Celebrating Habitat Month

Join us in celebrating Habitat Month 2024! Learn more about how NOAA Fisheries' Office of Habitat Conservation is working to restore habitat to support fisheries, protected species, and coastal communities.

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New Orlean's Lower Ninth Ward after Hurricane Katrina New Orlean's Lower Ninth Ward after Hurricane Katrina (Photo: National Wildlife Federation)
A person stands on large boulders near a river, holding the leashes of two large fluffy white dogs Chemine with her two dogs on the South Fork of the Snoqualmie River in Western Washington. Photo: Chemine Jackels/NOAA Fisheries.
A large group of people gathered at the shoreline of a beach in a black and white photo. Dr. Joan Browder among Southeast Fisheries Science Center staff in Miami, Florida. Joan is standing between the third and fourth kneeling person from the right side. Credit: NOAA Fisheries
A school of silvery Pacific bluefin tuna swim underwater, lit from above. Pacific bluefin tuna swim underwater. Credit: Adobe Stock
Male and female steelhead swimming underwater Male and female steelhead. Credit: NOAA Fisheries
Commercial fishing boats docked at a pier in Whittier, Alaska with mountains and fog in the background. Commercial fishing boats docked at a pier in Whittier, Alaska. Credit: iStock