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Activity Log
Data Quality
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Short Citation
OCM Partners, 2025: 2007 U.S. Geological Survey Topographic Lidar: Augusta-Manchester, Maine,
Full Citation Examples


Lidar Contract No. 07CRCN0014

Lidar was collected at a 1.0 points per square meter (1.0m GSD) for the towns of Augusta and Manchester in Maine while no snow was on the ground and rivers were at or

below normal levels and prior to leaf-on conditions.

Distribution Information

  • Create custom data files by choosing data area, product type, map projection, file format, datum, etc.

  • Simple download of data files.

Access Constraints:


Use Constraints:

Users should be aware that temporal changes may have occurred since this data set was collected and some parts of this data may no longer represent actual surface conditions.

Users should not use this data for critical applications without a full awareness of its limitations. These data depict the heights at the time of the survey and are only

accurate for that time.

Controlled Theme Keywords


Child Items

No Child Items for this record.

Contact Information

Point of Contact
NOAA Office for Coastal Management (NOAA/OCM)
(843) 740-1202

Metadata Contact
NOAA Office for Coastal Management (NOAA/OCM)
(843) 740-1202


Geographic Area 1

-69.927255° W, -69.608594° E, 44.403418° N, 44.254052° S

Time Frame 1
2006-10-10 - 2007-02-08

Item Identification

Title: 2007 U.S. Geological Survey Topographic Lidar: Augusta-Manchester, Maine
Short Name: me2007_usgs_augustamanchester_m2547_metadata
Status: Completed
Publication Date: 2013-08

Lidar Contract No. 07CRCN0014

Lidar was collected at a 1.0 points per square meter (1.0m GSD) for the towns of Augusta and Manchester in Maine while no snow was on the ground and rivers were at or

below normal levels and prior to leaf-on conditions.


One meter point spacing lidar data collection provides the information to create Intensity Images, Break Lines, Digital Elevation Models (DEM), and Contours.



Supplemental Information:

A footprint of this data set may be viewed in Google Earth at:


Theme Keywords

Thesaurus Keyword
ISO 19115 Topic Category
None contour

Physical Location

Organization: Office for Coastal Management
City: Charleston
State/Province: SC

Data Set Information

Data Set Scope Code: Data Set
Maintenance Frequency: As Needed
Data Presentation Form: las
Entity Attribute Overview:

LiDAR points in LAS format (ASPRS Classes 1,2,8,9)

Entity Attribute Detail Citation:


Distribution Liability:

Any conclusions drawn from the analysis of this information are not the responsibility

of Watershed Sciences Inc., PSLC, The Hoh Tribe, NOAA, the Office for Coastal Management or its partners.

Data Set Credit: Photo Science, Inc. flew the LiDAR and processed the data.

Support Roles

Data Steward

CC ID: 677127
Date Effective From: 2013-08
Date Effective To:
Contact (Organization): NOAA Office for Coastal Management (NOAA/OCM)
Address: 2234 South Hobson Ave
Charleston, SC 29405-2413
Email Address:
Phone: (843) 740-1202


CC ID: 677129
Date Effective From: 2013-08
Date Effective To:
Contact (Organization): NOAA Office for Coastal Management (NOAA/OCM)
Address: 2234 South Hobson Ave
Charleston, SC 29405-2413
Email Address:
Phone: (843) 740-1202

Metadata Contact

CC ID: 677130
Date Effective From: 2013-08
Date Effective To:
Contact (Organization): NOAA Office for Coastal Management (NOAA/OCM)
Address: 2234 South Hobson Ave
Charleston, SC 29405-2413
Email Address:
Phone: (843) 740-1202

Point of Contact

CC ID: 677128
Date Effective From: 2013-08
Date Effective To:
Contact (Organization): NOAA Office for Coastal Management (NOAA/OCM)
Address: 2234 South Hobson Ave
Charleston, SC 29405-2413
Email Address:
Phone: (843) 740-1202


Currentness Reference: Ground Condition

Extent Group 1

Extent Group 1 / Geographic Area 1

CC ID: 1134425
W° Bound: -69.927255
E° Bound: -69.608594
N° Bound: 44.403418
S° Bound: 44.254052

Extent Group 1 / Time Frame 1

CC ID: 1134424
Time Frame Type: Range
Start: 2006-10-10
End: 2007-02-08

Spatial Information

Spatial Representation

Representations Used

Vector: Yes

Access Information

Security Class: Unclassified
Data Access Procedure:

This data can be obtained on-line at the following URL:


Data Access Constraints:


Data Use Constraints:

Users should be aware that temporal changes may have occurred since this data set was collected and some parts of this data may no longer represent actual surface conditions.

