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This table contains haul-by-haul vessel data, fishing effort, and total catch in the foreign and joint venture groundfish fishery.


This table contains haul-by-haul vessel data, fishing effort, and total catch in the foreign and joint venture groundfish fishery.

Entity Information

Entity Type
Data Table

Data Attribute / Type Description
If a U. S. vessel delivered the haul to a vessel carrying an observer, this field contains the A unique four-digit number assigned to the observer for the length of their contract period. This number alone identifies and groups a set of observer information.
A unique four-digit, alpha-numeric code identifying each vessel that contracts for observer coverage. All vessel codes begin with the alpha code B, followed by a three-digit number.
A four-digit number identifying the year in which the gear retrieval of the haul began or in which the noon position occurred.
Similar to NORPAC.DOMESTIC_HAUL.HAUL_DATE, this is the date in Greenwich Mean Time. Format is stored in the database as DD-MON-YY format (i.e., 15-MAR-86), and displayed as MM/DD/YYYY HH:MI:SS (i.e., 3/15/86 00:00:00).
A unique number which identifies a specific occurrence of net, pot, or longline fishing effort. Additionally, a day in which a vessel was on grounds is occasionally recorded with a haul number of 0 (zero) if no codend, longline set, or pot group retrievals were begun.
A one-digit alpha code that indicates what type of fishing activity occurred at the latitude and longitude recorded. R = the position of the vessel when the retrieval of the haul/set was begun, D = the position of the vessel when a delivery was completed to a mothership, N = the position of the vessel at noon (Greenwich Mean Time) on a day when no fishing took place and the vessel was not in port, S = the position of the vessel when gear began being set.
A four-digit number recorded in degrees and minutes north. The geographical position associated with the LOCATION_ID.
Direction of longitude, E = east and W = west of the 180th meridian.
A five-digit number recorded in degrees and minutes west of 0 degrees. Any position west of 180 degrees is stored as a value greater than 18000, e.g., 170 degrees east longitude = 19000. The geographical position associated with the LOCATION_ID.
The average fishing depth at which fishing took place, in meters.
The average of the lowest points on the ocean floor where fishing took place (in meters). This is only recorded for joint venture vessels.
The time when the net reached fishing depth (in Greenwich Mean Time). Use DURATION and NETS_OFF_BOTTOM and subtract to determine the date.
The time when the net began to be retrieved from fishing depth (in Greenwich Mean Time). The date is the same date as DT.
For longline or pot vessels, the time interval from the time that the first part of the line/pot-group was set until the time that the last of the line/pot-group was retrieved (also known as soak time). For trawlers, duration is the length of time during which the net was at fishing level. Duration is the difference between the NETS_ON_BOTTOM and the NETS_OFF_BOTTOM. Recorded in minutes.
Is only not null for vessels where fishing information is recorded as a daily event. Prior to 1977, all data were compiled as a daily event and are associated with a Noon Position. When HAUL=0, then NUMBER_OF_TOWS is the number of tows that occurred that day. After 1976, only true motherships and, through 1983, joint venture motherships were combined on a daily basis. In 1988, two cruises (2943 B002 and 2977 B002) were the exception to this rule. The observers made a mistake and the data were combined by day. For an unknown reason, there are also 17 records where HAUL=0, NUMBER_OF_TOWS>0, and OFFICIAL_TOTAL_CATCH is null.
Final estimate of catch weight (MT) for the set or haul, made by vessel personnel, includes both retained and discarded species, and is recorded to the nearest one-hundredth of a metric ton. If original_ships_estimate is not null, official_total_catch is the original_ships_estimate adjusted by the observer to include prohibited species and non-allocated species. If NUMBER_OF_TOWS>0, then OFFICIAL_TOTAL_CATCH is the total catch for the day.
Average towing speed of the vessel during the tow, recorded to the tenth of a knot. Recorded from the vessel logbook.
A one-digit numeric code identifying the weather conditions during the fishing operation. NORPAC.FOREIGN_WEATHER provides a description of the codes.
A one-digit numeric code identifying the sea conditions during the fishing operation. NORPAC.FOREIGN_SEA provides a description of the codes.
The temperature of the surface water in degrees Celsius.
The temperature of the water at fishing depth in degrees Celsius.
The time (Greenwich Mean Time) when the tow was delivered to the joint venture mothership. Recorded from vessel logs or observer observation.
The number of hachi (skates) for a single set.
The average number of hooks in a (hachi) skate.
Estimate of total catch for the set or haul made by the observer, recorded to the nearest one-hundredth of a metric ton. See observer instruction manuals for specific information on possible estimation methods.
Similar to NORPAC.DOMESTIC_HAUL.VESSEL_ESTIMATE, this is the initial estimate of the catch made by the vessel, recorded to one-hundredth of a metric ton.
If a U. S. vessel delivered the haul to a vessel carrying an observer, this field contains the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) vessel code number of the delivering vessel. NORPAC.FOREIGN_CATCHER_BOAT provides the names of the catcher boats and the coast guard numbers associated with the codes.
For pot vessels, the total number of pots in a set, i.e., the number of pots or group of pots in the set that were retrieved.
This field is null.
An assigned, unique number (up to 6 digits) that uniquely identifies each haul/set associated with vessel data. NORPAC.FOREIGN_HAUL.HAUL_JOIN links a single haul record to records in many of the foreign tables.
A three-digit number representing NORPAC database management subareas which, in most cases, are similar to NPFMC management areas. NORPAC.AREA links latitude and longitude to GENERIC_AREA (called GENERIC).
A one-digit numeric code indicating whether or not a haul was sampled for species composition: 0 = not sampled, 9 = sampled. If more than one observer was onboard the vessel, there is no way of knowing which observer sampled the haul..

