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Item Identification

Title: NOAA_SEFSC_GoMMAPPS_TO18Fa_T1_EffortPoints_20211117.csv
Status: Completed
Publication Date: 2021

Effort points with sampling conditions collected by the forward team (T1) .


main goals are to provide effort status, sampling conditions recorded by observers and platform movement data during marine mammal visual observations performed by forward team (T1)

Supplemental Information:

Within files for each team, effort points can be cross-referenced to cues, sightings, and non-mammal occurrences via eventID

Entity Information

Entity Type: Data Table
Active Version?: Yes

Effort points with sampling conditions for the forward team

Data Attributes

Attribute Summary

Rubric Score Primary Key? Name Type Description
surveyEventID Character Unique identifier to a survey (vessel or aircraft based) event. For vessel survey: composed of the vessel's acronym followed by a 2-digit survey year and a 2-digit consecutive mission-number on that vessel (a.k.a cruise code). Cruise name / Cruise Number
eventID numeric Unique numeric identifier for each survey effort point recorded at regular time intervals. For vessel surveys: approximately every 30 seconds. For aerial surveys: approximately every 10 seconds. This is the indexing number that allows each marine mammal sighting, non-mammal occurence and cue to be linked to the effort points. See also dwc:eventID
eventdate time Local date-time during data recording.
platformLatitude Numeric The latitude of the platform at the moment of data recording.
platformLongitude Numeric The longitude of the platform at the moment of data recording
platformspeed numeric Speed of the platform (vessel or aircraft) over ground (SOG) at the time of data recording.
platformheading Numeric Platform direction of travel in true bearing in degrees.
onEffort character Effort status designating if observers were on effort (e.g. observers actively scanning for marine mammals through the big eye binoculars with the vessel steadily cruising on the trackline) or off effort (e.g. observers searching naked eyed, whenever the ship was maneuvering and turning .
observerLeft Numeric Numeric codes for observers (as in recordedBy) according to observationLocationPosition (For vessel survey: Left, Center, Right) and observationLocation (1=vessel's Flying Bridge, 2=vessel's Bridge Wing (a.k.a. bridge deck)).
observerRight numeric Numeric codes for observers (as in recordedBy) according to observationLocationPosition (For vessel survey: Left, Center, Right) and observationLocation (1=vessel's Flying Bridge, 2=vessel's Bridge Wing (a.k.a. bridge deck)).
observerbelly character Numeric codes for observers (as in recordedBy) according to observationLocationPosition (For vessel survey: Left, Center, Right. For aerial survey: Left, Right, Belly) and observationLocation (1=vessel's Flying Bridge, 2=vessel's Bridge Wing (a.k.a. bridge deck)).
observerRecorder character Numeric codes for observers (as in recordedBy) in the data recorder role.
Trackline Numeric Unique identifier for the trackline. The trackline is defined as the line of travel that the platform is actually doing, which may not necessarily be the proposed line that was in the original design.Trackline numbers are unique for each survey day.
beaufortSeaState Numeric Number corresponding to Beaufort sea state (scale 0 to 12) to describe sea conditions. Please see
samplingConditionsVisibility character Overall and cumulative assessment of likelihood of detecting a sighting based on all environmental paramet
samplingConditionsWeather character Absence or presence of precipitation.
samplingConditionsGlareleft character Degree of impairment from glare on the ability to detect sightings.
samplingConditionsGlareRight Character Presence of glare, evaluated as the percentage obstruction of the visual field (180 degrees).
samplingConditionsGlareIntensityLeft character Degree of impairment from glare on the ability to detect sightings. .
samplingConditionsGlareIntensityright character Degree of impairment from glare on the ability to detect sightings.
samplingConditionsConditions character Overall and cumulative assessment of likelihood of detecting a sighting based on all environmental parameters.
samplingConditionsCloudCover character Absence or presence of clouds evaluated as the percentage obstruction of the sky (360 degrees).
samplingConditionsHaze character Absence or presence of haze.
samplingConditionsFog character Absence or presence of fog.
samplingConditionsSunPenetration character Degree of sun penetration on the water.
samplingConditionsTurbidity character Level of turbidity of the water and visibility through out the water.
eventDateTimeZone Numeric The time zone of the observation event, expressed as +/- hh:mm offset from UTC.
platformVLTS character One-character string to flag survey platform type for visual line transect surveys.
geodeticDatum character The ellipsoid, geodetic datum, or spatial reference system (SRS) upon which the geographic coordinates given in decimal Latitude and decimal Longitude as based.
higherInstitutionCode Character Institution codes, in the form of abbreviated institution names, separated by semicolons, that define the hierarchy of institutions within which the data originator operates. Includes the originating institution as the lowest level (rightmost) code.
permitNumber character Research permit number issued by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) to the Southeast Fisheries Science Center (SEFSC) for research activities on marine mammals.
platformAttributes character Model, name and/or other proper characteristics of the platform where the survey was conducted. For vessel: e.g. NOAA Ship Gordon Gunter, NOAA Ship Pisces. For aerial survey: e.g. NOAA De Havilland DHC-6-300 Twin Otter.
relatedProjectProgram character Official project and/or program under which the survey was conducted (e.g. AMAPPS, GoMMAPPS). If applicable.

