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Catalog Details


Short Citation
OCM Partners, 2025: 2005/2006 Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) Lidar: Peace River South (including Carter Creek),
Full Citation Examples


The Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) LAS dataset is a survey of select areas within Southwest Florida. These data

were produced for the Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD). Two SWFWMD datasets are included in this metadata

record; they are Peace River South and Carter Creek. The Carter Creek portion of this data is a small data set in the

northwestern part of Highlands County, which has been appended to the larger data set of Peace River South for ease of use

within the NOAA Office for Coastal Management (OCM) Lidar Data Retrieval Tool (LDART). Information that is specific to each data set

has been maintained.


The Peace River South LiDAR (P692)Survey project area consists of approximately 1,801 square miles and covers

Hardee and DeSoto Counties and portions of Highlands and Charlotte Counties. The LiDAR point cloud was flown at a density

sufficient to support a maximum final post spacing of 6 feet for unobscured areas. 3001 inc. acquired 445 flightlines between

February 11, 2005 and April 14, 2005. The data was divided into 5000' by 5000' foot cells that serve as the tiling scheme. The

Peace River South LiDAR Survey was collected under the guidance of a Professional Mapper/Surveyor.


The Carter Creek LiDAR Survey project area consists of approximately 26 square miles and is located in northwestern

Highlands County. The LiDAR point cloud was flown at a density sufficient to support a maximum final post spacing of 4 feet for

unobscured areas. 3001 Inc. acquired 60 flightlines between February 6, 2006 and February 7, 2006. The data was divided into

5000' by 5000' foot cells that serve as the tiling scheme. The Carter Creek LiDAR Survey was collected under the guidance of a

Professional Mapper/Surveyor.

Original contact information:

Contact Name: Diana Burdick

Contact Org: Southwest Florida Water Management District

Title: GIS Analyst

Phone: 352-540-6018


Distribution Information

  • Create custom data files by choosing data area, product type, map projection, file format, datum, etc.

  • Simple download of data files.

Access Constraints:


Use Constraints:

Users should be aware that temporal changes may have occurred since this data set was collected and some parts of

this data may no longer represent actual surface conditions. Users should not use this data for critical applications without a

full awareness of its limitations.

Controlled Theme Keywords


Child Items

No Child Items for this record.

Contact Information

Point of Contact
NOAA Office for Coastal Management (NOAA/OCM)
(843) 740-1202

Metadata Contact
NOAA Office for Coastal Management (NOAA/OCM)
(843) 740-1202


Geographic Area 1

-82.095741° W, -81.370853° E, 27.648729° N, 26.768404° S

Time Frame 1
2005-02-11 - 2006-02-07

Item Identification

Title: 2005/2006 Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) Lidar: Peace River South (including Carter Creek)
Short Name: swfwmd_peace_river_south_m77_metadata
Status: Completed
Publication Date: 2006

The Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) LAS dataset is a survey of select areas within Southwest Florida. These data

were produced for the Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD). Two SWFWMD datasets are included in this metadata

record; they are Peace River South and Carter Creek. The Carter Creek portion of this data is a small data set in the

northwestern part of Highlands County, which has been appended to the larger data set of Peace River South for ease of use

within the NOAA Office for Coastal Management (OCM) Lidar Data Retrieval Tool (LDART). Information that is specific to each data set

has been maintained.


The Peace River South LiDAR (P692)Survey project area consists of approximately 1,801 square miles and covers

Hardee and DeSoto Counties and portions of Highlands and Charlotte Counties. The LiDAR point cloud was flown at a density

sufficient to support a maximum final post spacing of 6 feet for unobscured areas. 3001 inc. acquired 445 flightlines between

February 11, 2005 and April 14, 2005. The data was divided into 5000' by 5000' foot cells that serve as the tiling scheme. The

Peace River South LiDAR Survey was collected under the guidance of a Professional Mapper/Surveyor.


The Carter Creek LiDAR Survey project area consists of approximately 26 square miles and is located in northwestern

Highlands County. The LiDAR point cloud was flown at a density sufficient to support a maximum final post spacing of 4 feet for

unobscured areas. 3001 Inc. acquired 60 flightlines between February 6, 2006 and February 7, 2006. The data was divided into

5000' by 5000' foot cells that serve as the tiling scheme. The Carter Creek LiDAR Survey was collected under the guidance of a

Professional Mapper/Surveyor.

Original contact information:

Contact Name: Diana Burdick

Contact Org: Southwest Florida Water Management District

Title: GIS Analyst

Phone: 352-540-6018



The Southwest Florida Water Management District uses topographic information to support regulatory, land management and

acquisition, planning, engineering, and habitat restoration projects. The Peace River South and Carter Creek LiDAR Survey data

will support the creation of Federal Emergency Management Agency Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FEMA FIRM) and an integrated ground

and surface water model for the Peace River Watershed. All data will be public record as defined by applicable Florida statutes.

