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NOAA Fisheries Personnel Default Profile

Ryan Morse, Ph.D.

Research Scientist (affiliate)
Resource Evaluation and Assessment
Ecosystem Dynamics & Assessment
Aquaculture ecosystem services, lower trophic level productivity, and species distribution modeling
Email: ryan.morse@noaa.gov

Ryan Morse, Ph.D.

Research Scientist (affiliate)

Ryan is a Research Scientist working at the NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) in Narragansett, RI. He holds a PhD in biological oceanography, and a BS in marine science. Ryan is presently developing tools to quantify ecosystem services provided by aquaculture, including nutrient removal and habitat provisioning. He has experience developing species distribution models, and was involved with the development and calibration of the NEUS Atlantis end-to-end ecosystem model. He has worked to identify regime shifts in the abundance and diversity of plankton communities, as well as changes in the distribution of fish and plankton populations.

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