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Item Identification

Title: Accumulative Landings System (ALS)
Short Name: Accumulative Landings (ALS)
Status: In Work

This data set contains year, month, state and county where landed, reporting dealer, gear used, area of catch, species landed with summary pounds and value for all ex-vessel seafood products that are landed in the SE Region of the US mainland and sold to established licensed seafood dealers and brokers.

Currently, the landings are typically reported by the dealers on electronic 'trip tickets' to their State agency and from there to the regional commission databases. The data are then loaded to the ALS at the NOAA - Southeast Fisheries Science Center (SEFSC). (Data from the US Caribbean are reported by fishers and are listed separately under catalog item 20884).

These data, also referred to as the general canvass landings statistics, have been collected by the NOAA-National Marine Fisheries Service and its predecessor agency, the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries. They are available on computer since the mid 1920's. The quantities and values that are reported in this data set include monthly landings that were initiated in 1972. Between 1926 and 1971, data were collected annually and not monthly. Mixed annual and monthly data occur from 1972-1976 according to State and year.

The general canvass landings include quantities and value for all commercially caught marine species and are identified by species or species group. These data are collected from or reported by every seafood dealer or broker that is licensed by each state in the Southeast Region (North Carolina through Texas). In addition, information on the gear and area of capture is available for most of the landings statistics in the data set except for Florida 1977-1996 and Louisiana 1992-1999. However, because these data are summaries, while they identify the dealer, do not contain information on the quantities of fishing effort or identifications of the fishermen or vessels that caught the fish or shellfish.

In early years, these data were collected by field agents employed by the Southeast Fisheries Science Center and assigned to local fishing ports. These individuals would canvass the seafood dealers and record the quantity and value for each species or species category from the sales receipts maintained by the seafood dealers. Based on their detailed knowledge of the fishing activity in the area, the agents would estimate the type of fishing gear and area where the fishing was likely to have occurred. It should be noted that landings by gear and water body (fishing area) does not reside in the monthly landings data set for Florida for the years, 1977-1995, Louisiana 1990-1999, and Texas (for gear) from 1993 to present (this is subject to change for years 2008 and more recent). Annual landings by gear, water body and distance from shore are available in the Annual General Canvass data for Florida. More detailed information on the caveats associated with these data is provided in the Issues section.

In more recent years, the states in the Southeast Region began to implement trip ticket programs that required the licensed seafood dealer/brokers to report the landings of all seafood products. A trip ticket program was initiated in Florida in 1985, in North Carolina in 1994, in Louisiana in 1999, in Alabama in 2000, and in Texas in 2007. In addition to the quantities of these landings, the states require dealers to report the price, the type of gear and the fishing area for each trip. Through cooperative agreements with each of the states, monthly summaries of the states trip ticket programs are provided to the Southeast Fisheries Science Center (SEFSC) and are included in the general canvass landings data set.

In addition, summarized data are extracted from the NOAA-SEFSC Gulf Shrimp System for commercial landings of shrimp species that are landed at port in the coastal area of the Gulf of Mexico.


One of the original purposes for these data was to provide estimates of the quantities and value of the marine commercial fishing industries throughout the United States as part of the gross national product for the nation. As the fishing industry continued to grow, the importance of this time series became obvious as a method to monitor the trends in commercial fishing activity. Although the initial methods of collecting the general canvass statistics have been replaced with the states trip ticket programs, monthly summaries from the states programs are provided to the Southeast Fisheries Science Center in order to maintain the time series established by the general canvass data set.

In addition to trends in landings statistics, the general canvass landings data provide comprehensive statistics for the total quantities of marine resources that are caught and brought ashore (landed) for all species in the Southeast Region.

Supplemental Information:

These are fishery dependent data collected by states as reported by industry.


