Marine Mammal Stock Assessment Reports by Species/Stock
NOAA Fisheries annually prepares marine mammal stock assessment reports for all marine mammals in U.S. waters.
This page provides all marine mammal stock assessment reports by species/stock. We also provide this information as regional stock assessment reports.
Note: Individual reports are only posted when they are revised from a previous year.
Posting of the 508 compliant versions of the older years is currently in progress. If there is a year that you need now, please contact us at (301) 427-8400 or email to request it. Please provide the species name and year that you need.
Cetaceans - Large Whales
*All documents are in PDF format.
Blue Whale
- Central North Pacific
- Eastern North Pacific
- Western North Atlantic
Bowhead Whale
- Western Arctic
Bryde's Whale
- Eastern Tropical Pacific
- Hawaiʻi
- Northern Gulf of Mexico
Fin Whale
- California-Oregon-Washington
- Hawaiʻi
- Northeast Pacific
- Western North Atlantic
Gray Whale
- Eastern North Pacific
- Western North Pacific Stock
Humpback Whale
As of 2022, North Pacific humpback whale stocks have been redesignated. You can read the rationale for the redesignations here.
- American Samoa
- Reports: 2009
- California-Oregon-Washington
- Central America/Southern Mexico
- Reports: 2022
- Central North Pacific
- Gulf of Maine
- Hawaiʻi
- Reports: 2022
- Mainland Mexico
- Reports: 2022
- Mexico-North Pacific
- Reports: 2022
- Western North Pacific
Minke Whale
- Alaska
- Canadian East Coast
- California-Oregon-Washington
- Hawaiʻi
Rice's Whale
- Northern Gulf of Mexico Stock
- Reports: 2022
Right Whale, North Pacific
- Eastern North Pacific
Right Whale, North Atlantic
- Western Stock
Sei Whale
- Eastern North Pacific
- Hawaiʻi
- Nova Scotia
- Western North Atlantic
Sperm Whale
- California-Oregon-Washington
- Hawaiʻi
- North Pacific
- North Atlantic
- Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands
- Reports: 2010
Cetaceans - Small Whales
*All documents are in PDF format.
Beaked Whale, Baird's
- Alaska
- California-Oregon-Washington
Beaked Whale, Blainville's
- Hawaiʻi
- Western North Atlantic
- Northern Gulf of Mexico
Beaked Whale, Cuvier's
- Alaska
- California-Oregon-Washington
- Hawaiʻi
- Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands
- Reports: 2011
- Western North Atlantic
Beaked Whale, Gervais'
- Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Western North Atlantic
Beaked Whale, Longman's
Beaked Whale, Mesoplodont
- Western North Atlantic
- California-Oregon-Washington
Beaked Whale, Sato's
As of 2023, Sato’s beaked whale has been designated as a new stock. You can read the rationale for this designation here.
- Reports: 2023
Beaked Whale, Sowerby's
Beaked Whale, Stejneger's
Beaked Whale, True's
Beluga Whale
- Beaufort Sea
- Bristol Bay
- Cook Inlet
- Eastern Bering Sea
- Eastern Chukchi Sea
Dwarf Sperm Whale
- California-Oregon-Washington
- Hawaiʻi
- Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Western North Atlantic
False Killer Whale
- American Samoa
- Reports: 2010
- Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Hawaiian Islands Stock Complex
- Palmyra Atoll Stock
- Western North Atlantic
Killer Whale
- AT1 Transient
- Eastern North Pacific:
- Alaska Resident
- Northern Resident
- Offshore
- Transient (*currently part of the West Coast Transient stock)
- Southern Resident
- Gulf of Alaska, Aleutian Islands, and Bering Sea Transient
- Hawaiʻi
- Northern Gulf of Mexico
- West Coast Transient
- Western North Atlantic
Melon-Headed Whale
- Hawaiʻi
- Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Western North Atlantic
Northern Bottlenose Whale
Pilot Whale, Long-Finned
- Western North Atlantic
Pilot Whale, Short-Finned
- California-Oregon-Washington
- Hawaiʻi
- Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands
- Reports: 2011
- Western North Atlantic
Pygmy Killer Whale
- Hawaiʻi
- Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Western North Atlantic
Pygmy Sperm Whale
- California-Oregon-Washington
- Hawaiʻi
- Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Western North Atlantic
Cetaceans - Dolphins
*All documents are in PDF format.
