Tribal Consultations and Engagements in Alaska
Our goal is to, first and foremost, foster meaningful collaborative relationships based on trust and respect. To achieve this, we are committed to continuing informal engagement with Alaska Native Tribes, Alaska Native corporations, and Tribal Organizations to keep them informed of our activities as well as identify opportunities for an open and honest dialogue on topics of interest to them. In addition, NOAA Fisheries consults with Tribes and Native corporations about Federal actions that may affect Tribal governments and their members.
Tribal Consultation Protocol
NOAA Fisheries Alaska Regional Office & Alaska Fisheries Science Center Tribal Consultation Protocol
Executive Order 13175 sets the framework for regular and meaningful consultation and collaboration with Alaska Native representatives in the development of policies, legislation, regulations, and programs.
If an Alaska Native Tribe or Native corporation would like to initiate a consultation on any issue that is under the authority of NOAA Fisheries, a person representing the Tribe or Native corporation may reach out to the Alaska Regional Office Tribal Coordinator via email ( or the online tribal consultation form.
Please identify a contact person from the Tribe or Native Corporation for further coordination and the best method to contact this person.
For additional information about Tribal consultation issues under the Sustainable Fisheries Division, please contact:
- Alaska Regional Office Tribal Coordinator (
- The Fisheries Tribal Engagement Team
For information about Tribal consultation issues under the Habitat Conservation Division, please contact:
- Alaska Regional Office Tribal Coordinator (
- Cathy Coon, Assistant Regional Administrator for the Habitat Conservation Division
Marine Mammals
The process for Tribal consultation on marine mammal issues is governed by the Marine Mammal Protection Act. Co-management Agreements may be established between NOAA Fisheries and Alaska Native Organizations, including Tribes and Tribally authorized co-management bodies. Individual co-management agreements incorporate the spirit and intent of co-management through close cooperation and communication between NOAA Fisheries and the Alaska Native Organizations, hunters, and subsistence users. Agreements encourage the exchange of information regarding the conservation, management, and utilization of marine mammals in U.S. waters in and around Alaska. Existing agreements cover co-management structures, monitoring subsistence harvests, collecting and analyzing data on marine mammal populations, and participating in marine mammal research.
For additional information about Tribal consultation issues under the Protected Resources Division, please contact:
- Alaska Regional Office Tribal Coordinator (
- Anne Marie Eich, Assistant Regional Administrator for the Protected Resources Division
Memorandum of Agreement
In January, 2025, the Aleut Community of St. Paul Island Tribal Government (ACSPI) and NOAA Fisheries signed a Memorandum of Agreement to work together on matters related to the sustainable management and stewardship of marine resources under NOAA Fisheries' jurisdiction surrounding St. Paul Island.