Entity (ENT) | Southeast Fisheries Science Center (SEFSC)GUID: gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:69393 | Updated: October 17, 2023 | Published / External
Item Identification
Title: | obis_seamap_dataset_1277_points.xls |
Abstract: |
Sightings data for an aerial survey on the continental shelf waters of the US east coast, from New Jersey to Florida. The survey was conducted during 2011 between 7 February and 13 March. |
Entity Information
Entity Type: | Data Table |
Description: |
Aerial Sightings Data |
Data Attributes
Attribute Summary
![]() |
![]() |
Name | Type | Description |
dataset_id | number | OBIS_SEAMAP Dataset Id. This is a sequential number assigned by OBIS_SEAMAP to each dataset that it archives | |
row_id | text | is the concatenation of the dataset_id with the record number of the record in the datat set. | |
LATITUDE | number | Latitude (decimal degrees) | |
LONGITUDE | number | Longitude (decimal degrees) | |
species_name | text | Common name of animal sighted as determined by data collector/provider | |
scientific_name | text | scientific name of animal sited as determined by data provider/collector | |
common_name | text | common_name is the name associated with the itis species codes. This was provided by obis_seamap during data ingestion. | |
its_tsn | number | A Taxonomic Serial Number (TSN) is a unique, persistent, non-intelligent identifier for a scientific name in the context of the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS). This value was supplied OBIS-SEAMAP as part of the data ingestion process | |
GROUP_SIZE | number | The number of individuals in the group (minimum used when uncertain) | |
series_id | text | This is always blank for this dataset | |
date_time | date | yyyy-mm-dd hh24:MN:SS | |
timezone | text | Always blank | |
ds_type | text | Type of data collected (always ptobs) | |
platform | Character | Platform of Data Collection. (always plane as this is an aerial survey) | |
provider | text | Provider of the data (always NOAA Southeast Fisheries Science Center (SEFSC) ) | |
lprecision | text | OBIS_SEAMAP generated column having to do with precision on the collected data | |
tprecision | text | OBIS_SEAMAP generated column having to do with precision on the collected data | |
oceano | Character | An OBIS_SEAMAP generated column. | |
notes | text | Any textual notes that may be associated with the record | |
last_mod | Date/Time | Control Column which indicates data/time stamp of when record was last updated by OBIS-SEAMAP | |
effortid | number | Link to effort record | |
oid_orig | text | Initials of the observer who made the sighting | |
type | text | Type of animal observed. | |
comname | number | Common Name Of Observed Animal per data collector/provider. | |
individualcount | number | Code that indicates whether or not photos were taken (1=no, 2=yes) | |
eventdate | Date | Date/Time of the sighting | |
transect | text | Transect | |
BEAUFORT | number | Beaufort sea state. Coded Value. | |
cloudcover | number | Cloud cover code | |
glare | number | Glare code for the observer | |
conditions | text | post flight edit tracking column | |
haze | text | Code for presence or abscence of haze 0 No 1 Yes | |
fog | text | Presence or absence of fog during sightings | |
sunpen | number | Coded Value for amount of sun pernetration. 0 Poor 1 Fair 2 Good 3 Excellent | |
turbidity | text | Coded value for turbidity 0 Poor 1 Fair 2 Good 3 Excellent | |
tripid | text | Trip ID | |
platformvlts | text | One-character string to flag survey platform type for visual line transect surveys. For aerial surveys: All records flagged A. For boat-based surveys: All records flagged B. | |
oneffort | text | Effort status designating if observers were on effort (i.e. actively scanning for marine mammals) or off effort at the moment of data recording. | |
observationheight | number | Height of each observationLocation from the water surface. | |
platformspeed | number | Aircraft speed (knots) | |
sighttype | number | Sea surface temperature (degrees Celsius) | |
datasetid | Character | Assigned textual data set id. Always TOSE19WIN | |
datasetname | Character | Name of the dataset. always Twin Otter Southeast 2019 Winter | |
eventdatetimezone | number | Number of time zones the sampling was from gmt/standard time |
Attribute Details
Seq. Order: | 10 |
Data Storage Type: | number |
Required: | Yes |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
OBIS_SEAMAP Dataset Id. This is a sequential number assigned by OBIS_SEAMAP to each dataset that it archives |
Seq. Order: | 20 |
Data Storage Type: | text |
Required: | Yes |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