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Item Identification

Title: Table: FOREIGN_HAUL
Status: Completed

This table contains haul-by-haul vessel data, fishing effort, and total catch in the foreign and joint venture groundfish fishery.


Loaded by batch 2364, 06-29-2009 18:15

Entity Information

Entity Type: Data Table
Active Version?: Yes
Schema Name: NORPAC

This table contains haul-by-haul vessel data, fishing effort, and total catch in the foreign and joint venture groundfish fishery.

Data Attributes

Attribute Summary

Rubric Score Primary Key? Name Type Description
CRUISE NUMBER If a U. S. vessel delivered the haul to a vessel carrying an observer, this field contains the A unique four-digit number assigned to the observer for the length of their contract period. This number alone identifies and groups a set of observer information.
VESSEL VARCHAR2 A unique four-digit, alpha-numeric code identifying each vessel that contracts for observer coverage. All vessel codes begin with the alpha code B, followed by a three-digit number.
YEAR NUMBER A four-digit number identifying the year in which the gear retrieval of the haul began or in which the noon position occurred.
DT DATE Similar to NORPAC.DOMESTIC_HAUL.HAUL_DATE, this is the date in Greenwich Mean Time. Format is stored in the database as DD-MON-YY format (i.e., 15-MAR-86), and displayed as MM/DD/YYYY HH:MI:SS (i.e., 3/15/86 00:00:00).
HAUL NUMBER A unique number which identifies a specific occurrence of net, pot, or longline fishing effort. Additionally, a day in which a vessel was on grounds is occasionally recorded with a haul number of 0 (zero) if no codend, longline set, or pot group retrievals were begun.
LOCATION_ID VARCHAR2 A one-digit alpha code that indicates what type of fishing activity occurred at the latitude and longitude recorded. R = the position of the vessel when the retrieval of the haul/set was begun, D = the position of the vessel when a delivery was completed to a mothership, N = the position of the vessel at noon (Greenwich Mean Time) on a day when no fishing took place and the vessel was not in port, S = the position of the vessel when gear began being set.
LATITUDE NUMBER A four-digit number recorded in degrees and minutes north. The geographical position associated with the LOCATION_ID.
E_W VARCHAR2 Direction of longitude, E = east and W = west of the 180th meridian.
LONGITUDE NUMBER A five-digit number recorded in degrees and minutes west of 0 degrees. Any position west of 180 degrees is stored as a value greater than 18000, e.g., 170 degrees east longitude = 19000. The geographical position associated with the LOCATION_ID.
FISHING_DEPTH NUMBER The average fishing depth at which fishing took place, in meters.
BOTTOM_DEPTH NUMBER The average of the lowest points on the ocean floor where fishing took place (in meters). This is only recorded for joint venture vessels.
NETS_ON_BOTTOM NUMBER The time when the net reached fishing depth (in Greenwich Mean Time). Use DURATION and NETS_OFF_BOTTOM and subtract to determine the date.
NETS_OFF_BOTTOM NUMBER The time when the net began to be retrieved from fishing depth (in Greenwich Mean Time). The date is the same date as DT.
DURATION NUMBER For longline or pot vessels, the time interval from the time that the first part of the line/pot-group was set until the time that the last of the line/pot-group was retrieved (also known as soak time). For trawlers, duration is the length of time during which the net was at fishing level. Duration is the difference between the NETS_ON_BOTTOM and the NETS_OFF_BOTTOM. Recorded in minutes.
