The Research Track Steering Committee (RTSC) is a Northeast Region Coordinating Council committee that guides and oversees the research track assessment process and includes representatives from the New England and Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Councils, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, and NOAA’s Northeast Fisheries Science Center. The RTSC looks at future research track stock assessments scheduled up to five years in advance and explores new methods and data to develop new or improve existing stock assessments.
The RTSC’s primary functions include:
- Identifying new research and critical research/data/information needs for future research track assessments
- Ensuring that research track assessments benefit from new research conducted prior to assessment.
- Monitoring the progress of critical assessment research
- Developing annual proposals for stocks or topics of future research track assessments
- Considering the need to reevaluate the stock structure for species on the research track schedule
- Communicating assessment research findings
Steering Committee Members
Michael Simpkins, NEFSC, Chair
Conor McManus, ASMFC
Richard Merrick, NEFMC
Paul Rago, MAFMC
Larry Alade, NEFSC
Chris Legault, NEFSC
Kristan Blackhart, NEFSC
Scott Large, NEFSC
Steve Cadrin, SMAST
Lisa Kerr, UMaine
Brooke Lowman, VMRC
Previous Meetings
The RTSC held its first meeting on April 24-26, 2024. April meeting information is below: