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Eric Danner

Eric Danner, Ph.D.

Program Lead, Biophysical Ecology
Fisheries Ecology Division
Biophysical Ecology Team
Office: (831) 420-3917
Email: eric.danner@noaa.gov

Eric Danner, Ph.D.

Program Lead, Biophysical Ecology

Eric Danner is an ecologist with research focused on multidisciplinary projects on salmon bioenergetics, hydrology, water temperature modeling, and decision support tools for water management in California’s Central Valley.

Selected Publications

Hendrix, Noble, Ann-Marie K. Osterback, Sara John, Miles Daniels, Eva Dusek Jennings, Eric Danner, and Steve Lindley. 2024. Life cycle modeling framework for Chinook salmon spawning in the Sacramento River. U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SWFSC-696 (42 p.).

Michel, C.J., M.E. Daniels, and E.M. Danner. 2023. Discharge-mediated temperature management in a large regulated river, with implications for management of endangered fish. Water Resources Research 59(9):e2023WR035077 (18 p.).

Sridharan, Vamsi Krishna, Doug Jackson, Andrew M. Hein, Russell W. Perry, Adam C. Pope, Noble Hendrix, Eric M. Danner, and Steven T. Lindley. 2023. Simulating the migration dynamics of juvenile salmonids through rivers and estuaries using a hydrodynamically driven enhanced particle tracking model. Ecological Modelling 482:110393 (27 p.).

Dudley, Peter N., Sara N. John, Miles E. Daniels, and Eric M. Danner. 2022. Using decades of spawning data and hydraulic models to construct a temperature-dependent resource selection function for management of an endangered salmonid. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 79(1):73-81.

Lo, Vanessa K., Benjamin T. Martin, Eric M. Danner, Dennis E. Cocherell, Joseph J. Cech Jr., and Nann A. Fangue. 2022. The effect of temperature on specific dynamic action of juvenile fall-run Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. Conservation Physiology 10(1):coac067 (12 p.).

Michel, Cyril J., Jeremy J. Notch, Flora Cordoleani, Arnold J. Ammann, and Eric M. Danner. 2021. Nonlinear survival of imperiled fish informs managed flows in a highly modified river. Ecosphere 12(5):e03498 (20 p.).

Martin, Benjamin T., Peter N. Dudley, Neosha S. Kashef, David M. Stafford, William J. Reeder, Daniele Tonina, Annelise M. Del Rio, J. Scott Foott, and Eric M. Danner. 2020. The biophysical basis of thermal tolerance in fish eggs. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287(1937):20201550 (9 p.).

Daniels, Miles E., and Eric M. Danner. 2020. The drivers of river temperatures below a large dam. Water Resources Research 56(5):e2019WR026751 (15 p.).

Zarri, Liam J., Eric M. Danner, Miles E. Daniels, and Eric P. Palkovacs. 2019. Managing hydropower dam releases for water users and imperiled fishes with contrasting thermal habitat requirements. Journal of Applied Ecology 56(11):2423-2430.

Friedman, Whitney R., Benjamin T. Martin, Brian K. Wells, Pete Warzybok, Cyril J. Michel, Eric M. Danner, and Steven T. Lindley. 2019. Modeling composite effects of marine and freshwater processes on migratory species. Ecosphere 10(7):e02743 (21 p.).

Hamda, Natnael T., Benjamin Martin, Jamilynn B. Poletto, Dennis E. Cocherell, Nann A. Fangue, Joel Van Eenennaam, Ethan A. Mora, and Eric Danner. 2019. Applying a simplified energy-budget model to explore the effects of temperature and food availability on the life history of green sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris). Ecological Modelling 395:1-10.

Poletto, Jamilynn B., Benjamin Martin, Eric Danner, Sarah E. Baird, Dennis E. Cocherell, Natnael Hamda, Joseph J. Cech Jr., and Nann A. Fangue. 2018. Assessment of multiple stressors on the growth of larval green sturgeon Acipenser medirostris: implications for recruitment of early life-history stages. Journal of Fish Biology 93(5):952-960.

Daniels, Miles E., Vamsi K. Sridharan, Sara N. John, and Eric M. Danner. 2018. Calibration and validation of linked water temperature models for the Shasta Reservoir and the Sacramento River from 2000 to 2015. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SWFSC-597. 60 p.

