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Profile of Yvonne Barkley.

Yvonne Barkley, PhD

Cetacean Acoustics Researcher (CIMAR)
Protected Species Division
Cetacean Research Program
Cetaceans, Passive Acoustics
Office: (808) 725-5723
Email: yvonne.barkley@noaa.gov

Yvonne Barkley, PhD

Cetacean Acoustics Researcher (CIMAR)

Yvonne Barkley earned a BS from UC Santa Barbara (2008) and a PhD from the University of Hawaiʻi (2020). She conducted a postdoctoral research project with NOAA through the Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research (2021-2023). She currently works for CIMAR with the Cetacean Research Program in the Protected Species Division at the Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center in Honolulu, Hawaiʻi. Dr. Barkley enjoys continuing to conduct interdisciplinary research that seeks to understand population-level patterns in cetacean distribution and ecology using passive acoustic data and other data modalities.