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Fish and Invertebrate Interpolated Biomass Distribution Surfaces CURRENT
Data Set  |  OST

These files contain rasterized interpolated biomass distributions for fish and invertebrate species caught in NOAA Fisheries fishery-independent surveys. The distribution maps were produced for the Distribution Mapping and Analysis Portal (DisMAP) project. The distributions were generated from catch-per-unit-effort data from the fisheries-independent surveys. This data set covers 8 regions of t...

Fish and Invertebrate Interpolated Biomass Distribution Surfaces CURRENT
Data Set  |  OST

These files contain rasterized interpolated biomass distributions for fish and invertebrate species caught in NOAA Fisheries fishery-independent surveys. The distribution maps were produced for the Distribution Mapping and Analysis Portal (DisMAP) project. The distributions were generated from catch-per-unit-effort data from the fisheries-independent surveys. This data set covers 8 regions of t...

Fish and Invertebrate Interpolated Biomass Distribution Surfaces 20240701
Data Set  |  OST

These files contain rasterized interpolated biomass distributions for fish and invertebrate species caught in NOAA Fisheries fishery-independent surveys. The distribution maps were produced for the Distribution Mapping and Analysis Portal (DisMAP) project. The distributions were generated from catch-per-unit-effort data from the fisheries-independent surveys. This data set covers 8 regions of t...

2021 - 2022 USGS Lidar DEM: Midcoast Maine
Data Set  |  OCMP

Product: These are Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data as part of the required deliverables for the ME_MidCoast_B21_2021 project. Class 2 (ground) LiDAR points in conjunction with the hydro breaklines were used to create a 1-meter hydro-flattened Raster DEM. Geographic Extent: 7 counties in Maine, covering approximately 3981 total square miles. Counties are: Hancock, Kennebec, Knox, Penobs...

Coastal Mapping Program of Ports of Vancouver and Portland, WA-OR, OR2501-CS-T
Data Set  |  NGS

These data provide an accurate high-resolution shoreline compiled from imagery of Ports of Vancouver and Portland, WA-OR . This vector shoreline data is based on an office interpretation of imagery that may be suitable as a geographic information system (GIS) data layer. This metadata describes information for both the line and point shapefiles. The NGS attribution scheme 'Coastal Cartographi...

2020 USGS Lidar DEM: Hurricane Michael, FL
Data Set  |  OCMP

Product: These are Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data as part of the required deliverables for the Florida Hurricane Michael 2020 Lidar project. Class 2 (ground) lidar points in conjunction with the hydro breaklines were used to create a 2.5 foot hydro-flattened Raster DEM. Geographic Extent: Florida Hurricane Michael, Florida, covering approximately 8,263 square miles. These data cover the...

NCCOS Assessment: Community Assessment to Flood Hazard in the United States Virgin Islands, 2023-01-01 to 2024-08-30
Data Set  |  NCCOS

This dataset includes estate level component scores of various indices from the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) Community Assessment to Flood Hazard in the United States Virgin Islands (USVI). Indices include social vulnerability, structural vulnerability (and sub-indices), structural exposure (and sub-indices), nearshore environment protection benefits, compounded flood haza...

2021 USGS Lidar DEM: Coastal Louisiana
Data Set  |  OCMP

Product: These are Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data for the required deliverables for the LA Coastal Louisiana Lidar project. Class 2 (ground) lidar points in conjunction with the hydro breaklines were used to create a 0.5 meter hydro-flattened Raster DEM. Geographic Extent: LA_CoastalLouisiana_1 (Work Unit 197958) covering approximately 2,200 square miles in Jefferson, Orleans, Plaqu...

2023 USGS Lidar DEM: Buffalo and Manitowoc Counties, WI
Data Set  |  OCMP

Product: These are Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data for Wisconsin as part of the required deliverables for the WI_2County_B23 project. Class 2 (ground) LiDAR points in conjunction with the hydro breaklines were used to create a 0.5 meter hydro-flattened Raster DEM. Geographic Extent: This project covers 2 counties in Wisconsin: WI_2County_1 (Work Unit 300411) covering approximately 641 sq...

