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Short Citation
Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, 2025: HCBC 2015 Hawaii Bleaching Analysis Ready Clustered Data,
Full Citation Examples


The analysis-ready data described here result from performing hierarchical clustering of individual coral bleaching surveys conducted across the Hawaiian Archipelago in 2015. In order to resolve issues of spatial autocorrelation, the surveys were grouped into distinct clusters with a spatial resolution of 1km. This dataset contains environmental data paired for all 2015 observations, used to analyze drivers of the coral bleaching event. This dataset also contains weights assigned to each observation.

Distribution Information

Access Constraints:


Use Constraints:

Please cite the Hawaii Coral Bleaching Collaborative (NOAA Fisheries Ecosystem Sciences Division; State of Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Division of Aquatic Resources; Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology; The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii; the University of Hawaii at Manoa; NOAA Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary) when using the data.


Hawaii Coral Bleaching Collaborative, 2021: 2015 Hawaii Bleaching Analysis Ready Clustered Data,

Controlled Theme Keywords


Contact Information

Point of Contact
Thomas Oliver

Metadata Contact
Brooke Olenski


Geographic Area 1

-157.9427222° W, -155.8289395° E, 21.48226739° N, 19.36915° S

Main Hawaiian Islands (MHI), including Hawaii, Lanai, Maui, and Oahu.

Time Frame 1

Surveys around the Main Hawaiian Islands during the 2015 bleaching event took place from October 2 to November 18.

Item Identification

Title: HCBC 2015 Hawaii Bleaching Analysis Ready Clustered Data
Short Name: HCBC 2015 Clustered Bleaching Data
Status: Completed
Creation Date: 2021-09
Publication Date: 2021

The analysis-ready data described here result from performing hierarchical clustering of individual coral bleaching surveys conducted across the Hawaiian Archipelago in 2015. In order to resolve issues of spatial autocorrelation, the surveys were grouped into distinct clusters with a spatial resolution of 1km. This dataset contains environmental data paired for all 2015 observations, used to analyze drivers of the coral bleaching event. This dataset also contains weights assigned to each observation.


Data collected during the 2015 bleaching event in the Hawaiian Archipelago was analyzed to understand drivers of bleaching.


Theme Keywords

Thesaurus Keyword
ISO 19115 Topic Category
CoRIS Discovery Thesaurus Numeric Data Sets > Biology
CoRIS Theme Thesaurus EARTH SCIENCE > Biosphere > Aquatic Habitat > Reef Habitat
CoRIS Theme Thesaurus EARTH SCIENCE > Biosphere > Zoology > Corals
CoRIS Theme Thesaurus EARTH SCIENCE > Biosphere > Zoology > Corals > Coral Diseases > Bleaching
CoRIS Theme Thesaurus EARTH SCIENCE > Biosphere > Zoology > Corals > Reef Monitoring and Assessment
CoRIS Theme Thesaurus EARTH SCIENCE > Biosphere > Zoology > Corals > Reef Monitoring and Assessment > Benthos Analysis > Transect Monitoring > Belt Transect
CoRIS Theme Thesaurus EARTH SCIENCE > Biosphere > Zoology > Corals > Reef Monitoring and Assessment > In Situ Biological
CoRIS Theme Thesaurus EARTH SCIENCE > Biosphere > Zoology > Corals > Reef Monitoring and Assessment > Rapid assessment studies
CoRIS Theme Thesaurus EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans > Coastal Processes > Coral Reefs
CoRIS Theme Thesaurus EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans > Coastal Processes > Coral Reefs > Coral Reef Ecology
CoRIS Theme Thesaurus EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans > Coastal Processes > Coral Reefs > Coral Reef Ecology > Coral Cover
CoRIS Theme Thesaurus EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans > Marine Biology > Coral
CRCP Project 31075
CRCP Project Coral bleaching assessment and analysis
NODC PROJECT NAMES THESAURUS Coral Reef Conservation Program
NODC SUBMITTING INSTITUTION NAMES THESAURUS US DOC; NOAA; NMFS; Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center; Ecosystem Sciences Division
None belt transect
None Coral Bleaching
None Coral Reef Ecosystem Division
None Coral Reef Ecosystem Program
None DAR
None Department of Land and Natural Resources
None Division of Aquatic Resources
None Ecosystem Sciences Division
None ESD
None Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology
None Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary
None Photoquadrat Assessments
None Rapid Ecological Assessments
None REA
None sUAS Photogrammetry
None The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii
None TNC
None Towed Diver Surveys
None Transect-Intercept Assessments
None Video Transects

