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Short Citation
Alaska Fisheries Science Center, 2025: Alaska Harbor Seal Stocks,
Full Citation Examples


This data layer represents the 12 uniquely identified stocks of harbor seals found in Alaskan waters. Stocks were identified by NMFS and their co-management partners, the Alaska Native Harbor Seal Commission, in 2010 based largely on genetic structure. Given the genetic samples were not obtained continuously throughout the range, a total evidence approach was used to consider additional factors such as population trends, observed harbor seal movements, and traditional Alaska Native use areas in the final designation of stock boundaries. The 12 stocks of harbor seals currently identified in Alaska are 1) the Aleutian Islands, 2) the Pribilof Islands, 3) Bristol Bay, 4) North Kodiak Island, 5) South Kodiak Island, 6) Prince William Sound, 7) Cook Inlet/Shelikof Strait, 8) Glacier Bay/Icy Strait, 9) Lynn Canal/Stephens Passage, 10) Sitka/Chatham Strait, 11) Dixon/Cape Decision and 12) Clarence Strait.

Distribution Information

Access Constraints:

The data set is in the process of being archived with the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Once the archival process is complete and verified, the data set will be publicly available.

Use Constraints:

User must read and fully comprehend the metadata prior to use. Applications or inferences derived from the data should be carefully considered for accuracy. While every effort has been made to ensure that these data are accurate and reliable within the limits of the current state of the art, NOAA cannot assume liability for any damages caused by any errors or omissions in the data, nor as a result of the failure of the data to function on a particular system. NOAA makes no warranty, expressed or implied, nor does the fact of distribution constitute such a warranty. Acknowledge NOAA/NMFS/AFSC or the specified citation as the source from which these data were obtained in any publications and/or other representations of these data. Communication and collaboration with dataset authors is strongly encouraged.

Child Items

No Child Items for this record.

Contact Information

Point of Contact
Mike Cameron

Metadata Contact
Stacie Koslovsky


Geographic Area 1

172° W, -130° E, 61.5° N, 51° S

Item Identification

Title: Alaska Harbor Seal Stocks
Short Name: Alaska Harbor Seal Stocks
Status: In Work

This data layer represents the 12 uniquely identified stocks of harbor seals found in Alaskan waters. Stocks were identified by NMFS and their co-management partners, the Alaska Native Harbor Seal Commission, in 2010 based largely on genetic structure. Given the genetic samples were not obtained continuously throughout the range, a total evidence approach was used to consider additional factors such as population trends, observed harbor seal movements, and traditional Alaska Native use areas in the final designation of stock boundaries. The 12 stocks of harbor seals currently identified in Alaska are 1) the Aleutian Islands, 2) the Pribilof Islands, 3) Bristol Bay, 4) North Kodiak Island, 5) South Kodiak Island, 6) Prince William Sound, 7) Cook Inlet/Shelikof Strait, 8) Glacier Bay/Icy Strait, 9) Lynn Canal/Stephens Passage, 10) Sitka/Chatham Strait, 11) Dixon/Cape Decision and 12) Clarence Strait.


This data layers is used to calculate the Alaska statewide abundance estimate based on population abundance and trends for each individual stock. A site specific survey approach was designed to provide the counts necessary to estimate stock specific population abundance and trend for all 12 stocks.


Theme Keywords

Thesaurus Keyword
None harbor seal
None statewide abundance
None stock

Spatial Keywords

Thesaurus Keyword
None Alaska
None coastal

Physical Location

Organization: Alaska Fisheries Science Center
City: Seattle
State/Province: WA
Country: USA

Data Set Information

Data Set Scope Code: Data Set
Data Set Type: GIS
Maintenance Frequency: As Needed
Data Presentation Form: Map (digital)
Distribution Liability:

While every effort has been made to ensure that these data are accurate and reliable within the limits of the current state of the art, NOAA cannot assume liability for any damages caused by any errors or omissions in the data, nor as a result of the failure of the data to function on a particular system. NOAA makes no warranty, expressed or implied, nor does the fact of distribution constitute such a warranty.

