Lake Dorothy
This two part facility has a lake tap on Dorthy Lake and a small dam on Bart Lake.

Project Name: Lake Dorothy Tap and Bart Dam
FERC Project Number: P-12379
Water Body: Dorthy Creek
Region: Southeast
Type of Project: Lake Tap
Status: Operating
Primary User: Juneau
Operating Utility: Alaska Electric Light and Power Company
FERC License Expiration: December 25, 2053
Nameplate Power Capacity (MW): 14
Annual Estimate Generation (GWH): 74
Surface Area of Impoundment (acres): 1,500
Project Details: 1138-acre Dorthy Lake, 305-acre Bart Lake, lake tap: 20' high concrete dam to replace debris dam
NOAA Fisheries Trust Resources: Coho salmon
NOAA Fisheries Area of Interest: The stream has more dolly varden char and brook trout than coho salmon. The dam primarily affects resident fish.