Brewitt, Kimberly S., Eric M. Danner, and Jonathan W. Moore. 2017. Hot eats and cool creeks: juvenile Pacific salmonids use mainstem prey while in thermal refuges. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 74(10):1588-1602.

Martin, Benjamin T., Ron Heintz, Eric M. Danner, and Roger M. Nisbet. 2017. Integrating lipid storage into general representations of fish energetics. Journal of Animal Ecology 86(4):812-825.

Martin, Benjamin T., Andrew Pike, Sara N. John, Natnael Hamda, Jason Roberts, Steven T. Lindley, and Eric M. Danner. 2017. Phenomenological vs. biophysical models of thermal stress in aquatic eggs. Ecology Letters 20(1):50-59.

Holsman, Kirstin, and Eric Danner. 2016. Numerical integration of temperature-dependent functions in bioenergetics models to avoid overestimation of fish growth. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 145(2):334-347.

Martin, B.T., R.M. Nisbet, A. Pike, C.J. Michel, and E.M. Danner. 2015. Sport science for salmon and other species: ecological consequences of metabolic power constraints. Ecology Letters 18(6):535-544.

Brewitt, Kim S., and Eric M. Danner. 2014. Spatio-temporal temperature variation influences juvenile steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) use of thermal refuges. Ecosphere 5(7):art.92 (26 p.).

Caldwell, Jason, Balaji Rajagopalan, and Eric Danner. 2015. Statistical modeling of daily water temperature attributes on the Sacramento River. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 20(5): art. 04014065 (12 p.).

Pike, Andrew, Eric Danner, David Boughton, Forrest Melton, Rama Nemani, Balaji Rajagopalan, and Steve Lindley. 2013. Forecasting river temperatures in real time using a stochastic dynamics approach. Water Resources Research 49(9):5168-5182.

Zabin, Chela J., Eric M. Danner, Erin P. Baumgartner, David Spafford, Kathy Ann Miller, and John S. Pearse. 2013. A comparison of intertidal species richness and composition between Central California and Oahu, Hawaii. Marine Ecology 34(2):131-156.

Danner, Eric M., Forrest S. Melton, Andrew Pike, Hirofumi Hashimoto, Andrew Michaelis, Balaji Rajagopalan, Jason Caldwell, Lynn DeWitt, Steven Lindley, and Ramakrishna R. Nemani. 2012. River temperature forecasting: a coupled-modeling framework for management of river habitat. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 5(6):1752-1760.

Danner, Eric M., Matthew J. Kauffman, and Robert L. Brownell Jr. 2006. Industrial whaling in the North Pacific Ocean 1952-1978: spatial patterns of harvest and decline. In: James A. Estes et al. (eds.), Whales, whaling, and ocean ecosystems, p. 134-144. University of California Press.

Springer, Alan M., Gus B. van Vliet, John F. Pieatt, and Eric M. Danner. 2006. Whales and whaling in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea: oceanographic insights and ecosystem impacts. In: James A. Estes et al. (eds.), Whales, whaling, and ocean ecosystems, p. 245-261. University of California Press.

Maron, John L., James A. Estes, Donald A. Croll, Eric M. Danner, Sarah C. Elmendorf, and Stacey L. Buckelew. 2006. An introduced predator alters Aleutian Island plant communities by thwarting nutrient subsidies. Ecological Monographs 76(1):3-24.

Croll, D.A., J.L. Maron, J.A. Estes, E.M. Danner, and G.V. Byrd. 2005. Introducted predators transform subarctic islands from grassland to tundra. Science 307(5717):1959-1961.

Estes, J.A., E.M. Danner, D.F. Doak, B. Konar, A.M. Springer, P.D. Steinberg, M.T. Tinker, and T.M. Williams. 2004. Complex trophic interactions in kelp forest ecosystems. Bulletin of Marine Science 74(3):621-638.
Available on ResearchGate

Springer, A.M., J.A. Estes, G.B. van Vliet, T.M. Williams, D.F. Doak, E.M. Danner, K.A. Forney, and B. Pfister. 2003. Sequential megafaunal collapse in the North Pacific Ocean: An ongoing legacy of industrial whaling? Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 100(21):12223-12228.

Pearse, J.S., E. Danner, L. Watson, and C. Zabin. 1999. Stability and flux in the rocky intertidal (abstract). American Zoologist 39(5):35A.