Support Roles

Data Steward

CC ID: 1331401
Date Effective From: 2024-03-06
Date Effective To:
Contact (Person): Koslovsky, Stacie
Address: 7600 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, WA 98115-6349
Email Address:
Phone: 206-526-6433


CC ID: 1331402
Date Effective From: 2015-11-01
Date Effective To:
Contact (Organization): Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC)
Address: 7600 Sand Point Way N.E., Building 4
Seattle, WA 98115
Email Address:
Phone: (206) 526-4000
Fax: (206) 526-4004
Business Hours: 0700-1700 Pacific Time

Metadata Contact

CC ID: 1331403
Date Effective From: 2024-03-06
Date Effective To:
Contact (Person): Koslovsky, Stacie
Address: 7600 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, WA 98115-6349
Email Address:
Phone: 206-526-6433


CC ID: 1331404
Date Effective From: 2015-11-01
Date Effective To:
Contact (Organization): Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC)
Address: 7600 Sand Point Way N.E., Building 4
Seattle, WA 98115
Email Address:
Phone: (206) 526-4000
Fax: (206) 526-4004
Business Hours: 0700-1700 Pacific Time

Point of Contact

CC ID: 1331405
Date Effective From: 2024-03-06
Date Effective To:
Contact (Person): Cameron, Mike
Email Address:


Extent Group 1

Extent Group 1 / Geographic Area 1

CC ID: 591555
W° Bound: 172
E° Bound: -130
N° Bound: 61.5
S° Bound: 51

Access Information

Security Class: Unclassified
Data Access Policy:

The data set is in the process of being archived with the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Once the archival process is complete and verified, the data set will be publicly available. Acknowledge NOAA/NMFS/AFSC as the source from which these data were obtained in any publications and/or other representations of these data. Communication and collaboration with dataset authors is strongly encouraged prior to use.

Data Access Procedure:

The data set is in the process of being archived with the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Once the archival process is complete and verified, the data set will be publicly available.

Data Access Constraints:

The data set is in the process of being archived with the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Once the archival process is complete and verified, the data set will be publicly available.

Data Use Constraints:

User must read and fully comprehend the metadata prior to use. Applications or inferences derived from the data should be carefully considered for accuracy. While every effort has been made to ensure that these data are accurate and reliable within the limits of the current state of the art, NOAA cannot assume liability for any damages caused by any errors or omissions in the data, nor as a result of the failure of the data to function on a particular system. NOAA makes no warranty, expressed or implied, nor does the fact of distribution constitute such a warranty. Acknowledge NOAA/NMFS/AFSC or the specified citation as the source from which these data were obtained in any publications and/or other representations of these data. Communication and collaboration with dataset authors is strongly encouraged.

Metadata Access Constraints:

no metadata access constraints

Metadata Use Constraints:

Metadata are subject to revision at any time and information within the metadata record should not be cited without author consent. While every effort has been made to ensure that these data are accurate and reliable within the limits of the current state of the art, NOAA cannot assume liability for any damages caused by any errors or omissions in the data, nor as a result of the failure of the data to function on a particular system. NOAA makes no warranty, expressed or implied, nor does the fact of distribution constitute such a warranty.

Distribution Information

Distribution 1

CC ID: 804537
Start Date: 2018-12-03
End Date: Present
Download URL:

Online resource

Note: Dataset migrated by Dan Woodrich (AFSC data management coordinator) on 12/20/2021. Contact:

File Type (Deprecated): ESRI Shapefile
Distribution Format: Shapefile

Distribution 2

CC ID: 804213
Start Date: 2018-11-30
End Date: Present
Download URL:

Online resource

File Type (Deprecated): ESRI REST Service
Distribution Format: ESRI REST Service

Data Management

Have Resources for Management of these Data Been Identified?: No
Approximate Percentage of Budget for these Data Devoted to Data Management: Unknown
Do these Data Comply with the Data Access Directive?: Yes
Is Access to the Data Limited Based on an Approved Waiver?: No
If Distributor (Data Hosting Service) is Needed, Please Indicate: not needed
Approximate Delay Between Data Collection and Dissemination: N/A
If Delay is Longer than Latency of Automated Processing, Indicate Under What Authority Data Access is Delayed:

not automatically processed

Actual or Planned Long-Term Data Archive Location: Other
If World Data Center or Other, Specify: AFSC ArcGIS Server
Approximate Delay Between Data Collection and Archiving: N/A
How Will the Data Be Protected from Accidental or Malicious Modification or Deletion Prior to Receipt by the Archive?:

IT Security and Contingency Plan for the system establishes procedures and applies to the functions, operations, and resources necessary to recover and restore data as hosted in the Western Regional Support Center in Seattle, Washington, following a disruption.

Catalog Details

Catalog Item ID: 47515
GUID: gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:47515
Metadata Record Created By: Erin Richmond
Metadata Record Created: 2017-09-26 17:34+0000
Metadata Record Last Modified By: Cynthia Christman
Metadata Record Last Modified: 2024-04-17 22:44+0000
Metadata Record Published: 2024-04-03
Owner Org: AFSC
Metadata Publication Status: Published Externally
Do Not Publish?: N
Metadata Last Review Date: 2022-05-05
Metadata Review Frequency: 1 Year
Metadata Next Review Date: 2023-05-05