Bottlenose Dolphin
- Pacific Bottlenose Dolphin:
- California Coastal
- California-Oregon-Washington Offshore
- Hawaiian Islands Stock Complex (Kauai/Niʻihau, Oʻahu, Maui Nui, Hawaiʻi Island, Hawaiʻi Pelagic)
- Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphin:
- Biscayne Bay
- Charleston Estuarine System
- Indian River Lagoon Estuarine System
- Jacksonville Estuarine System
- Northern Georgia/Southern South Carolina Estuarine System
- Northern North Carolina Estuarine System
- Northern South Carolina Estuarine System
- Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands
- Reports: 2011
- Southern Georgia Estuarine System
- Central Georgia Estuarine System
- Southern North Carolina Estuarine System
- Western North Atlantic Central Florida Coastal
- Western North Atlantic Northern Florida Coastal
- Western North Atlantic Northern Migratory Coastal
- Western North Atlantic South Carolina-Georgia Coastal
- Western North Atlantic Southern Migratory Coastal
- Western North Atlantic Offshore
- Western North Atlantic Coastal (*in 2009, split into multiple stocks)
- Gulf of Mexico Bottlenose Dolphin:
- Northern Gulf of Mexico Bay, Sound, and Estuary Stocks (Please note that NOAA Fisheries is in the process of writing individual stock assessment reports for each of the 31 Bay, Sound, and Estuary stocks. Until this effort is completed, some of the information presented in the individual reports will also be included in the Bay, Sound, and Estuarine report.)
- Choctawhatchee Bay
- Florida Bay
- Galveston Bay, East Bay, Trinity Bay Stock
- Reports: 2021
- Terrebonne-Timbalier Bay Estuarine System Stock
- Reports: 2018
- St. Andrew Bay
- Reports: 2019
- St. Joseph Bay
- West Bay
- Reports: 2021
- Barataria Bay Estuarine System
- Mississippi Sound, Lake Borgne, Bay Boudreau Stock
- Northern Gulf of Mexico Continental Shelf
- Gulf of Mexico Eastern Coastal
- Gulf of Mexico Northern Coastal
- Gulf of Mexico Western Coastal
- Northern Gulf of Mexico Oceanic
- Eastern Gulf of Mexico Coastal
- Northern Gulf of Mexico Coastal
- Western Gulf of Mexico Coastal
- Northern Gulf of Mexico Coastal Stocks
Clymene Dolphin
- Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Western North Atlantic
Common Dolphin
- Western North Atlantic
Common Dolphin, Long-Beaked
Common Dolphin, Short-Beaked
- California-Oregon-Washington
- Western North Atlantic
Fraser's Dolphin
- Hawaiʻi
- Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Western North Atlantic
Northern Right Whale Dolphin
Risso's Dolphin
- Hawaiʻi
- California-Oregon-Washington
- Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Western North Atlantic
Rough-Toothed Dolphin
- American Samoa
- Reports: 2010
- Hawaiʻi
- Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Western North Atlantic
Spinner Dolphin
- American Samoa
- Reports: 2010
- Hawaiian Islands Stock Complex
- Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands
- Reports: 2011
- Western North Atlantic
Spotted Dolphin, Atlantic
- Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands
- Reports: 2011
- Western North Atlantic
Spotted Dolphin, Pantropical
- Hawaiʻi
- Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Western North Atlantic
Striped Dolphin
- California-Oregon-Washington
- Hawaiʻi
- Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Western North Atlantic
White-Beaked Dolphin
White-Sided Dolphin, Atlantic
- Western North Atlantic
White-Sided Dolphin, Pacific
- California-Oregon-Washington, Northern, and Southern
- North Pacific
Cetaceans - Porpoises
*All documents are in PDF format.
Dall's Porpoise
- Alaska
- California-Oregon-Washington
Harbor Porpoise
The Central Oregon stock, previously part of the Northern California-Southern Oregon stock, was designated in 2023. You can read the rationale for this designation here.
- Bering Sea
- Central Oregon
- Reports: 2023
- Gulf of Alaska
- Gulf of Maine-Bay of Fundy
- Monterey Bay
- Morro Bay
- Northern California-Southern Oregon
- Northern Oregon-Washington Coast
- San Francisco-Russian River
- Southeast Alaska (As of 2022, the Southeast Alaska stock has been redesignated as three separate stocks: Northern Southeast Alaska Inland Waters, Southern Southeast Alaska Inland Waters, and Yakutat/Southeast Alaska Offshore Waters. Information for these three stocks can be found in Southeast Alaska 2022 SAR. You can read the rationale for the redesignation here.)
- Washington Inland Waters
- Central California
Pinnipeds - Phocids (Earless Seals or True Seals)
*All documents are in PDF format.
Bearded Seal
- Beringia Stock
Gray Seal
- Western North Atlantic
Harbor Seal
- Alaska stocks
- California
- Oregon-Washington Coastal
- Washington Inland
- Western North Atlantic
- Bering Sea
- Gulf of Alaska
- Southeast Alaska
Harp Seal
- Western North Atlantic
Hawaiian Monk Seal
- Hawaiʻi
Hooded Seal
Northern Elephant Seal
Ribbon Seal
Ringed Seal
- Arctic Stock
Spotted Seal
Pinnipeds - Otariids (Eared Seals or Fur Seals and Sea Lions)
*All documents are in PDF format.
Guadalupe Fur Seal
Northern Fur Seal
- California
- Eastern Pacific
- San Miguel Island (*in 2013, combined into California stock report )
California Sea Lion
Steller Sea Lion
- Eastern
- Western