Theme Keywords

Thesaurus Keyword
None Accumulative Landings
None ALS
None Commercial Fisheries Landings
None dealer
None fish
None general canvass
None Grouper
None Landings
None National Marine Fisheries Service
None Southeast Fisheries
None trip ticket
None Tuna

Temporal Keywords

Thesaurus Keyword
None 1962-present

Spatial Keywords

Thesaurus Keyword
None Gulf Of Mexico
None Southeast US Coast

Stratum Keywords

Thesaurus Keyword
None catch area
None fish species
None gear fished
None pounds and value

Physical Location

Organization: Southeast Fisheries Science Center
City: Miami
State/Province: FL
Country: USA
Location Description:

75 Virginia Beach Drive

Miami, FL 33149

Project Information

Project Type: Program
Is Mandated?: Yes
Mandated By: Magnuson-Stevens Act
Collection Type: Landings
Collection Authority: Federal
Collection Method: Electronic and Paper

Support Roles

Point of Contact

CC ID: 42215
Date Effective From: 2010-08-01
Date Effective To:
Contact (Person): Beerkircher, Larry
Address: 75 Virginia Beach Drive
Miami, FL 33149
Email Address:
Phone: 305-361-4290
Contact Instructions:

Phone or email

Point of Contact

CC ID: 41706
Date Effective From: 2008-06-01
Date Effective To:
Contact (Person): Chau, Jade
Address: 263 13th Avenue South Room 201
St Petersburg, FL 33701
Email Address:
Phone: 727-824-5373
Business Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM EST/EDT
Contact Instructions:

Phone or email

Point of Contact

CC ID: 4926
Date Effective From: 2007-07-31
Date Effective To:
Contact (Person): Gloeckner, David
Address: 75 Virginia Beach Drive
Miami, FL 33139
Email Address:
Phone: 305-361-4257
Fax: 305-361-4460
Contact Instructions:


View Historical Support Roles


Extent Group 1

Extent Group 1 / Geographic Area 1

CC ID: 4924
W° Bound: -98
E° Bound: -72
N° Bound: 37
S° Bound: 24

The Southern US Atlantic coastal waters from North Carolina to the Florida Keys (Monroe County) out to 200 nautical miles and the US Gulf of Mexico coastal waters from Monroe County, FL through Texas out to 200 nautical miles. The 200 mile limit is the outer boundary of the US Exclusive Economic Zone. Files for Puerto Rico and the USVI are listed separately under catalog item 20884.

Extent Group 1 / Time Frame 1

CC ID: 4923
Time Frame Type: Continuing
Start: 1962

Landings from Commercial Marine Fisheries in the SE United States.

Access Information

Security Class: Confidential
Security Classification System:

User ID/Password restricted. Rule of 3: Data summaries must include at least 3 entities to be considered non-confidential. See:

NOAA FORM 58-5 (1-84) TRANSMITTAL 127,

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

NOAA Administrative Order 216-100


Date of Issuance: July 26, 1994

Security Handling Description:

User ID/Password restricted. Confidential data may only be released to entities having a signed non-disclosure agreement on file with the Director of the Information Resources Management Division (IRMD). Otherwise, confidentiality may be suppressed by the following methods used for aggregation of confidential data:

Data that are submitted as confidential can be released to the public under the following circumstances:

1. Combined or aggregated data. Confidential data can be released if the data are aggregated or summarized in a manner that prevents the identification of the person or organization that submitted the data. The "rule of three" and identification of majority allocations" are the primary data suppression methods.

2. Obscure (scramble) or remove the data identifier. For some types of data, confidential data Can be released as non-confidential if the identity of the person, vessel, company, etc. that submitted the data is not included or is scrambled as part of the data that are released.

3. Submitter. Confidential data collected under federal authority Can be released to the original entity (person, vessel, business, etc.) that sUbmitted the data.

4. Confidential data waived. The protection of confidential data can be waived by the person or business that submitted the data.

Data Access Policy:

See NOAA Administrative Order 216-100


Date of Issuance: July 26, 1994

Data Access Procedure:

These standards and procedures apply to all employees of the SEFSC that need access to confidential fisheries statistics. This includes full time or term employees, contractors, volunteers, and/or other employees associated with the SEFSC, but not directly employed by either organization. Any SEFSC employee that needs or desires access to confidential data must have read NOA 216-100 and submitted a signed nondisclosure statement to the Director, Information Resources Management Division (IRMD). The non-disclosure statement must be approved by the Director of IRMD and maintained on file by IRMD. It is the responsibility of the Director of IRMD to certifY upon request, that a person or organization that requests access to confidential data is authorized access to those data. All employees that have access to and/or use confidential data (federal and nonfederal) are responsible to protect those data from unauthorized access or release. Contractors or grantees that have an agreement with NMFS can be granted

access to confidential data as an authorized user (See NOA 216-100 1 Section 6.03e). It should be clearly understood that confidential data cannot be released simply by an individual signing a nondisclosure statement. There must be a clear and demonstrable need for the confidential data that are requested as part of a contract or grant. Confidential data can only be released for the specific contract or grant. Upon completion of the contract or grant, the recipient must either return the data or state that it has been destroyed. The contractor or grantee cannot use the data for any purpose other than the uses stated in the agreement. The Contracting Officers Technical Representative (COTR) or the Technical Monitor (TM) that has been assigned to the contract or grant, respectively, has the following? responsibilities:

1. The COTR/TM has the responsibility to determine whether the contractor/grantee is eligible to receive the confidential data that are requested in the agreement.