Spatial Keywords

Thesaurus Keyword
CoRIS Place Thesaurus COUNTRY/TERRITORY > United States of America > Hawaii > Hawaii > Hawaii (21N160W0000)
CoRIS Place Thesaurus COUNTRY/TERRITORY > United States of America > Hawaii > Hawaii > Hawaii Island (19N155W0003)
CoRIS Place Thesaurus COUNTRY/TERRITORY > United States of America > Hawaii > Honolulu > Oahu (21N157W0003)
CoRIS Place Thesaurus COUNTRY/TERRITORY > United States of America > Hawaii > Maui > Lanai Island (20N156W0002)
CoRIS Place Thesaurus COUNTRY/TERRITORY > United States of America > Hawaii > Maui > Maui Island (20N156W0004)
CoRIS Place Thesaurus COUNTRY/TERRITORY > United States of America > Hawaiian Islands (21N157W0027)
CoRIS Place Thesaurus OCEAN BASIN > Pacific Ocean > Central Pacific Ocean > Hawaiian Islands (21N157W0027
CoRIS Place Thesaurus OCEAN BASIN > Pacific Ocean > Central Pacific Ocean > Hawaiian Islands > Hawaii > Hawaii (21N160W0000)
CoRIS Place Thesaurus OCEAN BASIN > Pacific Ocean > Central Pacific Ocean > Hawaiian Islands > Hawaii Island > Hawaii Island (19N155W0003)
CoRIS Place Thesaurus OCEAN BASIN > Pacific Ocean > Central Pacific Ocean > Hawaiian Islands > Lanai Island > Lanai Island (20N156W0002)
CoRIS Place Thesaurus OCEAN BASIN > Pacific Ocean > Central Pacific Ocean > Hawaiian Islands > Maui Island > Maui Island (20N156W0004)
CoRIS Place Thesaurus OCEAN BASIN > Pacific Ocean > Central Pacific Ocean > Hawaiian Islands > Oahu Island > Oahu (21N157W0003)
None Main Hawaiian Islands
None MHI

Physical Location

Organization: Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center
City: Honolulu
State/Province: HI
Country: USA

Data Set Information

Data Set Scope Code: Data Set
Data Set Type: CSV Files
Maintenance Frequency: None Planned
Data Presentation Form: Table (digital)
Entity Attribute Overview:

The observation data (.csv) includes metadata for data cluster (ID, location, depth, year of surveys) and the percent of live coral cover that was bleached. Data from also includes corresponding environmental and anthropogenic parameters used in analysis.

Entity Attribute Detail URL:
Distribution Liability:

While every effort has been made to ensure that these data are accurate and reliable within the limits of the current state of the art, NOAA cannot assume liability for any damages caused by errors or omissions in the data, nor as a result of the failure of the data to function on a particular system. NOAA makes no warranty, expressed or implied, nor does the fact of distribution constitute such a warranty.

Data Set Credit: NOAA Fisheries Ecosystem Sciences Division; State of Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Division of Aquatic Resources; Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology; The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii; the University of Hawaii at Manoa; NOAA Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary

Support Roles

Data Set Credit

CC ID: 1069289
Date Effective From: 2019
Date Effective To:
Contact (Organization): NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program (CRCP)
Address: 1305 East West Highway 10th Floor
Silver Spring, MD 20910-3281
Phone: (301) 713-3155

Data Steward

CC ID: 1069288
Date Effective From: 2019
Date Effective To:
Contact (Person): Winston, Morgan S
Address: 1845 Wasp Blvd.
Honolulu, HI 96818
Email Address:
Phone: (808)725-5480


CC ID: 1069287
Date Effective From: 2019
Date Effective To:
Contact (Organization): NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
Email Address:
URL: NCEI Contact Information

Metadata Contact

CC ID: 1069286
Date Effective From: 2019
Date Effective To:
Contact (Person): Olenski, Brooke
Email Address:


CC ID: 1069284
Date Effective From: 2019
Date Effective To:
Contact (Organization): Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center (PIFSC)
Address: 1845 Wasp Blvd.
Honolulu, HI 96818
Email Address:
Phone: 808-725-5360
Business Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Point of Contact

CC ID: 1069285
Date Effective From: 2019
Date Effective To:
Contact (Person): Oliver, Thomas
Address: 1845 Wasp Blvd.
Honolulu, HI 96818
Email Address:
Phone: (808)725-5444


Currentness Reference: Ground Condition

Extent Group 1

Extent Description:

The Main Hawaiian Islands.

Extent Group 1 / Geographic Area 1

CC ID: 1069308
W° Bound: -157.9427222
E° Bound: -155.8289395
N° Bound: 21.48226739
S° Bound: 19.36915

Main Hawaiian Islands (MHI), including Hawaii, Lanai, Maui, and Oahu.

