Entity (ENT) | Office for Coastal Management (OCM)GUID: gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:49395 | Updated: August 9, 2022 | Published / External
Item Identification
Title: | Ches_2004SPI.dbf |
Short Name: | Ches_2004SPI.dbf |
Status: | Completed |
Abstract: |
Database file | Description Source: none |
Notes: |
Converted from FGDC using '' script. |
Data Attributes
Attribute Summary
Name | Type | Description | ||
FID | Unknown | Internal feature number. | Description Source: ESRI | |
Shape | Unknown | Feature geometry. | Description Source: ESRI | |
DATE_ | VARCHAR | Date sampled. | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management | |
REGION | VARCHAR | Name of region | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management | |
STATION | Unknown | Station identification number | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management | |
LATITUDE | NUMBER | Latitude in decimal degrees | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management | |
LONGITUDE | NUMBER | Longitude in decimal degrees | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management | |
IMAGE | Unknown | Image at station | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management | |
PENETRATIO | NUMBER | Average prism penetration depth in cm | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management | |
SFC_RELIEF | NUMBER | Average surface relief, change in sediment depth (in cm) across the 15 cm width of the prism face plate | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management | |
RPD | NUMBER | Average apparent redox potential discontinuity (RPD) depth in cm | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management | |
ADJ_RPD | NUMBER | Adjusted apparent redox potential discontinuity (RPD) depth in cm (removed greater than symbols from values) | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management | |
GRAIN_SIZE | Unknown | Abbreviation of modal sediment grain size estimate (Folk) | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management | |
MAX_GRSZ | Unknown | Maximum grain size | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management | |
BEDFORMS | VARCHAR | Presence of small sand ripples (bedforms) | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management | |
FLOC_LAYER | VARCHAR | Fluid mud layer above the sediment | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management | |
ALGAE | VARCHAR | Presence of diatom mats or macro algae | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management | |
HYD_BRY | VARCHAR | Presence of Hydroids and Bryozoans | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management | |
EPIFAUNA | Unknown | Epifaunal organisms on sediment surface | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management | |
PIT_MOUND | VARCHAR | These are features that appear to be biogenic, usually related to feeding activity of fauna (fish, crab, or infauna). | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management | |
PELLETS | VARCHAR | Fecal pellets on the sediment surface | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management | |
TUBES_LARG | NUMBER | Number of worm tubes in image greater than 2 mm diameter | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management | |
TUBES_SMAL | NUMBER | Number of worm tubes in image smaller than 2 mm diameter | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management | |
ADJ_T_SMAL | NUMBER | Adjusted number of small tubes (removed greater than symbols from values) | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management | |
INFAUNA | NUMBER | Number of infaunal worms | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management | |
MD_INFAUNA | NUMBER | Maximum depth that infaunal organisms were observed | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management | |
BURROW | NUMBER | Number of infaunal burrows | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management | |
OXIC_VOIDS | NUMBER | Number of water-filled inclusions in the sediment that appear oxygenated (oxic) | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management | |
MD_OXIC_VO | NUMBER | Maximum depth that oxic voids (water-filled inclusions in the sediment that appear oxygenated) were observed | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management | |
ANOX_VOIDS | NUMBER | Number of water-filled inclusions in the sediment that appear anaerobic (anoxic) | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management | |
MD_ANOX_VO | NUMBER | Maximum depth that anaeorbic voids (water-filled includes in the sediment that appear anaerobic) were observed | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management | |
GAS_VOIDS | NUMBER | Number of methane gas-filled inclusions in the sediment | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management | |
COMMENTS | Unknown | Special notes on the images made during analysis | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management | |
BHQ | NUMBER | Benthic Habitat Quality Index | Description Source: Nilsson and Rosenberg 1997 modified by R.J. Diaz | |
ADJ_BHQ | NUMBER | Adjusted Benthic Habitat Quality Index (removed greater than symbols from values) | Description Source: Nilsson and Rosenberg 1997 modified by R.J. Diaz |
Attribute Details
Seq. Order: | 1 |
Data Storage Type: | Unknown |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Internal feature number. | Description Source: ESRI |
Allowed Values: | Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated. |
Seq. Order: | 2 |
Data Storage Type: | Unknown |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Feature geometry. | Description Source: ESRI |
Allowed Values: | Coordinates defining the features. |
Seq. Order: | 3 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Date sampled. | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management |
Allowed Values: | 20040504: Date sampled | |
Seq. Order: | 4 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Name of region | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management |
Allowed Values: | Catlett: Catlett Island | Goodwin: Goodwin Island | |
Seq. Order: | 5 |
Data Storage Type: | Unknown |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Station identification number | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management |
Allowed Values: | Letter and number combination to represent sample sites. |
Seq. Order: | 6 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Latitude in decimal degrees | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management |
Unit of Measure: | Decimal degrees |
Allowed Values: | 37.202667 - 37.29467 |
Seq. Order: | 7 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Longitude in decimal degrees | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management |
Unit of Measure: | Decimal degrees |
Allowed Values: | -76.383333 - -76.565 |
Seq. Order: | 8 |
Data Storage Type: | Unknown |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Image at station | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management |