Attribute Details


CC ID: 1118953
Seq. Order: 10
Data Storage Type: Character
Max Length: 6
Min Length: 6
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Unique identifier to a survey (vessel or aircraft based) event. For vessel survey: composed of the vessel's acronym followed by a 2-digit survey year and a 2-digit consecutive mission-number on that vessel (a.k.a cruise code).

Cruise name / Cruise Number


Made up of a combination of

a two character Boat Abbreviation : GU = Gordon Gunther

a two digit year: 18 for 2018

a two digit cruise number: 01 for first cruise of the year


CC ID: 1118924
Seq. Order: 15
Data Storage Type: numeric
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Unique numeric identifier for each survey effort point recorded at regular time intervals. For vessel surveys: approximately every 30 seconds. For aerial surveys: approximately every 10 seconds. This is the indexing number that allows each marine mammal sighting, non-mammal occurence and cue to be linked to the effort points. See also dwc:eventID


CC ID: 1118925
Seq. Order: 24
Data Storage Type: time
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Local date-time during data recording.

Format Mask: YYYY-MM-DDHH24:MN:SS


CC ID: 1118935
Seq. Order: 28
Data Storage Type: Numeric
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The latitude of the platform at the moment of data recording.

Unit of Measure: degrees latitude


CC ID: 1118936
Seq. Order: 32
Data Storage Type: Numeric
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The longitude of the platform at the moment of data recording

Unit of Measure: Degrees Longitude


CC ID: 1118939
Seq. Order: 40
Data Storage Type: numeric
Max Length: 4
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Speed of the platform (vessel or aircraft) over ground (SOG) at the time of data recording.

Unit of Measure: knots


CC ID: 1118938
Seq. Order: 50
Data Storage Type: Numeric
Max Length: 1
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Platform direction of travel in true bearing in degrees.


CC ID: 1118932
Seq. Order: 80
Data Storage Type: character
Max Length: 1
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Effort status designating if observers were on effort (e.g. observers actively scanning for marine mammals through the big eye binoculars with the vessel steadily cruising on the trackline) or off effort (e.g. observers searching naked eyed, whenever the ship was maneuvering and turning .

Allowed Values: Y = Yes N = No


CC ID: 1118928
Seq. Order: 90
Data Storage Type: Numeric
Max Length: 2
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Numeric codes for observers (as in recordedBy) according to observationLocationPosition (For vessel survey: Left, Center, Right) and observationLocation (1=vessel's Flying Bridge, 2=vessel's Bridge Wing (a.k.a. bridge deck)).