Extent Group 1 / Time Frame 1

CC ID: 1069307
Time Frame Type: Discrete
Start: 2015

Surveys around the Main Hawaiian Islands during the 2015 bleaching event took place from October 2 to November 18.

Access Information

Security Class: Unclassified
Security Classification System:

Not applicable

Security Handling Description:

Not applicable

Data Access Policy:

NOAA Ecosystem Science Division (ESD) Data Sharing Recommendations, version 9.0 updated August 12, 2015:

ESD welcomes the opportunity to collaborate on research issues contributing to the scientific basis for better management of marine ecosystems. ESD has a very diverse set of field activities that generates large volumes of data using an array of data collection protocols.

The following recommendations are for your consideration as you use this data:

1) Data analyses should take all field exigencies into account. The most effective way to do this would be active collaboration with ESD principal investigators.

2) In all presentations, product releases, or publications using data generated by ESD, proper acknowledgement of both ESD and the individuals responsible for data collection is expected. Citing the DOI (if available) is preferred, a non-DOI example is listed below.

3) If you collect or generate data for the same study areas, ESD requests that you share relevant information on complimentary data collections.

4) Those receiving data are strongly urged to inform the ESD Data Management Team of any errors and discrepancies that are discovered during the course of using these data. They are further urged to bring to the attention of the Team all problems and difficulties encountered in using these data. This information is necessary in order to improve the collections and to facilitate more efficient and economical data processing and retrieval. The users are asked to supply copies of any missing data that may be located, and to provide information as to significant subsets and special aggregations of data that are developed in using the material provided.

Data Access Procedure:

Data can be accessed online via the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) Ocean Archive.

Data Access Constraints:


Data Use Constraints:

Please cite the Hawaii Coral Bleaching Collaborative (NOAA Fisheries Ecosystem Sciences Division; State of Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Division of Aquatic Resources; Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology; The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii; the University of Hawaii at Manoa; NOAA Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary) when using the data.


Hawaii Coral Bleaching Collaborative, 2021: 2015 Hawaii Bleaching Analysis Ready Clustered Data,

Metadata Access Constraints:


Metadata Use Constraints:


Distribution Information

Distribution 1

CC ID: 1069290
Start Date: 2021-03-11
End Date: Present
Download URL:
Distributor: NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) (2019 - Present)
File Name: HCBC_2015_ClusteredData.csv
File Date/Time: 2021-03-11 00:00:00
File Type (Deprecated): csv (comma-separated values)
Distribution Format: CSV - Comma Separated Values (Text)

Technical Environment


The raw survey data from the 2015 surveys was originally recorded by each participant of the Hawaii Coral Bleaching Collaborative before being compiled into a single multi-sheet spreadsheet by the NOAA Fisheries Ecosystem Sciences Division.

The survey data was then clustered to a 1km spatial resolution for analysis. Mean values of % bleaching and environmental parameters were calculated per each cluster. See Child Item and Lineage for more details on environmental parameters.

Data Quality


Observations were made by experienced and trained benthic survey personnel. The accuracy of species and genus level identification was high.

Handheld GPS units were used to locate random sites and mark site locations.

Completeness Report:

Only shallow water (0 to 30 meter depth range) hard-bottom habitats were surveyed. Randomly selected survey sites were chosen using a systematic process based on available habitat and bathymetric data. Although efforts were made to include broad spatial coverage of surveys at each island, weather conditions and other environmental constraints may affect these efforts.

Conceptual Consistency:

Observations made using the same survey method were conducted in a consistent manner, and nuances between survey methods are noted.

Quality Control Procedures Employed:

Quality control of the data occurred at a few stages from initial data entry per institution, to data compilation into a single Excel spreadsheet. Observations, including species identification, were periodically checked during expeditions for consistency between and among divers. Data entry was usually conducted on the same day as the surveys using a data entry interface with several data controls employed, and were quality controlled by individual divers checking entry errors at a separate time. Following a mission, the data was run through rigorous quality control checks. The data was quality controlled against the physical data sheets following data entry.

Data Management

Have Resources for Management of these Data Been Identified?: Yes
Approximate Percentage of Budget for these Data Devoted to Data Management: Unknown
Do these Data Comply with the Data Access Directive?: Yes
Is Access to the Data Limited Based on an Approved Waiver?: No
Approximate Delay Between Data Collection and Dissemination: Unknown
Actual or Planned Long-Term Data Archive Location: NCEI-MD
Approximate Delay Between Data Collection and Archiving: Unknown
How Will the Data Be Protected from Accidental or Malicious Modification or Deletion Prior to Receipt by the Archive?:

The data is captured in both physical data sheets, an external hard drive, and a NOAA Fisheries server at the Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center (PIFSC). The physical data sheets are housed at PIFSC. PIFSC servers are regularly backed up by PIFSC ITS.


