Skykomish Summer Steelhead Hatchery Program and Sunset Falls Trap and Haul Program
NOAA Fisheries is announcing the availability for public review and comment of a draft environmental assessment (EA) for the proposal to issue one Endangered Species Act (ESA) section 4(d) determination for a summer steelhead hatchery operation and one section 10(a)(1)(A) direct take permit for a trap and haul operation, both of which are in the Skykomish River Basin in Washington State.
The Section 4(d) determination would be made pursuant to ESA section 4(d), Limit 6. This program will propagate Skykomish summer steelhead, and the program goals are to:
- Produce summer steelhead for sustainable fisheries;
- Contribute to fulfilling federal tribal trust responsibilities and treaty rights guaranteed through treaties and affirmed in U.S. v. Washington (1974); and
- Recover ESA-listed Puget Sound steelhead.
The direct take permit would be issued pursuant to the ESA section 10(a)(1)(A) for the Sunset Falls Trap and Haul program. This ongoing program traps various species of salmon, steelhead, and trout, and releases them above Sunset Falls to give them access to better habitat for these species.
The public comment period for the draft EA closes on March 8, 2021 (Monday).
Written comments on the draft EA should be addressed to:
Emi Melton
NMFS, West Coast Regional Office
1201 NE Lloyd Blvd., Suite 1100
Portland, OR 97232
Comments may be submitted by e-mail to: Include in the subject line of the e-mail comment the following identifier: Comments on the Environmental Assessment for the Skykomish River hatchery program and Sunset Falls trap and haul program.