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Gulf of Mexico Reef Fish Fishery Management Plan


Framework Action: Modifications to Location Reporting Requirements for For-Hire Vessels in the Gulf of Mexico

The proposed rule would provide flexibility to for-hire operators with a federal charter vessel/headboat permit for Gulf of Mexico reef fish or Gulf coastal migratory pelagic species who report a malfunction with a vessel’s location-positioning device.

Amendment 48 to the Gulf Reef Fish FMP and Amendment 5 to the Gulf Red Drum FMP

Amendment 48 to the Gulf Reef Fish FMP and Amendment 5 to the Gulf Red Drum FMP establish MSY proxies, overfishing and overfished determination criteria (aka MSSTs), and optimum yield (OY) for some reef fish species and red drum.

Framework Action: Modification of Gulf of Mexico Red Grouper Annual Catch Limits and Annual Catch Targets

The purpose of the rule is to continue the Gulf red grouper commercial and recreational annual catch limit (ACL) and annual catch target (ACT) reductions implemented in 2019. The reductions in harvest in 2019 were put in place through an emergency rule.&n

Carryover Provisions and Framework Modifications

The purpose of this amendment to is establish a carryover provision for managed reef fish and coastal migratory pelagic (CMP) stocks. Carryover provisions would apply to stocks and stock complexes with sector allocations. Unused portions of the secto

Gulf of Mexico Lane Snapper Catch Limits Abbreviated Framework

This action increases the Gulf lane snapper OFL to 1,116,331 lb ww, and the ABC/ACL to 1,088,873 lb ww. It also makes changes to VMS requirements for Gulf commercial Reef Fish permit holders.

Framework Action to Modify the Greater Amberjack Recreational Fixed Closed Season and Commercial Trip Limit

This framework action modifies the greater amberjack recreational fixed-closed season and commercial trip limit to extend the fishing season durations, reduces the likelihood of exceeding the ACL, and eliminates harvest during the spawning period.

Update to Red Snapper Calibrations and Gray Snapper Catch Limits

This action updates state specific private angling component calibration ratios and ACLs to provide a more accurate estimate of state landings for red snapper management and updates gray snapper catch limits including the OFL, ABC, and ACL.

Amendment 56: Modifications to Catch Limits, Sector Allocation, and Recreational Fishing Seasons for Gulf of Mexico Gag

This amendment is intended to end overfishing of the Gulf of Mexico gag. The most recent update to Gulf gag stock assessment (SEDAR 72, 2022) estimated that gag is overfished and is undergoing overfishing as of 2019.

Emergency Rule to Implement Reduced Commercial Trip Limits for Gulf of Mexico Greater Amberjack

The Emergency Rule would reduce the Gulf greater amberjack commercial trip limit to 7 fish (~210 lb equivalent) from the current trip limit of 1,000 lb gutted weight with a step down to 250 lb gutted weight when 75% of the quota has been harvested.

Modification of Gray Triggerfish Commercial Trip Limits

The purpose of the Framework Action and proposed rule is to increase the Gulf of Mexico gray triggerfish commercial trip limit to allow commercial fishermen the opportunity to land the commercial annual catch target (ACT).

Framework Action : Historical Captain Permits Conversion into Standard Federal Charter/Headboat Permits

This rule will address the Framework Action to provide federal for-hire operators in the Gulf an opportunity to replace their reef fish and coastal migratory pelagic historical captain permits with standard Gulf charter/headboat permits.

Amendment 54: Modifications to Greater Amberjack Catch Limits, Sector Allocation, and Rebuilding Plan

Reef Fish 54 adjusts the Gulf of Mexico (Gulf) greater amberjack overfishing limit, acceptable biological catch, and sector annual catch limits and annual catch targets consistent with the most recent Southeast Data Assessment and

Modification of Catch Limits for Gulf of Mexico Red Snapper

Modification of Catch Limits for Gulf of Mexico Red Snapper; Framework Action to the Fishery Management Plan for Reef Fish Resources in the Gulf of Mexico; October 2022

Modification of Gulf of Mexico Vermilion Snapper Overfishing Limit, Acceptable Biological Catch, and Annual Catch Limit

This action would modify the overfishing limit (OFL), acceptable biological catch (ABC), and annual catch limit (ACL) for the Gulf vermilion snapper stock.

