints for use of geotif files, which are available online and from the P.O.C.

Data Use Constraints:

Not for legal use

Distribution Information

Distribution 1

CC ID: 195646
Download URL:

Sample of bathymetry XYZ ASCII file Longitude, Latitude, Elevation 621804.720 3476857.400 108.513

File Type (Deprecated): ASCII
Distribution Format: Text (Unstructured)

Technical Environment


Colored, shaded geotifs for the survey area were created by Seafloor Systems Inc. using Caris HIPS 5.4 software. The raw survey data and processed XYZ data may also be available upon request from the P.O.C.

Data Quality


Attribute Accuracy: None

Horizontal Accuracy: 1 meter

Vertical Accuracy: 0.05% of water depth

Completeness Report:

The initial surveys produced an extremely large dataset (62 CDs) of raw data in Caris' cross-track format. To create the geotifs, this data set was reduced by post-survey processing including: corrections for sound velocity and tidal stage removal of outliers and data gaps, and calculation and assignment of mean values for 3m X 3m cells throughout the survey area.

Conceptual Consistency:

Data are believed to be logically consistent, though no tests were performed.

Quality Control Procedures Employed:

None noted.

Data Management

Have Resources for Management of these Data Been Identified?: No
Approximate Percentage of Budget for these Data Devoted to Data Management: Unknown
Do these Data Comply with the Data Access Directive?: No
Is Access to the Data Limited Based on an Approved Waiver?: Yes
If Distributor (Data Hosting Service) is Needed, Please Indicate: Data hosting service is needed
Approximate Delay Between Data Collection and Dissemination: unknown
If Delay is Longer than Latency of Automated Processing, Indicate Under What Authority Data Access is Delayed:


Actual or Planned Long-Term Data Archive Location: To Be Determined
If To Be Determined, Unable to Archive, or No Archiving Intended, Explain:

Waiting on instructions from Southeast Region leadership.

Approximate Delay Between Data Collection and Archiving: 365
How Will the Data Be Protected from Accidental or Malicious Modification or Deletion Prior to Receipt by the Archive?:

Access is on a server requiring authentication to access.


Process Steps

Process Step 1

CC ID: 195622

The bathymetry and backscatter data were collected along a continuous swath perpendicular to the direction of the ship using a Simrad EM 3002 multibeam sonar system. The data were collected in the raw format .all Simrad file. The data are cleaned of bad navigation and depth readings in CARIS HIPS 5.4 swath editor. The depth readings are gridded into a common grid. The gridded data are converted to an XYZ ASCII format file (Longitude, Latitude, Attribute). The raw backscatter was saved during the survey. The multi-beam system was mated to a Differential GPS unit, APPLANIX POS/MV (quantified heave, pitch, roll, and yaw heading). HYPACK navigation system was used to maintain vessel course throughout the survey. Sensor data were compiled in SIS Shipboard Data Acquisition and Image Processing System and initially logged to .all Simrad data files. Files were post-processed using CARIS HIPS 5.4 software to remove outliers, correct for sound velocity and tidal stage. HIPS was also used to mosaic backscatter and produce XYA files.

Process Date/Time: 2005-07-07 00:00:00

Catalog Details

Catalog Item ID: 24278
GUID: gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:24278
Metadata Record Created By: Sarah A O'Connor
Metadata Record Created: 2015-04-03 11:13+0000
Metadata Record Last Modified By: SysAdmin InPortAdmin
Metadata Record Last Modified: 2023-10-17 16:12+0000
Metadata Record Published: 2021-10-21
Owner Org: SEFSC
Metadata Publication Status: Published Externally
Do Not Publish?: N
Metadata Last Review Date: 2021-10-21
Metadata Review Frequency: 1 Year
Metadata Next Review Date: 2022-10-21