Eric A. Brasseur
Eric joined NOAA on Jan 1, 2010 as a research assistant for the West Coast Groundfish Observer Program. His primary task was to assist in developing a paperless back deck system for the new catch shares program. He was transitioned to a full time position as the program's electronic technician and transferred to the Newport field office in November 2010. He has been an integral part of the Observer team ever since. He is currently in charge of every aspect of observer gear, from purchasing and distribution all the way to training and field support. Eric received a bachelors of science in Marine Biology from Old Dominion University in 1994.
Current Research
The WCGOP is one of the first programs to move to a paperless data collection for at sea observers. Eric's is currently working with a team to develop the second version of The Observer Program Technology Enhanced Collection System (OPTECS) software while maintaining and developing training materials for the first version.
Curriculum vitae (PDF, 6 pages)