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NOAA Asks Public to Stay Clear of Deceased Humpback at Kincaid Park

September 25, 2017

NOAA Fisheries is asking the public to stay away from the carcass of a humpback whale that washed ashore at Kincaid Park. The whale is located on the beach, about a mile from the sand dunes. Marine mammals can transmit disease to humans and pets.

Julie Fair
Public Affairs Officer
(907) 586-7032
 humpback whale carcass

NOAA Fisheries is asking the public to stay away from the carcass of a humpback whale that washed ashore at Kincaid Park. The whale is located on the beach, about a mile from the sand dunes.

“Marine mammals can transmit disease to humans and pets, so people should stay away, and keep their pets away from this stranded whale,” said NOAA Fisheries Marine Mammal Stranding Coordinator Mandy Migura. “There is also the added concern that this animal will likely attract bears, so please keep a safe distance from this carcass.”

This subadult male humpback whale is the same whale reported floating in Knik Arm last week, as confirmed by the orange buoy which NOAA Fisheries had attached to the pectoral flipper when the whale was still floating for identification purposes. 

“This dead whale was first reported to NOAA Fisheries 10 days ago floating in Knik Arm,” said Migura. “Now that it is beached, we will collect samples; but, because it has been dead awhile, understanding its health and cause of death is limited.” NOAA Fisheries is making plans to perform a necropsy this week, depending on logistics.

No parts of a marine mammal listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) can be collected, except for authorized scientific purposes. There are three distinct population segments (DPS) of humpback whales in Alaska waters: the Western North Pacific DPS is listed as endangered; the Hawaii DPS is not listed under the ESA; and the Mexico DPS is listed as threatened. Genetic analysis to determine which population this particular humpback is from has not been completed.

“We are uncertain at this time whether this individual is from one of the ESA-listed populations,” added Migura. “If this whale is listed under the ESA, it would be illegal for anyone from the public to collect any parts from this whale.”

NOAA Office of Law Enforcement has cordoned off the humpback carcass, with assistance from Kincaid Park management.

Last updated by Alaska Regional Office on November 12, 2021