2024 Alaska Research Surveys Photo Gallery
Curious about Alaskan Research surveys? Dive into our photo gallery showcasing snapshots captured by field scientists during their current research expedition.
The Groundfish Assessment Program regularly conducts bottom trawl surveys to assess the condition of groundfish and shellfish stocks in Alaskan marine waters.
The Midwater Assessment and Conservation Engineering Program combines midwater trawl surveys with acoustic echo integration technology to assess the population status of Alaska walleye pollock.
Credit: NOAA Fisheries.
A little glimpse of the horizon in the Bering Sea just south of the US- Russia Convention Line. Credit: Abigail McCarthy...
Sunrise west of St. Matthew Island. Credit: Abigail McCarthy/NOAA Fisheries.
MACE scientist Mike Levine and volunteer Moses Lurbur deploying the PelagiCam camera to look at a pollock aggregation. C...
A calm moment in the EBS NW of the Pribilof Islands. Credit: Abigail McCarthy/NOAA Fisheries.
A visit from a few short-tailed albatross near the Pribilofs. Credit: Abigail McCarthy/NOAA Fisheries.
MACE scientist Dave McGowan and volunteer Moses Lurbur examining Methot catch on the eastern Bering Sea shelf. Credit: A...
Washing everything down at the end of deck ops- give the FPC a power-washer and she goes a little power-mad. Credit: Mat...
Sunrise in Makushin Bay during the calibration of the EK80 echosounder system. Credit: Abigail McCarthy/NOAA Fisheries.
MACE scientists Dave McGowan and Mike Levine and volunteer Moses Lurbur. Credit: Matthew Phillips/ NOAA Fisheries.
Group photo of Dyson science party. Credit: Emily Resendez/ NOAA Fisheries.
A view of the Oscar Dyson from the Peggy D (small boat) in Dutch Harbor. Credit: Abigail McCarthy/NOAA Fisheries.
The “Holy Ascension of Our Lord Russian Cathedral” on a typical overcast day in Unalaska. Credit: Abigail McCarthy/NOAA ...
Dutch Harbor on a rare sunny morning. Credit: Abigail McCarthy/NOAA Fisheries.
More Dutch in the sunshine. Credit: Abigail McCarthy/NOAA Fisheries.
This Leg 2 OEX crew gathered for one last picture before heading to the Adak airport to catch a flight. Credit: Menny Be...
The OEX is ready for the 2024 Aleutian Islands survey. Credit: Menny Benjamin/NOAA Fisheries.
Dutch Harbor is the largest community (>4000 inhabitants) in the Aleutian Islands, with a rich WWII history and stunning...
A haul is being reeled onto the sorting deck as crew members complete their work from the last catch. Credit: Menny Benj...
The two NOAA chartered vessels, the Ocean Explorer (OEX) and Alaska Provider (AP), are docked in Dutch Harbor, Alaska. C...
A sponge specimen of the Latrunculia genus is identified as one of the specimens from the benthic basket. For most, this...
The following genera have been collected for special projects: Monanchora (top left), Latrunculia (top right), Tedania (...
Did you know that many anti-tumor secondary metabolites are biosynthesized from symbiotic bacteria within sponges!? Show...
2-in-1 catch for this scientist. Variants of Latrunculia oparinae– left (olive green) and right (dark brown), make up a ...
The fog cleared and out popped Yunaska Island! Credit: Cody Dickinson/NOAA Fisheries.
Waking up to a beautiful sunrise in the Aleutians is a welcoming surprise. Credit: Cody Dickinson/NOAA Fisheries.
Fun cloud patterns in the Aleutians! Credit: Cody Dickinson/NOAA Fisheries.
Aerial drone shot of NOAA’s OEX (front) and AP (back) chartered vessels docked at Adak, Alaska. Credit: Menny Benjamin/N...
Aerial drone shot of NOAA’s AP (front: blue-red) and OEX (back: blue-white) chartered vessels docked at Adak, Alaska. Cr...
An aerial view of the community of Adak, Alaska. Credit: Menny Benjamin/NOAA Fisheries.
A gorgeous closeup of two short-tailed albatross. Credit: Mike Levine/NOAA Fisheries.