This run-of-river project removes some water from the Tazimina River above a water fall to power the towns of Iliamna, Newhalen, and Nondalton.

Project Name: Tazimina
FERC Project Number: P-11316
Water Body: Tazimina River
Region: Southwest
Type of Project: Run-of-River
Status: Operating
Primary User : Iliamna, Newhalen, and Nondalton
Operating Utility: INNEC
Power Capacity (MW): 0.8
Area of Impoundment: 0
Project Details: This projects diverts a portion of Tazimina River above a 100-foot tall waterfall, passes it through turbines and returns it at the base of the waterfall.
NOAA Fisheries Trust Resources: Sockeye, Chinook, and coho salmon
NOAA Fisheries Area of Interest: Since the water is returned at the base of the waterfall the fish are not affected.