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Short Citation:
NMFS Office Of Protected Resources, 2025: Sockeye salmon Snake River ESU critical habitat for use in ESA/FIFRA consultations,

Item Identification

Title: Sockeye salmon Snake River ESU critical habitat for use in ESA/FIFRA consultations
Publication Date: 2024-07-01

These data represent critical habitat designated (December 28, 1993, 58 FR 68543) under the Endangered Species Act for the Snake River sockeye salmon ESU. The official NMFS critical habitat (SalmonSockeye_SnakeRiverESU_19931228) for this sockeye salmon is comprised of both lake (polygon) data and river/stream (line) data; together the polygons and lines represent the entire final critical habitat designation.Critical habitat includes the water, waterway bottom, and adjacent riparian zone of specified river reaches. Adjacent riparian zones are defined as those areas within a horizontal distance of 300 feet (91.4 m) from the normal line of high water of a stream channel (600 feet or 182.8 m, when both sides of the stream channel are included) or from the shoreline of a standing body of water.


This spatial data file was modified from NMFS’s “agency-official” species critical habitat data to aid in the ESA/FIFRA section 7 pesticide consultation process. For example, existing data were adapted to incorporate associated watersheds where applicable, based on the USGS Watershed Boundary Dataset HUC-12 data ( The modifications to the NMFS critical habitat spatial data make the data more compatible for future analyses with EPA’s Use Data Layers (UDLs). The following “Description” is from the original, “agency-official” data that was used to make this HUC-based map. Most of the metadata record for this species matches the “agency-official” record; however, NMFS added a new "Citation", "File Identifier", “Credits”, “Point of Contact”, and “Lineage Process Step” that are unique to this HUC-based critical habitat data.


Theme Keywords

Thesaurus Keyword
ISO 19115 Topic Category
ISO 19115 Topic Category
None critical habitat
None sockeye salmon

Spatial Keywords

Thesaurus Keyword
None Idaho
None Pacific Northwest
None Salmon River
None Washington

Physical Location

City: Portland
State/Province: OR

Data Set Information

Data Set Scope Code: Data Set
Maintenance Frequency: As Needed
Data Presentation Form: Map (digital)
Data Set Credit: CREDIT: NOAA Fisheries. 2024. Species Critical Habitats for ESA/FIFRA Consultations Geodatabase. Silver Spring, MD: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), Office of Protected Resources (OPR). This HUC-based critical habitat dataset for ESA/FIFRA section 7 pesticide consultations is courtesy of National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Office of Protected Resources (OPR): Ryan DeWitt and Karrin Goodman. The original data is courtesy of National Marine Fisheries Service, West Coast Region. ORIGINATORS: Protected Resources Division, West Coast Region, National Marine Fisheries Service; Protected Resources Division, West Coast Region, National Marine Fisheries Service; NMFS Office Of Protected Resources;

Support Roles

Data Steward

CC ID: 1340057
Date Effective From: 2024-06-17
Date Effective To:
Contact (Person): Goodman, Karrin
Email Address:
Phone: ‪(301) 427-8435‬

Metadata Contact

CC ID: 1340163
Date Effective From: 2024-06-17
Date Effective To:
Contact (Person): Goodman, Karrin
Email Address:
Phone: ‪(301) 427-8435‬

Point of Contact

CC ID: 1340058
Date Effective From: 2024-06-17
Date Effective To:
Contact (Person): Goodman, Karrin
Email Address:
Phone: ‪(301) 427-8435‬

Point of Contact

CC ID: 1340059
Date Effective From: 2024-06-17
Date Effective To:
Contact (Person): DeWitt, Ryan
Email Address:
Phone: (360) 358-2955

Point of Contact

CC ID: 1337211
Date Effective From: 2023-11-13
Date Effective To:
Contact (Person): Dunn, Shanna
Email Address:


Currentness Reference: Publication Date

Extent Group 1

Extent Group 1 / Geographic Area 1

CC ID: 1337214
W° Bound: -124.083015
E° Bound: -113.879946
N° Bound: 46.703183
S° Bound: 43.883074

Extent Group 2

Extent Group 2 / Geographic Area 1

CC ID: 1337216
W° Bound: -124.083015
E° Bound: -113.879946
N° Bound: 46.703183
S° Bound: 43.883074

Extent Group 3

Extent Group 3 / Geographic Area 1

CC ID: 1337218
W° Bound: -124.083015
E° Bound: -113.879946
N° Bound: 46.703183
S° Bound: 43.883074

Extent Group 4

Extent Group 4 / Geographic Area 1

CC ID: 1337220
W° Bound: -119.075983
E° Bound: -113.679244
N° Bound: 46.845724
S° Bound: 43.788004

Spatial Information

Reference Systems

Reference System 1

CC ID: 1337208

Coordinate Reference System

CRS Type: Geographic 2D
EPSG Code: EPSG:4326
EPSG Name: WGS 84
See Full Coordinate Reference System Information

Access Information

Security Class: Unclassified
Data Use Constraints:

These data are not the official legal definition of critical habitat. The Code of Federal Regulations (50 CFR 226.205) is the source for the legal definition of the critical habitat designation.

Technical Environment


Microsoft Windows 10 Version 10.0 (Build 19045) ; Esri ArcGIS

Data Quality

Completeness Report:

Endangered Species Act critical habitat spatial data clarificationsClarifications only apply to this feature class.

Military areas ineligible for designation (qualifying INRMP): none

Military areas excluded due to national security impacts: none

Indian lands excluded: none

Economic exclusions: none

Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) exclusions: none

Unoccupied areas designated: yes

Federal Register final rule page:

December 28, 1993, 58 FR 68551

No ESA 4(b)(2) report for this designation.2021-05-12T00:00:00Conformance Check2021-05-12T00:00:00Clarifications only apply to this feature class.