is the concatenation of the dataset_id with the record number of the record in the datat set. |
Seq. Order: | 30 |
Data Storage Type: | number |
Required: | Yes |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Latitude (decimal degrees) |
Seq. Order: | 40 |
Data Storage Type: | number |
Required: | Yes |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Longitude (decimal degrees) |
Seq. Order: | 60 |
Data Storage Type: | text |
Required: | Yes |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Common name of animal sighted as determined by data collector/provider
Seq. Order: | 70 |
Data Storage Type: | text |
Required: | Yes |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
scientific name of animal sited as determined by data provider/collector |
Seq. Order: | 80 |
Data Storage Type: | text |
Required: | Yes |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
common_name is the name associated with the itis species codes. This was provided by obis_seamap during data ingestion. |
Seq. Order: | 90 |
Data Storage Type: | number |
Required: | Yes |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
A Taxonomic Serial Number (TSN) is a unique, persistent, non-intelligent identifier for a scientific name in the context of the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS). This value was supplied OBIS-SEAMAP as part of the data ingestion process |
Seq. Order: | 100 |
Data Storage Type: | number |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
The number of individuals in the group (minimum used when uncertain) |
Seq. Order: | 110 |
Data Storage Type: | text |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
This is always blank for this dataset |
Seq. Order: | 120 |
Data Storage Type: | date |
Required: | Yes |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
yyyy-mm-dd hh24:MN:SS |
Display Example: | 2020-01-02 09:49:07 |
Seq. Order: | 130 |
Data Storage Type: | text |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Always blank
Seq. Order: | 140 |
Data Storage Type: | text |
Required: | Yes |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Type of data collected (always ptobs) |
Seq. Order: | 150 |
Data Storage Type: | Character |
Required: | Yes |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Platform of Data Collection. (always plane as this is an aerial survey) |
Seq. Order: | 160 |
Data Storage Type: | text |
Required: | Yes |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Provider of the data (always NOAA Southeast Fisheries Science Center (SEFSC) ) |
Seq. Order: | 170 |
Data Storage Type: | text |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
OBIS_SEAMAP generated column having to do with precision on the collected data |
Seq. Order: | 180 |
Data Storage Type: | text |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
OBIS_SEAMAP generated column having to do with precision on the collected data |
Seq. Order: | 190 |
Data Storage Type: | Character |
Required: | Yes |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
An OBIS_SEAMAP generated column. |
Seq. Order: | 200 |
Data Storage Type: | text |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Any textual notes that may be associated with the record |
Seq. Order: | 210 |
Data Storage Type: | Date/Time |
Required: | Yes |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Control Column which indicates data/time stamp of when record was last updated by OBIS-SEAMAP |
Seq. Order: | 220 |
Data Storage Type: | number |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Link to effort record |
Seq. Order: | 230 |
Data Storage Type: | text |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Initials of the observer who made the sighting |
Seq. Order: | 235 |
Data Storage Type: | text |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Type of animal observed. |
Allowed Values: | Mammal Turtle |
Seq. Order: | 240 |
Data Storage Type: | number |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Common Name Of Observed Animal per data collector/provider. |
Seq. Order: | 250 |
Data Storage Type: | number |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Code that indicates whether or not photos were taken (1=no, 2=yes) |
Seq. Order: | 260 |
Data Storage Type: | Date |
Required: | Yes |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Date/Time of the sighting |
Seq. Order: | 270 |
Data Storage Type: | text |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Transect |
Seq. Order: | 300 |
Data Storage Type: | number |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Beaufort sea state. Coded Value. |
