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Item Identification

Title: Sevengill Shark Tag Catch
Short Name: Sevengill Shark Tag Catch
Status: Planned

Descriptive table associated with Sevengill Shark Tag Detections data. This table includes the catch information (tag ID, tagging date, tag battery life, size and sex) associated with acoustically tagged sevengill sharks (Notorhynchus cepedianus) in coastal estuaries of Washington State, USA. Associated details can be obtained by referencing: Williams et al. 2012. Scale and pattern of broadnose sevengill shark Notorynchus cepedianus movement in estuarine embayments. Journal of Fish Biology 80:1380-1400.

Entity Information

Entity Type: Spreadsheet
Active Version?: Yes
Schema Name: PARR

Descriptive table associated with Sevengill Shark Tag Detections data. This table includes the catch information (tag ID, tagging date, tag battery life, size and sex) associated with acoustically tagged sevengill sharks (Notorhynchus cepedianus) in coastal estuaries of Washington State, USA. Associated details can be obtained by referencing: Williams et al. 2012. Scale and pattern of broadnose sevengill shark Notorynchus cepedianus movement in estuarine embayments. Journal of Fish Biology 80:1380-1400.

Data Attributes

Attribute Summary

Rubric Score Primary Key? Name Type Description
Tagged_Fish_ID Text Acoustic transmitter ID codes assigned by the tag manufacturer (Vemco). Each acoustic transmitter was surgically implanted into an individual sevengill shark. See the 'Sevengill Shark Tag Catch' file for associated information on shark size and sex, as well as tagging date and tag life.
Date Date Date (MM/DD/YYYY) acoustic tag was activated and surgically inserted into sevengill shark. Units for values are day.
Tag_life Time Estimated tag battery life, in days, as determined by the manufacturer (Vemco, Units for values are days.
Transmitter_model Text Model number of the acoustic tag, as provided by the manufacturer (Vemco,
Tagging_location Text Name of coastal embayment (Willapa Bay or Grays Harbor) where sevengill shark was captured and tagged.
Total_length Integer Total length of tagged sevengill shark. Units for values are centimeters (cm).
Weight Integer Weight of tagged sevengill shark. Units for values are kilograms (kg).
Sex Text Sex of the tagged sevengill shark (M = Male, F = Female).

Attribute Details


CC ID: 756599
Seq. Order: 1
Data Storage Type: Text
Max Length: 5
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Acoustic transmitter ID codes assigned by the tag manufacturer (Vemco). Each acoustic transmitter was surgically implanted into an individual sevengill shark. See the 'Sevengill Shark Tag Catch' file for associated information on shark size and sex, as well as tagging date and tag life.

General Data Type: Text


CC ID: 756600
Seq. Order: 2
Data Storage Type: Date
Max Length: 10
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Date (MM/DD/YYYY) acoustic tag was activated and surgically inserted into sevengill shark. Units for values are day.

General Data Type: Date
Unit of Measure: day


CC ID: 756601
Seq. Order: 3
Data Storage Type: Time
Max Length: 4
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Estimated tag battery life, in days, as determined by the manufacturer (Vemco, Units for values are days.

General Data Type: Time
Unit of Measure: days


CC ID: 756602
Seq. Order: 4
Data Storage Type: Text
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Model number of the acoustic tag, as provided by the manufacturer (Vemco,

General Data Type: Text


CC ID: 756603
Seq. Order: 5
Data Storage Type: Text
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Name of coastal embayment (Willapa Bay or Grays Harbor) where sevengill shark was captured and tagged.

General Data Type: Text


CC ID: 756604
Seq. Order: 6
Data Storage Type: Integer
Max Length: 3
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Total length of tagged sevengill shark. Units for values are centimeters (cm).

General Data Type: Integer
Unit of Measure: centimeters (cm)
Allowed Values: >0


CC ID: 756605
Seq. Order: 7
Data Storage Type: Integer
Max Length: 6
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Weight of tagged sevengill shark. Units for values are kilograms (kg).

General Data Type: Integer
Unit of Measure: kilograms (kg)
Null Value Meaning:

Data was not collected; no scale on board.

Allowed Values: >0


CC ID: 756606
Seq. Order: 8
Data Storage Type: Text
Max Length: 1
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Sex of the tagged sevengill shark (M = Male, F = Female).

General Data Type: Text
Allowed Values: M = Male, F = Female

Catalog Details

Catalog Item ID: 52835
GUID: gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:52835
Metadata Record Created By: Jeffrey W Cowen
Metadata Record Created: 2018-06-05 14:23+0000
Metadata Record Last Modified By: SysAdmin InPortAdmin
Metadata Record Last Modified: 2022-08-09 17:11+0000
Metadata Record Published: 2018-06-05
Owner Org: NWFSC
Metadata Publication Status: Published Externally
Do Not Publish?: N
Metadata Last Review Date: 2018-06-05
Metadata Review Frequency: 1 Year
Metadata Next Review Date: 2019-06-05