The Peace River South and Carter Creek LiDAR Survey were collected under the guidance of a licensed and professional Surveyor and




Supplemental Information:

The metadata are not complete if the format is not compatible with ArcGIS 9, if it is not FDGC Compliant

and if copies of the survey report, in PDF format are not delivered as an attachment. The information in this report is the

result of the LiDAR surveys performed on the dates indicated and the general conditions at the time.

The Peace River South Ground Control Report and the Carter Creek Survey Report may be viewed at:


Theme Keywords

Thesaurus Keyword
ISO 19115 Topic Category
None Contour
None Height
None Hydrography
None Photogrammetry
None Planimetric
None Shapefile
None Stereo Photogrammetry
None TIN

Physical Location

Organization: Office for Coastal Management
City: Charleston
State/Province: SC

Data Set Information

Data Set Scope Code: Data Set
Maintenance Frequency: None Planned
Distribution Liability:

Any conclusions drawn for the analysis of this information are not the responsibility of the Office for Coastal Management or its partners.

Data Set Credit: Acknowledgement of the Southwest Florida Water Management District would be appreciated in products derived from these data.

Support Roles

Data Steward

CC ID: 687538
Date Effective From: 2006
Date Effective To:
Contact (Organization): NOAA Office for Coastal Management (NOAA/OCM)
Address: 2234 South Hobson Ave
Charleston, SC 29405-2413
Email Address:
Phone: (843) 740-1202


CC ID: 687540
Date Effective From: 2006
Date Effective To:
Contact (Organization): NOAA Office for Coastal Management (NOAA/OCM)
Address: 2234 South Hobson Ave
Charleston, SC 29405-2413
Email Address:
Phone: (843) 740-1202

Metadata Contact

CC ID: 687541
Date Effective From: 2006
Date Effective To:
Contact (Organization): NOAA Office for Coastal Management (NOAA/OCM)
Address: 2234 South Hobson Ave
Charleston, SC 29405-2413
Email Address:
Phone: (843) 740-1202

Point of Contact

CC ID: 687539
Date Effective From: 2006
Date Effective To:
Contact (Organization): NOAA Office for Coastal Management (NOAA/OCM)
Address: 2234 South Hobson Ave
Charleston, SC 29405-2413
Email Address:
Phone: (843) 740-1202


Currentness Reference: Publication Date

Extent Group 1

Extent Group 1 / Geographic Area 1

CC ID: 1140380
W° Bound: -82.095741
E° Bound: -81.370853
N° Bound: 27.648729
S° Bound: 26.768404

Extent Group 1 / Time Frame 1

CC ID: 1140379
Time Frame Type: Range
Start: 2005-02-11
End: 2006-02-07

Spatial Information

Spatial Representation

Representations Used

Vector: Yes

Access Information

Security Class: Unclassified
Data Access Procedure:

This data can be obtained on-line at the following URL:;

Data Access Constraints:


Data Use Constraints:

Users should be aware that temporal changes may have occurred since this data set was collected and some parts of

this data may no longer represent actual surface conditions. Users should not use this data for critical applications without a

full awareness of its limitations.

Distribution Information

Distribution 1

CC ID: 742667
Download URL:
File Name: Customized Download

Create custom data files by choosing data area, product type, map projection, file format, datum, etc.

Distribution 2

CC ID: 742668
Download URL:
File Name: Bulk Download

Simple download of data files.



CC ID: 742670
URL Type:
Online Resource


CC ID: 742671
URL Type:
Online Resource

Activity Log

Activity Log 1

CC ID: 687570
Activity Date/Time: 2016-05-23

Date that the source FGDC record was last modified.

Activity Log 2

CC ID: 687569
Activity Date/Time: 2017-11-14

Converted from FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata (version FGDC-STD-001-1998) using '' script. Contact Tyler Christensen (NOS) for details.

Activity Log 3

CC ID: 718628
Activity Date/Time: 2018-02-08

Partial upload of Positional Accuracy fields only.

Activity Log 4

CC ID: 742669
Activity Date/Time: 2018-03-13

Partial upload to move data access links to Distribution Info.

Data Quality

Horizontal Positional Accuracy:


All ground control processing and adjustment is performed using published coordinate horizontal and vertical datums

(e.g. NGS CORS). For deliverables, Corpscon for Windows Version 5.11.08 (geoid 99) was used for horizontal and vertical

datum conversion as well as for coordinate system conversion purposes (e.g. UTM to State plane). Compiled to meet 1.0 m

horizontal accuracy at the 95% confidence level.


