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Jon Hare on board a NOAA vessell.

Jon Hare, Ph.D.

Science and Research Director
Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Science to inform management in marine ecosystems.
Office: (774) 392-3113
Email: jon.hare@noaa.gov

Jon Hare, Ph.D.

Science and Research Director

Jon earned a BA in Biology from Wesleyan University and a PhD in Oceanography from SUNY Stony Brook. He received a National Research Council Research Associate in 1994 to work at the NOAA Beaufort Laboratory and was hired by NOAA in 1997. Jon moved to the NOAA Narragansett Laboratory in 2005, was appointed Oceanography Branch Chief in 2008 and Lab Director in 2012. He started as NEFSC Director in 2016 and is now located at the NOAA Woods Hole Laboratory. His research has focused on fisheries oceanography: understanding the interactions between the ocean environment and fisheries populations with an aim of contributing to fisheries assessment and management. Jon also examines the effect of climate change on fish and invertebrate population dynamics. This work involves coupling the output of global climate models with population models to simulate the effects of climate change on population dynamics. Recently, he has been working to support offshore wind energy development, while protecting and conserving wildlife and promoting sustainable fisheries. He is also interested in developing collaborative scientific and management framework to address complex environmental issues.

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