Allowed Values: | 0 Calm, mirror like seas 1 Waves <1ft, rippled surface 2 Small wavelets (<2 ft), no white caps 3 Large wavelets (<3ft), scattered white caps 4 Swell 3-4 ft, numerous white caps 5 Swell >5 ft, many white caps, some spray 6 Swell >10 ft, white caps everywhere, spray |
Seq. Order: | 310 |
Data Storage Type: | number |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Cloud cover code |
Allowed Values: | 0 Clear 1 0-25% Cloudy 2 26-50% Cloudy 3 51-75% Cloudy 4 76-100% Cloudy 5 Overcast |
Seq. Order: | 320 |
Data Storage Type: | number |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Glare code for the observer |
Allowed Values: | 0 No Impairment 1 Slight Impairment 2 Moderate Impairment 3 Severe |
Seq. Order: | 340 |
Data Storage Type: | text |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
post flight edit tracking column |
Seq. Order: | 350 |
Data Storage Type: | text |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Code for presence or abscence of haze 0 No 1 Yes |
Default Value: | 0 Clear 1 Mist 2 Light Rain 3 Heavy |
Seq. Order: | 380 |
Data Storage Type: | text |
Max Length: | 1 |
Required: | Yes |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Presence or absence of fog during sightings |
Allowed Values: | 0 No 1 Yes |
Seq. Order: | 390 |
Data Storage Type: | number |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Coded Value for amount of sun pernetration. 0 Poor 1 Fair 2 Good 3 Excellent |
Seq. Order: | 400 |
Data Storage Type: | text |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Coded value for turbidity 0 Poor 1 Fair 2 Good 3 Excellent |
Seq. Order: | 410 |
Data Storage Type: | text |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Trip ID |
Seq. Order: | 640 |
Data Storage Type: | text |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
One-character string to flag survey platform type for visual line transect surveys. For aerial surveys: All records flagged A. For boat-based surveys: All records flagged B. |
Seq. Order: | 650 |
Data Storage Type: | text |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Effort status designating if observers were on effort (i.e. actively scanning for marine mammals) or off effort at the moment of data recording. |
Seq. Order: | 660 |
Data Storage Type: | number |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Height of each observationLocation from the water surface. |
Unit of Measure: | Meters |
Seq. Order: | 670 |
Data Storage Type: | number |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Aircraft speed (knots) |
Seq. Order: | 680 |
Data Storage Type: | number |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Sea surface temperature (degrees Celsius) |
Seq. Order: | 690 |
Data Storage Type: | Character |
Required: | Yes |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Assigned textual data set id. Always TOSE19WIN |
Seq. Order: | 700 |
Data Storage Type: | Character |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Name of the dataset. always Twin Otter Southeast 2019 Winter |
Seq. Order: | 710 |
Data Storage Type: | number |
Required: | No |
Primary Key: | No |
Status: | Active |
Description: |
Number of time zones the sampling was from gmt/standard time |
Support Roles
Date Effective From: | 2015 |
Date Effective To: | |
Contact (Organization): | OBIS-SEAMAP (OBIS-SEAMAP) |
Address: |
Marine Geospatial Ecology Lab A328 Levine Science Rsch Ctr at Duke Durham, NC 27708 |
Email Address: | |
Phone: | 919-613-8021 |
URL: | OBIS-SEAMAP Home Page |
Distribution Information
Distribution 1
Start Date: | 2015 |
End Date: | Present |
Distributor: | OBIS-SEAMAP (OBIS-SEAMAP) (2015 - Present) |
File Name: | obis_seamap_dataset_1277_points.xls |
Description: |
This file was found contained in the zip file provided by OBIS_SEAMAP when the data is provided. |
File Date/Time: | 2021-09-07 19:05:00 |
File Type (Deprecated): | tabular digital data (Microsoft Excel, CSV, or other tabular format) |
Distribution Format: | CSV - Comma Separated Values (Text) |
File Size: | 153K |
Review Status: | Chked Viruses Inapp Content |
Catalog Details
Catalog Item ID: | 69393 |
GUID: | gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:69393 |
Metadata Record Created By: | Lee M Weinberger |
Metadata Record Created: | 2023-03-02 16:30+0000 |
Metadata Record Last Modified By: | SysAdmin InPortAdmin |
Metadata Record Last Modified: | 2023-10-17 16:12+0000 |
Metadata Record Published: | 2023-03-02 |
Owner Org: | SEFSC |
Metadata Publication Status: | Published Externally |
Do Not Publish?: | N |
Metadata Last Review Date: | 2018-03-08 |
Metadata Review Frequency: | 1 Year |
Metadata Next Review Date: | 2019-03-08 |