All ground control processing and adjustments are performed using published coordinate horizontal and vertical datums

(e.g. NGS CORS). For deliverables, Corpscon for Windows Version 5.11.08 (geoid 99) has been used for horizontal and vertical

datum conversion as well as for coordinate system conversion purposes (e.g. UTM to State Plane). Horizontal accuracy compiled

to meet 110 cm at the 95% confidence level.

Vertical Positional Accuracy:


RMSE is 6.61 cm (0.217 ft) which equates to a Vertical Accuracy of 12.954 cm (0.425 ft) at the 95% confidence level.


RMSE = 3.57 cm (0.117 ft) which equates to a Vertical Accuracy of 6.98 cm (0.229 ft) at the 95% confidence level.

Completeness Measure:

Cloud Cover: 0

Completeness Report:


The LAS files were flown at a density sufficient to support a maximum final post spacing of 6 feet for unobscured areas.

The bare-earth surface will contain voids in areas that were densely vegetated, covered by bridges, buildings, water, fresh

asphalt, sand etc.


The LAS files were flown at a density sufficient to support a maximum final post spacing of 4 feet for unobscured areas.

The bare-earth surface will contain voids in areas that were densely vegetated, covered by bridges, buildings, water, fresh

asphalt, sand etc.

Conceptual Consistency:


The LAS files were flown at a density sufficient to support a maximum final post spacing of 6 feet for unobscured

areas. 3001 inc. acquired 445 flightlines between February 11, 2005 and April 14, 2005. The data was divided into 5000' by 5000'

foot cells that serve as the tiling scheme. The Peace River South (P692) LiDAR Survey was collected under the guidance of a

Professional Mapper/Surveyor.


The LAS files were flown at a density sufficient to support a maximum final post spacing of 4 feet for unobscured areas. 3001 Inc.

acquired 60 flightlines between February 6, 2006 and February 7, 2006. The data was divided into 5000' by 5000' foot cells that

serve as the tiling scheme. The Carter Creek LiDAR Survey was collected under the guidance of a Professional Mapper/Surveyor.



Peace River South (P692) and Carter Creek LiDAR Survey

CC ID: 1140371
Extent Type: Range
Extent Start Date/Time: 2005-02-11
Extent End Date/Time: 2006-02-07
Scale Denominator: 24000
Source Contribution:

The Peace River South and Carter Creek LiDAR Survey was acquired for the Southwest Florida Water Management

District and processed by 3001, Inc.

| Source Geospatial Form: Remote-sensing image | Type of Source Media: Digital tape media

Process Steps

Process Step 1

CC ID: 1140372

The ABGPS, inertial measurement unit (IMU), and raw scans are collected during the LiDAR aerial survey.

The ABGPS monitors the xyz position of the sensor and the IMU monitors the orientation. During the aerial survey laser pulses

reflected from features on the ground surface are detected by the receiver optics and collected by the data logger. GPS

locations are based on data collected by receivers on the aircraft and base stations on the ground. The ground base stations

are placed no more than 35 km radius from the flight survey area.

Process date for Carter Creek is 2006.

Process Date/Time: 2005-01-01 00:00:00

Process Step 2

CC ID: 1140373

The ABGPS, IMU, and raw scans are integrated using proprietary software developed by the Leica Geosystems

and delivered with the Leica ALS50 System. The resultant file is in a LAS binary file format. The LAS file version 1.0 format

can be easily transferred from one file format to another. It is a binary file format that maintains information specific to

the LiDAR data (return#, intensity value, xyz, etc.). The resultant points are produced in the State Plane Florida West

coordinate system, with units in feet and referenced to the NAD83 horizontal datum and NAVD88 vertical datum.

Process date for Carter Creek is 20060726.

Process Date/Time: 2005-01-01 00:00:00

Process Step 3

CC ID: 1140374

The unedited data are classified to facilitate the application of the appropriate feature extraction

filters. A combination of proprietary filters is applied as appropriate for the production of bare earth digital terrain

models (DTMs). Interactive editing methods are applied to those areas where it is inappropriate or impossible to use the

feature extraction filters, based upon the design criteria and/or limitations of the relevant filters. These same feature

extraction filters are used to produce elevation height surfaces.

Process date for Carter Creek is 20060802.

Process Date/Time: 2005-01-01 00:00:00

Process Step 4

CC ID: 1140375

Filtered and edited data are subjected to rigorous QA/QC according to the 3001 Inc. Quality Control Plan

and procedures. Very briefly, a series of quantitative and visual procedures are employed to validate the accuracy and

consistency of the filtered and edited data. Ground control is established by 3001, Inc. and GPS-derived ground control

points (GCPs) points in various areas of dominant and prescribed land cover. These points are coded according to land cover,

surface material and ground control suitability. A suitable number of points are selected for calculation of a statistically

significant accuracy assessment as per the requirements of the National Standard for Spatial Data Accuracy. A spatial

proximity analysis is used to select edited lidar data points within a specified distance of the relevant GCPs. A search

radius decision rule is applied with consideration of terrain complexity, cumulative error and adequate sample size. Accuracy

validation and evaluation is accomplished using proprietary software to apply relevant statistical routines for calculation

of Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and the National Standard for Spatial Data Accuracy (NSSDA) according to Federal Geographic

Data Committee (FGDC) specifications.