2. The COTR/TM has the responsibility to assure that all persons included in the agreement have read NOA 2l6-l00 and have signed a nondisclosure statement. A statement must be signed by each person that will have access to the confidential data under the agreement, i.e., a blanket statement cannot be used for the company or firm. The COTR/TM also has the responsibility to make sure that the Director, IRMD has signed and approved the nondisclosure statement and the statement is on file with IRMD.

3. The COTR/TM has the responsibility to assure that confidential data are not released in any publication, report, oral presentation, or other means to the public by the contractor or grantee.

Data Access Constraints:

To access confidential data a completed non-disclosure agreement must be on file with NOAA-SEFSC. Otherwise Data that are submitted as confidential can be released to the public under the following circumstances:

1. Combined or aggregated data. Confidential data can be released if the data are aggregated or summarized in a manner that prevents the identification of the person or organization that submitted the data. The "rule of three" and identification of majority allocations" are the primary data suppression methods.

2. Obscure (scramble) or remove the data identifier. For some types of data, confidential data Can be released as non-confidential if the identity of the person, vessel, company, etc. that submitted the data is not included or is scrambled as part of the data that are released.

3. Submitter. Confidential data collected under federal authority Can be released to the original entity (person, vessel, business, etc.) that sUbmitted the data.

4. Confidential data waived. The protection of confidential data can be waived by the person or business that submitted the data.

Data Use Constraints:

Confidential data are not to be released in any publication, report, oral presentation, or other means to the public.

Metadata Access Constraints:

Non-published Metadata access is restricted. Published Metadata is available to the public.

Metadata Use Constraints:

Only published metadata are to be used.



CC ID: 4919
URL Type:
Online Resource

South East Data Assessment and Review page. The SEDAR documents may be found here.


CC ID: 4922

NOAA SE Regional Office Fisheries Regulations Page. Contains info on closed seasons/areas, prohibited species, catch quotas, etc.

Activity Log

Activity Log 1

CC ID: 390011
Activity Date/Time: 1992-01-29
Activity Type: Numerous edits to Florida Landings
Responsible Party: Joshua Bennett

Edits are made to ALS_LANDINGS based on information obtained in the field by NOAA port agents. Edits made made primarily on a yearly basis based on results of the Florida Annual Canvass. In 1997 this process became automated within the (Florida Trip Ticket system) FTT. Agent changes went directly to an errata file (FTT.FTT_TYPE3_fixed) and were automatically updated to the ALS. Suggested changes were also forwarded to Florida DWF.

Activity Log 2

CC ID: 25450
Activity Date/Time: 2008-01-17
Activity Type: Column Alteration
Responsible Party: Joshua Bennett

Changed width of DEALER column from 9 to 10. This was to accommodate new 10 digit codes from South Carolina. Changes were made to all ALS tables for uniformity.


Issue 1

CC ID: 4928
Issue Date: 2007-07-31

Use care in combining data from the separate tables in the Accumulative Landings System. Florida Annual General Canvass Pounds and Values are duplicate of SE Monthly Landings for years 1977-1996 and of the SE Region 72-76 data for the year 1976. The function of the FLAGC is to supply area fished and gear information for FL for those years.

Issue 2

CC ID: 4929
Issue Date: 2007-07-31

**IMPORTANT** Please refer to Issues listed under each table sub-heading.

Issue 3

CC ID: 43631
Issue Date: 2011-06-23

All issues mentioned under the Commercial Landings Project heading also apply to the Accumulated Landings Project.

Issue 4

CC ID: 43632
Issue Date: 2011-06-23

Data can be inconsistent within tables. Some data may be annual data while other is monthly, or gear may be recorded for one state and year but not another. Specific issues are addressed under table sub-headings.

