NOAA Sustainable Fisheries Division South Atlantic Branch, together with the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council, manages fisheries in federal waters of the Gulf of America (formerly Gulf of Mexico) Exclusive Economic Zone. Federal waters begin where state waters end and extend 200 miles into the South Atlantic.
This summary is intended to provide appropriate information to fishers about regulations and the sustainable use of marine fishery resources in the South Atlantic. This summary is for general information purposes. Fishery regulations are subject to changes. Please visit the South Atlantic Council site for regulations by species or view the most current federal regulations.
For closures that occur in-season, please check the current status by visiting our annual catch limit monitoring pages and fishery bulletin page.
Fish Species Illustration | Species or Species Group | Commercial Seasonal Closure | Recreational Seasonal Closure |
| Black Grouper | January 1 - April 30 | January 1 - April 30 |
| Black Sea Bass Pots (a) | Seasonal Area Closures: November 1 - April 30 (a) | None |
![]() | Blueline Tilefish | None |
| Gag | January 1 - April 30 | January 1 - April 30 |
Golden Tilefish | Longline: January 1-15 | None | |
| Greater Amberjack (b) | April 1 - April 30 | April 1 - April 30 |
| Hogfish (FLK-EFL) | None |
| Red Grouper |
| Red Porgy (c) | None |
| Red Snapper (d) | See (d) Below | See (d) Below |
| Scamp | January 1 - April 30 | January 1 - April 30 |
| Shallow Water Grouper | January 1 - April 30 | January 1 - April 30 |
| Snowy Grouper (f) | None |
| Wreckfish | January 15 - April 15 |
(a) During November 1 - April 30 of each year the use of black sea bass pots is prohibited in certain closed areas. Please see the regulations for more details, and maps of closed areas.
(b) From April 1 - April 30, each year, no person may fish for, harvest, or possess in or from the South Atlantic EEZ any greater amberjack. For a person on board a vessel for which a valid Federal commercial or charter vessel/headboat permit for South Atlantic snapper-grouper has been issued, these prohibitions against fishing, harvesting, or possessing apply in the South Atlantic, i.e., in state or Federal waters. Such greater amberjack are also subject to the prohibition on sale or purchase, as specified in § 622.192(g).
(c) Amendment 50 to the Fishery Management Plan for the Snapper-Grouper Fishery of the South Atlantic Region established a recreational sector closure for red porgy from January 1 - April 30, and July 1 - December 31, each year. During a closure, the bag and possession limits for red porgy in or from the South Atlantic EEZ are zero.
(d) The 2025 red snapper season will be announced soon. Check back here for updates.
For more information on past seasons, please visit red snapper page and regulations can be found here.
*Red snapper may only be harvested or possessed in or from the South Atlantic federal waters during the open commercial and recreational seasons. Any red snapper caught in South Atlantic federal waters during a time other than the open specified commercial or recreational seasons must be released immediately with a minimum of harm. In addition, for a person on board a vessel for which a valid Federal commercial or charter vessel/headboat permit for South Atlantic snapper-grouper has been issued, the prohibition on the harvest or possession of red snapper applies in the South Atlantic, regardless of where such fish are harvested or possessed, i.e., in state or Federal waters.
(e) Regulatory Amendment 30 to the Fishery Management Plan for the Snapper-Grouper Fishery of the South Atlantic Region extended both the commercial and recreational red grouper spawning season closures (January through April) through the month of May, in federal waters off North Carolina and South Carolina.
(f) Regulatory Amendment 51 to the Fishery Management Plan for the Snapper-Grouper Fishery of the South Atlantic Region revised the snowy grouper recreational fishing season.
This page provides only a summary of the information regarding the existing regulations. Any discrepancies between this information and the regulations as published in the Federal Register will be resolved in favor of the Federal Register.
Please Note: This summary is intended to provide appropriate information to fishers about regulations and the sustainable use of marine fishery resources in the South Atlantic. This summary is for general information purposes. Fishery Regulations are subject to changes. For more information on fishery regulations consult the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) at 50 CFR 622 or the NOAA Fisheries Service Southeast Regional Office Fishery Regulation website.