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3348 items match your filter criteria.

Outstanding Habitat Champion Recognized Through 2024 Dr. Nancy Foster Habitat Conservation Award

Damon Moore received the national award for his exceptional work protecting and restoring Florida coastal ecosystems.
October 10, 2024 - Feature Story ,
A man holding a glass award stands next to a woman in front of a stage

Restoring Ecosystems and Rejuvenating Native Hawaiian Traditions in Maui

With support from NOAA, Hawaiʻi Land Trust is restoring a 15th-century Native Hawaiian aquaculture site. This human-made ecosystem will provide food for community members and habitat for wildlife while protecting coral reefs offshore.
October 10, 2024 - Feature Story ,
Waiheʻe Coastal Dunes and Wetlands Refuge. Credit: Hawaiʻi Land Trust Waiheʻe Coastal Dunes and Wetlands Refuge. Credit: Hawaiʻi Land Trust

Our 2024 College and Other-Supported Education Program Students Share Insights

NOAA offers internship opportunities through partnerships with select colleges and in collaboration with other colleges and universities for degree requirements. We also mentor students supported by other internship and fellowship opportunities.
October 10, 2024 - Feature Story ,
Collage of the 2024 NOAA college and other-supported interns.

Economic Snapshot Shows Alaska Seafood Industry Suffered $1.8 Billion Loss 2022–2023

NOAA Fisheries’ industry snapshot shows the social and economic ramifications of Alaska’s losses have reverberated across the country.
October 09, 2024 - Feature Story ,
Offloading frozen Pacific cod from a catcher-processor vessel in Dutch Harbor, Alaska.

More U.S.-Caught Pacific Bluefin Tuna to Hit U.S. Markets Next Year

Increased catch limits culminate a decade-long international effort to rebuild the once-imperiled species.
October 08, 2024 - Feature Story ,
A school of silvery Pacific bluefin tuna swim underwater, lit from above. Pacific bluefin tuna swim underwater. Credit: Adobe Stock

Federal and Tribal Leaders Celebrate $240 Million for Tribal Hatchery Modernization

NOAA Fisheries and the Bureau of Indian Affairs partner to meet treaty promises and sustain tribal access to salmon.
October 07, 2024 - Feature Story ,
Group of singers and dancers performing Tulalip tribal youth singers and dancers kicked off the celebration of new federal funding for tribal fish hatcheries.

Our 2024 NOAA-Supported Education Program Students Share Insights

NOAA offers a variety of student internship and fellowship opportunities besides our burgeoning Inclusive NOAA Fisheries Internship Program. Some of the students participating in a few of these programs choose to work with mentors at the Northeast Fisheries Science Center.
October 07, 2024 - Feature Story ,
Collage of the 2024 NOAA-supported interns.