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Catherine Fley, wearing red jacket and blue headband with anemometer.  Mountains and penguins in the background.

Catherine Foley, Ph.D.

Fishery Biologist
Population & Ecosystems Monitoring & Analysis Division
Ecosystems Surveys
Office: (508) 495-2000
Email: catherine.foley@noaa.gov

Catherine Foley, Ph.D.

Fishery Biologist

Catherine earned a Ph.D. in Ecology and Evolution from Stony Brook University. She is a quantitative ecologist and fishery biologist interested in applied spatial and conservation ecology. Much of her research is focused on applying novel technologies and methodologies to survey populations that are otherwise difficult to study. She began working at NOAA in 2021, following the completion of a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa’s Hawai’i Institute of Marine Biology. Catherine works in the Ecosystems Surveys Branch, focused on the NEFSC multispecies bottom trawl survey. In addition to her PhD, Catherine holds a BA in Biological Sciences and Psychology from Wellesley College and an MA in Marine Affairs from the University of Rhode Island.

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