Process date for Carter Creek is 20060807-20060914. Processing for Peace River South is 2005/2006.

Process Date/Time: 2006-01-01 00:00:00

Process Step 5

CC ID: 1140376

The LiDAR mass points were delivered in American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing LAS 1.0

format. The header file for each dataset is complete as define by the LAS 1.0 specification. In addition the following fields

are included: Flight Date Julian, Year, and Class. The LAS files do not include overlap. The data was classified as follows:

Class 1 = Unclassified. This class includes vegetation, buildings, noise etc.

Class 2 = Ground

Class 3 = Water

The datasets were delivered in the Districts standard 5000' by 5000' tiling scheme. The tiles are contiguous

and do not overlap. The tiles are suitable for seamless topographic data mosaics that include no "no data" areas. The names

of the tiles are left padded with zeros as required to achieve a five character length and all files utilize the LAS file

extension. The South Peace LiDAR Survey was filtered and edited using LiDAR profiles, aerial imagery, and stereo pairs that

were created from LiDAR intensity images. The South Peace LiDAR datasets have gone through extensive QC procedures by 3001

and the Southwest Florida Water Management District. During the QC, 3001 used the following principals to guide their

filtering, editing, and QC decisions: All of the data sets were reviewed and the breaklines were created using stereo pairs

that were generated from the GeoCue LiDARgrammetry software. In addition, imagery was used during the editing / and breakline

creation processes and during the final review of the data sets. If the imagery and the LiDAR did not agree, 3001 used the

LiDAR profiles as a guide in areas where the profiles were adequate. In areas where the point density was not sufficient

enough to use as a guide, 3001 relied on the imagery and created obstruction polygons. If an area changed between the Imagery

acquisition and the LiDAR acquisition, 3001 followed the LiDAR as a guide. 3001 used the LiDAR and the imagery to create

breaklines. In some instances, the breaklines do not reflect the imagery due to a significant amount of rain during

acquisition. The following paragraph is from the South Peace metadata.

"There was significant rain fall during the acquisition of the South Peace LiDAR survey. According to the gage at the

USGS 02295637 Peace River at Zolfo Springs Florida, the gage height went from approximately 14.3 feet to 17.3 feet between

February 28, 2005 and March 2, 2005. Between March 2, 2005 and March 4, 2005 the gage fell to about 15.1 feet. The changes

in the channel are evident in the breaklines. In some areas there are sudden changes in the size of the channel as well as

the elevation of the breaklines. Due to the inconsistencies in the channel we have created obscured polygons around the

affected channels."

In areas of dense vegetation the bare-earth surface may appear rough in nature. This is due to the scarcity of points in the

area or the uneven nature of the ground. Quality Control Procedures were performed by different people and using different

methods during the project. Due to this, there may be different interpretations of the bare-earth surface in areas of dense

vegetation. The main difference in the surfaces is the amount of points that each editor removed from the profile to represent

the ground. This does not mean that either editor was incorrect in their calculations; it means that some editors were able

to describe the surface with less points. The process date for Peace River South is 2005/2006.

The process date for Carter Creek for this step is 20060921.

Process Date/Time: 2006-01-01 00:00:00

Process Step 6

CC ID: 1140377

The NOAA Office for Coastal Management (OCM) received the files in LAS format. The files contained Lidar

intensity and elevation measurements. The data was in Florida State Plane Projection and NAVD88 vertical datum. OCM

performed the following processing to the data to make it available within the LDART Retrieval Tool (LDART):

1. The data were converted from Florida State Plane West coordinates to geographic coordinates.

2. The data were converted from NAVD88 (orthometric) heights to GRS80 (ellipsoid) heights using Geoid 99.

3. The LAS data were sorted by latitude and the headers were updated.

Process Date/Time: 2008-01-25 00:00:00

Catalog Details

Catalog Item ID: 50026
GUID: gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:50026
Metadata Record Created By: Anne Ball
Metadata Record Created: 2017-11-15 15:23+0000
Metadata Record Last Modified By: SysAdmin InPortAdmin
Metadata Record Last Modified: 2022-08-09 17:11+0000
Metadata Record Published: 2022-03-16
Owner Org: OCMP
Metadata Publication Status: Published Externally
Do Not Publish?: N
Metadata Last Review Date: 2022-03-16
Metadata Review Frequency: 1 Year
Metadata Next Review Date: 2023-03-16