Lineage Statement:

Coral bleaching surveys were conducted during the 2015 thermal stress event in the Hawaiian Archipelago. In order to avoid spatial autocorrelation in subsequent analyses, hierarchical clustering was performed to group survey data into distinct clusters with a spatial resolution of 1km. Transformed and scaled weights were assigned per cluster based upon the inverse of the standard error of mean percent bleaching.


Cheung, K.F. 2010. WaveWatch III (WW3) Global Wave Model. 1979-2012. Distributed by the Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS) Accessed 2016-08-31

CC ID: 1069301
Citation URL:
Citation URL Description:

Download for wave action data via Global WaveWatch III.

Lecky J (2016) Ecosystem Vulnerability and Mapping Cumulative Impacts on Hawaiian Reefs. Master’s thesis, The University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii.

CC ID: 1069298
Publish Date: 2016-08-01
Citation URL:

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Ocean Ecology Laboratory, Ocean Biology Processing Group. Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Aqua Photosynthetically Available Radiation Data; NASA OB.DAAC, Greenbelt, MD, USA. doi: data/10.5067/AQUA/MODIS/L3M/PAR/2018. Accessed on 04/30/2021

CC ID: 1069300
Citation URL:
Citation URL Description:

Download for photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) data.

NOAA Coral Reef Watch. 2018. Updated daily. NOAA Coral Reef Watch Version 3.1 Daily Global 5km Satellite Coral Bleaching Degree Heating Week Product, Mar. 25, 1985-Dec. 31, 2019. College Park, Maryland, USA: NOAA Coral Reef Watch. Data set accessed 2020-04-30 at

CC ID: 1069299
Citation URL:
Citation URL Description:

Data download for degree heating week data, used to measure acute and historical thermal stress.

NOAA Coral Reef Watch. 2019. Updated daily. NOAA Coral Reef Watch Version 3.1 Daily 5km Satellite Regional Virtual Station Time Series Data for Hawaii, Mar. 25, 1985-Dec. 31, 2019. College Park, Maryland, USA: NOAA Coral Reef Watch. Data set accessed 2020-04-30 at

CC ID: 1071881
Citation URL:
Citation URL Description:

Data download for sea surface temperature (SST) data, also used to calculate SST variability.

Son, S. and M. Wang. 2015. Diffuse attenuation coefficient of the photosynthetically available radiation Kd(PAR) for global open ocean and coastal waters. Remote Sensing of Environment 159: 250-258. doi:10.1016/j.rse.2014.12.011, provided by NOAA CoastWatch/OceanWatch. Accessed on 11/12/2020.

CC ID: 1069302
Citation URL:
Citation URL Description:

Download for light attenuation (kdPAR) data.

Wedding et al. (2018) Advancing the integration of spatial data to map human and natural drivers on coral reefs. PLOS ONE 13(3): e0189792.

CC ID: 1069297
Publish Date: 2018-03-01

Process Steps

Process Step 1

CC ID: 1069303

This record contains clustered, analysis-ready data for use in investigating drivers of the 2015 bleaching event.

The environmental parameters used in the drivers analysis are as follows:

- Acute Thermal Stress

- Historical Thermal Stress

- Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Variability

- Surface Light (PAR)

- Light Attenuation (kdPAR)

- Proportion of Bleaching Resistant Taxa

- Sewage Effluent

- Agricultural Run-off

- Urban Run-off

- Tourism & Recreation

See Child Item for description and original data source of parameter. Full citations for these data sources can be found under Sources.

Each parameter was assigned to the 2015 survey data (pre-clustering). The mean value of each parameter was then calculated per cluster.

To learn more about the survey approaches and to access the site-level survey data, see Related Items.

Process Contact: Winston, Morgan S
Phone (Voice): (808)725-5480
Email Address:

Acquisition Information


Instrument Unavailable Reason: Not Applicable


Platform Unavailable Reason: Not Applicable

Child Items

Rubric scores updated every 15m

Rubric Score Type Title
Entity 2015 Hawaii Bleaching Analysis Ready Data: Observation Entities

Catalog Details

Catalog Item ID: 64771
GUID: gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:64771
Metadata Record Created By: Brooke Olenski
Metadata Record Created: 2021-06-08 23:49+0000
Metadata Record Last Modified By: SysAdmin InPortAdmin
Metadata Record Last Modified: 2024-10-03 18:16+0000
Metadata Record Published: 2021-10-20
Owner Org: PIFSC
Metadata Publication Status: Published Externally
Do Not Publish?: N
Metadata Last Review Date: 2021-10-20
Metadata Review Frequency: 1 Year
Metadata Next Review Date: 2022-10-20