The user acknowledges that preliminary statistics will be revised before being posted as final, and that the direction and magnitude of revisions can not be predicted.
Recreational Fisheries Statistics Queries
NOAA Fisheries’ Marine Recreational Information Program maintains a searchable database of its recreational fisheries statistics. Known as the MRIP Query Tool, this database allows users to filter recreational fishing data by time series, geographic area, species, mode, and other characteristics. Public-use datasets and statistical analysis programs are available on our Recreational Fishing Data Downloads page. If the information you need is not available through the MRIP Query Tool or these public-use datasets, you may submit a custom data request. Requests are handled in order of receipt, and will follow the data request policy. If you want to cite a reference for data retrieved from the Recreational Fisheries Statistics Queries, use: "NOAA Fisheries. Recreational Fisheries Statistics Queries. U.S. Department of Commerce. Retrieved [Include date of query], from" Questions for the Fisheries Statistics Division may be submitted using this form.
Data Additions and Updates
A complete list of updates to MRIP data, estimates, and queries can be found on our Recreational Fishing Estimate Updates page. To be notified of these updates, subscribe to our email service.
April 2024 Update: Final 2023 estimates posted and wave-level data reinstated. As previously announced, NOAA Fisheries decided to reinstate ease of access to wave-level data on our query tool after listening to feedback from our data users and others in the recreational fishing community. We recognize that wave-level estimates can be useful for those who would like to gauge changes in recreational fishing effort and catch over the course of a fishing year and also for access to wave-level estimates that meet our precision standard. You will now find the following additional options available in the catch time series, length frequency, and snapshot queries as well as the effort time series and directed trip queries:
- The BY WAVE option provides estimates for each two-month sampling period during a select consecutive period of time.
- The SINGLE WAVE option provides estimates for one selected two-month sampling period for each selected year.
As of the most recent updates:
- Preliminary estimates are available through wave 6, 2024 for the Atlantic Coast, Gulf Coast, and Hawaii. Beginning in 2023, Hawaii estimates are now produced using the certified MRIP APAIS design and weighted estimation methods. Prior to 2023, estimates in Hawaii were produced using the NOAA Fisheries' Marine Recreational Fisheries Statistics Surveys, which MRIP replaced.
- Final estimates are available through 2023 for the Atlantic Coast, Gulf Coast, and Hawaii. Final estimates for Puerto Rico are available through wave 4, 2017.
- Highly Migratory Species (HMS) Catch Card data is available through 2020.
Data Use Considerations
To interpret recreational fisheries statistics, data users must consider their precision, comparability across time, and the availability of weight measurements. Data users should also be aware of the potential for revisions to estimates that have already been published. More information about data use considerations can be found on our Introduction to MRIP Data page.
Guidance for Data Users and State Estimate Reviewers
Fisheries analysts and stock assessors are encouraged to download the MRIP Data User Handbook for detailed information about downloading, exporting, querying, and performing custom analyses of our recreational fishing data.
- Section 4.2 contains a list of the queries we offer and the functions performed by each one.
- Section 4.3 includes step-by-step instructions for running common queries.
- Section 2.4 defines common MRIP Query Tool terms. These definitions can also be found in our online Recreational Fishing Data Glossary.
State partners involved in the estimate review process should follow the Procedures for State Partner Review of NOAA Fisheries’ Marine Recreational Information Program Preliminary Estimates. For more information on estimate review, estimate availability, and possible outcomes resulting from estimate review, please visit this page.
More Information