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Kim Raum-Suryan steering a boat

Kim Raum-Suryan, M.S.

Marine Mammal Specialist
Protected Resources Division
Office: (323) 372-1478
Email: kim.raum-suryan@noaa.gov

Kim Raum-Suryan, M.S.

Marine Mammal Specialist

Kim serves as the western Distinct Population Segment (DPS) Steller sea lion recovery coordinator, the Pinniped Entanglement Group (PEG) coordinator, and the Alaska Ocean Guardian School Program Coordinator. Kim also works on pinniped deterrence and disturbance issues, section 7 Endangered Species Act consultations, entangled Steller sea lion response, and outreach and awareness about marine debris, entanglements, and marine mammal/human conflicts.

Kim received a Bachelor of Science degree in Wildlife Management from Humboldt State University and a Master of Science degree in Marine Science from Moss Landing Marine Laboratories. Prior to her graduate studies, Kim worked on a variety of research projects including studies on trout, herring, woodrats, songbirds, and spotted owls. She went on to work with harbor porpoise, harbor seals, California sea lions, Hawaiian monk seals, gray whales, and other cetaceans in Washington, Oregon, California, Hawaii, and Mexico. From 1998-2016, while working for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Oregon State University, and her own research company, Sea Gypsy Research, Kim focused on Steller sea lion research in Alaska, British Columbia, and Oregon to examine population trends, vital rates, distribution and movement patterns, maternal care, entanglement in marine debris and fishery interactions, and outreach and education. In early 2016, Kim and her family relocated to Juneau, Alaska and Kim began working as a marine mammal specialist in the Protected Resources Division. Outside of work, Kim enjoys hiking  with her family and dogs, mountain bike riding, kayaking, boating, swimming, skiing, and writing.