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Short Citation
Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, 2025: Guam Shore-based Creel Survey,
Full Citation Examples


Similar in basic design to other shore-based creel surveys in the region, the Guam survey has been ongoing since the early 1980s and is continuing today. Creel surveys have 2 major sub-surveys; one to estimate participation (fishing effort), and one to provide catch-rate (CPUE), species composition data, and size of fishes. One unique feature about this survey is that it has an aerial survey component which obtains near-shore, non-boat based fishing effort for areas not covered by the Creel survey routes surveyed from vehicles driving along shoreline roads collecting the participation and interview data. Aerial survey data are used to create adjustment factors to estimate the amount of fishing effort and catch made in areas too remote or not accessible by road to surveyors (e.g. too far off the main roads on remote beaches and cliffs, or on military bases). These data are considered confidential.

Distribution Information

No Distributions available.

Access Constraints:

Requires signing a PIFSC non-disclosure statement for fisheries confidential data and approval from the data owner.

Child Items

Type Title
Entity g_sbs_exp_vfp
Entity g_sbs_interview_flat_view
Entity g_sbs_spc_vfp

Contact Information

Point of Contact
Jenny M Suter

Metadata Contact
Bradley M Gough


Geographic Area 1

144.5° W, 145° E, 13.66666666667° N, 13.16666666667° S

Island of Guam shoreline access may include divers using boats or floatation devices

Time Frame 1
1982 - Present