Effective August 4, 2022
The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) announces additional season dates for the Washington, Columbia River, and Oregon Central Coast Pacific halibut recreational fisheries in Area 2A (Washington, Oregon, and California). The inseason action (87 FR 47944, August 5, 2022) is effective on August 4, 2022. You can access Pacific halibut information on the NOAA Fisheries website.
This action adds the following dates:
- the Washington Puget Sound subarea to open 7 days per week from August 11 through September 30;
- Washington North Coast subarea to open Thursday through Monday from August 11 through September 5, and 7 days per week from September 6 through September 30;
- Washington South Coast and Columbia River subareas to open August 19, 25, 28, September 3, 4, and 23;
- Oregon Central Coast subarea to open every Thursday through Saturday from August 4 through October 31.
The NOAA Fisheries halibut hotline at (800) 662-9825 has the most up-to-date information for both the commercial (directed and incidental) and recreational Area 2A fisheries. State-specific Pacific halibut fishery information is available at the following websites:
Washington: https://wdfw.wa.gov/fishing/regulations/halibut
Oregon: https://www.dfw.state.or.us/MRP/finfish/halibut/management.asp
California: https://www.wildlife.ca.gov/Conservation/Marine/Pacific-Halibut