Interim Action to Reduce Overfishing of Gag in the Gulf of Mexico

Interim Action to the Fishery Management Plan for Reef Fish Resources in the Gulf of Mexico Including Environmental Assessment, Regulatory Impact Review, and Initial Regulatory Flexibility Act Analysis; November 2022

Red Snapper Data Calibrations and Catch Limit Modifications

This final rule implements framework actions which modify the state-specific red snapper private angling component ACLs using the calibration ratios developed by NMFS and adjust red snapper catch limits.

Framework Action to Implement Modification of the Gulf of Mexico Lane Snapper Catch Limits and Accountability Measures

NOAA Fisheries requests your comments on a proposed rule for lane snapper in the Gulf of Mexico. Comments are due by November 2, 2021. The proposed rule would increase the lane snapper annual catch limit from 301,000 lb whole weight to 1,028,973 lb

Modification of Fishing Access in Eastern Gulf of Mexico Marine Protected Areas

Modification of Fishing Access in Eastern Gulf of Mexico Marine Protected Areas

Framework Action: Modification to Gray Triggerfish Catch Limits

Gulf of Mexico Gray Triggerfish

Framework Amendment to Modify Multi-Day Trip Possession Limits for Federal Permitted Charter/Headboat Vessels in the Gulf of Mexico

Generic Abbreviated Framework: Modification of For-hire Multi-day Trip Possession Limits

Gulf of Mexico Modifications to Charter Vessel and Headboat Reporting Requirements

The For-Hire Electronic Reporting Amendment would modify data reporting requirements for federally permitted for-hire vessels (charter vessels and headboats) in the Gulf of Mexico to declare (hail-out) the type of trip (for-hire or other) prior to departi

Amendment 51: Establish Gray Snapper Status Determination Criteria and Modify Annual Catch Limits

Gray snapper is a federally managed species caught in the Gulf of Mexico. The species is targeted inshore and offshore on natural and artificial reefs. Amendment 51 would establish overfished and overfishing definitions for the Gulf of Mexico gray snapper

Framework Action: Replacement of Historical Captain Permits with Standard Federal Charter/Headboat Permits

This amendment and rule will provide an opportunity for eligible individuals to replace historical captain permits in the reef fish and coastal migratory pelagic fisheries with standard federal for-hire permits. The rule would apply to ind

Framework Action: Greater Amberjack Commercial Trip Limits

This framework and rule would reduce the Gulf of Mexico (Gulf) greater amberjack commercial trip limit from 1,500 lbs gutted weight (gw) to 1,000 lbs gw with a step-down to 250 lbs gw when 75 percent of the quota has been landed.  The need for this action is to extend the Gulf greater amberjack commercial fishing season by constraining the harvest rate while continuing to prevent overfishing and rebuild the stock.  The Framework Action was approved by the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council at its June 2019 meeting.    

Framework Action to the Fishery Management Plan for Reef Fish Resources of the Gulf of Mexico - Modification to the Recreational For-hire Red Snapper

This action would retain the 9 percent buffer between the annual catch target (ACT) and annual catch limit (ACL) for the red snapper for-hire component, which was implemented in 2019. The ACT is used to set the season length. This action will allow the fe

Amendment 50A-F: State Management Program for Recreational Red Snapper

NOAA Fisheries, in collaboration with the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council (Council), is developing a State Management Program Amendment for Recreational Red Snapper to the Fishery Management Plan (FMP) for the Reef Fish Resources of the Gulf of

2019 Gulf of Mexico Reef Fish In-Season Actions

This is a list of the in-season actions related to the Gulf of Mexico Reef Fish Fishery Management Plan, such as fishery closures, that occurred in the 2019 calendar year.

Amendment 49: Modify Sea Turtle Release Gear and the Reef Fish Framework Procedure

The final rule for Amendment 49 adds three newly approved sea turtle release devices and updates the regulations to simplify and clarify the specifications for other release gear requirements. The new devices and updates provide

Emergency Rule to Modify the Gulf of Mexico Red Grouper Annual Catch Limit

This temporary rule would reduce the Gulf red grouper commercial and recreational annual catch limits and associated annual catch targets to provide increased protections to the stock. The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council requested commercial and

Framework Action: Modification to the Recreational Red Snapper Annual Catch Target Buffers & Modification of Gulf of Mexico Red Snapper and West

