Michael Palmer
Mr. Palmer began his fisheries career in 2003 working at the Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office on commercial fisheries data collection programs. Since joining the NEFSC in 2005 he’s been involved with a variety of fishery science activities including stock assessments, cooperative research, and the use and analysis of fisheries-dependent data in science products. In his role as a stock assessment analyst he had lead responsibility for the Gulf of Maine Atlantic cod and haddock assessments for over a decade and contributed to the assessment and research of various northeast groundfish species. In addition to his science work, Mr. Palmer has also been involved in the design and development of several regional electronic technology initiatives including mandatory electronic dealer reporting, vessel electronic logbooks, automated observer deployment systems, and electronic monitoring. Mike’s broad exposure to regional fisheries data collection and science programs provides him with a unique perspective on the interrelationships of fisheries-dependent data, science, and management.