NUMBER_OF_TOWS NUMBER Is only not null for vessels where fishing information is recorded as a daily event. Prior to 1977, all data were compiled as a daily event and are associated with a Noon Position. When HAUL=0, then NUMBER_OF_TOWS is the number of tows that occurred that day. After 1976, only true motherships and, through 1983, joint venture motherships were combined on a daily basis. In 1988, two cruises (2943 B002 and 2977 B002) were the exception to this rule. The observers made a mistake and the data were combined by day. For an unknown reason, there are also 17 records where HAUL=0, NUMBER_OF_TOWS>0, and OFFICIAL_TOTAL_CATCH is null.
OFFICIAL_TOTAL_CATCH NUMBER Final estimate of catch weight (MT) for the set or haul, made by vessel personnel, includes both retained and discarded species, and is recorded to the nearest one-hundredth of a metric ton. If original_ships_estimate is not null, official_total_catch is the original_ships_estimate adjusted by the observer to include prohibited species and non-allocated species. If NUMBER_OF_TOWS>0, then OFFICIAL_TOTAL_CATCH is the total catch for the day.
SPEED NUMBER Average towing speed of the vessel during the tow, recorded to the tenth of a knot. Recorded from the vessel logbook.
WEATHER NUMBER A one-digit numeric code identifying the weather conditions during the fishing operation. NORPAC.FOREIGN_WEATHER provides a description of the codes.
SEA NUMBER A one-digit numeric code identifying the sea conditions during the fishing operation. NORPAC.FOREIGN_SEA provides a description of the codes.
SURFACE_WATER_TEMP NUMBER The temperature of the surface water in degrees Celsius.
BOTTOM_WATER_TEMP NUMBER The temperature of the water at fishing depth in degrees Celsius.
DELIVERY_TIME NUMBER The time (Greenwich Mean Time) when the tow was delivered to the joint venture mothership. Recorded from vessel logs or observer observation.
NUMBER_OF_SKATES NUMBER The number of hachi (skates) for a single set.
HOOKS_PER_SKATE NUMBER The average number of hooks in a (hachi) skate.
OBSERVER_CATCH_ESTIMATE NUMBER Estimate of total catch for the set or haul made by the observer, recorded to the nearest one-hundredth of a metric ton. See observer instruction manuals for specific information on possible estimation methods.
ORIGINAL_SHIPS_ESTIMATE NUMBER Similar to NORPAC.DOMESTIC_HAUL.VESSEL_ESTIMATE, this is the initial estimate of the catch made by the vessel, recorded to one-hundredth of a metric ton.
ADFG_NUMBER NUMBER If a U. S. vessel delivered the haul to a vessel carrying an observer, this field contains the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) vessel code number of the delivering vessel. NORPAC.FOREIGN_CATCHER_BOAT provides the names of the catcher boats and the coast guard numbers associated with the codes.
NUMBER_OF_POTS NUMBER For pot vessels, the total number of pots in a set, i.e., the number of pots or group of pots in the set that were retrieved.
Primary Key HAUL_JOIN NUMBER An assigned, unique number (up to 6 digits) that uniquely identifies each haul/set associated with vessel data. NORPAC.FOREIGN_HAUL.HAUL_JOIN links a single haul record to records in many of the foreign tables.
GENERIC_AREA NUMBER A three-digit number representing NORPAC database management subareas which, in most cases, are similar to NPFMC management areas. NORPAC.AREA links latitude and longitude to GENERIC_AREA (called GENERIC).
HAUL_SAMPLED_BY VARCHAR2 A one-digit numeric code indicating whether or not a haul was sampled for species composition: 0 = not sampled, 9 = sampled. If more than one observer was onboard the vessel, there is no way of knowing which observer sampled the haul..

