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Short Citation
Alaska Fisheries Science Center, 2025: AFSC/RACE/MACE: Results of 2012 Acoustic-trawl survey of the Shumagin Islands and Sanak Trough dy1201,
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The survey’s primary objective was to collect acoustic data and trawl information to estimate midwater abundance and distribution of walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus) in the Gulf of Alaska (GOA) Shumagins Region during late winter and early spring. Acoustic data were collected using five split-beam transducers (18, 38, 70, 120, and 200 kHz) and Simrad ER60 scientific echo sounders. Midwater and near-bottom acoustic backscatter was sampled using an Aleutian Wing 30/26 Trawl (AWT) and a poly Nor’eastern bottom trawl (PNE) with roller gear. This long-running survey has consistently provided data on the pollock population in the western GOA during winter and spring months.

Surveys were conducted 13-22 February (cruise DY2012-01) in Sanak Trough and in the Shumagin Islands area (comprised of Shumagin Trough, Stepovak Bay, Renshaw Point, Unga Strait, and West Nagai Strait), and 17-27 March to estimate the distribution andabundance of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma).

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User must read and fully comprehend the metadata prior to use. User must acknowledge the Originator when using the data set as a source. User must share data products developed using the source data set with the Originator. Data should not be used beyond the limits of the source scale.

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Point of Contact
Abigail McCarthy

Metadata Contact
Abigail McCarthy


Geographic Area 1

Gulf of Alaska:

Time Frame 1