2023 USGS Lidar DEM: Buffalo and Manitowoc Counties, WI
Data Set  |  OCMP

Product: These are Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data for Wisconsin as part of the required deliverables for the WI_2County_B23 project. Class 2 (ground) LiDAR points in conjunction with the hydro breaklines were used to create a 0.5 meter hydro-flattened Raster DEM. Geographic Extent: This project covers 2 counties in Wisconsin: WI_2County_1 (Work Unit 300411) covering approximately 641 sq...

2021 USGS Lidar DEM: Coastal Louisiana
Data Set  |  OCMP

Product: These are Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data for the required deliverables for the LA Coastal Louisiana Lidar project. Class 2 (ground) lidar points in conjunction with the hydro breaklines were used to create a 0.5 meter hydro-flattened Raster DEM. Geographic Extent: LA_CoastalLouisiana_1 (Work Unit 197958) covering approximately 2,200 square miles in Jefferson, Orleans, Plaqu...

2021 USACE MSCIP Phase One Natural Color 8 Bit Imagery: Mississippi
Data Set  |  OCMP

These files contain 3-band RGB orthorectified mosaic imagery tiles generated from data collected using a Phase One iXM-150F digital camera. This full frame medium-format aerial survey camera collected imagery data in tandem with a bathymetric lidar sensor and a hyperspectral imager on a single remote sensing platform.Native imagery data is not generally in a format accessible to most Geographic...

2025 NOAA NGS Emergency Response Imagery: California Fires
Data Set  |  NGS

Aerial imagery was acquired to support response efforts for the California fires. The aerial photography missions were conducted by the NOAA Remote Sensing Division. The images were acquired using a Digital Sensor System (DSS) version 6.

2018 USGS Lidar DEM: Southern California Wildfires
Data Set  |  OCMP

Product: 1-meter bare-earth raster digital elevation model (DEM) data tiles in GeoTIFF format. Geographic Extent: QL2 Area - Approximately 8,146 square miles in portions of Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, Kern, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura Counties QL1 Area - Approximately 1,343 square miles in portion of Santa Barbara County. Dataset Description: QL2 Area:...

Coastal Mapping Program of Vineyard Haven Harbor, MA, MA2502-CM-T
Data Set  |  NGS

These data provide an accurate high-resolution shoreline compiled from imagery of Vineyard Haven Harbor, MA . This vector shoreline data is based on an office interpretation of imagery that may be suitable as a geographic information system (GIS) data layer. This metadata describes information for both the line and point shapefiles. The NGS attribution scheme 'Coastal Cartographic Object Attr...

Submarine Cable Areas
Entity  |  OCM

Submarine Cables
Data Set  |  OCM

These data show the general location of commercial and research submarine cables within U.S. waters. The majority of these cables are for telecommunications, and the remaining are for power transmission. The geographic footprint for each cable may vary and is dependent on the original source data. In the nearshore, cables are routinely buried below the seabed. In the offshore, they are placed d...

2022 AK DGGS Lidar DEM: Twentymile River Watershed, AK
Data Set  |  OCMP

Lidar-derived elevation data for the Twentymile River watershed, Southcentral Alaska, collected August-October 2022, Raw Data File 2023-3, uses aerial lidar to produce a classified point cloud, digital surface model (DSM), digital terrain model (DTM), and intensity model of the Twentymile River watershed, Southcentral Alaska, during snow-free ground conditions from August to October 2022. The s...

Coastal Mapping Program of Pensacola Bay Entrance, FL, FL2501-CM-T
Data Set  |  NGS

These data provide an accurate high-resolution shoreline compiled from imagery of Pensacola Bay Entrance, FL . This vector shoreline data is based on an office interpretation of imagery that may be suitable as a geographic information system (GIS) data layer. This metadata describes information for both the line and point shapefiles. The NGS attribution scheme 'Coastal Cartographic Object Att...