Attribute Details


CC ID: 37258
Seq. Order: 1
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Max Length: 22
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Precision: 4
Scale: 0
Status: Active

If a U. S. vessel delivered the haul to a vessel carrying an observer, this field contains the A unique four-digit number assigned to the observer for the length of their contract period. This number alone identifies and groups a set of observer information.

General Data Type: NUMBER
Foreign Key Relations:



CC ID: 37284
Seq. Order: 2
Data Storage Type: VARCHAR2
Max Length: 4
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

A unique four-digit, alpha-numeric code identifying each vessel that contracts for observer coverage. All vessel codes begin with the alpha code B, followed by a three-digit number.

General Data Type: VARCHAR2
Foreign Key Relations:

Refers to more than one entity


CC ID: 37286
Seq. Order: 3
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Max Length: 22
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Precision: 4
Scale: 0
Status: Active

A four-digit number identifying the year in which the gear retrieval of the haul began or in which the noon position occurred.

General Data Type: NUMBER


CC ID: 37260
Seq. Order: 4
Data Storage Type: DATE
Max Length: 7
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Similar to NORPAC.DOMESTIC_HAUL.HAUL_DATE, this is the date in Greenwich Mean Time. Format is stored in the database as DD-MON-YY format (i.e., 15-MAR-86), and displayed as MM/DD/YYYY HH:MI:SS (i.e., 3/15/86 00:00:00).

General Data Type: DATE


CC ID: 37265
Seq. Order: 5
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Max Length: 22
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Precision: 3
Scale: 0
Status: Active

A unique number which identifies a specific occurrence of net, pot, or longline fishing effort. Additionally, a day in which a vessel was on grounds is occasionally recorded with a haul number of 0 (zero) if no codend, longline set, or pot group retrievals were begun.

General Data Type: NUMBER


CC ID: 37270
Seq. Order: 6
Data Storage Type: VARCHAR2
Max Length: 1
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

A one-digit alpha code that indicates what type of fishing activity occurred at the latitude and longitude recorded. R = the position of the vessel when the retrieval of the haul/set was begun, D = the position of the vessel when a delivery was completed to a mothership, N = the position of the vessel at noon (Greenwich Mean Time) on a day when no fishing took place and the vessel was not in port, S = the position of the vessel when gear began being set.

General Data Type: VARCHAR2


CC ID: 37269
Seq. Order: 7
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Max Length: 22
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Precision: 4
Scale: 0
Status: Active

A four-digit number recorded in degrees and minutes north. The geographical position associated with the LOCATION_ID.

General Data Type: NUMBER


CC ID: 37262
Seq. Order: 8
Data Storage Type: VARCHAR2
Max Length: 1
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

Direction of longitude, E = east and W = west of the 180th meridian.

General Data Type: VARCHAR2


CC ID: 37271
Seq. Order: 9
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Max Length: 22
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Precision: 5
Scale: 0
Status: Active

A five-digit number recorded in degrees and minutes west of 0 degrees. Any position west of 180 degrees is stored as a value greater than 18000, e.g., 170 degrees east longitude = 19000. The geographical position associated with the LOCATION_ID.