CC ID: 1118930
Seq. Order: 110
Data Storage Type: numeric
Max Length: 2
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Numeric codes for observers (as in recordedBy) according to observationLocationPosition (For vessel survey: Left, Center, Right) and observationLocation (1=vessel's Flying Bridge, 2=vessel's Bridge Wing (a.k.a. bridge deck)).


CC ID: 1118931
Seq. Order: 125
Data Storage Type: character
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Numeric codes for observers (as in recordedBy) according to observationLocationPosition (For vessel survey: Left, Center, Right. For aerial survey: Left, Right, Belly) and observationLocation (1=vessel's Flying Bridge, 2=vessel's Bridge Wing (a.k.a. bridge deck)).

Format Mask: YYYY-MM-DDHH24:MN:SS


CC ID: 1118929
Seq. Order: 135
Data Storage Type: character
Max Length: 3
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Numeric codes for observers (as in recordedBy) in the data recorder role.


CC ID: 1118921
Seq. Order: 145
Data Storage Type: Numeric
Max Length: 2
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Unique identifier for the trackline. The trackline is defined as the line of travel that the platform is actually doing, which may not necessarily be the proposed line that was in the original design.Trackline numbers are unique for each survey day.


CC ID: 1118922
Seq. Order: 150
Data Storage Type: Numeric
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Number corresponding to Beaufort sea state (scale 0 to 12) to describe sea conditions. Please see

Allowed Values: 0=Calm, mirror like seas; 1=Waves <1ft, rippled surface; 2=Small wavelets (<2 ft), no white caps; 3=Large wavelets (<3ft), scattered white caps; 4=Swell 3-4 ft, numerous white caps, 5=Swell >5 ft, many white caps, some spray; 6= Swell >10 ft, white caps everywhere, spray [Vessel is not out if Beaufort scale > 6)


CC ID: 1118951
Seq. Order: 160
Data Storage Type: character
Max Length: 1
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Overall and cumulative assessment of likelihood of detecting a sighting based on all environmental paramet

Allowed Values: 0=Poor, 1=Fair, 2=Moderate, 3=Good, 4=Excellent


CC ID: 1118952
Seq. Order: 165
Data Storage Type: character
Max Length: 1
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Absence or presence of precipitation.

Allowed Values: 0=Clear, 1=Mist, 2=Light Rain, 3=Heavy Rain


CC ID: 1118947
Seq. Order: 177
Data Storage Type: character
Max Length: 1
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Degree of impairment from glare on the ability to detect sightings.

Allowed Values: 0=No Impairment, 1=Slight Impairment, 2=Moderate Impairment, 3=Severe Impairment


CC ID: 1118946
Seq. Order: 180
Data Storage Type: Character
Max Length: 1
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Presence of glare, evaluated as the percentage obstruction of the visual field (180 degrees).

Allowed Values: 0=No Glare, 1=<10% obstruction of visual field, 2=10-25%, 3=26-50%, 4=51-75%, 5=>75%


CC ID: 1118944
Seq. Order: 182
Data Storage Type: character
Max Length: 1
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Degree of impairment from glare on the ability to detect sightings. .

Allowed Values: 0=No Impairment, 1=Slight Impairment, 2=Moderate Impairment, 3=Severe Impairment


CC ID: 1118945
Seq. Order: 184
Data Storage Type: character
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Degree of impairment from glare on the ability to detect sightings.

Allowed Values: 0=No Impairment, 1=Slight Impairment, 2=Moderate Impairment, 3=Severe Impairment


CC ID: 1118942
Seq. Order: 187
Data Storage Type: character
Max Length: 1
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Overall and cumulative assessment of likelihood of detecting a sighting based on all environmental parameters.

Allowed Values: 0=Poor, 1=Fair, 2=Moderate, 3=Good, 4=Excellent


CC ID: 1118941
Seq. Order: 190
Data Storage Type: character
Max Length: 1
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Absence or presence of clouds evaluated as the percentage obstruction of the sky (360 degrees).

