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Southeast Abundance of Fish and Shrimp Data Visualizer

The Southeast Abundance of Fish and Shrimp Data Visualizer, or SEAFiSh, displays trend information for 25 species in the Gulf of Mexico and 18 species in the southeastern U.S. Atlantic.

Data displayed in the Southeast Abundance of Fish and Shrimp Data Visualizer, or SEAFiSh, are collected through fishery-independent surveys conducted by the Southeast Fisheries Science Center and partners. Surveys occur throughout the year to collect these data, and indices of abundance for each species are updated accordingly.

SEAFiSh provides local, state, and federal fishery managers access to the most up-to-date trend information available, enabling them to respond to changes in abundance of key species more effectively. The data visualizer will also help users identify fishery impacts from changing climate and ocean conditions.

To use SEAFiSh, select the body of water and species of interest from the dropdown menus to view the most recent data available.

Learn more about SEAFiSh


Data Disclaimer

The relative abundance indices presented in the Fishery-Independent Survey Index Tool are based on the most current dataset available for each survey. Minor differences in the index values and 95% confidence limits may exist between this version and older versions of the data due to data corrections. Stock status (overfished and overfishing, or lack thereof) determinations are based on analyses and modeling of multiple data sources, including life history data, landings data, and length and age compositions, and cannot be inferred solely from relative abundance indices.

Support for this tool is provided by the NOAA Fisheries Office of Science and Technology communications team. The tool was developed by Matty Litwack.

Cite this reference as: Pollack A.G., N.M. Bachelor, and D.S. Hanisko. NOAA Fisheries Southeast Abundance of Fish and Shrimp (SEAFiSh) Data Visualizer. Retrieved [Date] from https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/data-tools/southeast-abundance-fish-shrimp-data-visualizer.

Support for this tool is provided by the NOAA Fisheries Office of Science and Technology communications team. The tool was developed by Matty Litwack.

More Information

New Tool: Fish and Shrimp Data on Demand

Fishery-independent Indices of Abundance in the Southeast Region

Southeast Fishery-Independent Surveys 

Population and Ecosystem Monitoring Division

Southeast Fisheries Science Center

Southeast Science Surveys and Research