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The data table BREED identifies the monthly presence of certain life-history stages or activities for each species at a given location. | Description Source: Research Planning, Inc.

Entity Information

Data Attribute / Type Description
Concatenation of ELEMENT, SPECIES_ID, and SEASON_ID. This item links records in the BREED data table to records in the BIORES and SEASONAL data tables. | Description Source: Research Planning, Inc.
Two-digit calendar month. Each life history stage or activity type for a particular species can have up to 12 records to account for each month of the year. | Description Source: Research Planning, Inc.
Life history stage or activity type, where: if ELEMENT is "BIRD" then BREED1 = nesting; if ELEMENT is "FISH" then BREED1 = spawning; if ELEMENT is "INVERT" then BREED1 = spawning; if ELEMENT is "REPTILE" then BREED1 = nesting; if ELEMENT is "M_MAMMAL" then BREED1 = mating. This attribute is not used for HABITAT or T_MAMMAL elements. | Description Source: Research Planning, Inc.
Life history stage or activity type, where: if ELEMENT is "BIRD" then BREED2 = migrating; if ELEMENT is "FISH" then BREED2 = eggs; if ELEMENT is "INVERT" then BREED2 = eggs; if ELEMENT is "REPTILE" then BREED2 = hatching; if ELEMENT is "M_MAMMAL" then BREED2 = calving. This attribute is not used for HABITAT or T_MAMMAL elements. | Description Source: Research Planning, Inc.
Life history stage or activity type, where: if ELEMENT is "BIRD" then BREED3 = molting; if ELEMENT is "FISH" then BREED3 = larvae; if ELEMENT is "INVERT" then BREED3 = larvae; if ELEMENT is "REPTILE" then BREED3 = internesting; if ELEMENT is "M_MAMMAL" then BREED3 = pupping. This attribute is not used for HABITAT or T_MAMMAL elements. | Description Source: Research Planning, Inc.
Life history stage or activity type, where: if ELEMENT is "FISH" then BREED4 = juveniles; if ELEMENT is "INVERT" then BREED4 = juveniles; if ELEMENT is "REPTILE" then BREED4 = juveniles; if ELEMENT is "M_MAMMAL" then BREED4 = molting. This attribute is not used for BIRD, HABITAT, or T_MAMMAL elements. | Description Source: Research Planning, Inc.
Life history stage or activity type, where: if ELEMENT is "FISH" then BREED5 = adults; if ELEMENT is "INVERT" then BREED5 = adults; if ELEMENT is "REPTILE" then BREED5 = adults. This attribute is not used for BIRD, M_MAMMAL, HABITAT, or T_MAMMAL elements. | Description Source: Research Planning, Inc.

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Item Identification

Title: BREED
Short Name: BREED
Status: Completed

The data table BREED identifies the monthly presence of certain life-history stages or activities for each species at a given location. | Description Source: Research Planning, Inc.


Converted from FGDC using '' script.

Data Attributes

Attribute Summary

Rubric Score Primary Key? Name Type Description
EL_SPE_SEA VARCHAR Concatenation of ELEMENT, SPECIES_ID, and SEASON_ID. This item links records in the BREED data table to records in the BIORES and SEASONAL data tables. | Description Source: Research Planning, Inc.
MONTH NUMBER Two-digit calendar month. Each life history stage or activity type for a particular species can have up to 12 records to account for each month of the year. | Description Source: Research Planning, Inc.
BREED1 VARCHAR Life history stage or activity type, where: if ELEMENT is "BIRD" then BREED1 = nesting; if ELEMENT is "FISH" then BREED1 = spawning; if ELEMENT is "INVERT" then BREED1 = spawning; if ELEMENT is "REPTILE" then BREED1 = nesting; if ELEMENT is "M_MAMMAL" then BREED1 = mating. This attribute is not used for HABITAT or T_MAMMAL elements. | Description Source: Research Planning, Inc.
BREED2 VARCHAR Life history stage or activity type, where: if ELEMENT is "BIRD" then BREED2 = migrating; if ELEMENT is "FISH" then BREED2 = eggs; if ELEMENT is "INVERT" then BREED2 = eggs; if ELEMENT is "REPTILE" then BREED2 = hatching; if ELEMENT is "M_MAMMAL" then BREED2 = calving. This attribute is not used for HABITAT or T_MAMMAL elements. | Description Source: Research Planning, Inc.
BREED3 VARCHAR Life history stage or activity type, where: if ELEMENT is "BIRD" then BREED3 = molting; if ELEMENT is "FISH" then BREED3 = larvae; if ELEMENT is "INVERT" then BREED3 = larvae; if ELEMENT is "REPTILE" then BREED3 = internesting; if ELEMENT is "M_MAMMAL" then BREED3 = pupping. This attribute is not used for HABITAT or T_MAMMAL elements. | Description Source: Research Planning, Inc.
BREED4 VARCHAR Life history stage or activity type, where: if ELEMENT is "FISH" then BREED4 = juveniles; if ELEMENT is "INVERT" then BREED4 = juveniles; if ELEMENT is "REPTILE" then BREED4 = juveniles; if ELEMENT is "M_MAMMAL" then BREED4 = molting. This attribute is not used for BIRD, HABITAT, or T_MAMMAL elements. | Description Source: Research Planning, Inc.
BREED5 VARCHAR Life history stage or activity type, where: if ELEMENT is "FISH" then BREED5 = adults; if ELEMENT is "INVERT" then BREED5 = adults; if ELEMENT is "REPTILE" then BREED5 = adults. This attribute is not used for BIRD, M_MAMMAL, HABITAT, or T_MAMMAL elements. | Description Source: Research Planning, Inc.