The actions in these two framework amendments will be combined during the rule making process, allowing the public to see the resulting ACLs and provide comment. The purpose of the framework actions are to modify the annual catch limits (

Framework Action: Modification of Gulf of Mexico Red Snapper and West Florida Hogfish Annual Catch Limits

The purpose of the framework is to modify the annual catch limits (ACLs) for Gulf red snapper and west Florida hogfish based on the most recent stock assessments. The assessments indicated that neither stock was overfished or experiencing overfishing

Framework Action: Modification to the Recreational Red Snapper Annual Catch Target Buffers

The purpose of this framework is to reduce the federal for-hire component's red snapper annual catch target (ACT) buffer to a level that would allow a greater harvest in 2019 while continuing to constrain landings to the for-hire component and total

Framework Action: Modifications to Mutton Snapper and Gag Management Measures

This framework modifies mutton snapper allowable harvest based on revised scientific recommendations and considers simplified management measures allowing for consistency of mutton and gag regulations between sectors, between state and federal waters, and

Reef Fish Amendment 36A: Modifications to Commercial Individual Fishing Quota Programs

The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council took final action on Amendment 36A at their April 2017 meeting. The purpose of this action improve compliance and increase management flexibility in the Gulf individual fishing quota (IFQ) programs as well as

Reef Fish Amendment 47: Establish a Vermilion Snapper MSY Proxy and Adjust the Stock Annual Catch Limit

This Amendment and proposed rule address the calculation for the estimate of the vermilion snapper stock's maximum sustainable yield (MSY) and an increase in the stock annual catch limit (ACL). For vermilion snapper, there is a high degree of variability

Framework Action to Modify the Greater Amberjack Fishing Year and the Recreational Fixed Closed Season

This framework modifies the recreational fishing year and fixed closed season for Gulf of Mexico greater amberjack. Amendment (This amendment needs to be updated from the library) Modifications to the Greater Amberjack Fishing Year and the Recrea

Framework Action to Modify the Number of Unrigged Hooks Carried Onboard Bottom Longline Vessels

This framework allows for an unlimited number of unrigged hooks onboard commercial reef fish vessels with a bottom longline endorsement; however, no more than 750 hooks can be fished or rigged for fishing. (This page needs to be tagged with

Framework Action to Modify Greater Amberjack Allowable Harvest and Rebuilding Plan

This framework modifies the allowable harvest and rebuilding plan for the Gulf of Mexico greater amberjack stock as a result of the most recent stock assessment and modifies the recreational fixed closed season. (This page needs to be tagged with Great

Reef Fish Amendment 46: Gray Triggerfish Rebuilding Plan

This Amendment and proposed rule address a determination that the rebuilding of the Gulf gray triggerfish stock is not making adequate progress. The amendment and rule would establish a 9-year rebuilding time period, retain the current gray triggerf

Amendment 44: Minimum Stock Size Threshold Revision for Reef Fish Stocks with Existing Status Determination Criteria

A stock is considered overfished when the population size is considered too low. If this occurs, a rebuilding plan is needed. For managed stocks, overfished thresholds (also known as minimum stock size thresholds) are established so that if th

Reef Fish Amendment 43: Hogfish Stock Definition, Status Determination Criteria, Annual Catch Limit, and Size Limit

The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council took final action on Amendment 43 at their June 2016 meeting.

Modifications to Federally Permitted Seafood Dealer Reporting Requirements

Effective August 7, 2014, the action modifies permitting and reporting requirements for seafood dealers who first receive federally managed species. This action is intended to improve the accuracy, completeness, consistency, and timeliness of data r

Modification of the Coastal Migratory Pelagic and Reef Fish Charter Vessel/Headboat Permit Renewal and Transfer Requirements

Modification to renewal and transfer requirements for the Coastal Migratory Pelagic and Reef Fish Charter Vessel/Headboat Permit.

Gulf of Mexico Reef Fish Historical Amendments and Rulemaking (1983-2017)

Historic rulemakings to the Fishery Management Plan for Gulf of Mexico Reef Fish Resources (2017 and earlier).

Emergency Action: Modification of the Greater Amberjack Recreational Fixed Closed Season

This temporary rule is intended to reduce the likelihood of overfishing, reduce the probability of an annual catch limit overage and subsequent payback for the recreational sector, and reduce the severity of a postseason payback that could possibly preve

Last updated by Southeast Regional Office on 08/12/2021