Military areas ineligible for designation (qualifying INRMP): none

Military areas excluded due to national security impacts: none

Indian lands excluded: none

Economic exclusions: none

Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) exclusions: none

Unoccupied areas designated: yes

Federal Register final rule page:

December 28, 1993, 58 FR 68551

No ESA 4(b)(2) report for this designation.1



National Hydrography Dataset (NHD)

CC ID: 1337202
Contact Role Type: Originator
Contact Type: Organization
Contact Name: United States Geological Survey
Source Contribution:

National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) - NHDFlowline feature class

Process Steps

Process Step 1

CC ID: 1337203

Data creation process 2018.

SOSNR_CH.gdb -> SOSNR (feature dataset) -> SOSNR_line (feature class)

Data were developed as part of an effort to interpret and depict several salmonid critical habitat designations completed in the 1990s that relied on text-based descriptions but lacked GIS data. Habitat areas for Snake River sockeye were identified based on the following:

1) The regulatory definition of ESA critical habitat for this species found at 50 CFR 226.205(a) and the supporting final rule (58 FR 68543, December 28, 1993);

2) The USGS high resolution National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) - downloaded February 2018;

3) Intrinsic Potential (IP) GIS data developed by the NMFS Northwest Fisheries Science Center;

4) National Elevation Dataset and Digital Topographic Maps;

5) Fish Passage Barriers data from StreamNet;

6) NMFS recovery planning documents for the Snake River basin;

7) The professional judgment of biologists from the NMFS Interior Columbia Basin Office;

8) Maps and documentation found in the references below.

Evermann, B.W. 1896. A Report upon Salmon Investigations in the Headwaters of the Columbia River, in the State of Idaho, in 1895 Together with Notes upon the Fishes Observed in that State in 1894 and 1895.

NMFS. 2015. ESA Recovery Plan for Snake River Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). June 8, 2015. National Marine Fisheries Service, West Coast Region.

Teuscher, D., D. Taki., W. Wurtsbaugh, C. Luecke, P. Bundy, H.P. Gross, and G. Steinhart. 1993. Snake River sockeye salmon habitat and limnological research. Annual Report 1993. Prepared for U. S. Department of Energy, Bonneville Power Administration, Division of Fish and Wildlife, P.O. Box 3621, Portland, OR 97208-3621. Project Number 91-7 1. Contract Number DE-BI79-91BP22548. June 1994)

Upstream extent notes.

Used NHD flowlines to identify perennial* inlet creeks (including their perennial tributaries and any braided reaches) from their confluence with the nursery lake upstream to the first endpoint using the following criteria:

(a) the first 20% gradient barrier calculated from DEM data (Tile 08 Idaho, National Elevation Dataset (NED), with a Horizontal Grid Spacing of 1/3 arc second, approx. 10 meters); or

(b) the first impassable falls (based on StreamNet barrier data); or

(c) the first confluence (intermittent or perennial) upstream of a reach classified as High IP for spring/summer Chinook; or

(d) the end of the NHD reach.

* The only exception to this was if an intermittent inlet creek had supplemental information indicating sockeye presence (e.g., the south inlet of Pettit Lake).

Process Date/Time: 2018-10-31 00:00:00

Process Step 2

CC ID: 1337204

SOSNR_line feature class (GCS_North_American_1983 wkid 4269) geographic transformation not necessary, saved as SOSNR_ch.shp (GCS_North_American_1983 wkid 4269).

Geometry was not edited, attributes were not edited, metadata was edited.

Process Date/Time: 2019-07-17 00:00:00

Process Step 3

CC ID: 1337205

The 2019 version SOSNR_ch.shp (GCS_North_American_1983 wkid 4269) was converted into the standardized feature class SalmonSockeye_SnakeRiverESU_19931228_line (GCS_WGS_84 wkid 4326) using the National Critical Habitat Geodatabase processing protocol.

During standardization, geometry was not edited. Attributes were edited. Metadata was edited and populated using the final rule and metadata from the source SOSNR_CH.gdb -> SOSNR (feature dataset) -> SOSNR_line (feature class) (GCS_North_American_1983 wkid 4269).

Migrated fields: "GNIS_Name" into "UNIT", "FCode" into "NOTES" (populated descriptions with FCode values)

Dropped fields: OBJECTID, Perm_ID, FDate, Resolution, GNIS_ID, LengthKM, ReachCode, DPS, ShapeLength

Process Date/Time: 2021-04-26 00:00:00

Process Step 4

CC ID: 1337206

As described above, this species’ HUC-based critical habitat dataset was modified from the line- and polygon-based species “agency-official” NMFS critical habitat data. This HUC-based critical habitat file represents the HUC-12 watersheds (USGS Watershed Boundary Dataset; that intersect with the “agency-official” critical habitat line-based and polygon-based data. The data were reviewed and revised to add any additional HUC-12 watersheds that were determined to have hydrologic connectivity to the critical habitat.

Process Date/Time: 2023-03-30 00:00:00
Process Contact: NMFS Office Of Protected Resources (OPR)
Phone (Voice): 301-713-2332

Child Items

Rubric scores updated every 15m

Rubric Score Type Title
Entity SalmonSockeye_SnakeRiverESU_8278_CH

Catalog Details

Catalog Item ID: 72815
GUID: gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:72815
Metadata Record Created By: Karrin N Goodman
Metadata Record Created: 2024-06-03 22:38+0000
Metadata Record Last Modified By: Jeff D Adams
Metadata Record Last Modified: 2024-08-06 10:10+0000
Metadata Record Published: 2024-08-06
Owner Org: OPR
Metadata Publication Status: Published Externally
Do Not Publish?: N
Metadata Review Frequency: 1 Year