Issue 5

CC ID: 387849
Issue Date: 2003-08-25
Author: Bennett, Joshua

Pounds are generally recorded in whole (round) weight of the catch, not the weight as landed. The primary exception is the State of Florida, which has catch recorded 'as landed' for 1962-1978. The other exception is molluscan shellfish which generally have catch recorded as 'meat pounds' (without shell). Also, Florida Stone Crabs have historically been recorded in whole weight but recently since 2013 are in claw weight as only the claws are taken, the live animal is returned to the water and grows new claws. This needs to be normalized in the data.

Issue 6

CC ID: 389454
Issue Date: 1984-03-26
Author: Bennett, Joshua

Menhaden Landings Reporting. From Tom Dawley memo 3/26/1984.

1. Determine the price for meal, oil, and solubles by averaging prices by month in New Orleans Market News Report.

2. These prices are then multiplied by the monthly quantities of each type of product to provide a value produced by each firm during the month.

3. Of this total value 60% is the ex-vessel value of the landings.

4. For landings in number of fish, convert to pounds by multiplying numbers * .67 (based on 3,000 fish per ton (Plaisance and Usie in early 1970's)

5. Obtain the average price per pound by dividing the value (from steps 1-3) by the pounds (step 4) out to tenths of a cent.

Issue 7

CC ID: 389455
Issue Date: 2003-08-27
Author: Bennett, Joshua

Comparing commercial landings in General Canvass to Fishery bulletins. Only landings from dealers handling marine species are shown in the Fishery Bulletins while the general canvass includes landings purchased by non-marine dealers. Therefore there are more quantities of fresh water species in the general canvass than in the bulletins.

Issue 8

CC ID: 389456
Issue Date: 2003-08-26
Author: Bennett, Joshua

Duplication between ALS tables eliminated. The tables als_landings7278 and als_landings contained duplicate pounds and record counts for states of AL, MS, LA, TX, and FL Gulf Shrimp (from GSS) for years 1977 and 1978. Duplicate records were deleted from als_landings7278. Records not in ALS_LANDINGS for those states and years (most of these involving freshwater shrimp were moved from ALS_landings7278 to als_landings. All landings in als_landings7278 for 1977 and 1978 were dropped after adjustments.

Issue 9

CC ID: 390010
Issue Date: 2017-03-31
Author: Bennett, Joshua

Stone Crab weights. Florida law came into effect in 1973 prohibiting landing of entire crab. Weights have been converted to whole weight historically; however, recent updates from the ACCSP/FIN are in claw weight.

Technical Environment


Oracle Database.

Data Quality


Data provided by industry - seafood dealers - Canvass of landings of all species in SE US and US Caribbean, State or Federally Managed . These are raw data. Data quality parameters vary by individual species and are determined during Stock Assessment. They may be found in the Stock Assessment Reports.


ACCSP Atlantic Coastal Cooperative Statistics Program
ALS Accumulated Landings System
ASMFC Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission
FIN Fisheries Information Network
FLS Federal Logbook System
FMRI Florida Marine Research Institute
FTT Florida Trip Ticket
GFMC Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council
GSMFC Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commision
GSS Gulf Shrimp System
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
SAFMC South Atlantic Fishery Management Council
SAS South Atlantic Shrimp System
SEFSC Southeast Fisheries Science Center
TIP Trip Interview Program

Glossary Terms and Definitions

Rule Of Three

CC ID: 23625

Data requested is confidential unless at the granularity of the data requested there are more than three dealers reporting data.

Data is nonconfidetial if there is no dealer information.

Related Items

Item Type Relationship Type Title
Project (PRJ) Cross Reference Gulf shrimp system

NOAA-SEFSC Data Collection Program for shrimp species in Gulf of Mexico Region. Supplies all shrimp data to the General Canvass (ALS) for the Gulf Coastal areas.

Catalog Details

Catalog Item ID: 1905
GUID: gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:1905
Metadata Record Created By: Lee M Weinberger
Metadata Record Created: 2006-06-13 02:50+0000
Metadata Record Last Modified By: SysAdmin InPortAdmin
Metadata Record Last Modified: 2022-08-09 17:10+0000
Metadata Record Published: 2021-05-06
Owner Org: SEFSC
Metadata Publication Status: Published Externally
Do Not Publish?: N
Metadata Last Review Date: 2021-05-06
Metadata Review Frequency: 1 Year
Metadata Next Review Date: 2022-05-06