Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan
With the help of the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Team, we developed the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan in 1997 to reduce the level of serious injury and mortality of three strategic stocks of large whales (North Atlantic right, humpback, and fin) in commercial gillnet and trap/pot fisheries.
The Plan
We implemented the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan to reduce injuries and deaths of large whales due to incidental entanglement in fishing gear. The Plan is an evolving plan that changes as we learn more about why whales become entangled and how fishing practices might be modified to reduce the risk of entanglement. It has several components including restrictions on where and how gear can be set; research into whale populations and whale behavior, as well as fishing gear interactions and modifications; outreach to inform and collaborate with fishermen and other stakeholders; and a large whale disentanglement program.
Current Requirements
The Plan includes requirements such as use of weak links and sinking groundline, gear marking, seasonal area closures, and a minimum number of traps per trawl. For the most recent requirements, see the outreach guide for your location and gear type below. See the complete plan in the Code of Federal Regulations (§ 229.32 Atlantic large whale take reduction plan regulations).
What's New
- Tech Memo: Population size estimation of North Atlantic right whales from 1990-2023 (October 2024)(pdf, 20 pages)
- Population Viability Analysis and Team Webinar (Nov 6, 2023)
- Tech Memo: Population size estimation of North Atlantic right whales from 1990-2022 (October 2023)
- Proposed Rule to Close the Wedge Area within the Massachusetts Restricted Area Annually (open for comment through October 18, 2023)
- Presentation Slides and Transcript
- Public Hearing Information (September 26 & 28)
- Recorded Presentation
- Emergency Restricted Area for Trap/Pot Fishery: Wedge Area Within Massachusetts Restricted Area for February 1, 2023-April 30, 2023 (signed on 01/31/2023).
- Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement on Phase 2 Modifications to the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan (published 09/09/2022).
- Emergency Closure for Lobster and Jonah Crab Trap/Pot Fishery: Wedge Area Between Massachusetts Restricted Area and Massachusetts Restricted Area North for April 2022 (03/01/2022)
- Information on the 2021 Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan Modifications including overall and area-specific outreach guides
- Approved Weak Links and Inserts
- Approved Weak Rope
See Compliance Guides and Maps of Regulated Areas sections below for up to date outreach materials for fishermen and managers.
These are listed with the most recent rules and notices at the top.
- Final Rule to Close the Wedge Area within the Massachusetts Restricted Area Annually
- Proposed Rule to Close the Wedge Area within the Massachusetts Restricted Area Annually (open for comment through October 18, 2023)
- Scoping period for all East Coast fisheries managed under the Plan (September 9-October 11, 2022)
- Emergency Closure for Lobster and Jonah Crab Trap/Pot Fishery: Wedge Area Between Massachusetts Restricted Area and Massachusetts Restricted Area North for April 2022 (03/01/2022)
- Scoping period for U.S. East Coast gillnet, Atlantic mixed species trap/pot, and Mid-Atlantic lobster and Jonah crab trap/pot fisheries (August 10-October 21, 2021).
- Phase 1: Northeast Lobster/Jonah Crab Trap/Pot Regulations (Final 9/17/2021)
- Previous Rules and Supporting Documentation
With the help of the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Team, we developed the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan in 1997 to reduce the level of serious injury and mortality of three strategic stocks of large whales (North Atlantic right, humpback, and fin) in commercial gillnet and trap/pot fisheries. The measures identified in the Plan were also intended to benefit minke whales, which are not designated as a strategic stock, but are known to be incidentally injured or killed in gillnet and trap/pot fisheries.
The Plan has been modified on several occasions, most recently in 2021. Development of and modifications to the Plan requires a review of the final stock assessment report for each marine mammal addressed by the Plan and any substantial new information.
Team Meetings
The Team is composed of fishermen, scientists, conservationists, and state and federal officials from Maine to Florida. They help the agency monitor progress of the Plan and advise on needed improvements.
We post information about upcoming meetings as well as recent Team meeting summaries, meeting recordings, and informational webinars on the Team page.
See a calendar of our upcoming meetings.
Compliance Guides
Entanglement Reports
2023 4545 Gear Analysis Report (PDF, 4 pages)
2023 Nimbus Gear Analysis Report (PDF, 6 pages)
2023 Argo Gear Analysis Report (PDF, 4 pages)
2022 Atlantic Large Whale Entanglement Report (PDF, 86 pages)
2021 Atlantic Large Whale Entanglement Report (PDF, 63 pages)
2020 Atlantic Large Whale Entanglement Report (PDF, 49 pages)
2019 Atlantic Large Whale Entanglement Report (PDF, 74 pages)
2018 Atlantic Large Whale Entanglement Report (PDF, 119 pages)
2017 Atlantic Large Whale Entanglement Report (PDF, 103 pages)
2016 Atlantic Large Whale Entanglement Report (PDF, 115 pages)
2015 Atlantic Large Whale Entanglement Report (PDF, 85 pages)
2014 Atlantic Large Whale Entanglement Report (PDF, 57 pages)
More Information
Marine Mammal Take Reduction Plans and Teams
Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan Regulations
Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Team Members
Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan Monitoring Strategy (2012) (PDF, 22 pages)
Protected Species Gear Research
Greater Atlantic Region, Take Reduction Team Coordinator Jennifer Goebel,
For fishermen with questions about compliance, please contact Caleb Gilbert, (978) 281-9338