Attribute Details


CC ID: 548248
Seq. Order: 1
Data Storage Type: VARCHAR
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Concatenation of ELEMENT, SPECIES_ID, and SEASON_ID. This item links records in the BREED data table to records in the BIORES and SEASONAL data tables. | Description Source: Research Planning, Inc.

Allowed Values: E#######: Where E is the first character of ELEMENT, the next five characters are SPECIES_ID, and the last two characters are SEASON_ID (for example, ELEMENT = 'BIRD', SPECIES_ID = 1 and SEASON_ID = 1; EL_SPE_SEA = 'B0000101'). |


CC ID: 548249
Seq. Order: 2
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Two-digit calendar month. Each life history stage or activity type for a particular species can have up to 12 records to account for each month of the year. | Description Source: Research Planning, Inc.

Allowed Values: 1 - 12


CC ID: 548250
Seq. Order: 3
Data Storage Type: VARCHAR
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Life history stage or activity type, where: if ELEMENT is "BIRD" then BREED1 = nesting; if ELEMENT is "FISH" then BREED1 = spawning; if ELEMENT is "INVERT" then BREED1 = spawning; if ELEMENT is "REPTILE" then BREED1 = nesting; if ELEMENT is "M_MAMMAL" then BREED1 = mating. This attribute is not used for HABITAT or T_MAMMAL elements. | Description Source: Research Planning, Inc.

Allowed Values: Y: Life-history stage or activity present | N: Life-history stage or activity not present | -: Breed category not used or not appropriate for record(s) in question |


CC ID: 548251
Seq. Order: 4
Data Storage Type: VARCHAR
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Life history stage or activity type, where: if ELEMENT is "BIRD" then BREED2 = migrating; if ELEMENT is "FISH" then BREED2 = eggs; if ELEMENT is "INVERT" then BREED2 = eggs; if ELEMENT is "REPTILE" then BREED2 = hatching; if ELEMENT is "M_MAMMAL" then BREED2 = calving. This attribute is not used for HABITAT or T_MAMMAL elements. | Description Source: Research Planning, Inc.

Allowed Values: Y: Life-history stage or activity present | N: Life-history stage or activity not present | -: Breed category not used or not appropriate for record(s) in question |


CC ID: 548252
Seq. Order: 5
Data Storage Type: VARCHAR
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Life history stage or activity type, where: if ELEMENT is "BIRD" then BREED3 = molting; if ELEMENT is "FISH" then BREED3 = larvae; if ELEMENT is "INVERT" then BREED3 = larvae; if ELEMENT is "REPTILE" then BREED3 = internesting; if ELEMENT is "M_MAMMAL" then BREED3 = pupping. This attribute is not used for HABITAT or T_MAMMAL elements. | Description Source: Research Planning, Inc.

Allowed Values: Y: Life-history stage or activity present | N: Life-history stage or activity not present | -: Breed category not used or not appropriate for record(s) in question |


CC ID: 548253
Seq. Order: 6
Data Storage Type: VARCHAR
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Life history stage or activity type, where: if ELEMENT is "FISH" then BREED4 = juveniles; if ELEMENT is "INVERT" then BREED4 = juveniles; if ELEMENT is "REPTILE" then BREED4 = juveniles; if ELEMENT is "M_MAMMAL" then BREED4 = molting. This attribute is not used for BIRD, HABITAT, or T_MAMMAL elements. | Description Source: Research Planning, Inc.

Allowed Values: Y: Life-history stage or activity present | N: Life-history stage or activity not present | -: Breed category not used or not appropriate for record(s) in question |


CC ID: 548254
Seq. Order: 7
Data Storage Type: VARCHAR
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Life history stage or activity type, where: if ELEMENT is "FISH" then BREED5 = adults; if ELEMENT is "INVERT" then BREED5 = adults; if ELEMENT is "REPTILE" then BREED5 = adults. This attribute is not used for BIRD, M_MAMMAL, HABITAT, or T_MAMMAL elements. | Description Source: Research Planning, Inc.

Allowed Values: Y: Life-history stage or activity present | N: Life-history stage or activity not present | -: Breed category not used or not appropriate for record(s) in question |

Catalog Details

Catalog Item ID: 43611
GUID: gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:43611
Metadata Record Created By: Tyler Christensen
Metadata Record Created: 2017-04-06 11:35+0000
Metadata Record Last Modified By: SysAdmin InPortAdmin
Metadata Record Last Modified: 2022-08-09 17:11+0000
Metadata Record Published: 2017-08-07
Owner Org: ORR
Metadata Publication Status: Published Externally
Do Not Publish?: N
Metadata Last Review Date: 2017-08-07
Metadata Review Frequency: 1 Year
Metadata Next Review Date: 2018-08-07