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Vincent wearing blue gloves and waders on deck.

Vincent Artigues

Gear Researcher (Affiliate)
Protected Species Division
Risk Assessment and Mitigation
Office: (678) 447-2084
Email: vincent.artigues@noaa.gov

Vincent Artigues

Gear Researcher (Affiliate)

Vinny received his B.S in Ecology from the University of Georgia in July 2020. January 2021 he began work as a fisheries observer on a pollock processor out of Dutch Harbor, Alaska. After his time in Alaska, he was a protected species observer on seismic surveys for the Perdido Oil Rig in the Gulf of Mexico and the Vineyard Wind project off of Nantucket. Beginning in January 2022 he became a commercial fisherman working out of Point Judith, RI primarily targeting squid, fluke, whiting and scup. In July 2023 he joined the Gear Research Team working directly with New England fishermen and gear manufacturers to help advance whale-safe ropeless fishing technology.