General Data Type: NUMBER


CC ID: 37263
Seq. Order: 10
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Max Length: 22
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 4
Scale: 0
Status: Active

The average fishing depth at which fishing took place, in meters.

General Data Type: NUMBER


CC ID: 37256
Seq. Order: 11
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Max Length: 22
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 4
Scale: 0
Status: Active

The average of the lowest points on the ocean floor where fishing took place (in meters). This is only recorded for joint venture vessels.

General Data Type: NUMBER


CC ID: 37274
Seq. Order: 12
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Max Length: 22
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 4
Scale: 0
Status: Active

The time when the net reached fishing depth (in Greenwich Mean Time). Use DURATION and NETS_OFF_BOTTOM and subtract to determine the date.

General Data Type: NUMBER


CC ID: 37273
Seq. Order: 13
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Max Length: 22
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 4
Scale: 0
Status: Active

The time when the net began to be retrieved from fishing depth (in Greenwich Mean Time). The date is the same date as DT.

General Data Type: NUMBER


CC ID: 37261
Seq. Order: 14
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Max Length: 22
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 5
Scale: 0
Status: Active

For longline or pot vessels, the time interval from the time that the first part of the line/pot-group was set until the time that the last of the line/pot-group was retrieved (also known as soak time). For trawlers, duration is the length of time during which the net was at fishing level. Duration is the difference between the NETS_ON_BOTTOM and the NETS_OFF_BOTTOM. Recorded in minutes.

General Data Type: NUMBER


CC ID: 37277
Seq. Order: 15
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Max Length: 22
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 3
Scale: 0
Status: Active

Is only not null for vessels where fishing information is recorded as a daily event. Prior to 1977, all data were compiled as a daily event and are associated with a Noon Position. When HAUL=0, then NUMBER_OF_TOWS is the number of tows that occurred that day. After 1976, only true motherships and, through 1983, joint venture motherships were combined on a daily basis. In 1988, two cruises (2943 B002 and 2977 B002) were the exception to this rule. The observers made a mistake and the data were combined by day. For an unknown reason, there are also 17 records where HAUL=0, NUMBER_OF_TOWS>0, and OFFICIAL_TOTAL_CATCH is null.

General Data Type: NUMBER


CC ID: 37279
Seq. Order: 16
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Max Length: 22
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 6
Scale: 2
Status: Active

Final estimate of catch weight (MT) for the set or haul, made by vessel personnel, includes both retained and discarded species, and is recorded to the nearest one-hundredth of a metric ton. If original_ships_estimate is not null, official_total_catch is the original_ships_estimate adjusted by the observer to include prohibited species and non-allocated species. If NUMBER_OF_TOWS>0, then OFFICIAL_TOTAL_CATCH is the total catch for the day.

General Data Type: NUMBER


CC ID: 37282
Seq. Order: 17
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Max Length: 22
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 2
Scale: 1
Status: Active

Average towing speed of the vessel during the tow, recorded to the tenth of a knot. Recorded from the vessel logbook.

General Data Type: NUMBER


CC ID: 37285
Seq. Order: 18
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Max Length: 22
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 1
Scale: 0
Status: Active

A one-digit numeric code identifying the weather conditions during the fishing operation. NORPAC.FOREIGN_WEATHER provides a description of the codes.

General Data Type: NUMBER
Foreign Key Relations:



CC ID: 37281
Seq. Order: 19
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Max Length: 22
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 1
Scale: 0
Status: Active

A one-digit numeric code identifying the sea conditions during the fishing operation. NORPAC.FOREIGN_SEA provides a description of the codes.

General Data Type: NUMBER
Foreign Key Relations:



CC ID: 37283
Seq. Order: 20
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Max Length: 22
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 3
Scale: 1
Status: Active

The temperature of the surface water in degrees Celsius.

General Data Type: NUMBER


CC ID: 37257
Seq. Order: 21
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Max Length: 22
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 3
Scale: 1
Status: Active

The temperature of the water at fishing depth in degrees Celsius.

