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Woman walking down snowy mountain

Cathy Mattson

Biological Technician, Contractor with AZURA
Auke Bay Laboratories
Recruitment Energetics and Coastal Assessment lab
Email: cathy.mattson@noaa.gov

Cathy Mattson

Biological Technician, Contractor with AZURA

Cathy's graduated UAS spring 2017 with a B.S Marine Biology. Her undergrad work focused on Eelgrass ecosystems, nearshore marine fishes, sea otters, and trophic cascades. After graduating Cathy worked for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game first in the coded wire tag lab extracting and decoding the tags. Later she moved into a Fishery Biologist position in the age determination unit where she aged groundfish otoliths, worked with regional managers, and released and managed data. She has aged over 33,000 otoliths, she is calibrated on Sablefish, Yelloweye Rockfish, Lingcod, Rougheye Rockfish, Black Rockfish, Skillfish, Scallops, and Pacific Cod. She has also aged herring scales. During her time at the ADU she also got to port sample and collect the otoliths and take somatic measurements from various groundfish species. She loves her new position at the Ted Stevens Marine Research Institute with the Recruitment Energetics and Coastal Assessment lab where she gets to work on various projects everyday, and gets to move around a whole bunch.