Users should not use this data for critical applications without a full awareness of its limitations. These data depict the heights at the time of the survey and are only

accurate for that time.

Distribution Information

Distribution 1

CC ID: 741333
Download URL:
File Name: Customized Download

Create custom data files by choosing data area, product type, map projection, file format, datum, etc.

Distribution 2

CC ID: 741334
Download URL:
File Name: Bulk Download

Simple download of data files.



CC ID: 741336
URL Type:
Online Resource


CC ID: 741337
URL Type:
Online Resource


CC ID: 741338
Name: Browse Graphic
URL Type:
Browse Graphic
File Resource Format: kmz

This graphic shows the lidar coverage for a section of Kennebec County, Maine.

Activity Log

Activity Log 1

CC ID: 677147
Activity Date/Time: 2016-05-23

Date that the source FGDC record was last modified.

Activity Log 2

CC ID: 677146
Activity Date/Time: 2017-11-14

Converted from FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata (version FGDC-STD-001-1998) using '' script. Contact Tyler Christensen (NOS) for details.

Activity Log 3

CC ID: 718356
Activity Date/Time: 2018-02-08

Partial upload of Positional Accuracy fields only.

Activity Log 4

CC ID: 741335
Activity Date/Time: 2018-03-13

Partial upload to move data access links to Distribution Info.

Data Quality


The project area requires LiDAR to be collected on average of 1 meter point spacing or better and vertical accuracy of 18.0 centimeters RMSE or better to support

2' contour generation when combined with breaklines.

Vertical Positional Accuracy:

Deliverables were tested by Photo Science for both vertical and horizontal accuracy. All data is seamless from one tile to the next, no gaps or no data areas.

The vertical unit of the data file is in decimal feet with 2-decimal point precision.

; Quantitative Value: 0.067 meters, Test that produced the value: RMSE in meters

Completeness Report:

Datasets contain complete coverage of tiles.

Conceptual Consistency:

Deliverables were tested by Photo Science for both vertical and horizontal accuracy. All data is seamless from one tile to the next, no gaps or no data areas.


Process Steps

Process Step 1

CC ID: 1134421

Leica software was used in the post processing of the airborne GPS and inertial data that is critical to the positioning of the sensor during all flights.

This software suite includes Applanix's PosPac and Waypoint's GrafNav solutions. PosPac provides the smoothed best estimate of trajectory (SBET) that is

necessary for Leica's post processor to develop the point cloud from the LiDAR missions. The point cloud is the mathematical three dimensional collection

of all returns from all laser pulses as determined from the aerial mission. At this point this data is ready for analysis, classification, and filtering

to generate a bare earth surface model in which the above ground features are removed from the data set.

The point cloud was manipulated within the Leica software; GeoCue, TerraScan, and TerraModeler software was used for the automated data classification,

manual cleanup, and bare earth generation from this data. Project specific macros were used to classify the ground and to remove the side overlap between

parallel flight lines. All data was manually reviewed and any remaining artifacts removed using functionality provided by TerraScan and TerraModeler.

Process Date/Time: 2007-10-15 00:00:00

Process Step 2

CC ID: 1134422

The NOAA Office for Coastal Management (OCM) received the topographic files in LAS format from USGS. The files contained lidar elevation, return information, classification,

flightline information and intensity measurements. The data were received in UTM Zone 19N, NAD83 coordinates and were vertically referenced to NAVD88. The vertical units

of the data were meters. OCM performed the following processing for data storage and Digital Coast provisioning purposes:

1. The topographic las files were checked for erroneous points (noise) and bad bare earth (Class 2) values. None were found.

2. The topographic las files were converted from orthometric (NAVD88) heights to ellipsoidal heights using Geoid03 (Geoid03 assumed by NOAA OCM).

3. The topographic las files were converted from a Projected Coordinate System (UTM 19N) to a Geographic Coordinate system (NAD83).

4. The topographic las files' horizontal units were converted from meters to decimal degrees.

Process Date/Time: 2013-08-01 00:00:00

Catalog Details

Catalog Item ID: 49787
GUID: gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:49787
Metadata Record Created By: Anne Ball
Metadata Record Created: 2017-11-15 15:22+0000
Metadata Record Last Modified By: SysAdmin InPortAdmin
Metadata Record Last Modified: 2022-08-09 17:11+0000
Metadata Record Published: 2022-03-16
Owner Org: OCMP
Metadata Publication Status: Published Externally
Do Not Publish?: N
Metadata Last Review Date: 2022-03-16
Metadata Review Frequency: 1 Year
Metadata Next Review Date: 2023-03-16