Allowed Values: | Image number |
Seq. Order: | 9 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Average prism penetration depth in cm | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management |
Allowed Values: | 0 - 20.3 |
Seq. Order: | 10 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Average surface relief, change in sediment depth (in cm) across the 15 cm width of the prism face plate | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management |
Allowed Values: | 0.3 - 4.8 |
Seq. Order: | 11 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Average apparent redox potential discontinuity (RPD) depth in cm | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management |
Allowed Values: | 0.5 - 5.3 |
Seq. Order: | 12 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Adjusted apparent redox potential discontinuity (RPD) depth in cm (removed greater than symbols from values) | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management |
Allowed Values: | 0.5 - 5.3 |
Seq. Order: | 13 |
Data Storage Type: | Unknown |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Abbreviation of modal sediment grain size estimate (Folk) | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management |
Allowed Values: | Grain size code |
Seq. Order: | 14 |
Data Storage Type: | Unknown |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Maximum grain size | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management |
Allowed Values: | Grain size code |
Seq. Order: | 15 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Presence of small sand ripples (bedforms) | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management |
Allowed Values: | 0: absence | 1: presence | |
Seq. Order: | 16 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Fluid mud layer above the sediment | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management |
Allowed Values: | 0: absence | 1: presence | |
Seq. Order: | 17 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Presence of diatom mats or macro algae | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management |
Allowed Values: | 0: absence | 1: presence | |
Seq. Order: | 18 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Presence of Hydroids and Bryozoans | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management |
Allowed Values: | 0: absence | 1: presence | |
Seq. Order: | 19 |
Data Storage Type: | Unknown |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Epifaunal organisms on sediment surface | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management |
Allowed Values: | Text description of organisms if applicable |
Seq. Order: | 20 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
These are features that appear to be biogenic, usually related to feeding activity of fauna (fish, crab, or infauna). | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management |
Allowed Values: | 0: absence | 1: presence | |
Seq. Order: | 21 |
Data Storage Type: | VARCHAR |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Fecal pellets on the sediment surface | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management |
Allowed Values: | 0: absence | 1: presence | |
Seq. Order: | 22 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Number of worm tubes in image greater than 2 mm diameter | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management |
Allowed Values: | 0 - 3 |
Seq. Order: | 23 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Number of worm tubes in image smaller than 2 mm diameter | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management |
Allowed Values: | 0 - greater than 20 |
Seq. Order: | 24 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Adjusted number of small tubes (removed greater than symbols from values) | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management |
Allowed Values: | 0 - 20 |
Seq. Order: | 25 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Number of infaunal worms | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management |
Allowed Values: | 0 - 12 |
Seq. Order: | 26 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Maximum depth that infaunal organisms were observed | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management |
Allowed Values: | 0 - 12.4 |
Seq. Order: | 27 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Number of infaunal burrows | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management |
Allowed Values: | 0 - 8 |
Seq. Order: | 28 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Number of water-filled inclusions in the sediment that appear oxygenated (oxic) | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management |
Allowed Values: | 0 - 3 |
Seq. Order: | 29 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Maximum depth that oxic voids (water-filled inclusions in the sediment that appear oxygenated) were observed | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management |
Allowed Values: | 0 - 12.4 |
Seq. Order: | 30 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Number of water-filled inclusions in the sediment that appear anaerobic (anoxic) | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management |
Allowed Values: | 0 - 3 |
Seq. Order: | 31 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Maximum depth that anaeorbic voids (water-filled includes in the sediment that appear anaerobic) were observed | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management |
Allowed Values: | 0 - 15.3 |
Seq. Order: | 32 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Number of methane gas-filled inclusions in the sediment | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management |
Allowed Values: | 0 - 0 |
Seq. Order: | 33 |
Data Storage Type: | Unknown |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Special notes on the images made during analysis | Description Source: NOAA Office for Coastal Management |
Allowed Values: | text description if applicable |
Seq. Order: | 34 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Benthic Habitat Quality Index | Description Source: Nilsson and Rosenberg 1997 modified by R.J. Diaz |
Allowed Values: | 2 - 8 |
Seq. Order: | 35 |
Data Storage Type: | NUMBER |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Adjusted Benthic Habitat Quality Index (removed greater than symbols from values) | Description Source: Nilsson and Rosenberg 1997 modified by R.J. Diaz |
Allowed Values: | 2 - 8 |
Catalog Details
Catalog Item ID: | 49395 |
GUID: | gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:49395 |
Metadata Record Created By: | Anne Ball |
Metadata Record Created: | 2017-11-15 08:31+0000 |
Metadata Record Last Modified By: | SysAdmin InPortAdmin |
Metadata Record Last Modified: | 2022-08-09 17:11+0000 |
Metadata Record Published: | 2017-11-16 |
Owner Org: | OCM |
Metadata Publication Status: | Published Externally |
Do Not Publish?: | N |
Metadata Last Review Date: | 2017-11-16 |
Metadata Review Frequency: | 1 Year |
Metadata Next Review Date: | 2018-11-16 |