General Data Type: NUMBER


CC ID: 37259
Seq. Order: 22
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Max Length: 22
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 4
Scale: 0
Status: Active

The time (Greenwich Mean Time) when the tow was delivered to the joint venture mothership. Recorded from vessel logs or observer observation.

General Data Type: NUMBER


CC ID: 37276
Seq. Order: 23
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Max Length: 22
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 3
Scale: 0
Status: Active

The number of hachi (skates) for a single set.

General Data Type: NUMBER


CC ID: 37268
Seq. Order: 24
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Max Length: 22
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 6
Scale: 0
Status: Active

The average number of hooks in a (hachi) skate.

General Data Type: NUMBER


CC ID: 37278
Seq. Order: 25
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Max Length: 22
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 6
Scale: 2
Status: Active

Estimate of total catch for the set or haul made by the observer, recorded to the nearest one-hundredth of a metric ton. See observer instruction manuals for specific information on possible estimation methods.

General Data Type: NUMBER


CC ID: 37280
Seq. Order: 26
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Max Length: 22
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 6
Scale: 2
Status: Active

Similar to NORPAC.DOMESTIC_HAUL.VESSEL_ESTIMATE, this is the initial estimate of the catch made by the vessel, recorded to one-hundredth of a metric ton.

General Data Type: NUMBER


CC ID: 37255
Seq. Order: 27
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Max Length: 22
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 6
Scale: 0
Status: Active

If a U. S. vessel delivered the haul to a vessel carrying an observer, this field contains the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) vessel code number of the delivering vessel. NORPAC.FOREIGN_CATCHER_BOAT provides the names of the catcher boats and the coast guard numbers associated with the codes.

General Data Type: NUMBER
Foreign Key Relations:



CC ID: 37275
Seq. Order: 28
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Max Length: 22
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Precision: 3
Scale: 0
Status: Active

For pot vessels, the total number of pots in a set, i.e., the number of pots or group of pots in the set that were retrieved.

General Data Type: NUMBER


CC ID: 37272
Seq. Order: 29
Data Storage Type: VARCHAR2
Max Length: 1
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

This field is null.

General Data Type: VARCHAR2


CC ID: 37266
Seq. Order: 30
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Max Length: 22
Required: Yes
Primary Key: Yes
Precision: 6
Scale: 0
Status: Active

An assigned, unique number (up to 6 digits) that uniquely identifies each haul/set associated with vessel data. NORPAC.FOREIGN_HAUL.HAUL_JOIN links a single haul record to records in many of the foreign tables.

General Data Type: NUMBER


CC ID: 37264
Seq. Order: 31
Data Storage Type: NUMBER
Max Length: 22
Required: Yes
Primary Key: No
Precision: 3
Scale: 0
Status: Active

A three-digit number representing NORPAC database management subareas which, in most cases, are similar to NPFMC management areas. NORPAC.AREA links latitude and longitude to GENERIC_AREA (called GENERIC).

General Data Type: NUMBER


CC ID: 37267
Seq. Order: 32
Data Storage Type: VARCHAR2
Max Length: 1
Required: No
Primary Key: No
Status: Active

A one-digit numeric code indicating whether or not a haul was sampled for species composition: 0 = not sampled, 9 = sampled. If more than one observer was onboard the vessel, there is no way of knowing which observer sampled the haul..

General Data Type: VARCHAR2

Catalog Details

Catalog Item ID: 9572
GUID: gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:9572
Metadata Record Created By: Doug Turnbull
Metadata Record Created: 2009-06-29 18:15+0000
Metadata Record Last Modified By: SysAdmin InPortAdmin
Metadata Record Last Modified: 2022-08-09 17:11+0000
Metadata Record Published: 2016-05-18
Owner Org: AFSC
Metadata Publication Status: Published Externally
Do Not Publish?: N
Metadata Last Review Date: 2016-05-18
Metadata Review Frequency: 1 Year
Metadata Next Review Date: 2017-05-18