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Portrait of scientist wearing an orange jumpsuit with the ocean in the background.

Mike Litzow

Program Manager, Kodiak Laboratory Director
Shellfish Assessment Program, Kodiak Laboratory
Fisheries Oceanography / Alaskan Marine Ecosystems
Office: (907) 481-1711
Email: mike.litzow@noaa.gov

Mike Litzow

Program Manager, Kodiak Laboratory Director

Mike has been the Kodiak Lab Director and Program Manager for the Alaska Fisheries Science Center's Shellfish Assessment Program since 2019. In addition to his time at NOAA, Mike has worked at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, the US Geological Society, and the Farallon Institute for Advanced Ecosystem Research. Mike is a fisheries oceanographer who earned his PhD from the University of Tasmania. He serves as the co-chair of the North Pacific Fisheries Management Council Crab Plan Team, and his research focuses on the current implications of climate change for marine populations and ecosystems in Alaska.