Allowed Values: 0=Clear, 1=0-25% Cloudy, 2=26-50% Cloudy, 3=51-75% Cloudy, 4=76-100% Cloudy, 5=Overcast


CC ID: 1118948
Seq. Order: 195
Data Storage Type: character
Max Length: 1
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Absence or presence of haze.

Allowed Values: 0=no, 1=yes


CC ID: 1118943
Seq. Order: 198
Data Storage Type: character
Max Length: 1
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Absence or presence of fog.

Allowed Values: 0=no, 1=yes


CC ID: 1118949
Seq. Order: 200
Data Storage Type: character
Max Length: 1
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Degree of sun penetration on the water.

Allowed Values: 0=Poor, 1=Fair, 2=Good, 3=Excellent


CC ID: 1118950
Seq. Order: 204
Data Storage Type: character
Max Length: 1
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Level of turbidity of the water and visibility through out the water.

Allowed Values: 0=Poor, 1=Fair, 2=Good, 3=Excellent


CC ID: 1118923
Seq. Order: 207
Data Storage Type: Numeric
Max Length: 3
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The time zone of the observation event, expressed as +/- hh:mm offset from UTC.


CC ID: 1118937
Seq. Order: 210
Data Storage Type: character
Max Length: 1
Min Length: 1
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

One-character string to flag survey platform type for visual line transect surveys.

Allowed Values: A = aerial surveys B = boat-based surveys


CC ID: 1118926
Seq. Order: 220
Data Storage Type: character
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

The ellipsoid, geodetic datum, or spatial reference system (SRS) upon which the geographic coordinates given in decimal Latitude and decimal Longitude as based.


CC ID: 1118927
Seq. Order: 230
Data Storage Type: Character
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Institution codes, in the form of abbreviated institution names, separated by semicolons, that define the hierarchy of institutions within which the data originator operates. Includes the originating institution as the lowest level (rightmost) code.


CC ID: 1118933
Seq. Order: 235
Data Storage Type: character
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Research permit number issued by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) to the Southeast Fisheries Science Center (SEFSC) for research activities on marine mammals.


CC ID: 1118934
Seq. Order: 240
Data Storage Type: character
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Model, name and/or other proper characteristics of the platform where the survey was conducted. For vessel: e.g. NOAA Ship Gordon Gunter, NOAA Ship Pisces. For aerial survey: e.g. NOAA De Havilland DHC-6-300 Twin Otter.


CC ID: 1118940
Seq. Order: 250
Data Storage Type: character
Max Length: 100
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Official project and/or program under which the survey was conducted (e.g. AMAPPS, GoMMAPPS). If applicable.

Support Roles


CC ID: 1118954
Date Effective From: 2021
Date Effective To:
Contact (Organization): NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
Email Address:
URL: NCEI Contact Information

Distribution Information

Distribution 1

CC ID: 1118955
Start Date: 2021
End Date: Present
Download URL:
Distributor: NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) (2021 - Present)
File Name: NOAA_SEFSC_GoMMAPPS_TO18Fa_T1_EffortPoints_20211117.csv

Effort points with sampling conditions collected by the forward team

File Date/Time: 2021-12-02 21:56:00
File Type (Deprecated): .csv
Distribution Format: CSV - Comma Separated Values (Text)
File Size: 9.0M
Compression: Uncompressed
Review Status: Chked Viruses Inapp Content

Catalog Details

Catalog Item ID: 66281
GUID: gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:66281
Metadata Record Created By: Lee M Weinberger
Metadata Record Created: 2021-12-27 20:00+0000
Metadata Record Last Modified By: SysAdmin InPortAdmin
Metadata Record Last Modified: 2024-10-03 18:16+0000
Metadata Record Published: 2022-09-23
Owner Org: SEFSC
Metadata Publication Status: Published Externally
Do Not Publish?: N
Metadata Last Review Date: 2022-01-03
Metadata Review Frequency: 1 Year
Metadata Next Review Date: 2023-01-03